User talk:Xzelion/Archive 1
Welcome!!!Welcome to the Wiki!!! If you need any help, click here. By the way, is your name based off the Great Gonzales? Reminder
Some additional info, it is fine to to add quiz stuff to your user page. What was not fine was making redirects from mainspace articles from Quiz Answers to User:Great Gonzo/Quiz Answers. I realize you moved the page and the redirect was created automatically. Next time you do, be sure to delete or add the delete template to the redirect. Also, be sure sure to use ~~~~ to sign your comments. There also is a button at the top of the editing window. Thank you for your cooperation.Knife (talk) 20:29, 1 March 2007 (EST) Thank YouYeah my name is based off of the Great Gonzales (a.k.a Merciless executioner and Superstar Sequel)
Hello Welcome to my TalkIf anyone could get a picture of the Black Skull that would be great. My Homemade ComicListen, I know you probably don't know this but, I like to make my own comics and I wanted to know if you wanted to be in them. If so, please respond on my talk page. Also, if you want to be in, please find a few different sprites of the character that you want to be.-- Sign up is on my talk page.-- Favorite Video Game Moment?What is your Favorite Video Game Moment? Mine would be whe You figure out Doopliss' name and he shouts. "No, no, No,No. How, How, How. Why, Why, why? Post Yours! Beat Paper Mario 2!I Beat Paper Mario 2 last night after over 30 hours of playing, It is a great game. The Shadow Queen was anoying though. 3 Bros?Which of you guys are the oldest? Max2 RE: BrosIm the oldest, then Paper Luigi, and the youngest is Super Mario97. Just testing Sig Looks nice. Mine's Better! Dance Waluigi Dance! 8) Dance Dance Revolution: Waluigi Mix! 8) Max2 (talk) No, you're wrong, guys.. I like Son of Suns Communist Mario. ? What??? Max2 (talk) See? More TUMBLE!!!! I don't like tumble No, I understand that (hrmrmrmrmmm) 3D said "No, you're wrong, guys" what were you talking about? Max2 (talk) are you guys kidding me or what???? check dis out, Yawn he thinks his sig is the best what do you mean think?????? p.s to much tumbles hey! Stop Insulting me! it took me an hour to get this sig fixed! Max2 (talk) 8'( you're mean SPL I was only joking Tumbles ain't that bad
I just said you have to much tumbles. (didn't mean to offend you.) Uh huh, showing off your sigs... well don't take it too far. My sig is plain and simple.Knife (talk) 20:29, 1 March 2007 (EST) My sig said "MY SIG OWNS!" in 7337. Scorei scored eight in your quiz PokemonWell.. If you are thinking that Nintendo will actually remove Pokemon from the list of charcaters in Brawl, you're wrong. Pokemon is the 2nd most popular siries in all of Nintendo. Do you even like any siries besides Mario. And I got 9/10 on your test,(calculated wrong on 3). An offended fan of Yoshi. I hope Ness returns... Probably not... 8( why, Why, WHY!!!! Max2 (talk) No, he'll probably return. He's been in both of the other games.-- Yea, with lowering popularity. In SSB, he was the hardest to unlock, then in SSBM, he is a starter character... and not even a good starter player! Max2 (talk) everyone's all "ohh... Bowser looks more reptile than he does villain... ohhh" I didn't mean to offend you Yoshifan, I was just saying i just hate pokemon.
Jokes?Can I hear some before you send them in? Max2 (talk) they might no be that Great But sure, I'll tell one or two. Remeber do not be offended these jokes were not made to offend anyone. uhhh.... When DK does pushups he doesn't push himself up, he pushes the planet down! 8D OK! That was pretty good! Anyway, remember that "offensive" warning, and I think your good to go! Max2 (talk) Thanks! Re: ShroomYeah that's fine. If you don't have email, tell me so I can give you a link to post it on Saturday. Wa PITi come on behalf of my bro. he has entered the pit of 100 trials and may not be able to get online. thank you, 03/06/07 What's wrong with him?-- I Beat the PItI just beat the Pit of Hundred Trials, Man that was tough...But I beat It!!
I saw a video of someone with 10 HP 5 FP and 69 BP beat Bonetail and make it look super easy. It's all in the badges, I guess... I've never beat the Pit, just gotten to lvl 80... Where to PostOn Saturday afternoon, please put your jokes here. Not before then. I'll format it myself. Wa Re: TattleI made it myself. I can send you the format, if you'd like. Max2 (talk) use this: Location: put a fictional place or a WikiPage (ex. Talk pages) Notes
Thank You!uh... when you get the pic, please take the one we have off. (the Dr.Mario gif) Max2 (talk) what other Dr.mario pic? Wow!You've become popular here quickly... I remembered when I welcomed you to this wiki like a few weeks ago... ahahahaha... P Good Job!!I just MUST say, VERY good job with the pictures for the moves! Isyou 14:22, 8 March 2007 (EST) SSB PipeProjectTomorrow is Mario Day!Tomorrow is Mario Day. Take the abbreviation from March --Mar-- Take the date--10-- Add them together --Mar10--Day!!!
Wow, that's cool. Bentendo, you own Nintedo Wiki? I'm a member there! Are you seriously the owner!?!?-- I'm not on there. should I log on? Max2 (talk) Let's Image FightFile:406px-Fierce Deity Link.jpg vs. File:Majora's Mask.jpg
Who will win?
So who do you think would win? good question, I think mine would... Yeah, me too... have you played the game? If you have, then well of course you would know who would win. I've played alot of it, didn't beat the game though =( Oh. *Spoilers* At the end if you have all the masks, you get the one that turns you into Fierce Diety Link. He can easily pwn Majora's 3 Forms *End Spoilers* Shroom - Go AheadThe 'Shroom:III/Fun Stuff – just add 'em there and I'll format it. I'm combining your article with Plumber's riddles and Superchao's quiz. Wa SorryI get the attacks and such from, so i dont need any help, but thanks.Isyou 20:44, 10 March 2007 (EST) Re:What's up?Nothin' much. working on new comic. Max2 (talk) I use Paint. ask Aipom for some user sprites! Max2 (talk) SpritesYuo can use them.-- Ohhh... I like your idea.I saw your idea of the Glitz Pit being in Brawl. I just have to say: BEST...IDEA....EVER! I can't believe that I haven't thought of that! --Bentendo 13:32, 14 March 2007 (EDT) CategoryRE: Whats up?Sure. Thanks. --KPH2293 13:33, 15 March 2007 (EDT) bookwoohoo! I'd love to be in it! if you need sprites go to my page. Sure. you can be in! Max2 (talk) SigNice sig you got there great gonzo.F g Re:ThanksThanks, StorySure! That sounds cool. - Ultimatetoad 16:57, 15 March 2007 (EDT) Yeah, I want to be in.-- RE: Get Well SoonThanks. :) --KPH2293 16:59, 15 March 2007 (EDT)
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