Reptiles in the Rose Garden: Difference between revisions

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==Animation and Continuity errors==
==Animation and Continuity errors==
*When Kootie Pie starts whining at the beginning of the episode, her mouth isn't open.
*When Kootie Pie starts whining at the beginning of the episode, her mouth is closed instead of open.
*At one point while the main characters are in prison, three [[Fire Bros.]] were seen.
*At one point while the main characters are in prison, three [[Fire Bros.]] were seen.
*When Mario is warping Kootie back to Castle Koopa, her whole face is brown and her shell's rim is pink.
*When Mario is warping Kootie back to Castle Koopa, her whole face is brown and her shell's rim is pink.

Revision as of 23:50, February 18, 2013

Template:TAoSMB3box Reptiles in the Rose Garden is the second episode of The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3; it aired alongside another episode of The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 entitled "Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas".

Plot Synopsis

Kootie Pie Koopa is celebrating her sixteenth birthday. However, her greed has caused her to want much, much more then what she has, dissatisfying her with her presents. When her father, King Koopa, asks her what she wants the most, she promptly screams "I want AMERICA for my birthday!" King Koopa is loathe to give her her wish, his reason being "But America's in the Real World!" But it's either that or put up with incessant whining, so he eventually gives in.

Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Princess Toadstool are enjoying their day in the Mushroom Kingdom, when they catch sight of King Koopa's Doomship headed for the real world. King Koopa sends his Chain Chomp cronies to capture them before they can do a thing about it. Kootie Pie then gloats about how she's going to become "Empress of America" and that "(the Princess) is just Princess Toadstool of the measly Mushroom Kingdom".

The Doomship flies through a Warp Pipe leading to Washington, D.C. where it arrives at the White House. King Koopa looks through a telescope and finds the President in his office, talking on the phone. King Koopa then orders two Sledge Bros. to shoot the White House with a Levitation Beam, ripping it out of the ground and warping it to Castle Koopa.

Kootie Pie, with her written laws.

King Koopa then announces to the citizens through a megaphone that Kootie Pie is now taking over as Empress of America. Shortly after, at a press conference, Kootie Pie recites her new "laws":

Law #1: Kids in America must give Kootie Pie their toys.
Law #2: Any handsome boy who does not ask Kootie Pie for a date will be turned into a rock (by Bowser).
Law #3: All the gold in Fort Knox will be melted down to make a lifetime supply of charm bracelets for Kootie Pie.

King Koopa then orders everyone in America to pledge allegiance to Kootie Pie, and to the repulsiveness for which she stands.

At Castle Koopa, Mario's group notices the White House outside the dungeon window. Princess Toadstool states that they need to return the White House and the President to America, or else Kootie Pie will rule forever. Luigi then points out that they're still trapped in the dungeon, with Chain Chomps still holding them down.

The Fire Bro., getting tricked by Toadstool.

Princess Toadstool tricks the Fire Bros. guarding them into fighting the Boomerang Bros., and uses the crossfire to cut off the chains of the Chain Chomps. With the Fire and Boomerang Bros. still fighting, Mario's group escapes from the dungeon through a Warp Pipe.

At this point, King Koopa returns to Dark Land onboard the Doomship, and intends on keeping Kootie Pie happy by sending the President where he'll never be rescued: The bottom of the Mushroom Sea. By using the Levitation beam, he leviates the White House over the Mushroom Sea and lets it sink to the bottom.

Mario rushes to put on a Frog Suit and dives into the Mushroom Sea. A Blooper Nanny chases Mario, but Mario tricks her into hitting a Jump Block. Mario is then chased around by a Jelectro, that Mario lures into and ditches in a pipe complex. Finally, Mario makes it to the White House and enters through the front door.

The White House, rising to the surface of the water.

After arriving and being mistaken by Mrs. President for a member of the Secret Service, Mario goes to the basement, attaches several pipes together and directs them out the windows. He then turns a valve which pumps all the water out of the White House and raises it to the surface of the water. Mrs. President thanks Mario, but Princess Toadstool, Luigi and Toad come by in a rowboat to inform them that Bowser's loading up the Doomship to attack London, Paris and even Brooklyn.

Mario and Luigi disguise themselves as Sledge Bros. and sneak aboard the Doomship, but their disguises don't fool the guards and they soon find themselves fleeing angry Sledge Bros. After dodging their attacks Mario, though, is still able to make it to the engine room, while Luigi holds off the Sledge Bros. with a cannon.

Mario takes control of the Doomship, and uses the Levitation Beam to send the White House back through the Warp Pipe, but he accidentally sends it to the top of the Washington Monument! Fortunately, he is able to correct it, and places the White House back where it belongs.

Luigi, telling Kootie Pie to go home.

Kootie Pie objects to the return of the White House, and Mario tells her to go home. Kootie Pie then throws a tantrum, and Mario levitates her (mid-tantrum) back through the warp pipe to Castle Koopa. Mario and Luigi return the Doomship to Castle Koopa, and deliberately crash it, which angers King Koopa.

Kootie Pie then blames her father for letting the Mario Bros. spoil everything, but he finally gets fed up with her whining and commands her to do her chores. Mario and his friends can hear them yelling from outside the castle, and Mario comments that King Koopa is finally giving Kootie Pie "the present she deserves".

Other Screenshots

Animation and Continuity errors

  • When Kootie Pie starts whining at the beginning of the episode, her mouth is closed instead of open.
  • At one point while the main characters are in prison, three Fire Bros. were seen.
  • When Mario is warping Kootie back to Castle Koopa, her whole face is brown and her shell's rim is pink.
  • When Luigi says "Hehe, so you're not even boss of America anymore.", his gloves are colored like his skin, making Luigi look like he is not wearing gloves.
  • After Mario took the White House out of the water, Luigi says King Koopa is using the Doomship to attack London, Paris and Brooklyn, but Brooklyn is in America and Kootie Pie already conquered it.


  • Out of all the Mario cartoon episodes that he appears in, this is only one in which Toad doesn't have any lines.
  • This is the only episode to feature the Hammer Suit (or at least a reasonable facsimile).
  • Near the end of the episode, when Mario flies the Doomship into the Mushroom Kingdom, its back fins resemble Ireland and the British Isle.

Names in Other Languages
