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Satella-Q (サテラQ Satera Q) is a series of quiz game events for the Satellaview, an add-on for the Super Famicom. The game features Toad as the primary character, guiding players through the quizzes and minigames.

During the Satellaview's early years, St.GIGA broadcasted quiz events called Waiwai de Q (わいわいでQ), which would phase into being called "Satella-Q" after the third event. These aired in periodic intervals, unlike their traditional Soundlink broadcasts wherein the episodes were played week-by-week until the conclusion.

The game used the Satellaview's Soundlink technology to give the presentation of a quiz game show, with announcers presenting the questions for players to answer and music ranging from various sources ranging from classical to J-Pop to British Rock given use, sometimes playing key roles in the quizzes themselves.

Each episode was split into "rounds" that consisted of various types of quizzes, both in "multiple-choice" and "type-out the answer" forms, which ranged from Japanese cultural trivia to guessing the contents of obscured photorealistic pictures.

Sometimes non-quiz mini-games would also be played, including one where players must move Toad through an area resembling a pool table, collecting the balls that the on-screen HUD requests. Another one features a game of cards that uses Poker cards with Yoshi on their backs.

Episode Listings

Satella-Q is the longest-running of all the Satellaview broadcasts and has the most episodes. The original "Waiwai de Q" was the third Soundlink broadcast St. GIGA aired, while the last "Satella-Q" event was the very last. This is a listing of each Satella-Q episode along with it's premire broadcast date.[1]

Date/Date Range Japanese Romanji Translation
1995/10/07 わいわいでQ 第1回 Waiwai de Q Dai-1-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q Episode 1
1995/10/14 わいわいでQ 第2回 Waiwai de Q Dai-2-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q Episode 2
1995/10/21 わいわいでQ 第3回 Waiwai de Q Dai-3-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q Episode 3
1995/10/28 わいわいでQ 第4回 Waiwai de Q Dai-4-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q, Episode 4
1995/11/01~1995/11/03 わいわいでQ 秋の大感謝祭! 第1回 Waiwai de Q Aki no Daikansha Matsuri! Dai-1-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q Great Autumn Thanksgiving Episode 1
1995/11/08~1995/11/10 わいわいでQ 秋の大感謝祭! 第2回 Waiwai de Q Aki no Daikansha Matsuri! Dai-2-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q Great Autumn Thanksgiving Episode 2
1995/11/15~1995/11/17 わいわいでQ 秋の大感謝祭! 第3回 Waiwai de Q Aki no Daikansha Matsuri! Dai-3-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q Great Autumn Thanksgiving Episode 3
1995/11/22~1995/11/24 わいわいでQ 秋の大感謝祭! 第4回 Waiwai de Q Aki no Daikansha Matsuri! Dai-4-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q Great Autumn Thanksgiving Episode 4
1995/11/29~1995/12/01 わいわいでQ 秋の大感謝祭! 第5回 Waiwai de Q Aki no Daikansha Matsuri! Dai-5-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q Great Autumn Thanksgiving Episode 5
1996/03/07~1996/03/09 わいわいでQ 春の採点スペシャル 第1回 Waiwai de Q Haru no Saiten Special Dai-1-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q Special Spring Grading Episode 1
1996/03/14~1996/03/16 わいわいでQ 春の採点スペシャル 第2回 Waiwai de Q Haru no Saiten Special Dai-2-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q Special Spring Grading Episode 2
1996/03/21~1996/03/23 わいわいでQ 春の採点スペシャル 第3回 Waiwai de Q Haru no Saiten Special Dai-3-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q Special Spring Grading Episode 3
1996/03/27~1996/03/30 わいわいでQ 春の採点スペシャル 第4回 Waiwai de Q Haru no Saiten Special Dai-4-wa The Crazy-Crazy Q Special Spring Grading Episode 4
1996/07/28~1996/08/02 サテラQ 脳涼!夏祭り Satella-Q Nouryou! Natsumatsuri! Satella-Q Brain Freeze! Summer Vacation!
1996/12/01~1996/12/06 サテラQ 年末ジャンボ宝クイズ 第1週 Satella-Q Nenmatsu Jumbo Takara Quiz Dai-1-Shuu Satella-Q Year-ending Jumbo Treasure Quiz Week 1
1996/12/08~1996/12/13 サテラQ 年末ジャンボ宝クイズ 第2週 Satella-Q Nenmatsu Jumbo Takara Quiz Dai-2-Shuu Satella-Q Year-ending Jumbo Treasure Quiz Week 2
1996/12/15~1996/12/20 サテラQ 年末ジャンボ宝クイズ 第3週 Satella-Q Nenmatsu Jumbo Takara Quiz Dai-3-Shuu Satella-Q Year-ending Jumbo Treasure Quiz Week 3
1996/12/22~1996/12/27 サテラQ 年末ジャンボ宝クイズ 第4週 Satella-Q Nenmatsu Jumbo Takara Quiz Dai-4-Shuu Satella-Q Year-ending Jumbo Treasure Quiz Week 4
1997/05/04~1997/05/10 サテラQ 国民のQ日 Satella-Q Kokumin no Q-Nichi Satella-Q People of Q-Day
1997/06/15~1997/06/21 サテラQ 直Q!変化Q! Satella-Q Jiki-Q! Henge-Q! Satella-Q The Correct Q! The Changing Q!
1997/08/03~1997/08/09 サテラQ Q児たちの甲子園 Satella-Q Q Kotachi no Koushien Satella-Q Q-kids' Baseball Stadium
1997/10/26~1997/11/01 サテラQ 日本シリーズQ回裏2アウト満塁!なぜかスクイズ! Satella-Q Nihon Series Q Kai Ura 2 Out Manrui! Nazeka Squeeze! Satella-Q Japan Series, Bottom of the Q, Two Outs, Bases Loaded! Why? The Pressure!
1997/12/21~1997/12/27 サテラQ さよなら平成Q年 年末総決算! Satella-Q Sayonara Heisei Q Nen Nenmatsu Soukessan! Satella-Q Farewell Heisei Year Q, The End-Of-Year Closing of Accounts
1998/02/01~1998/02/07 サテラQ ミュージッQフェア Satella-Q Music Q Fair Satella-Q Music Q Fair
1998/03/15~1998/03/21 サテラQ もうすぐ春ですね~ ちょっとサテQしませんか~? Satella-Q Mousugu Haru De Sune~ Chitsuto Sate-Q Shisen Ka~? Satella-Q Almost Spring~ Want a little Sate-Q?~
1998/07/26~1998/08/01 サテラQ Q-1グランプリ 真夏のリベンジ Satella-Q Q-1 Grand Prix Manatsu no Revenge Satella-Q Q-1 Grand Prix, Midsummer's Revenge
1999/01/01~1999/01/09 サテラQ 1QQQ Q年中はお世話になりました。今年もよろしクイズ! Satella-Q 1QQQ Q Nen Naka wa Oshi Hanashi Ninarimashita. Imatoshi mo Yoroshi Quiz! Satella-Q 1QQQ Thank you for your help last Q-Year. This year also has good quizzes!
1999/03/28~1999/04/03 サテラQ 進Qおめでとう ピカピカのQ年生! Satella-Q Shin Q Omedetou Pikapika no Q Ninsei Satella-Q Congratulations True Q, The Q-year sparks!



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