User talk:Nintendo gamer
Hi.... If you know General Bob-omb, him and I are good freinds. And if you havent been to his
page,.....GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Anyway, check out my page. If you like Shy Guys, you will love my
page. Asta la veista!!!!Nintendo gamer 18:17, 25 June 2008 (EDT)
File:Nintendo game10.JPG SHY SQAUD vs. SHY BANDITS!! Plz...[edit]When uploading images for your userpeage, please put the {{personal-image|Nintendo gamer}} template on 'em.GreenKoopa - Comments or questions? Wat do u mean? How do u color ur background? PLZ TELL ME!! OK. 1. sign your posts. 2. I mean, when you upload an image, under "file source" and "file name" is a box to type the afformented personal image template on. 3. I'll get the background stuff for ya. Just a sec.GreenKoopa - Comments or questions? k thanx for the tip!!!
Aaaaaand, sign your comments with four tildes. ~~~~GreenKoopa - Comments or questions? k thank againNintendo gamer 22:46, 25 June 2008 (EDT) how do u make the whole background a color? all it did was make a line.Nintendo gamer 22:47, 25 June 2008 (EDT) how do u change the color of the back ground? Srry bout the questions.Nintendo gamer 22:53, 25 June 2008 (EDT) OK, where the template sais color:yellow change that too the color you want for the text. for the background, change the colorin
make that what you want the background too be.GreenKoopa - Comments or questions? Nv i figured it out thanks though.Nintendo gamer 22:57, 25 June 2008 (EDT)
Can you please add {{Personal-image|Nintendo gamer}} when uploading your own images, please. It gets kinda confusing when there's not one put on. File:Nintendo gamer 45.JPG Glide Guy, one of my favorite shy guys! How do u do that? Nintendo gamer 21:08, 26 June 2008 (EDT) After uploading your personal image, go and edit the page. Add {{Personal-image|Nintendo gamer}}, click "Save page", and you're done. Its as simple as that :D. Thanks dude or duddete!! I will. Nintendo gamer 21:12, 26 June 2008 (EDT) Dude; and yep, your welcome. That better??? And also, why is there a box that says that it is a personal image of mine. Why is it there??Nintendo gamer 21:20, 26 June 2008 (EDT) Hmm? What do you mean? I mean that u said it was confusing and i asked if it was better. Also on my user page there are boxes that say something like, this is a personal picture created by Nintendo gamer. aND THEN I ASKED WHY WAS THAT THERE.Nintendo gamer 21:30, 26 June 2008 (EDT) Yep, its better. Alright; let me look at it. Also, how come when i go to your user page it doesnt say anything about you useing personal images. Srry bout the questions.Nintendo gamer 21:33, 26 June 2008 (EDT) Alright, answering both of your questions will only be answered in ONE answer. You see, after your images, you have {{Personal-image|Nintendo gamer}}, which I don't have (plus I didn't upload mine; as I only linked them from another site). So, if you remove the personal image tags from your page, the boxes should be gone. But if i remove the personal image thing, walt my pictures be confuseing like u said? And also how were my pictures confuseing?Nintendo gamer 21:38, 26 June 2008 (EDT) Ah, I only mean on the image's page, so it won't be confusing if its not on your page; it still needs to be on the image's page... sooo... you can still remove them from your page. Remove wat from my user page? I no im anyoing u, so sorry!Nintendo gamer 21:44, 26 June 2008 (EDT) The {{Personal-image|Nintendo gamer}} Its alright; I'm usaully not annoyed by anyone... except very annoying spammers *glares at Smoke* Is it confuseing again i deleted the personal image thing.Nintendo gamer 21:56, 26 June 2008 (EDT) No; not really. I see your image thing... messed up. You know how to fix it so that the images show (unless, of course, you don't want them to)? Can u tell me how to fix that?!Nintendo gamer 22:00, 26 June 2008 (EDT) Sure. Now you see that you have [[Image:Shyguystilts.jpg|thumbStilt guy, one of many types of shy guys. Kool Huh??!! [[Image:YoshiMario.jpg|thumbBaby Mario and Yoshi! [[Image:Nintendo gamer7.JPG|thumbWATCH OUT ITS ABOUT TO BLOW!!! on your page? It needs to be: [[Image:Shyguystilts.jpg|thumb|Stilit guy, one of the many types of shy guys. Kool Huh??!!]] [[Image:YoshiMario.jpg|thumb|Baby Mario and Yoshi!]] [[Image:Nintendo gamer7.JPG|thumb|WATCH OUT ITS ABOUT TO BLOW!!!]] Thanx! And ur sure its not confuseing( TELL THE TRUTH!)?Nintendo gamer 22:08, 26 June 2008 (EDT) Your welcome. It isn't confusing under any circumstances (...), so nothing is confusing. How did it change from confuseing to not confuseing when i deleted wat u told me to add(which deleting that wud bring me back to confuseing again wuddnt it)? Also, i have one more qustion to ask? (SORRRRRRRRYYYYYY!!!!)Nintendo gamer 22:13, 26 June 2008 (EDT) That's a good question, and I weirdly don't have an answer to that one ._.'. Sure; what's your question? Do u see how 2 of my user boxes are out of line? Why is that, and how do u fix it? And also, how do u label your user box tower?Nintendo gamer 22:18, 26 June 2008 (EDT) 2? I only see the one that has Waluigi... hmmm... I can't seem to fix that userboxes problem, but I think I can by what you mean of the labeling. At the top, before starting the userbox, add {{userboxtop}}, and then at the bottom of your userbox tower, add {{userboxbottom}}, and this should fix the problem. k ill try itNintendo gamer 22:29, 26 June 2008 (EDT) 'Nother problem. Remove the - and | from your userbox tower, and it should stop puttin' them out of line. O GREAT, I HAVE ANOTHER PROBLEM. it made another set of the bob-omb and the yoshi pic. So wat i mean is now i have two yoshi pics, and to bob-omb pics. Can u fix that?Nintendo gamer 22:36, 26 June 2008 (EDT)
Do u no anyone who is a sysop( wat is a sysop?)Srry, i new to this give me time.Nintendo gamer 22:46, 26 June 2008 (EDT) A Sysop is a System Operator, whom can do a lot of things that regular users can't do, and they're very experienced (if that's spelt right). Him, He, Yet, I don't, and some more. Hiya[edit]Hiya, NG. How are you? I'm good, just looking around for things to edit. You?
Nothin really. Just still worken on my user page. i noticed u put up a sword on ur user pageNintendo gamer 20:12, 27 June 2008 (EDT)
Hey![edit]Nothing much, just looking around articles and talking. How about you? Lookin for things to edit. Its getting hard these days. Also, workin on my page.Nintendo gamer 21:52, 17 July 2008 (EDT) Seriously. You never know what you want to edit, anyways. Cool! --MegaMario9910 21:56, 17 July 2008 (EDT) Man i want the new fake news to come out already. I LOVE It! It's fun to read!Nintendo gamer 21:59, 17 July 2008 (EDT) SERIOUSLY! THE SHROOM PWNS! I No!!!! Are u in any of the shroom?Nintendo gamer 22:07, 17 July 2008 (EDT) Well, in this issue I took over the Trivia for one issue, and in the next, I start a new one "What's That Game", that I just came up with not long ago. I plan on doing this section for awhile! Thats cool, ill have to read it. I want to write an article in the fake news but don't no how.Nintendo gamer 22:11, 17 July 2008 (EDT) 'K. even been a member on the Forums, since this is one of the needs of writing for the Shroom? No. but is it to late?Nintendo gamer 22:19, 17 July 2008 (EDT) Nope, it isn't. First thing is first: join the Forums, talk to the director of the Shroom or talk to the head of the Fake News. Tell and ask Blitz about the section you want to do, and he should be able to do the rest. Btw, I just looked at two userboxes of yours; you have Guitar Hero 3? K thanks. O. And ya i have it. i love dat game. Im good at it too. I play on Hard. Wat do u play on?Nintendo gamer 22:25, 17 July 2008 (EDT) Ye welcome. I love it, too. I'm actually on expert. :O Wow, Expert?! Thats cool! :0!! O and where do u sign up?Nintendo gamer 22:30, 17 July 2008 (EDT) Yeah, it takes awhile. Um... sorry, but I have to go, so ask Blitz. Sorry. BYE! K SEE YA.Nintendo gamer 22:38, 17 July 2008 (EDT) Yo[edit]OK, Thanks :>
ur welcome.Nintendo gamer 00:02, 18 July 2008 (EDT) Imz Back---[edit]--from the dead... *cue dark scary shifty smilie music*... What's up? hi[edit]pooba woka booba tooty fruity♥☻☺ ta ha haYoshi Dudette 21:40, 18 July 2008 (EDT) Ha Ha. SO wat up?Nintendo gamer 21:41, 18 July 2008 (EDT) ur the most person!!! i know doesnt make sinceYoshi Dudette 21:43, 18 July 2008 (EDT) uzr box[edit]I got the picture on your user box like you asked me here. |- |Take this link. That's ze main page of Wikipedia. --Palkia47 15:40, 4 August 2008 (EDT) Well, sorry to say, but I'm not sure. I can't even upload :(. Sorry. --Palkia47 21:29, 4 August 2008 (EDT) It OK :)Nintendo gamer 21:50, 4 August 2008 (EDT) Sure, you can go right ahead. If you don't know what the userbox size is for it, ask me and I'll see. --Palkia47 13:50, 6 August 2008 (EDT) YAYZOR! That. Is. Awesome. You're welcome! --Palkia47 14:34, 6 August 2008 (EDT) Reminder![edit]
Well, there are certain uploads you have made that the wiki has already had. Similar files that is, you just need to use them and size them down a bit lawl-- if your using them for your userpage. XP Here's the files that I deleted but used the other existing images in the wiki. O. Okay sorry! Now i no! Thanx for not giveing me a warning!!!!!! :) Nintendo gamer 21:18, 15 August 2008 (EDT) RE: Hi[edit]Nice meeting you. :) Anyway, you can upload GIFs just like any other image with Special:Upload. YELLOWYOSHI398 O......Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Also nice meeting you yoo. Nintendo gamer 23:48, 16 August 2008 (EDT) It's OK. Copying and pasting in Paint doesn't work-- You need a special program, like the GIMP. There are instructions for making GIFs with that program here, but I've never really bothered reading them. XP Although I'm not sure what they use, I believe Paper Jorge (talk) and 3Dejong (talk) can make GIFs, so maybe they can help. YELLOWYOSHI398 ok thanxNintendo gamer 00:03, 17 August 2008 (EDT) Re hi![edit]hi bro! lol were right beside each other! lol ok srry... breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out...Yoshi Dudette 23:13, 21 August 2008 (EDT) Mke sure u do the four swiggily at the end, But Hi.Nintendo gamer 23:04, 21 August 2008 (EDT) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i forgot im gonna be banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yoshi Dudette 23:13, 21 August 2008 (EDT) Nahhh. You walt. Dont worrry. I lov dis website dont you?Nintendo gamer 23:14, 21 August 2008 (EDT) WELL OF COURSE! Yoshi Dudette 23:18, 21 August 2008 (EDT) Thank You. ...[edit]Hi NG not to be rude or anything but your new person scares me...but I guess it's okay I haven't been on mariowiki in awhile and I just got back on. I like your page. Bye.
Hellooooooooooo! My name is Grate Guy nice to meat you ;0) WOWZERS! Long talk pg. My is......umm......its sorta.....well......pathetic. :0( Thats just cuz I'm a LAMEOOOOOOOOOOO (Sniffle....) Please tell me I'm not because I feel like one and I don't want to cry in public(or online) I sorta like Shyguys. Infact one of my best friends is Princess Shyguy. When I came on she was the first to say hi! In 2 place is General bob-omb. I didn'tknow they were related! So he's your friend too? Cooliyo! Thats preety much because.....I don't know. So please come on my talk pg. and chat with me (as you see I'm very lonley) :0( I could really use some rotten mush right now. Well bye! Hope you can get this message! Helloooooooooo! Again :0) I heard about this "presadent" thing (if I spelled that right) Who did you vote for? Or your family. :0) I don't get why we need a leader. Do you. If you do, please, tell me. Whats a "McCain"? Is it a person or a king or a mouth wash? Well, I saw a person (or at least I think) on the news thats name was Obama. Is he a mouth wash? Oh well. Oh, I know this person thats in love with Kirby. Tell me if thats weird. :P As you see, it's a girl. Have you heard or pickles? Are they like shoes. Shoes smell like cheese. I like cheese. I'm (As you see a very random person) Just don't think I'm....mental. Cause I'm not. Ciao! Are you shure there important? I you want one? OH! Do they come in diffrent colors! I want a rainbow one. :0) cheese! So! Ammmm...uh..well..I'm in a panick! Iv'e never forgotten the next scentence! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well have a good Christmas break! Ciao! Hey![edit]Hey NG, glad your getting back on. Your new shyguy pic looks awsome! Anyway i'm going to go change my youtube video, bye! What do you mean? Personal Imgaes[edit]HI! You have more than the allowed PI's (4) please tag the other ones with the delete template, or they will be deleted at random |