User talk:Yoshitron

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Revision as of 11:04, September 3, 2010 by Yoshitron (talk | contribs)
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Hi,everybody,I'm Yoshitron!Right now,my main "mini-project"is an RP with my friend user:Nixonia.Read! Other to-do's:

  • Expand RP
  • Try to get auto-confirmed
  • Get more acquainted with the wiki

Thank you for checking my site and have fun!

Yoshitron's Main Talk Page

Hello,everybody!This is my MAIN talk page area,where you can leave comments,questions,etc.Nixonia and I are writing an RP together(see below).We just started,so there's not much to read yet,but hope for some more!If you need anything,please type it in the space below!Thanks,and bye!

  • Oh,people,I need help.How do you get pictures on this?If any body helps,please leave your username and I'll leave credit to you!Thank you SO much for everything!
  • Also,I wanted to put only the Extra Provided Space as 1.1 under the main talk page.Does anybody know how to do that?Please!I need help!

Extra Provided Space

'(If anymore space is needed,add some,please!)'

I Need Help On...

  • Getting pictures
  • Labling things with decimals

Mario Games Rating List

Hello!I'm here to rate some of the most well-known Mario games.Yours might be missing,I'm sorry,but these are my true favorites!Enjoy!(If you want a game to be rated,leave a comment in the space provided,please!)

I like some classics but not really this one.The Overworld theme is okay,but then it gets extremely annoying after a while.Not exactly the best...(Remember,these are my opinions,so if you don't agree,feel free to leave a comment!)

Great graphics,and witty ideas are what make this game one of the best Nintendo DS games.Unfortunately,they're balanced out by repetitive gameplay.(Come ON, Peach!Can't you get out that Golf Club and whack Bowser Jr. back where he came from?!)And plus,the last boss is PATHETIC!

A very nice RPG-style!From a great storyline,to memorable characters,this is almost as good as Mario gets!The gameplay at times can be a bit difficult (like the Glitz Pit!Well,it's not hard,but it sure is annoying!),but excellent nonetheless!The final boss,the Shadow Queen,is a too tough,but the music is fantastic!

Pixls are the new addition,along with flipping.It IS a little rushed,as Nixonia says.But what's not to love about this game?Except for the dreaded 29-or-so block challenge in the Land of the Cragnons,basically Chapter 5.Also,if you answer incorrectly in some questions,you could get a Game Over!

Nixonia and Yoshitron's RP

Chapter 1 It was a cold, snowy day in the island of Dixbury, and many villagers were hiding about in their little, snuggily-warm houses. (Is snuggily a word?!) While most of the people resting, there was a girl about the age of 12 wandering through the village. "Ah, Arma. You don't have to worry-I'm completely fine." Arma is her right-hand partner who is-nothing more-than a large raven. Arma screeches fondly as the young girl strokes it.

The cold weather does not help the other villagers;they are safe(or so they think)in their warm,snuggily(!) houses.

"Ya know, Arma, we should be resting by now. I know I'm immune to the cold and all - but we should save our energy for obvious reasons!" The girl smiled widely like she always did to everyone else. Smiling is her way of hiding everything about how she feels for others.

At the exact same time,a boy is walking down a snow-crusted path, a small twink in his large,blue eyes.He approaches his auspicious home;talking with a shadowy stranger."Yes,we have secured the location of her.Yes...with her raven,too..."The boy is seen nodding.And as he walks out of his cold,quiet home,the boy looks up at the evening stars...

Arma cawed suspiciously around the village. "You're right Arma - We aren't safe. We were never safe, actually. No matter where we go, we're always being hunted down." Soon, her hands were on her knees. "Yeah. I'm tired, too." And again, she smiled widely.

The girl had eyes darker than the color black, and she wore her favorite chocolate - brown robe, as always. It seemed as if she was wearing brown all over her. Dark colors are her favorite. Black, brown, gray - you name it, though, she appreciates white. Her hair was the same color as her eyes - just more glossy - and was pulled to a very low and loose ponytail. A few hair strands stuck out.

The boy walks to the girl's so-called hometown.Scanning the area,the boy sees no traces of the girl and her pesky raven,only her light footsteps across the fleecy snow.She must be heading out of town,the boy thought.He scoffs.She should have known better;they're looking for her even more out there.With a deep breath,the boy follows the footsteps out of town,unaware that he was being followed,too...

"Arma ... Do you hear something?" And she smiled. The girl was outside of the village standing still - yet relaxed - listening to the suspicious sounds. Now that I need to mention it, she also has a tiny backpack strapped around her back. Inside, it contains many, many items. Mushrooms, Fire Flowers, - you name it. - Quickly, she took out her Ice Flower and sculpted a huge wall so nobody can follow her through the exit. "Much better. Moving along." She said to Arma.

"So Arma, I've seen that Timeman's been busy researching in the library. I should be helping him, but I have quests to complete for TEC." The girl was still smiling, though, thoughtfully. "He's a prototype robot master for Dr. Light, but I know he's more than that."

[1] (This is what Timeman looks like in his chibi form.) [2] I drew this one including the "girl."

The boy keeps walking until he is cut short by a large slab of ice."Ah,how creative.That annoying girl still thinks that I,or WE,can be stopped by things such as THIS?She'll never learn..."

A small boy..running,crying...something about a person...something about older woman...running to save the the fire engulfs her...

Here the boy stops,stunned,tears in his eyes.Why?Why did the fire come for him?Couldn't it come for somebody else...?Wiping the tears away in anguish,the boy tucks out a Fire Flower out and melts away the sculpted slab.He resumes his lonely walk across the path,wishing for a better life...

Arma shape-shifted into a sharp sword and the girl held it tightly. "Just hold on, Arma. I know I have my hammer, but such things must be done necessarily." After that, she pulled out a tiny bottle and drank the liquids gaining mana. (Mana = Imaginative powers that requires mental skills) "You never know what's going to happen." She tilted her head and smiled widely until she closed her eyes, remembering all her friends dying because of her. "By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore, `Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou art sure no craven. Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore - Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!"

Quoth the raven, "Nevermore."

"Good girl." And she patted Arma on the head for saying 'Nevermore' from Edgar Allen Poe's poem, 'The Raven'.

"So,we meet again."the girl gasps and turns around."YOU!"she yells."What are you doing here?!"The boy just smiles."Don't run away,girl,there's no escape."With that,the boy creates an immense rock circle around them."You think only you and your weakling friends have mana?Well,see what I can do!"The boy jumps and a sword comes out of nowhere.The girl counters just in time,and yelling to the bird,"Arma,up and away!"The shape-shifting raven grows two more wings and flies the girl away.The boy is seen looking at the girl oddly before she swoops off into the distance.

"Here's a Mega Mushroom, Arma!" And she gave it to her. Soon Arma grew in size and was able to fly into the clouds away from the ground. "Reminds me of those crappy tournaments I was forced to enter." In her mind she listened to the whispers that surrounded her. Why can't I be loved? Why? T-Timeman ... W-Why? That's right, hate me! Ha ha ha ha!! How?! "Tch. I must be going crazy again." She smiled when she heard one of the whispers saying 'Timeman'. "Hey Arma, don't you think we should go back for Timey? I mean, he might need help from all of his hard work that he has done."

The boy is walkking through mid-air.What a clever girl,he thinks.If only she knows I am no enemy,I am a friend.The boy was now approaching the clocktower.It looms high over Dixbury,and so it casts a peculiar shadow.At night,the clocktower is even more sinister and creepy.It reminded the boy of the times of the horrendous tournament days...forced to watch his friends die one by one...the only survivor a girl.And that was the very girl he was chasing.

"Oh, it's the clocktower. It sort of reminds me of Timeman." In her mind was a flashback, in the days where she was still young.

Timeman was searching through the main library of Abel City, and that's where he first saw the girl shaking in fear at the back of the whole building. "Uh, are you hiding from someone, miss?" He asked in curiousity.

The girl turned around and saw a robot with a fancy clock on his chest. "F-... From everybody. All around the world, they have these tournaments where contestants kill other contestants. The last and remaining one gets a very special prize. I was forced into these games and found myself battling and running away from everybody of all types." She shivered away clutching on to her over-sized hammer.

"Agh, that must sound painful." He took a look at her loose - shiny watch. "I like your watch. It's very beautiful."

The girl looked at it too. "Oh, this? I got it from my relatives. They were killed in the tournament, too."

"You must be tired. Would you like to research with me? I'm currently trying to teach myself more about time traveling so some day, I will have control of time for the good of the people!" Timeman offered her.

"A-Are you going to fight me?" The girl nervously asked.

Timeman shook his head. "Of ... Of course not." And he thoughtfully smiled.

The girl smiled back and laughed a little. "You and you're paranoia."

"Tch. Stupid memories." The girl said, remembering her past.

The boy is now inside the clocktower,waiting for a certain person.As the shadow lifts,the boy looks up."You're finally here."the boy says."Have you performed your mission correctly?"the figure asks."No,she got away."The figure looks disapprovingly at him."Again?And I thought you were supposed to be a-"

Whoa.Wait.Was I just going to tell who this boy was working for?WAY too close there.I will reveal that later in the story,but for now let's keep it between us.

"Your next mission is to find this so-called Timeman and destroy him."The boy looks aghast."But HOW?!He could be anywhere now,not even on Dixbury,because he can slow down time remember?"The figure chuckles."Oh,that's easy.He's right there."

Soon, the girl arrived at a city which can be seen even from afar (which is Dixbury) and headed for the main library. "No trace of any Supraforce Metal, so I bet I'll just make an excuse for TEC so I can research with Timey! Right, Arma?" Arma cawed hoping nothing negative will happen to her when her excuse is blurted out. "Oh, Arma. You just have to trust me sometimes." And the girl grinned. The two made their way to the second floor through the piles of books. To non-fiction to fiction to tales to references, they finally made it to Timeman who was walking around and carrying a bunch a books stacked in a tall pile. "T-Time!" The girl helped him and was careful not to knock over the books.

"Oh it's you, Ace!" And he smiled a little. "Eager to help me, huh?"

"Hehe! Yes, of course!" She replied, and they placed Timeman's stuff on the round, glass table.

This is a bad idea. How can you go on like this? Many more contestants are going to find you and soon, you'll be just like all of your relatives.

I feel safe with Time. she replied to one of the whispers.

You're never safe. You even admitted that.

I have? Ah, well. My mistake.

I'm serious! This isn't a joke!

Unit altosecond ... The size is 10−18 s ... and it's the shortest time that is measurable ... She studied in her mind so she can help Timeman.

Bad things are going to happen ...

You're just trying to make negative things happen ... Unit femtosecond ... The size is 10−15 s ...

Why are you ignoring me, girl?

Femtosecond is the pulse time on fastest lasers ... Time ...

Girl, you're going to die out there!

... Time ...

Please listen to me!

... Time doesn't pass by ...

Don't ...

... We do ...

Chapter 2 "Tch.An impossible mission,with an impossibly difficult owner.When is my life going to get any better?"The boy,talking to himself,had finally reached the main library.The moment he was inside,he knew Timeman,and the pesky girl,had been there.Everything was in a ruckus.Books scattered all over the place,with librarians seemingly frozen in time,or at least slowed down.She's not here anymore,the boy thought.Crap.I was planning to talk with her...

Once the boy got outside,he walked to a cliff edge.I used to come here...with my mom, my dad,and my friends,he remembers.Then a huge amount of gale-force anger struck him.Why did they have to enter the tournament.WHY?!They knew they could have been killed;they went anyway!In his thoughts,the boy did not know that he had stumbled to the edge of the cliff.With a cry,he fell over the edge.Barely managing to find a handhold,the boy looks down.There was nothing beneath him for a couple of miles.

(Doooooood. Timeman can only slow time TEMPORARILY. He's trying to teach himself a few moves, that's why he's at the library researching with 'Ace' ... Or the girl ... Whatever ... XD Also, stop using mah characters. You can use them when it's REALLY NECESSARY

"So, Timeman ... You're - You're still a prototype robot, right?" She asked nervously and he nodded.

Wow, no wonder his siblings have been mentioning to him as a 'brat kid'. To me, he's not like that. I know he's pretty much resentful to his brothers and sister, but he's more that that. "Oh, I see." she replied. "How's Megaman?"

"He's going through a few robotic tests, that's all. Dr. Light is trying to ... perfect him ... even though he's an already-finished robot." For a few moments, silence broke the conversation. I guess I'm not making him feel any better. Ace said to herself.


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Don't add opinions or any such info on articles please, like what you did in the Fiery Jinx article. Also, please don't dump edits on the bottom of the page - if you want to add info, add it with the rest. Wolf Link costume pose in Super Mario Maker Mario JC

Please stop removing a Reminder from your talk page on the Super Mario Wiki. This isn't a warning, and it's possible that you made a mistake by accident or without realizing it; this is simply a reminder for your information. If the action continues, then a warning will be issued. Thanks for reading and keep contributing.
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Don't remove official Reminders (or Warnings), please. Keep in mind that the primary function of these talk pages is communication with other users for both social and serious wiki-related matters, so do not use this page just for your RP: you can confine that to a single section with ease. - Walkazo 14:58, 2 September 2010 (UTC)


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Walkazo told you to not to remove them, but you haven't listened to her.Dry Bones in Paper MarioCount Bonsula I need blood...Ml2 drybones.png15:50, 2 September 2010 (UTC)

Credit Goes To These Users

'Thank you to':

  • Nixonia