Uploads by Super-Yoshi

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
21:11, July 23, 2012 MPA Drop Em Screenshot.png (file) 11 KB {{aboutfile |1=The mini-game ''Drop Em'. |2=''Mario Party Advance }}
20:42, July 23, 2012 Forest of Illusion 2.png (file) 12 KB {{aboutfile |1=Mario shooting Fireballs at a Rip Van Fish in Forest Illusion 2 |2=Super Mario World }}
04:41, June 30, 2011 MPA Chain Saw Screenshot.png (file) 6 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Chain Saw.|''Mario Party Advance''}} Category:Game screenshots Category:Mario Party Advance Images
14:43, August 1, 2010 TipsyTourneyMP2.png (file) 68 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Coin.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party 2 Images
14:42, August 1, 2010 TipsyTourneyMP1.png (file) 125 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Tipsy Tourney.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
14:26, August 1, 2010 BombsAwayMP2.png (file) 63 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Bombs Away.|''Mario Party 2''}} Category:Mario Party Images
14:26, August 1, 2010 BombsAwayMP1.png (file) 105 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Bombs Away.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
02:48, August 1, 2010 MidasFall.png (file) 23 KB tried something diffrent with zsnes, see how it turns out
19:43, July 31, 2010 PiranhasPursuitMP1.png (file) 58 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Piranha's Pursuit.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
19:19, July 31, 2010 BashnCashMP1.png (file) 104 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Bash 'n' Cash.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
19:07, July 31, 2010 BalloonBurstMP1.png (file) 56 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Ballon Burst.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
16:40, July 31, 2010 TreasureDiversMP1.png (file) 88 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Treasure Divers.|''Mario Party''}}
16:40, July 31, 2010 LuckyCountryClubSlotsWarpPipes.png (file) 20 KB {{aboutfile|The Lucky Country Club Slots' Warp Pipe's.|''Mario Golf: Advance Tour''}}
16:40, July 31, 2010 LuckyCountryClubSlots.png (file) 23 KB {{aboutfile|The Lucky Country Club Slots.|''Mario Golf: Advance Tour''}}
06:24, July 31, 2010 PaddleBattleMP1.png (file) 109 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Paddle Battle.|''Mario Party''}}
06:04, July 31, 2010 StarMarkerSM64.png (file) 13 KB {{aboutfile|The Star Marker.|''Super Mario 64''}}
04:47, July 30, 2010 PipeMazeMP1.png (file) 72 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Pipe Maze.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
04:23, July 30, 2010 TightropeTreachery.png (file) 83 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game tightrope Treachery.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
03:15, July 30, 2010 WhackAPlant.png (file) 91 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Whack-a-Plant.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
02:58, July 30, 2010 ShellGame.png (file) 94 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Shell Game|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
02:37, July 30, 2010 DeepSeaDiversMP1.png (file) 60 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Deep Sea Divers|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
02:28, July 30, 2010 MushroomMix-Up.png (file) 87 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Mushroom Mix-Up.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
02:00, July 30, 2010 YoshisStoryTreasureHunt.png (file) 76 KB silly line
21:32, July 29, 2010 CoinShowerFlowerMP1.png (file) 193 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Coin Shower Flower|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
21:21, July 29, 2010 PumpPumpandAwayMP3.png (file) 65 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Pump, Pump, and Away.|''Mario Party 3''}} Category:Mario Party 3 Images
17:07, July 29, 2010 BobsledRunMP2.png (file) 77 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Bobsled Run.|''Mario Party 2''}}
06:25, July 29, 2010 BombsketballMP1.png (file) 114 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Bombsketball.|''Mario Party''}}
06:04, July 29, 2010 MGATClubShop.png (file) 13 KB {{Aboutfile|The Custom Club Shop.|''Mario Golf: Advance Tour''}}
05:40, July 29, 2010 DesertDashMP1.png (file) 49 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Desert Dash.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
05:31, July 29, 2010 BobsledRunMP1.png (file) 34 KB {{Aboutfile|The mini-game Bobsled Run.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
04:42, July 29, 2010 Key-pa-WayMP1.png (file) 86 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Key-pa-Way.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
04:26, July 29, 2010 SpikeKoopa.png (file) 3 KB {{aboutfile|A sprite of a single Spike Koopa.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
03:47, July 29, 2010 HammerDrop.png (file) 199 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Hammer Drop.|''Mario Party''}} [[Category:Mario Party Images
03:21, July 29, 2010 CoinBlockBlitz.png (file) 103 KB {{Aboutfile|The mini-game Coin Block Blitz.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
03:25, July 28, 2010 LuigisEngineRoomBoardMP1.png (file) 102 KB {{Aboutfile|Wario choosing which path to take on the board Luigi's Engine Room.|''Mario Party''}} Category:Mario Party Images
02:41, July 28, 2010 PlatformPerilMP1.png (file) 97 KB {{Aboutfile|The mini-game Platform Peril.|''Mario Party''}}
06:31, July 26, 2010 MusicalMushroomMP1.png (file) 145 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Musical Mushroom.|''Mario Party''}}
06:31, July 26, 2010 MarioBandstandMP1.png (file) 115 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Mario Bandstand.|''Mario Party''}}
06:31, July 26, 2010 GroundPoundMP1.png (file) 163 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Ground Pound.|''Mario Party''}}
06:31, July 26, 2010 FaceLiftMP1.png (file) 90 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Face Lift.|''Mario Party''}}
06:31, July 26, 2010 BuriedTreasureMP1.png (file) 71 KB {{aboutfile|The mini-game Buried Treasure.|''Mario Party''}}
04:21, July 26, 2010 MinigameHouseMP1.png (file) 53 KB better etc
03:57, March 16, 2009 FireMountainMMStage.png (file) 12 KB {{Aboutfile|Mario leading the Mini Marios into the Toy Box in Fire Mountain.|''Mario vs. Donkey Kong''}}
02:41, February 26, 2009 MandL3BattleOption6Badge2.png (file) 33 KB {{aboutfile|The sixth option menu further detailed from ''Mario & Luigi RPG 3''.}}
01:08, February 26, 2009 MandL3BattleOption6.png (file) 28 KB {{aboutfile|The sixth option further detailed from ''Mario & Luigi RPG 3''.}}
18:26, January 10, 2009 Cherrys.png (file) 996 bytes {{aboutfile|All 3 Cherries from ''Super Mario Bros. 2''.}}
20:17, December 30, 2008 JewelryLandLightRealm.gif (file) 37 KB {{aboutfile|An animated map of the Light Realm in Jewelry Land|''Yoshi's Safari''}}
01:18, December 10, 2008 Super-YoshiMKWii.png (file) 251 KB  
20:21, December 1, 2008 S-Y sprite eating.png (file) 1 KB {{aboutfile|An image for Super-Yoshi's signature.}}
02:51, November 7, 2008 SSBRayGun.png (file) 9 KB {{aboutfile|The Ray Gun as it appears in ''Super Smash Bros.''.}}
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