List of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest glitches

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These are the glitches found in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest.


Castle Crush Glitch


Two examples of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest's Castle Crush glitch.
Two examples of the glitch's effects.

The Castle Crush glitch has become infamous among fans as the series' most fatal glitch. For players brave enough to try it, enter Castle Crush with Diddy Kong as the lead character (Dixie is optional but cannot be the lead character). Pick up the first DK Barrel and hold it against a wall. Drop the barrel and quickly pick it up again; if done correctly, the barrel will break but Diddy will act as if he's still holding it. Upon throwing the "invisible barrel", various things could happen. Commonly the Rambi Barrel will appear and cause Diddy to transform into various things, including a solid black sprite of Kleever or a multi-colored Klubba, to name a few. The effects are short lived though as any attempts to move will result in the game crashing.

The aftermath of the glitch varies. Though some have been lucky to escape with no ill effects, others have reported save data being erased, or the game becoming corrupted to the point of being near unplayable. Therefore, it is wise to avoid this glitch at all cost.

Note: This glitch only works in the Super Nintendo version. It was fixed for the Game Boy Advance and Virtual Console versions.

Honey Glitch

In hive levels, such as Hornet Hole and Rambi Rumble, the Kongs are unable to walk through the sticky honey without getting stuck. However, if the player uses the Team Up move to pick up a monkey, they can walk straight through the honey, without having to jump their way through.

This glitch was also removed in the Game Boy Advance versions.

Broken Ending Pad

To perform this glitch, the Kongs must get to the end of Lava Lagoon. Then, they should jump on the Klobber nearby and pick up the barrel it's in, placing it about an inch away from the Ending Pad. Quickly, before the enemy emerges from its barrel and attacks, the heroes need to get in position to do a Team Up move right next to the Ending Pad, but in front of the foe. As soon as the Klobber jumps out of the barrel, they must throw a monkey strait up in the air, above the Ending Pad. While the one monkey moves through the air, the Klobber runs by, hitting the monkey on the ground. That Kong is bounced on top of the Ending Pad, which should make the level end. However, if done correctly, the other Kong should still be in the air, messing up the game. As a result, the music stops playing, and the heroes are still be in the level. Also, the Ending Pad no longer works, as the group goes right though it.

Screech Glitch

In Screech's Sprint, the player should make the Kongs turn into Squawks and then head behind Screech. If the bird is to pass his opponent, a race will begin, causing him to speed around sharp brambles. However, if the player does not want to do this, they can preform a glitch to keep Screech out of the race. To do so, they must control Squawks and make him hit into the brambles right behind Screech. Squawks will them blink for a short amount of time. While blinking, he should quickly pass the bird and continue through the level. If done correctly, the parrot will be able to go through the rest of the level, not needing to worry about racing Screech, as the foe will simply wait at the starting line.