User talk:Electrobomber
This is my second talk page, you should still adhere to these rules:
Failure to comply will result in immediate removal of your comment and an army of Koopatrols sent after you.
Post Away! SMRPG FanartLike it...I'm still working on the Bob-omb Boo thing. I'm almost done. Sorry it's taking so long. ArchivePatrollers cant :( -- HELP!I'M STUCK FIGHTING ELDER SHROOBIOD AT THE STAR TEMPLE PLEASE HELP ME:).Your Friend Mario7727 (talk) PokemonCheck out my Pokemon platinum party! Just scroll down or use the contents box (I am stuck on Victory Road) yes, yes i have P.S. were is the griseous orb? (I think I spelled it wrong) Hi!That's cool. Grrr... I had a Kibopher breakdown last night trying to battle Midbus... stupid pig-thing....
ahhhh, makes sense... sort of...
I have to sort of share the downstairs TV with my dad because he has to run on the treadmill down there and he likes to watch TV while he does that. I'm never home whne he's doing that, so it's okay, though.
We're okay now, 2257 took care of everything.
Your not the only oneYour not the only one without Bowsers Inside Story. I don't have it either. *Sob* ME IS DONE!!!!!! I'M UPLOADING NOW!!!!!!! :) Hooway Here it is!!!!! Around the mouth is messed up. Sorry. Hooway!!! Glad you liked it. :) Makes me feel all happy. Is it O.K if I use one of your userboxes in your shop. (The Boo-Bomb) ???? Um... Uh Oh????? I think it's yours. Wait, No it's anyones. Forgot about that. Oh I finished a picture called Unmasked ShyGuy. If you want, I can upload it. Okay, I have a feeling your going to laugh your head off. I knew you would laugh your head off. LOL Ok That's really funny, Annoyingly happy. If you watch youtube a lot then yeah, the smiley's almost all over the place. I NEED MORE HELP!(SORRY FOR BUGGING)Sorry But I Need More Help! Ever Since I Wrote To You About Elder Shrooboid(Which By The Way Thanks For Helping Me:)I Am Now On...Wait For It........PRINCESS SHROOB!UM...OH YEAH HELP ME ON PRINCESS SHROOB!PLEASE OK:).Your Friend Mario7727 (talk) Um...Can You PLEASE TALK TO ME PLEASE!Your Friend Mario7727 (talk) Patroller...Sorry, I can't. The patroller promotion is not a decision for one user like me - I realised it, other users must agree for such promotion and take care about the activity of the person here and his or her contributions to the wiki. I can suggest to wait a bit more to earn your promotion when you less expect...
Thank You!Mariofan459 Hey, thank you for helping me for adjustments! Thank you for that. I had to leave but thanks for showing me a preview of it. Ok, can you please show me? Erm... Light Blue or Dark Green >____> How do I make a sig, please? >____> Thanks! I'll get to it. I'M SIGGED! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Mariofan459 Cool userpageI like your userpage I read it and decided to comment on it User:Yoshiaga/sig 11:11, 20 September 2009 (EDT) There is one question I have. How do I create userboxes? User:Yoshiaga/sig 11:20, 20 September 2009 (EDT) no, thats wrong [waht yoshigaga said ] i'm 8! Hello! ReHe is actully a funny guy in person , but when he comes to the wiki HE IS EVIL! Re: WowThanks! User:Dsguy16 Yeah...Yeah, let's just forget it... that was so wrong... and I actually WELCOMED the guy who did it! Yeesh, I'm never gonna be able to live that down...
I'll try it. Only a few more days until I change it, so I'll think about it.
I HAVE FURY! YouTube is being retarded, AGAIN, so I have to listen to all my music on my page.
You defeated a Frontier Brain? Wow. (boo you suck :P) I work on filling up my Pokedex. I'm not a big battler. It sucks I can't take my SUPER AWESOME LEGENDARIES into a Frontier Battle. Hello againDo you mind if we become friends. I was already told of the hacking. WAT A PERV (Not you. The vandal) User:Yoshiaga/sig 19:11, 22 September 2009 (EDT) Hello there again. And How do you like my new sig? User:Yoshiaga/sig 19:11, 22 September 2009 (EDT)
???Your Online???PLEASE LET'S TALK OK:)Your Friend Mario7727 (talk) Hey there. Sorry i haven't replied. I retired from the Super Mario wiki, but i came back on to see what's been happening, and i noticed you asked for some sprites. I would gladly make you some sprites. What would you like me to make? ARE YOU ONLINE?Sorry, It's just because I havn't heard from you in a while, RE back!
StatusI read your status. There is TONS of articles that have spelling errors. Care to assist me? User:Yoshiaga/sig 14:32, 27 September 2009 (EDT)
Yo MamaYoshi! Yo Mama so ugly, she logged onto the wiki and got blocked for spamming and Trash! Ooooowww!! Reminder
Re:Hey, Electrobomber:
UserboxesOK here are some of my favorites: |- ||- ||- ||- |Tell me if you want more! Fawfulfury65 (talk) ?Long time no talk. What's up? Hmmm I'll tell you when I got something good.
Sorry I made a typo it's supposed to be :O because you get out a whip from nowhere. I'm thinking. |- |Hey Elec.bomb.This is Baby Mario Bloops, how are you? I never really got to know you. Do you mind if you answer some questions? Such as where do you live, what activities you do, and if you would like to be friends? You can answer me back so I can give you the questions. See you later! Baby Mario Bloops
Cool...I didn't see your shop, but it's okay. Is it on your talkpage? I dunno.... It's been awhileHey! Ist's been awhile since our last chat. Hey me also in fifth grade! Me play trumpet! Anyway Do you like Godzilla? Hey again If you are a Godzilla fanatic (like me) don't watch Godzilla vs. Destroyah. It will make you cry!
I saw your post on da boss's page I say Sysops don't get the right to edit other peoples talk pages! heyAww... I heard you userbox shop got deleted. Why would someone delete you stuff without asking you? That's just rude! Fawfulfury65 (talk) RUDE!!! No don't retire just because your userbox shop got deleted! Fawfulfury65 (talk) Your userboxes were deleted because they contained material discriminatory against bisexuals and transgenders. You insulted a whole group of people with that, and insults are not tolerated here, simpe reason. Failing to see that and calling other people jerks doesn't help either. If your going to retire because you insulted someone and you do not want to see the error of that, then... goodbye. - Ok, go, we have other 11,816 users, BTW, we will surely delete your userpage -- C'mon guys you just drove away one my friends who likes Fawful!!! o: Why didn't you just ask him about getting rid of the ONE userbox and forget about it? I'm not trying to fight, but why? Fawfulfury65 (talk) LISTEN YOU SYSOPS! LEAVE PEOPLES PAGES ALONE! IT IS NOT FAIR THAT YOU CAN DO THAT TO PEOPLE!
Bottom line I SAY SYSOPS DON'T GET THE RIGHT TO EDIT OTHER PEOPLE PAGES! PleaseElectrobomber, seriously. You don't have to throw a temper tantrum because the 'sops are doing their job. You did insult lots of people with that userbox, and that's not right. Pull it together, and quit being a baby. Come backPlease come back! PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Don't let your friends down! OMG im crying right now.... COME BACK! Come on!Dude, I doubt you'll ever read this if you really did ditch the wiki, but EVERYBODY wants you to come back! Come back or leave friends with fury forever! I mean, all this JUST from a userbox shop! JEEZ!!!! Fawfulfury65 (talk) File:Fawful.jpg Don't be a fink rat!
WHY??????WHY ARE YOU LEAVING BECAUSE OF A STUPID USERBOX SHOP???? FUNKY GOT HERS DELETED AND SHE DIDN"T BE THIS DRAMATIC!! FINE GO! I DON"T CARE! :(Come back dude! We miss you. It's just a userbox shop! Ok you want to leave for one little userbox shop takin away i dont care. Goodbye Hey!!!!!!!!!What happened? You just left because of your userbox tower? Well, I know that can be very painful for you to have that taken away from you. It's okay, you shouldn't quit because of it. You can probably still make them, just one at a time, and put them in your userbox tower! Many Users want you to come back, even if you think the sysops are unfair and should not delete your stuff. Please just come back, it would really break the tension. Baby Mario Bloops |