User talk:Qaramana

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Welcome, Qaramana!

Caped Mario holding a Cape Feather while he is mounted on Yoshi, from Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2.

Welcome to the Super Mario Wiki!, a collaborative knowledge-base dedicated to the Marioverse. I'm Yoshario, and let me say that I'm glad to have you as a member. If you have any questions, just post it on the FAQ talk page or Myself if I'm not on contact an experienced member and/or Sysop.

The following articles contain guidance and information about reading, authoring, and participating in the Super Mario Wiki community. If this is your first time visiting, please read our Introduction.

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  • Color codes – Help translating colors to hexadecimal
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As you can tell, there is much to do here on the MarioWiki, but don't feel overwhelmed. A good place to start contributing is our maintenance page.

Feel free to delete this message when you're done reading it. After all, your user space belongs to you. I hope this information is helpful, and that you'll have a great experience contributing to our knowledge-base and our community. Remember to enjoy your experience here and also have fun!

If you need further help feel free to leave a message at my talk page.

Yoshario (talk)

YosharioFile:Yoshi wearing mario's hat.jpg

Creating the "Badges names in other languages" page

The aim of creating this page is to mention the badges names in other languages. I finished the prototype (Man! I've done it!). The badges listed below appear in Paper Mario.

Icon English French Spanish German
File:All or nothing badge.PNG All or nothing Tout ou rien Todo o Nada Alles oder...
File:Attack fx A badge.PNG Attack FX A FX Attaque A Ataque FX A Sound-FX A
File:Attack fx B badge.PNG Attack FX B FX Attaque B Ataque FX B Sound-FX B
File:Attack fx c badge.PNG Attack FX C FX Attaque C Ataque FX C Sound-FX C
File:Attack fx D badge.PNG Attack FX D FX Attaque D Ataque FX D Sound-FX D
File:Attack fx E badge.PNG Attack FX E FX Attaque E Ataque FX E Sound-FX E
File:Bump attack badge.PNG Bump Attack Attaque Choc Ataque Golpe Straßenfeger
File:Chill out badge.PNG Chill Out Calmos Relajación Daneben!
File:Close call badge.PNG Close Call Chaud Devant Casi Acabado Tu mir nichts
File:D down jump badge.PNG D-Down Jump Saut Min Déf Salto Bajar V-Minus
File:D down pound badge.PNG D-Down Pound Coup Min Déf Golpe Bajar Anti-V-Hieb
File:Damage dodge badge.PNG Damage Dodge Esquiv'dégâts Eludir Daño Ausweicher
File:Deep focus badge.PNG Deep Focus Médit Absolue S. Recargar Meditation
File:Defend plus badge.PNG Defend Plus Déf Plus Más Defensa Vert.-Plus
File:Dizzy attack badge.PNG Dizzy Attack Attaque K.O. Ataque Mareo Schwindelhieb
File:Dizzy stomp badge.PNG Dizzy Stomp Paralys'saut Pisotón Mareo Para-Dauz
File:Dodge master badge.PNG Dodge Master Maîtr'esquive Súper Eludir Vermeider
File:Double dip badge.PNG Double Dip Double Objet Doble Objeto Doppelgriff
File:Feeling fine badge.PNG Feeling Fine Ca va bien! Vacuna Protektor
File:Fire sheild.PNG Fire Shield Bouclier d'feu Anti-Fuego Feuerschild
File:First attack badge.PNG First Attack Initiative Pr. Ataque Erstangriff
File:Flower finder badge.PNG Flower Finder Trouv'fleurs Buscaflores Blumenregen
File:Flower saver badge.PNG Flower Saver Econom Fleurs Ahorraflores Sparblüte
File:FP plus badge.PNG FP Plus PF Plus Más PF BP-Plus
File:Group focus badge.PNG Group Focus Médit. Groupe Rec. Todos Gruppenfokus
File:Hammer throw badge.PNG Hammer Throw Lance Marto Lanz. Martillo Hammerwurf
File:Happy flower badge.PNG Happy Flower Fleur Bonheur Flor Feliz Blumensegen
File:Happy heart badge.PNG Happy Heart Coeur Joyeux Corazón Feliz Herzilzin
File:Heart finder.PNG Heart Finder Trouv'coeurs Buscacorazón Herzfinder
File:Hp drain badge.PNG Hp Drain Drain PC Recupera PC KP-Sauger
File:Hp plus badge.PNG Hp Plus PC Plus Más PC KP-Plus
File:I spy badge.PNG I Spy 007 Espía Spion
File:Ice power badge.PNG Ice Power Glacification Fuerza Hielo Eis-Power
File:Jump charge badge.PNG Jump Charge Saut Boosté Salto Carga Sprung +
File:Last stand badge.PNG Last Stand Dern. Chance Úl. Posibilidad Fortuna
File:Lucky day badge.PNG Lucky Day Jour d'chance Día Suerte Glückstag
File:Mega jump badge.PNG Mega Jump Mega Saut Mega Salto Mega-Sprung
File:Mega quake badge.PNG Mega Quake Méga Séisme Mega Terrem. Mega-Beben
File:Mega rush badge.PNG Mega Rush Méga Charge Mega Prisa Kampfrausch
File:Mega smash badge.PNG Mega Smash Méga Coup Mega Golpe Mega-Dotz
File:Money money badge.PNG Money Money Money Money Doble Dinero Geld! Geld!
File:Multibounce badge.PNG Multibounce Multibond Multi-Rebote Multisprung
File:P down D up badge.PNG P-Down, D-Up P-, D+ (-F, +D) P-Ab, V-Rauf
File:P up d down badge.PNG P-Up, D-Down P+, D- (+F, -D) P-Rauf, V-Ab
File:Pay off badge.PNG Pay-Off Récompense Día de Pago Zahltag
File:Peekaboo badge.PNG Peekaboo Voyeur Vistazo Kuckuck!
File:Power bounce badge.PNG Power Bounce Super Rebond Rebote P. Power-Dauz
File:Power jump badge.PNG Power Jump Super Saut Salto Potente Power-Sprung
File:Power plus badge.PNG Power Plus Puiss Plus Más Fuerza Kraft-Plus
File:Power quake badge.PNG Power Quake Super Séisme Terremoto P. Super-Beben
File:Power rush badge.PNG Power Rush Adrénaline Súper Prisa Kampfwut
File:Power smash badge.PNG Power Smash Coup Fort Golpe Potente Power-Hauer
File:Pretty lucky badge.PNG Pretty Lucky Veinard Mucha Suerte Glück gehabt!
File:Quake hammer badge.PNG Quake Hammer Marto Séisme M. Terremoto Erdbeben
File:Quick change badge.PNG Quick Change Chgt Rapide Cambio Rápido Schnellwechsel
File:Refund badge.PNG Refund Remboursez! Reembolso Rabatt
File:Runaway pay badge.PNG Runaway Pay Fuir Paie Paga Huida Fluchtlohn
File:S jump charge badge.PNG S. Jump Chg. S Boost Saut Súp. Salto C. S.-Sprung +
File:S smash charge badge.PNG S. Smash Chg. S Boost Coup Súp. Golpe C. S.-Schlag +
File:Shrink stomp badge.PNG Shrink Stomp Rapetissaut Pis. Encoger Schrumpfer
File:Sleep stomp badge.PNG Sleep Stomp Sautmeil Pisotón Sueño Schnarcher
File:Slow go badge.PNG Slow Go Lambin Lentitud Schleicher
File:Smash charge badge.PNG Smash Charge Coup Boosté Golpe Carga Schlag +
File:Speedy spin badge.PNG Speedy Spin Toupie Rapide Giro Veloz Speed-Wirbel
File:Spike sheild badge.PNG Spike Shield Bouclier-pics Anti-Pinchos Stachelschild
File:Spin attack badge.PNG Spin Attack Att. Toupie Ataque Giro Wirbelwind
File:Spin smash badge.PNG Spin Smash Coup Toupie Golpe Giro Wirbelschlag
File:Triple dip badge.PNG Triple Dip Triple Objet Triple Objeto Dreifachgriff
File:Zap tap badge.PNG Zap Tap Electrochoc Calambrazo Zapper