User talk:Glitchman/Archive 4
This is an archive of past discussions. It is kept for historical reference only. If this page is unprotected, do not edit the contents. If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the current talk page. |
Well, I just made my third archive :P So fill this page up!! Oh, and just a few simple rules;
- NO cursing or flaming in any way
- If you're starting a new topic, make a new header on the bottom of the page.
- If you're continuing the same topic, post your message on the bottom of the page still.
That's it :D Make new header plz!!
I can't wait for Brawl. It will be amazing. Incredible. In fact, I haven't played Melee in a week so I'm ready for Brawl's supposed new style of fighting. I can't wait to play as Olimar. :D Who's gonna be your main character? .
I'm lazy. So I'll do it later ;(
Fa shizzle. Sorry, those... Words, I guess?... have been stuck in my head. :P Anyway... I'll be Olimar, hopefully. :P I should be doing homework right now. Dangit. :P .
- LOL. I wish Brawl would come out one day earlier... .
I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner: My computer crashed! D: Oh well. How did the radio broadcast go? Congrats on winning the poetry contest. I write poetry too, but I won't enter it into a contest. :) Happy for you! — Stooben Rooben OMG! Brawl is out in three days!
- Glad to hear it! And thanks. ;) But losing my comic SUCKS BIG TIME! *passes out* — Stooben Rooben Why am I excited about Brawl!? Me no have Wii!
- EGADZ! That's horribibble! Brawl'll probably be at Best Buy (they usually get the most copies), and you might (I use that word lightly) be able to pre-order it still. — Stooben Rooben I'm looking for a Wii...but they're n0where! XP
Well, if it were, I'd have like three more hours to play it. :P . PS: I should be doing homework. :P
- I've looked on the internet, but Mom won't buy it, and she won't let me. (HUH!? WHY!?) But, I know I'm buying a boat-load of VC games! — Stooben Rooben Especially SMRPG!
- I'm glad you told me that. I remember reading that on your page, but I forgot. :| I'll probably get SMW and things like that. Thanks for the warning. ;) — Stooben Rooben Thanks for saying you're sorry about me not being able to get a Wii. :)
- Thanks for the suggestions. I'll probably get most of those too. — Stooben Rooben And I LOVE arcade games!
- 9:00pm...(my time)...hmm...I might be able to pull that off. I'll have to see. You and IS definitely try to connect and play though. I think I can get through to play that though. ;) — Stooben Rooben Oh boy! I wuv MKDS!
- Thanks for the suggestions. I'll probably get most of those too. — Stooben Rooben And I LOVE arcade games!
- I'm glad you told me that. I remember reading that on your page, but I forgot. :| I'll probably get SMW and things like that. Thanks for the warning. ;) — Stooben Rooben Thanks for saying you're sorry about me not being able to get a Wii. :)
Hmmm... I'd rather not do much this weekend. I've got Strep Throat. D: It sucks. Perfect timing, too, right before Brawl comes out... ;_; oh well. I'll still get it. :D .
- No, 9:00pm my time is perfect. I haven't played video games all day, that way, I have a whole hour to play! — Stooben Rooben 1...Hour? Ooh...ahh...:P
Never gotten Laryngitis before (wow, really butchered that word! :P). I've had Strep like four times before this, though, so it's alright. It hurts to swallow though. >_< .
Hey, is Brawl Coming? Just wandering... .
BRAWL. IS.AWESOME!!! You played it yet? It's heaven on earth! SO AWESOME! .
Yeah, me too. :P . I sure won't be here much...
Peach FA nomination
Hi, please read my comment at the bottom of MarioWiki:Featured Articles/N/Princess Peach. You'll need to change your vote, or remove it. Thanks. Time Questions 08:54, 11 March 2008 (EDT)
How's Brawl going? Lemme guess: PWNSOME!!!! XD I haven't played it yet. Instead I'm doing school. D:< C'mon Spring Break! Oh, but I learned something new today in math. I learned that: F equals the square root of q minus 78 times the square root of r-sixteenths. I always thought: F equaled being grounded for two math... — Stooben Rooben Why not: "A equals 15"? SO MUCH EASIER! XD
- I know, I gotta migraine! XD Oh, and I planned to try out Diddy Kong, but I'm definitely a Yoshi (or Bowser) person. Thanks! I'll try Diddy out! Oh, and the Fake News isn't out 'cause TML hasn't PMed his images to 3D. — Stooben Rooben Diddy Kong has a peanut gun? XD
- I don't really know when my next issue is coming out. I've got a good plot idea, so I just need to actually make the comic, which is hard with Brawl out. :P
- And you most likely will not find it new. Used is your best bet, and usually the used games at Gamestop are in pretty good condition. So there ya go. .
- Hmmm... Not sure I'm good enough yet. When's your spring break? .
- *head asplosion* — Stooben Rooben XD Oh, and thanks for the FC! :)
While waiting interminably for TML to turn in his Fake News pictures, my dad made a sneak attack on my laptop, deleting all my MW files including the Fake News. So I'm resigning as Fake News director and turning it over to whoever wants the job. Have fun being free as a bird. 3D, now you'll never know how hilariously funny I made the Fake News hahahahaha.
- Thx! I may re-launch the Fake News once I move and settle in. (BTW, I use my bro's laptop 4 updates nao. >>)
3D, my little brother is an *INSERT CUSS HERE*.
- Well, 3D made me head of the Fake News for a few months. I was wondering if you might have your section on your computer still? If you don't it's fine, but I'm gonna try to release a little bit of the Fake News this month if I can. — Stooben Rooben :O Holy crud!
Some time in April... Too far away, in any case. I'm going over to a friend's house today (BIG LIP!). So I won't be here. :P .
D'oh! >_<
That sucks! Feel bad for you man. :( Oh, and the Fake News'll be out Wednesday. I'm getting it all together. I forgot that I don't have my obituaries since my computer crashed...>:| Bummer. But, I've got Fake TV, Interview, and Fake Images (Xpike took care of it this month). I'm gonna make an extra section too. — Stooben Rooben Hmm... a Brawl match... I'd love to do one, but I'd have to wait for a day when my parents were gone. :(
- Oh, and that thing you posted here, about the Green Axem Ranger? Isn't that more of a Artwork Request job? I didn't know. — Stooben Rooben Cuz I R S2PID!
- It's up to you; I don't really know. Since Xpike offered to do the images, I figured he might as well. — Stooben Rooben Maybe I should give him a raise? XD
- Oh, and I plan on my comic coming out by the 30th. — Stooben Rooben Stupid computer doesn't even have Paint though! >:\
- It's up to you; I don't really know. Since Xpike offered to do the images, I figured he might as well. — Stooben Rooben Maybe I should give him a raise? XD
Madame Ronké
Hello! It's nice to meet you too. And yes, you may use Madame Ronke in your game. :) ~Madame Lady Boo-Ànn
Your vote on the Bad Jokes proposal...
(Yeah yeah, I know, I'm annoying)
What do you mean by "User-Fanon"? Only articles ad witting/humorous vandalism and the occasional stupid proposal can go in the archive (If it get made, that's it), so where do you see "User Fanon?" Could ya change the wording of your vote to makes it more clear? Thanks. --Blitzwing 07:05, 19 March 2008 (EDT)
Fake News
Your section pwned. I laughed the whole thing. ...Next month I'll be a better director (I hope) than this month 'cause I'll have more time to put things together. — Stooben Rooben I hope the viewers don't hate me. :(
- Thanks. :) — Stooben Rooben I feel bad for 3D too. :(
- Oh! And I like your new sig! — Stooben Rooben Wahoo!
- Your welcome! Oh, and I don't have Twilight Princess yet, but Paper Jorge could definitely help. — Stooben Rooben *Insert what you want here*
- Oh yeah. He lieks Twilight Princess! I just got Wind Waker a bit ago. — Stooben Rooben It's my first Zelda game and I LOVE IT!
- So far WW's very good. It's the prequel to Phantom Hourglass. I wanna get Ocarina of Time on the VC. And probably some NES Zeldas too. — Stooben Rooben I think I'm running out of witty comments! D:
- XD (Nice witty comment!) And PH is for the DS. o_0 I can't wait for dad to beat it so I can play it. — Stooben Rooben My mom likes the Fake News! ^_^ (Thanks!)
- Oh yeah. He lieks Twilight Princess! I just got Wind Waker a bit ago. — Stooben Rooben It's my first Zelda game and I LOVE IT!
- Yeah! I bought it for him for Christmas...for only $15! He enjoys it a lot, but he plays it very infrequently. — Stooben Rooben
- Your welcome! Oh, and I don't have Twilight Princess yet, but Paper Jorge could definitely help. — Stooben Rooben *Insert what you want here*
- Yeah, Dad's a big kid at heart. Even Mom plays video games, but she's not as much of a freak as me and Dad. XD — Stooben Rooben Sorry you're dad doesn't like video games.
- Oh! And I like your new sig! — Stooben Rooben Wahoo!
Twilight Princess
(Jorge has a flashback of playing the begining TP a long time ago) Well, with the Fishing Rod, you're supposed to go to the egde of the river where the cat is. Don't scare the cat at all! Just walk to the edge, take out the Fishing Rod and fish two fish. The second time, the cat will steal Link's fish and run off with it to its owner's shop/house. Go to the Sera's shop, and she'll start selling items again. Get enough Rupees to buy a Slingshot. After buying the Slingshot go to the kids who are right in front of Link's/your house. Paper Jorge ( Talk·Contributions)· That help?
- Also, Toon Link is from Wind Waker in case you hadn't figured out. :P Paper Jorge ( Talk·Contributions)·
- Oh, Rupees. I remember there's some up in the tree. Other you could probably find by throwing rocks...I'd have to play the game again. Paper Jorge ( Talk·Contributions)·
- Dunno. Let me ask Blitz. — Stooben Rooben W00tness! Boredom shall end now that Glitchman is here!
Yes, he's a very good friend of mine. =)
Congrats on Winning Your Brawl Match!
I'm glad you signed up for Guitar Steward! (BTW, your silhouette is on the box art!) Oh, and do you like these CrazyToad sprites?
If it needs revisions, lemme know! ;D — Stooben Rooben W00t!
- XD Never mind. You already answered. — Stooben Rooben Yayz for Userpedia!
- LOL at the late b-day. I aws late in realizing it! XD Anyway, I've been good. Playin' some Lucas in Brawl... He's awesome. :D Diddy's pretty fun to play as, but those stupid noises he makes are infuriating. >:( But he's cool. :P You played on Wifi yet? The lag there kills... .
- Yeah, I been on Userpedia a lot too. Not really doing anything there, but still... :P .
Fake News Notice
It appears that you have yet to PM me your Fake News section on the Wiki Forum. I'm not rushing you, but merely reminding you to PM them to me before April 5th (2 days before the release of the paper). Thanks for being a part of the team! ;) — Stooben Rooben Fake News ROOLS, all else DROOLS! XD

Please PM Super Mario Bros. and Gabumon your 'Shroom section on the forums (our forums, which one did you think?) by no later than March 14th. Please remember to save a copy in your outbox. If you can't, be sure to tell us soon and we'll be sure to punish you cruelly work something out.
'Shroomingly yours,
- Aw, no hard feelings! ;) Don't feel bad about Fake TV; I'm still trying to write FTMV! D: Oh, and nice ubersig! XD — Stooben Rooben TOO MANY 'SHROOM SECTIONS...ASPLOSION IMMINENT...THIS IS NOW VIRUS MATERIAL...SPAM...NO...SPAM...PROPOSAL...MUST EDIT...'SHROOM SECTIONS...OVERLOAD...OVERLOAD!!!
- P .
I'll (hopefully) be on the chat on and off through the whole weekend. Chaos NEEDS MOAR NINJI
Yeah. I got your message at the Sigwar Wiki. :P Two weeks ago, huh? Wow. Although, some district in my state probably had it two weeks ago. :P .
- Hey, you should check out my new and improved Userpage. It's still under construction, but it's way better. :P .
- LOL, yeah, I like it. :D .
- Thanks. And, I liked your section! There's nothing to worry about. — Stooben Rooben You did awesome.
- Aw, don't gimme that sad smiley! D: Half of my edits are talk pages too. I don't really make major community edits; I just make navigation templates. I played Brawl last night with dad; META KNIGHT RAWKS! — Stooben Rooben Dad doesn't stand a chance! >:)
- Yeah, that'd be cool! — Stooben Rooben Sorry you're not free this week.
- LOL, yeah, I like it. :D .
- Wow! Talk about a lot of matches! I hope you kick butt! :D And, I don't think I could join Sunday; my parents'll be home playing...brawl with me! (So it's not a total loss...:o) — Stooben Rooben I need to get my own Wii...
I usually let them win about half the matches. Although, they do kick my but sometimes! :O — Stooben Rooben I can't wait to unlock Sonic!
- I just started my Subspace Emissary file a few days ago. D: I'm up to the level that has Marth, Meta Knight, and Ike. Is that close to the end. *thinks it's not* — Stooben Rooben Classic on very easy is very easy! XD
- Cool! Thanks! And, I haven't unlocked the Mario Bros. stage yet. I've unlocked Luigi's mansion though! — Stooben Rooben I like that one a lot! (Smashville's my favorite and my best one though!)
PWNSOME SIG! =O — Stooben Rooben Plz no whack with hammer! Kthxbainao.
If you were on the forum's you'd know. He's a conspiracy theorist with an ego the size of Texas and really bad grammar.
"Women wearing pants and going to college are two things the Masons invented to make the men into women and women into me!"
3D, so Masons invented women?!
- KEWL! When you do, you should sign up with Score so you can post your scores on the web! :D — Stooben Rooben
- Hey, what's up? Haven't talked to you in a while. :P How's Brawl? .
- I beat Subspace like the fourth day I had the game. :P And got all the characters. I'm good as Lucas, Falco, Olimar, and Wolf. Wifi is hard to play... D: .
- Aw... :( Lucas is just what Ness never was. :D Strong, quick, has Smash attacks that actually make the opponent move... XD Well, it's opinion I guess. :P And you think you make too many faces? D: I've had to delete some from messages cuz there were like 50. :O XD :P J/K .
- I don't care how long they are, as long as they stay awesome. Really, those are some of the coolest comics ever. :D .
- I beat Subspace like the fourth day I had the game. :P And got all the characters. I'm good as Lucas, Falco, Olimar, and Wolf. Wifi is hard to play... D: .
- LOL, that's wut I said about my comic. :P I wish I weren't a procrastinator... Anyway, I've been editing a lot more lately. I mean, if Time Q can make it to sysophood and only be here for a few months, so can I! :P OK, joking about the sysop part, but I have been editing. :P .
- Today. It's on the main page. :P I really need to stop using that smiley. :P See? There it is again! :P KILL IT WITH A SPEAR! ==> :P Heh, it's gone now. XD .
- Hey, what's up? Haven't talked to you in a while. :P How's Brawl? .
I suppose we could Brawl in roughly half an hour. I'll be free then. -- Booster