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====Level Layout====
====Level Layout====
This level begins in a large, circular platform. There is a pathway leading out of the center of the object, and it leads to another round platform. This platform turns clockwise so that the small space in its center is facing the small gap in the ceiling. Donkey Kong can wall jump up the gap to enter a higher area. Here, there is a straight pathway to the right covered in small hog enemies. A [[Sleeping Hawg]] also waits at the end of this pathway, blocking the ape's path. Once it is defeated, the wall behind it opens, allowing the ape to progress to a small gap. Fiery, sphere shaped enemies are scattered around the gap, but can be forced to the outside edges if hit by a sound wave. Blooms also appear at the bottom of this gap if Donkey Kong uses his Sound Wave Attack. If he follows them, he makes his way to the left into another gap. When he lands on the ground below the gap, he can find a pathway leading east to a small gap of lava. Above this gap are some more round, fiery enemies. More Blooms lead Donkey Kong to a wall farther ahead. He can use the walls in the area to wall jump up a small opening and make his way to a small area with a dragon head. The head is able to suck him up and take him to a different room, where the Kong is sent over a pit of lava to four Banana Bunches in mid-air. He then falls to the ground on the other end of the pit, where there are more sphere shaped foes and a giant platform with a wide gap going across it.
This level begins in a large, circular platform. There is a pathway leading out of the center of the object, and it leads to another round platform. This platform turns clockwise so that the small space in its center is facing the small gap in the ceiling. Donkey Kong can wall jump up the gap to enter a higher area. Here, there is a straight pathway to the right covered in small hog enemies. A [[Sleeping Hawg]] also waits at the end of this pathway, blocking the ape's path. Once it is defeated, the wall behind it opens, allowing the ape to progress to a small gap. Fiery, sphere shaped enemies are scattered around the gap, but can be forced to the outside edges if hit by a sound wave. Blooms also appear at the bottom of this gap if Donkey Kong uses his Sound Wave Attack. If he follows them, he makes his way to the left into another gap. When he lands on the ground below the gap, he can find a pathway leading east to a small gap of lava. Above this gap are some more round, fiery enemies. More Blooms lead Donkey Kong to a wall farther ahead. He can use the walls in the area to wall jump up a small opening and make his way to a small area with a dragon head. The head is able to suck him up and take him to a different room, where the Kong is sent over a pit of lava to four Banana Bunches in mid-air. He then falls to the ground on the other end of the pit, where there are more sphere shaped foes and a giant platform with a wide gap going across it. If the Kong pounds on his chest while standing at the corner of the area, some bananas appear. Once Donkey Kong jumps into the gap inside the giant platform near here, he is lifted to a wall in the ceiling, which he can climb with some simple wall jumps. At the top of the wall is a lone Helibird, who can fly Donkey Kong towards a large wasp nearby.
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Revision as of 17:37, September 17, 2010

This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

Template:DKJB Kingdom The Peach Kingdom is the tenth kingdom in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat and the second kingdom linked to the J Barrel. The kingdom is located under a body of ice and in an old foundry. The Peach Kingdom can be accessed by completing all the kingdoms linked to the K Barrel and collecting fourteen or more Crests. The Peach Kingdom is the dominion of Torch Tusk in the GameCube version of the game, but is instead the dominion of Bloat-Hog in the New Play Control! version. Donkey Kong travels through this kingdom to fight one of these mighty foes, and at the end of every level he eats a giant peach.


Arctic Plunge

Arctic Plunge is the first area of the Peach Kingdom. The level takes place on and underneath some icy glaciers. Under the glaciers is a large body of water, which Donkey Kong has to swim through for most of the level. Although level takes place in a cold area, Donkey Kong is not harmed by the coldness of the water, and can easily swim around the many enemies in the water, including the jellyfish foes midway through the level. Other enemies include a large, round reptile enemy and a giant piranha-like foe, who must be defeat for the ape to progress. Because the level is mostly submerged, Donkey Kong does not encounter many obstacles to interact with in it, other than some Helper Monkeys and a crack in the ice that can be opened. At the end of the level, the Jungle Buddy, Hoofer the Wildebeest appears near a straight path, and Donkey Kong can ride him to finish off the level and play through a bonus game.

Level Layout

The level starts out on a flat, icy surface. There is a straight pathway leading to many yellow fairies flying over a small crack in the ice. If they are hit by a sound wave, the crack opens, revealing the way into the underwater parts of the level. As Donkey Kong falls through this gap, he encounters a few Helper Monkeys and some Blooms. Once he makes it into the water, he finds a curved pathway with some sharp ice crystals and bananas. A wider area is located after this tight passage, and it is occupied by two large puffer fish enemies. A few small platforms are also in the center of this area, as well as a few bananas and icy crystal obstacles. Traveling farther underneath the glaciers takes Donkey Kong into another narrow pathway. A current is in this passage, which forces the Kong into the next part of the underwater area. As the path widens, many jellyfish foes can be found in the way. Past them is a much larger area underwater. This area is paved with some more sharp ice crystals and a lone clam, which lets out bananas if opened. Electric jellyfish enemies are at the edges of this area as well, and a few large, circular platforms are around the center of it. A few yellow fairies are at the surface of the water north from here. If hit by Donkey Kong's Sound Wave Attack, they form a round trampoline that bounces that ape out of the water and to a wall.

There is a small gap above this wall, and he must climb up inside of the gap before it closes. At the top of the wall, there is a long slide leading to a few bananas and a small ramp formed from the ice. Above this ramp is a strange platform, which can be wall jumped off of to reach a hidden Helper Monkey. The monkey can throw Donkey Kong to a secret area above the main path, where there are some more Helper Monkeys and small, floating platforms. The lone Helper Monkey in the hidden area is able to throw the ape to a curved platform with three Banana Bunches. The Kong can head down this platform to find some other floating platforms made of ice. The platforms lead him to a set of four Banana Bunches, and then onto a large, curved platform that can help the ape jump to more Banana Bunches. If Donkey Kong jumps down from this large series of icy platforms, he can end up back on the main path, where there are a few hills of ice to skate on. The area soon becomes slanted, and the ape begins to fall down some stair-like platforms leading into water.

This underwater area begins with a pathway leading southeast to a small, open area. There is a small section of dry land under this part of the glacier, and just above the surface of the water is a Helper Monkey, who can throw the ape over an icy platform to some bananas, then back into the water. Farther ahead from here is a narrow passage leading to a Squid creature, who give the ape bananas if followed down the area. The deeper parts of this passage is occupied by a round lizard enemy. This foe takes up every bit of space in the path, and must be defeated for the Kong to progress. Because of the foe's roundness, it rolls downwards through the slightly slanted pathway. A large piece of ice sitting over a gap is in its path, and when the reptile rolls into the platform, it breaks, revealing a hidden area. In the center of this circular area, which has a few ice crystals paving its lowest parts, Donkey Kong can find a lone Banana Bunch encased in a bubble. If it is collected, several enemies appear in the water to attack the ape, however, they can be defeated to be more bananas.

If Donkey Kong swims back up to the main path, he meets the reptile enemy again, whom he can defeat to progress. A pathway leading south is farther ahead of here, and as the Kong swims through it, spikes begin to fall towards him. If he manages to avoid them, he can make his way to a flower, which gives him bananas when hit by a sound wave, and a new area. This area is wider than the previous and is covered in ice crystals, however, a piranha enemy is fought here. The foe blocks the way outside of the body of water. It can eventually be tamed by the Kong to pull the ape through a very wide area full of Banana Bunches. Soon, the piranha takes Donkey Kong above the surface of the water and the glacier. It then lands on the icy surface of a large, ice platform, where it is defeated once and for all. Hoofer the Wildebeest is located near here, and Donkey Kong can ride to him pass through the giant peach, which ends the level when touched. However, even after getting the fruit, Hoofer moves ahead to a bonus game with Donkey Kong, where the two must head over many large gaps to earn beats.

Ancient Foundry

File:Ancient Foundry.PNG
Ancient Foundry

Ancient Foundry is the second area of the Peach Kingdom. As its name suggests, the level takes place in an ancient foundry. Ancient Foundry contains lava and fire bubbles which can cause Donkey Kong to lose beats if he comes into contact with them. The main obstacle in the level, however, is its many large, round, moving platforms, each which have a small gap in them for the ape to head into to travel over lava. A dragon head also appears here as a minor obstacle to take the ape to different areas, and a Helper Monkey also appears here. The Jungle Buddy, Helibird is in this level as well to help Donkey Kong progress. The level features three mini-bosses: A large wasp enemy, a giant, ghostly monster, and an armadillo foe. After Donkey Kong completes this level, he fights Torch Tusk (or Bloat-Hog in the Wii version).

Level Layout

This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

This level begins in a large, circular platform. There is a pathway leading out of the center of the object, and it leads to another round platform. This platform turns clockwise so that the small space in its center is facing the small gap in the ceiling. Donkey Kong can wall jump up the gap to enter a higher area. Here, there is a straight pathway to the right covered in small hog enemies. A Sleeping Hawg also waits at the end of this pathway, blocking the ape's path. Once it is defeated, the wall behind it opens, allowing the ape to progress to a small gap. Fiery, sphere shaped enemies are scattered around the gap, but can be forced to the outside edges if hit by a sound wave. Blooms also appear at the bottom of this gap if Donkey Kong uses his Sound Wave Attack. If he follows them, he makes his way to the left into another gap. When he lands on the ground below the gap, he can find a pathway leading east to a small gap of lava. Above this gap are some more round, fiery enemies. More Blooms lead Donkey Kong to a wall farther ahead. He can use the walls in the area to wall jump up a small opening and make his way to a small area with a dragon head. The head is able to suck him up and take him to a different room, where the Kong is sent over a pit of lava to four Banana Bunches in mid-air. He then falls to the ground on the other end of the pit, where there are more sphere shaped foes and a giant platform with a wide gap going across it. If the Kong pounds on his chest while standing at the corner of the area, some bananas appear. Once Donkey Kong jumps into the gap inside the giant platform near here, he is lifted to a wall in the ceiling, which he can climb with some simple wall jumps. At the top of the wall is a lone Helibird, who can fly Donkey Kong towards a large wasp nearby.