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Hey there! I saw that you added some of the Korean names for the list. I just wanted to ask if you have the game and will be adding in the rest of the names, or if you do not have the game or all the items in which case I can make you a list of screenshots of all those and you can add the names in since I cannot write Korean if you like. --[[User:Raltseye|<span style="color:#FF6464">R</span><span style="color:#11BB11">alts</span><span style="color:#6464FF">eye</span>]] [[User talk:Raltseye|prata med mej]] 17:25, 25 October 2017 (EDT)
Hey there! I saw that you added some of the Korean names for the list. I just wanted to ask if you have the game and will be adding in the rest of the names, or if you do not have the game or all the items in which case I can make you a list of screenshots of all those and you can add the names in since I cannot write Korean if you like. --[[User:Raltseye|<span style="color:#FF6464">R</span><span style="color:#11BB11">alts</span><span style="color:#6464FF">eye</span>]] [[User talk:Raltseye|prata med mej]] 17:25, 25 October 2017 (EDT)
: I bought the full game, but don't have some of the items, especially some event things (e.g. Poinsettia). I'll try to fill the list as much as possible I can, so you might give me the screenshots. --[[User:odo2718|odo2718]] ([[User Talk:odo2718|talk]]) 22:56, 25 October 2017 (EDT)

Revision as of 22:56, October 25, 2017

Welcome, Odo2718!

Caped Mario holding a Cape Feather while he is mounted on Yoshi, from Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2.

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저도 한국인이예요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 잘지내욬ㅋ

반갑습니다. :) -Banwol (對話) 08:44, 23 May 2014 (EDT)

Korean romanization

These pages have Korean but no romanizations. So if you are good at romanization, can you add them?

Page Korean Meaning
Boo Moon Galaxy 유령의 미궁 갤럭시 Ghost's Maze Galaxy
Bowser's Gravity Gauntlet 쿠파의 중력 제국 Bowser's Gravity Empire
Clockwork Ruins Galaxy 고대 유적 갤럭시 Ancient Ruin Galaxy
Co-Star Luma 도우미치코 Helper Chiko
Cosmic Clone 검은그림자 Black Shadow
Cosmic Mario 그림자 마리오 Shadow Mario
F.L.U.D.D. 펌프 pump
Flip-Out Galaxy 레드블루블록 갤럭시 Red-Blue Block Galaxy, transliteration of Japanese name
Flip-Swap Galaxy 레드블루패널 갤럭시 Red-Blue Panel Galaxy
Freezeflame Galaxy 아이스볼케이노 갤럭시 Ice Volcano Galaxy
Ghostly Galaxy 부끄부끄 레이스☆블루스타컵 Boo Race☆Blue Star Cup
Haunty Halls Galaxy 유령 소굴 갤럭시 Ghost Nest Galaxy
Hungry Luma 꼬르륵 치코 Grumble Chiko
Ice Flower 아이스플라워 Transliteration of the international name
Jump 점프 Jump
Melty Monster Galaxy 마그마 몬스터 갤럭시 Magma Monster Galaxy
Penguin Mario 펭귄마리오 Penguin Mario
Rainbow Mario 레인보우마리오/루이지 Transliteration of the international name
Rolling Masterpiece Galaxy 스타 롤링 갤럭시 Star Roling Galaxy
Rollodillo 데굴마딜로 Daegulmadillo (Portmanteau of DaegulDaegul, which means to roll, and armadillo)
Sky Station Galaxy 하늘 섬 갤럭시 Sky Island Galaxy
Snow Cap Galaxy 눈토끼의 도전장을 해독하라! Gaze snow bunny challenge!
Snow Cap Galaxy 스노우 캡슐 갤럭시 Snow Capsule Galaxy
Spin Drill 드릴 Drill
Spring Mushroom 스프링 버섯 Spring Mushroom
Stuffwell 다너군의 스페셜 깜짝 미니 타임워프 기능 Stuffwell's Special Surprise Mini Time-warp Fuction
The Great Gladiator Gig 위대한 글래디 에이터 공연 Greatest gladiator performances
Throwback Galaxy 꽈당 요새의 실버 스타 Silver Star in Whomp Fortress
Welcome To Yoshi's Island 요시의 섬에 오신 것을 환영합니다 Welcome to Yoshi's Island
Yoshi Star Galaxy 요스타 갤럭시 Transliteration of Japanese Name, but more resembles "Yostar"

Another gossip-loving Toad (talk) 04:36, 5 August 2015 (EDT)

I can. I'll add them soon. -odo2718 (對話) 05:13, 5 August 2015 (EDT)

Some questions about romanizations

1. When a syllable ending with ㄹ is followed by one starting with ㄹ, some editors have the two l's combined into a single l, like the following ones. Is this correct?

멜론 Melon
초록 블록 Chorok Beulok
로젤리나 플래닛 Rojelina Peulaenit
슬래머 Seulaemeo
슬릭타이어 Seulik Taieo
제자블루 Jejabeulu
슈퍼글라이더 Syupeogeulaideo
애슐리 Aeshuli
오스트레일리아 Oseuteureilia
베이비 로젤리나 Beibi Rosalina
콩글리아 왕국 Kongeulia Wangguk
블린다 Beulinda
블로즈 Blozeu
올리마 Olima
플라워 컵 Feulaweo Keop
포이즌 클라우드! Poizeun Keulaudeu!
러플레 Reofeule

(In addition to the table above, 올림픽 is often romanized as Olimpik.)

2. In some pages, ㅈ is romanized as z. Is that correct?

에이미 로즈 Eimi Rozeu
데이지 힐즈 Deiji Hilzeu
가짜 아이템박스 Gazza Aitembakseu
디저트 사막 Dizeoteu Samak
테일즈 Teilzeu
마일즈 테일즈 프로워 Mailzeu Teilzeu Peuroweo
프리즘 타워 Prizeum Taweo

3. According to RR, ㅡ should be romanized as eu, but in some pages it is either omitted or romanized as u. Is that correct?

프리즘 타워 Prizeum Taweo
호러 캐슬 Horeo Kasle
루드윅 Rudwik
페이퍼 마리오 스티커 스타 Peipeo Mario Stikeo Seuta
스노우맨랜드 Seunoumaen Laend
헤이호 익스프레스 Heiho Icsupressu
부끄짱 Bukkeujjan
포토스톱! Potostop!
닥터 에그맨 Dakteo Egmaen
드림영감 Drimyeonggam
와르르 Waruru
그랜드부끄 Graendeubukkeu

4. In some pages, ㅜ is romanized as oo. Is that correct?

풍선요시 Phoongseon Yosi
쿠파 스테이션 Koopa Staisyeon
거품요시 Geopoom Yosi
대시 고추 Dashi Gochoo
전구요시 Jeongoo Yosi
굼벨라 Goombella

5. Can ㅍ be romanized as f?

벌룬 파이트 Beollun Faiteu
파이어바 Faieoba
플랫 존 2 Feullaet Jon 2
플로리다 주 Feullorida-ju
리프 컵 Lifeu Keop
피규어 Figyueo
어시스트 피규어 Eoshiseuteu Figyueo

6. Some of the initial letters have a one letter romanization in RR, but some editors append "h" to that letter, like ㅅ = sh. Is this right?

파랑 키노피오 Pharang Khinophio
대대시 Daedaeshi
검정색 요시 Geumjeungsek Yoshi
다이너마이트 팩토리 Dhaineomaiteu Paktori
현실 세계 Hyunshil segye
시크 Shikeu

7. Here are some more romanizations that I am not able to verify, as I don't know hangul well. Can you verify them?

자전거 JaJunGe
해머 Haemmeo
맘모스읍 Mammoseuup
맥시멈 토마토 Maeximeom Tomato
뻐끔카트 Bbukkum Kat
리모컨 Remocon
블루 팔콘 Beullu Palcon
까르코비츠 Kkareukobitseu
이글래곤 Igeullagon
쿠파 주니어의 대포 성 Kuppa Junioreui Daepo Seong
부끄부끄의호러하우스 Bukeubukeu ui Horeo hauseu
베이비 루이지 Baibie Ruiji
베이비 마리오 Baibie Mario
용암 행성의 스타 Yongam Hangseongeui Star

It's because I added some romajis to these Korean words. Here are the reasons that I'm thinking:

1. The letter "l" already has "l" sound so I think that it DOES NOT have to be added twice. (e.g. 멜론 = Melon (O), Mellon (X))

2. Not so sure why (I added them though) but I deem that z sound more fits than j sound in certain ways. (Most Korean people, incluring me, pronounce z sound as j sound though)

3. I sometimes forget to add "eu" sound when I add "ㅡ" sound. For words that does not have syllables I sometimes omit "eu" because the letter and the word alone can produce that sound anyway. But for some romajis, someone other than me did it.

4. I agree that it should be "u" sound. Someone other than me did most of it.

5. While it is probably incorrect, I added "f" sound as ㅍ sound for some words because we are now able to pronounce it.

6. For "S" sounds, I thought "Sh" sounds are closer to what we pronounce "s" sounds, and some romanizations have "sh" instead of "s" itself.

7. Some are correct and some are not. Maybe I should correct them some time..

In conclusion, it depends on how editors consider about romajis in their ways so you probably don't have to worry about that much. I think that it will sound in a same way too. CSRSprite of Lady Bow from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year DoorBoo-piranha.jpg 12:12, 6 August 2015 (EDT)

wikipedia:Revised Romanization of Korean. I just followed this rule. There is no 'Sh' in RR. -odo2718 (對話) 19:45, 6 August 2015 (EDT)

Whoa, I didn't notice that two people wrote something in this page... Let me read them again... -odo2718 (對話) 19:47, 6 August 2015 (EDT)

I have same opinion about some question, but have different about others.

1. -ㄹㄹ- is considered to have two consonants. Between two ㄹ's there is a syllable boundary. It should be 'll' rather than 'l'.

2. Some people use 'z' for ㅈ, but in Korean language there is an absence of 'z'-like sound (while it is in Japanese, like あおぞら aozora). I have never heard that Korean people pronounce 'z' sound when speaking Korean though some wrote 'z' for ㅈ.

3. Yeah, 스타 is pronounced sometimes as 'sta'. But in Japanese romanization, silent sound is written, like がくせい gakusei though Japanese say as 'gaksei' or 'gaksē'. I apply this rule(?) in Korean romanization. In fact, I didn't find the rule about omitting letter(s) matching silent sound in former and present romanizations.

If Someone wrote ㅡ as 'u', I don't care anymore. There is few language that classify 'u' and Korean 'eu'.

4. Same as CSR

5. Some say 'file' as, some say F in Korean is just an allophone of p. (almost same relation of 'ㅡ and ㅜ') By this reason I prefer p.

6. Same as CSR. In South Korean variant of Mccune–Reischauer 시 is written as 'shi'. I think 'shi' is similar to 시 than 'si'. I don't care anymore.

7. Some will be corrected. -odo2718 (對話) 20:32, 6 August 2015 (EDT)

Though I said I don't care, I will strongly use RR for new entry (even the word/phrase includes '시' or something). What I'll consider about is that which is better: transliteration and transcription. (I have used transcription...) -odo2718 (對話) 01:09, 7 August 2015 (EDT)


Today is the MarioWiki's 10th anniversary. It's also the 70th anniversary of the surrender of Japanese invaders. Think this is a coincidence? Another gossip-loving Toad (talk) 06:54, 15 August 2015 (EDT)

No, it's just a celebration today. --Another gossip-loving Toad (talk) 07:08, 15 August 2015 (EDT)
Aah. -odo2718 (對話) 10:52, 15 August 2015 (EDT)

Para-Beetle name

Hi, I noticed your edit summary on the Para-Beetle page, and if you're not sure which is right, you could include both names, as well as the sources you got the names from (website links, game names, etc.) - that way, we don't need to guess one or the other (plus, it's possible that multiple names have been used, if they come from different games). I know the edit was from a while ago (and I wish I'd noticed sooner, but I was really swamped by schoolwork and wasn't checking edits at that time), but in the off-chance you remember where you got the names, it'd be hugely appreciated if you could add it to the page. In fact, in general it's always a good idea to put sources for non-English names, since sometimes people just make stuff up (as you've noticed), so we like to show it when they're legit (although most folks don't know to do so). Anyway, thanks for your time and all your work on the Korean names! - Walkazo 19:06, 17 October 2015 (EDT)

Even I forgot what I did on "Para-Beetle" page. Thank you for noticing what should I do on foreign names. :) -odo2718 (對話) 19:20, 17 October 2015 (EDT)

슈마갤2 한칭들 좀 확인 부탁드립니다.

갑자기 메시지 보내드려서 죄송합니다. 슈마갤2 한칭들이나 로마자 중 말이 되지 않는 게 몇 개 있어서 그것 좀 알아보시라고 올립니다.

슈마갤2 한칭은 아는 게 별로 없어서.. 부탁드리겠습니다. 덤으로 로마자 체크도 좀 부탁드립니다. R이 들어가야 될 자리에 L이 있질 않나, K로 표기해야 될 걸 G로 표기하질 않나.. (Mario를 Malio로 표기한다던지, Gaelleoksi를 Galleogsi로 표기한다던지..) CSRSprite of Lady Bow from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year DoorBoo-piranha.jpg 00:44, 17 January 2016 (EST)

검색 좀 돌려봐야 될 듯합니다. 전 지금 Wii 자체가 없어요. 로마자는... 필요할 때 점검하겠습니다. (Malio Gaelleogsi 정도면 전자법--transcription--을 썼다 볼 수 있겠네요. 난감합니다, 저걸 고쳐야 하나. Galleogsi(a 뒤에 e 없음)라면 고칩니다.) odo2718 (對話)

English usage

Hey, shouldn't that be "a university student"? The first syllable of the English word "university" is /ju/ (/j/ is what turns 우 into 유), and in this case, the article "a" should be used despite the fact that the first letter "u" is a vowel. A gossip-loving Toad (talk) 07:19, 12 March 2016 (EST)

Yeah that's a mistake. I had considered only about the spelling, not about the pronunciation at that time. Thanks a lot. odo2718 (對話) 04:01, 17 March 2016 (EDT)

about disambiguation pages

Hi, I saw your effort to include the magic word __DISAMBIG__ into the coding of {{disambig}}. If you don't already know it, there is relevant discussion at Talk:Main Page#statistics. -- A gossip-loving Toad (Talk) 01:01, 25 May 2016 (EDT)

Korean names for Super Mario Run

Hey there! I saw that you added some of the Korean names for the list. I just wanted to ask if you have the game and will be adding in the rest of the names, or if you do not have the game or all the items in which case I can make you a list of screenshots of all those and you can add the names in since I cannot write Korean if you like. --Raltseye prata med mej 17:25, 25 October 2017 (EDT)

I bought the full game, but don't have some of the items, especially some event things (e.g. Poinsettia). I'll try to fill the list as much as possible I can, so you might give me the screenshots. --odo2718 (talk) 22:56, 25 October 2017 (EDT)