Template:SSB Infobox
Gamefreak75's Userbox Tower
This user is freinds with GalacticPetey.
This user is a 1337 gamer.
This user listens to video game music and thinks that it's better than most mindless songs in society today.
This user doesn't care what console a game is for as long as it's fun.
This user KNOWS that penguins will one day destroy the world!!!!!
I am also found on the:
All under the same name.
Anyone who wants to be friends, don't be shy. Also talk to me!
- 10/9 Tournament 1-Best Time: 2:07:21
- 10/9 Tournament 2-Best Time: 00:47:51
- 11/9 Tournament 1-Best Time 2:02:05
- 11/9 Tournament 2-Best Time 3:10:11 <--(Ouch!)
If anyone is willing to give me their Brawl or Kart Wii code, then PLEASE give it me! My Mario Kart Wii code is:1462-5739-4926
Brawl code is 0689-2590-2389.
Current Task
Improve enemy pages for M&L:BiS.
Improve M&L:BiS in general.
Wario: Master of Disguise articles. I just want to cry looking at them. T~T DONE!
Wario Land: Shake It! articles. I need to clear up the red links. SUCCESS!!!
- Improve Super Mario Sunshine articles. They're alright but need a little more info and images.
- Improve NSMBW articles.
Games I Own
And probably more that I can't think of...