Captain Event Space

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Template:Space-infobox The Captain Event Space is a space appearing in Mario Party 9. When landed on, a board-specific Captain Event is initiated. These spaces are mandatory spaces, meaning that the Captain always stops on these spaces regardless of how many spaces he or she has left to move. Toad Road, Bob-omb Factory, and Boo's Horror Castle have one Captain Event Space, Magma Mine and Blooper Beach have multiple Captain Event Spaces with one Captain Event, and Bowser Station has multiple Captain Event Space with different events. During each event, the Captain always has some form of control. During each event, players have the opportunity to collect Mini Stars.

Captain Events

Board Captain Event Description
Toad Road 9 Island Players roll Dice Blocks and move across the island toward the center in an attempt to reach the ten Mini Stars there. There are also two groups of three Mini Stars on the island before the ten in the center. Scattered across the board are several Dash Spaces. The current captain selects who rolls each turn, and each player only has one roll before the event ends.
Bob-omb Factory Side-by-Side Zone Players use side by side vehicles to cross this portion of the board. The captain selects who rides in what section of the vehicle. The players then roll dice to determine how far the entire group moves. Scattered along the paths are several Mini Stars. The Event Spaces along the path cause the Mini Stars to move one path to the left. The event ends when players reach the end.
Boo's Horror Castle Scaredy Rat Race A Scaredy Rat steals Mini Stars from each player. The players then must roll Dice Blocks to catch up to the rat and reclaim the Mini Stars. The captain selects who rolls each turn. After a player takes a turn, the Scaredy Rat rolls a 1-2-3 Dice Block. Scattered along the path are Dash Spaces. The event ends when either the rat escapes or the player catches up to it. The player that manages to catch it claims all the Mini Stars.
Blooper Beach Sunken Treasure Players must use Dice Blocks to take ten Mini Stars back to the surface. The Dice Blocks available are a normal Dice Block, a 4-5-6 Dice Block, and a 1-2-3 Dice Block; the captain chooses which Dice Block the players use each roll. Scattered along the paths up are Unlucky Spaces, which cause Fishbones to steal five Mini Stars from the player who lands on it. The event ends once all Dice Blocks have been used.
Magma Mine Dice Block Chicken Players attempt to earn the Mini Stars along the path by rolling Dice Blocks but without going over the edge on the end of the path. If this occurs, they lose all their Mini Stars procured during the event. The captain may also choose to stop the event before the players roll. The event ends when either this occurs, the captain falls off the ledge, or he or she has collected all the Mini Stars along their path.
Bowser Station Heart Star Colony The three players first roll a dice block with either a red, green, or blue heart on it. The captain then rolls a Dice Block with the same possibilities on it three times. If any player's roll matches the captain's, both the captain and that player earn two Mini Stars. The amount of Mini Stars also raises if multiple player's rolls match the captain's.
Bingo Colony Players roll a 1-10 Dice Block to light up the spaces on the board. The space lit up depends on the player's roll. The player who rolls each time is selected by the captain. Once three spaces in any direction are lit up, the player obtains a bingo, and earns Mini Stars equal to the number of spaces in the bingo(s) times three.
Speed Star Colony Players travel along paths to attempt to earn the ten Mini Stars at the end. The paths the players take are assigned by the captain, and vary in length. Scattered along all but the shortest path are Dash Spaces and small groups of Mini Stars. The event ends once a player obtains the Mini Stars at the end of the path.
DK's Jungle Ruins Barrel Choice Varying amounts of Bananas are placed inside four barrels, which are then shuffled. The captain then assigns the barrels to each player.