So you passed my turf!? *points at invisible speck* YOU SHALL PAY FOR THIS YOU STUPID ATOM!!! *beats up the atom who crossed this talkpage*
Rules, the Thing No One Loves and Needs Some!Everyone has rules that must be regulated. Even so this was created after some messages were here, I was satisfied with all! 1. First, no swearing. I won't even accept "damn." I don't know why I'm so sensitive but whatever. 2. Respect everyone else (duh, it's like I'm gonna start insulting a random user for absolutely no reason). Well if you don't respect, things will turn out awesome, for me though and not for you. 3. Respect Baby Luigi. I'm basically a fanatic about this dude. But I do allow you to call him ugly in my talk page. I accept that. 4. Do not light me on fire as well! Only do it to Baby Luigi! I meant flaming. Ok, so don't flame Baby Luigi either. 5. All new messages must go to this page's bottom. 6. Go ahead, insult Wario. Just remember to not swear or do anything inappropriate. 7. If you have any new Wario facts for me, please let me know!! 8. Refer to me as a female in case you didn't know. 9. GO AHEAD AND HAVE SOME FUN!!!! 10. I will reply as fast and quick as I can, so don't expect me to delay and give you a message 10 years later. 11. Want my phone number? Here it is: 555-121-1212 12. Want my I.P. address? Here: Now shut up and leave me alone.
NOTICE: Please do NOT plague with me with curses anymore (you can still type random numbers, but it has to be a reasonable amount and NOT screw up my talk page). It's funny at first, but it's getting quite annoying lately. Any more "curses" that I have will immediately be deleted. Sorry for my seriousness. Now... V New Massages go here VWell? Reply to what i posted on that last archive before you archived it. Mileycyrussoulja 04:46, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
And you just did an edit conflict so my post got erased. So anyway, i'm using a Gateway Netbook. It has a tiny screen but im fine with it. I also have skype on it and it works fine. My Disk Cleanup is only at 2 bars and its been cleaning for a while, my Defragment is at 6%. In about 10-20 minutes when i go to bed i'm gonna leave my 'top on and charging so it can finish.
Is your phone number really 555-121-1212 Mileycyrussoulja 04:55, 4 September 2010 (UTC) I use windows xp on both computers. My desktop doesnt get the occasional screen of death. Oh and one time my friend was making a video on my laptop and he ripped a loud one. You know what I mean. I felt like wario was invading my space. :( I still have the video he messed up.
Yeah, me either. Do you fart alot? Since you are a tomboy, i imagine you do. hahaha lol
Your mom? Wow. But everybody farts, so i know you do once in a while. Sometimes when i'm bored and i feel one coming on i make a video of it. Then i show it to Wario. :) Yeah i'm weird lol. The other day i recorded a loud one by accident haha. Well, i dont know about you, but its 1 AM where i am. I'm going to bed in a minute.
I usually dont have dreams about video games, but i REALLY REALLY REALLY want to. I think ive had a few before. Imagine me being Link, fighting a bunch of Moblins and then i meet Ganon. That is my DREAM dream. haha I've been playing a lot of wind waker lately and i really wanna take the place of link someday. Well imma go brush my teeth and go to bed. See you tomorrow. And i live in florida.
I hate waking up in the middle of a good dream too. I have some weird dreams. My half mother died a few weeks ago so i think that might be on my mind for a while. And did i tell you that my dad just found out i have a half sister and half brother? It turns out he had babies with another woman (the half mother) and i have a hot sister and a cool brother. So lucky me. I just sneaked onto my desktop to write you this lmao good night
Hey. No dreams last night. :( So, how you doing? I don't know what 2 do on the wiki right now, Maintenance is useless to me, and i already did all the double redirects. Hmm.. what 2 do..
Good idea! I notice very minor mistakes such as a mispelled word, no puncuation, or incorrect grammar. And besides, i have gotten 100% on every spelling test i've ever taken in school, ever since 1st grade. And also, in second grade, i won some goodies for being the only one in my class that got an 100 on my math quiz. :D
YOU SHALL PAY FOR THIS YOU ATOM!! LOL. California Standard Test, eh? Here we have FCATs. Kinda the same thing. I remember last year our periods got all jumbled around because of how long it took to have the FCAT. On tuesday (no school monday) my schools starting FAIR testing.
How old are you anyway? And i'm super smart, so i never study, yet i get 100 on all my spelling test. ADHD? Aww. Anyway, i'm so glad for you about getting a perfect score and no history test! Yay! Oh, and i have spell check on my computer, and so far i corrected several words on Poobah the Pharaoh and Milli Vanilli.
Hey you!Yeah, you! You seem like a good match in MSCF. Here is my friend code: 043235 053421. Plese repsond and give me yours. OMGYou archived again? Godgeezdang.(Sgt.Boo's not so new word) Ha, I've been searching for funny videos to put on my page. I've watched your Wario video a lot, freaky(I know it isn't your video). LGM archived and she took it out on me...Hmph... HellooMe again. How was your day today? Today i got a slurpee at target, a gelati at Rita's Ice (custard at the bottom, italian ice in the middle, and custard on top, really good), and i just got finished playing some Zelda II: The Adventure of Link and Super Paper Mario.
Sounds interesting. Dont underestimate the power within spaghetti. And how did you get sand in your swimsuit? Did you know they made Mario fruit snacks? Look here: [1] I saw them in the stores today and i really wanted them. They have shapes of Mario, Luigi, Starman, Koopa Shell, Toad, and Yoshi.
How did you get sand in your swimsuit? Seriously. I'm glad you like them. I have a plush Red Yoshi. That's my only mario plush. Oh, and I have a few Mario figurines: Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Daisy, Shy Guy, Paragoomba, Bullet Bill. I need the Lakitu and the Bob-Omb figurine. I also have more mario merchandise but cant remember some of it.
You lucky booger. :)) Hmm.. what was i gonna say... oh yeah! Check out this link. You will love it! I read every word of it. It was such a good fanfiction. You should take your time to read all of it. Trust me, its worth it.
Also check this one out:
I'm going to bed. Peace out, buddy.
Wait, you couldnt have read all of the peach one that fast. Read all of it and then we'll talk. Oh and btw that story just isnt about peach farting, it also has parts where Zero Suit Samus farts, Daisy farts, Baby Peach farts, Ashley farts, Toadette farts, and Chun-Li farts, so yeah. God, i loved that story though. Just picturing it in your mind makes you think ???.
Seriously, you HAVE to read the whole story, bad words are not. There is a part near the end where Mario bets peach that if she doesnt fart for 15 minutes, mario will bake her a chocolate cake. You HAVE to get to that part. Oh and read the other one too, its super short. OK i'm really going to bed now, i'll read your post in the morning. Peach *ppppppppbbbbbbttttttttttt building explodes* ...out.
And have you seen that Spongebob episode Gary Takes a Bath? Its one of my most hated episodes. That girl with the pigtails in it shows really scares me. Every time i see the words Gary Takes a Bath on the TV screen, i flip the channel. I typed in Anchor NSMBW in google images and that picture popped up. WTF?
Watch out!Idiotic Marcus Review: Originally from: Sony fanboys already bashing the 3DS It's supposed to be an all-around improved version of the DS. ...a mix of the PSP and DS. I still think Sony stands king of handheld consoles' graphic ability. The PSP still has better graphics than the 3DS. They're makin' more HARDCORE GAMES for it! Nintendo basically ripped off Sony...*Repeat 6 times* Kid shows PSP's analog stick The Nintendo 3DS's analog stick feels exactly like- looks exactly the same as the PSP's analog stick! I find this to be quite a ripoff. They've improved their graphics somewhat... The only game I'd really play, I'd play, the only game I'd really pbthlay* on the 3DS is Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid. Why would I buy another version of Metal Gear Solid, when I can buy it on my PSP? Metal Gear *Unintelligible* ...'Cause I'm quite a hardcore gamer! Lists several First-Person Shooters All these kick@$$ games. Makes tongue-click sound Not on the DS at all! None of 'em. If I had to buy a new handheld game system... it would have to be the Zune HD, or the iPod Touch. Sure, the 3DS both got both the analog stick and the touch screen, but an old school, or a hardcore gamer, like me... They've basically stolen some of the stuff that makes the PSP unique from the PSP. ... Why do you have keep stealing ideas from other companies? I mean, the analog sick! The PSP had it before the DS! And the touch screen! Why do you need a touch screen? The touch screen is just made of cheap plastic! Review 2 Hello YouTube users, this is me, ProManUnitedFan, and I've thought on my...SHAARE my personal opinion... on M-Mario and why the... and why the Mario series sucks. ...Why the Mario series sucks. The MARIO SERIES, right, the- Nintendo 'been makin'... *checks cell phone* I mean, Nintendo has been makin' Mario games since nigh-een nine-y five. UUUUUM, SOOOO... Yeah, they've been makin' Mario games since 1985, and, they imPROVED Mario, they improved the Mario series, in uuh... They improved the Mario series when the Nintendo 64 came out! And they released a better version of Mario Kart, well... Back then, I thought it was the only version of Mario Kart! I mean, I didn't even know the SNES (that moron just pronounced it "Snehz") existed. I mean, I was actually playing with the NES, um... *coughs* That was the first game console I'd ever played, I was about four back then. That's what, like, got into video games and stuff. Sure, uh, Mario was GREAT during the early...uh...the really really early two thousands, right, the START of the two thousands... *chuckles* Mario was great...Mario was great...back in the early days, well, not the really really early days, but, earlier days... About four months later, after I played the NES, uuhhh... moved on to the Nintendo 64, N64, right? Um... Moved onto Nintendo 64, um, because we BOUGHT the Nintendo 64 about four months after I tried the NES. 'Cause I didn't like it. I mean... *Does the hand sign for 'that was obvious'* I mean, I didn't like, I didn't like the NES, so I moved on to the Nintendo 64 Well, the Mario series, I mean, the Mario series, if you look on, if you look like Mario game, uh, for Nintendo DS, or, the Nintendo Wii, um, you'll find that they ain't really improved much. Actually, they ain't even improved at all! If they're lucky, if Nintendo are lucky, the games... the games would be about the same as the Nintendo 64, or... you know what I mean. It would be just as good as the Nintendo 64 if they were lucky... *Note: on 'lucky', add a chuckle that says 'I look down to you because you suck LOL' I mean, some of the later Mario games are worse than the earlier Mario games! I mean, they be makin' Mario, since, since 1985, and don't you think, don't you think Mario is a liiitle bit over-rated.. I mean, it's just a Nintendo 64 game with different backgrounds and game plots. It's just a Nintendo 64 game with different game plots and levels and stuff. I mean the game industry hasn't really changed since Mario 64. They ain't really changed Mario since the Nintendo 64.
I mean, nowadays, people are into newer series, I mean, sure the DS 'as a BIGger GAME LIBRARY than...then, um...the PSP, but that's because Mario game of overloadin' it! Nintendo overloaded the game library with, like, puzzle games, you know, games that probably don't take that long to make. I mean, like, sidescrollers, they were... they were alright, they suited the early '90's, they suited the old days, I mean, but, ugh! *face palm* Laughs I mean, now sidescrollers...sidescrollers are pretty much...let's say "obselete". It's hard to find a Mario Kart that isn't better than Mario Kart 64! I loved that game. I loved that game for the.....for the Nintendo 64. But don't you think that Mario is getting a bit old now? They've been around for twenty-five years, and only improved slightly. They have quite a lot of time to improve the Mario series since the Nintendo six four. 'Cause I was about four back then, and, even though I was about four back then, I knew the game consoles would get better, 'cause my mom told me the Nintendo 64 was newer than the NES... I was expecting, just like everyone was, I was expecting the Mario games to improve just a little bit, but no! They stayed pretty much the SAME! I mean, come on! *Note: On 'come on!' insert a laugh that says, 'you're pathetic and not worth an LOL' Don't you think Mario is getting too old now, for the... new generation games consoles, I mean...ugh...I mean, I still play on the Wii, but I only go on my Wii to use my Wii guns! *laughs* I only go on the Wii to use mah guns! Play some shootin' games There's a BIG LACK of shooting games for the Wii! I mean, sure, the Wii is meant to be "family friendly", but don't you think they're going too far with the whole *raises arms and shakes hands in a 'whoop-de-doo!' message* "family friendly" thing! Sure, people say the DS has a bigger game library, but that's because it's OVERLOADED with FAMILY FRIENDLY games, and PUZZLE GAMES! Review 3 I've been thinking of makin' a PSP versus DS video... The other one wasn't too good...I didn't compare any of the games and stuff. I didn't say how many PROBLEMS to DS has! For starters, the DS doesn't have any features. I didn't even WANT my DS! I got...I got bored of this! I got bored of this! I got bored of this thing! It has too many 3+ rated games! Here I got three First-Person Shooters for the PSP. For the DS I can name only one good game- Metroid! I got "Resistance Retribution"! 16+! Brother's in Arms: D-Day. Both good games! How many times do you see Mario games released on the DS? Oh, most of them! Most of them are Mario games! Too much of one (seehrey)! Too much of one series! You guys might be thinkin', um, "That wouldn't be very good for 'younger people'"... Well, the PSP actually has a variety of games! It has action games, and games suitable for younger gamers! I mean, if you're just 5, five years old, you can get some good E and 3+ rated games... I mean, the DS has no features, apart from a bloody "Pictochat"! Not only that, but volume is so small...the volume slide is so small... I mean, the PSP's volume... well, you know what I mean. When you listen to it through headphones, or earphones, *"Or external speakers"*, the sound quality is great! You can even...I mean, you can even...You can even use your PSP as an MP3 player, so you can save music to it, aaaand... And video, and you can watch films on it, as well. I'm sure a lot of you has heard of this... *holds up PSP with a picture of himself in the background* The "Location Free Player", know what that does? It streams live TV to your PSP. To TV on your PSP, record it, save it to your memory stick and watch it the very next day. I mean... Come on! *chuckles* You could... you could record TV on your PSP, with a location free base-station. And also, with Remote Play, with Remote Play, you caaaan... You can register it with your PS3 if you have one... Internet radio! That is a pretty good feature to have. I meean, if you're just like in a "music mood", if you want to listen to some music, you''d'd wanna go on the Internet radio, aaand...there are a few tutorials I've shown you on the PSP, of like, Pro-Messenger, Windows XP- ...there are a few tutorials I've shown you on the PSP, of like, Pro-Messenger, Windows XP, Mac RS10, uhh, Firefox, XBox 360, loooads of different portals... ...for your PSP. Aand, the Internet browser, that comes, that comes with your PSP... On the DS, on the DS, right, you have to, you have to buy an extra game card to use an Internet browser! What's the point in that! I mean, MP4 player! That's quite...that's quite a good feature, hold on... By the way, when I tried to go on Nintendo Wi-Fi, to go- to play on Mario Kart online, said... well, 'cause I have a WPA, security code, on myyy...Internet connection, it said, "The security key-type is invalid. Could not connect to this network"! Something like that. wouldn't let me connect to my own Internet connection on my DS! Now, that was in America, that would probably throw me off the Internet browser! I mean, sure, the Touch Screen is a new way to play, but it's nothing fantastic, *grimmaces* all you're doin' is touchin' a screen! I gave that DS to my mom. I didn't even WANT it anymore. If you take a loom at the DS game card, the DS game card...I do not own this game, this is my mom's game. If you have a look at the DS game card...yeah! Not bad! Not bad former*. But, if you have a look at this, *holds up UMD disc* 'at's quality. Holds up UMD disc next to DS game cart* Look... Come on! *Note: at "Come on!", add a laugh that says 'you're pathetic Be serious. I mean, the graphics on the PSP are a lot better, as well. Visibly and verbally struggles to find something to say Alright, I'm gonna have to go now since I'm running out of time. I'm gonna make a part 2...see ya. End quote What a moron. Sometimes I wish I want to punch these type of people in the face. But violence doesn't solve Continued from Beyond the Archive!!!...So this is my reply that got ignored because archive is an archive that archives. Ooh... How/when do they appear? UPDATE TIME: Finally got my team all to Lvl.40, so I beat Jasmine. Next target: Lvl.45 & Pryce! I found a Shiny Leaf! Pokedex: SEEN:156 OBTAINED:108. Found out that DROWZEE is perfect for winning the Bug-Catching Contest. Um, don't I need Wi-Fi to trade and trade back for STEELIX?
BackYeah, that scared the heebie-jeebies out of me when i was little. Luckily, i havent seen it in a while. But do you have any idea why when i typed Anchor NSMBW in Google images that stupid girl popped up? Seriously. Did you read the other fanfic i gave you?
Wait, actually it was "I am now going to assault your mind with subliminal messages!" *soap pops up, duck pops up, running shower faucet pops up, GIRL appears* sorry ya had to see that OH and one more thing, if you've ever heard of beta luigi's mansion, the game over screen for it scared the crap out of me when i was in 3rd grade. Good thing they didnt actually publish the game with the scary game over screen. Look: Luigi's Mansion/Beta elements
Yeah i know. Did you read the other fanfic i gave u?
So you read all of it? Thats awesome! I loved the story so much, that was one of my fave parts! OH and if you make a fanfic, publish it to that same site and make it Princess Peach Farting Problem 2, or even better, Zero Suit Samus' Farting Problem. Now THAT i would pay to read!
OK, good. And make it a good length. Do ZSS farting problem. Do you have a youtube, btw? Oh, and another fave part of mine in the story was when Peach farted in Toon Links face and it blew his skin off, revealing his skeleton. Did you like that part too? Oh and the other fanfic i gave you also includes farting. Theres another one i read that also includes it, i'll have to find it. Send me some of your fanfics, also!
I C Teh FyuturTranslation:I see the future What does that have to do with this? this talk page will be archived in less than three months!!! Yup, it's true. But at least FF65 isn't gonna get to it in very long.*knocks on wood*
HowdyGuess what!! Wario ate Daisy!!!!! such a tragedy {waaaah] Daisylove10 |