The 'Shroom:Sign up

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Revision as of 04:31, December 12, 2006 by Samus (talk | contribs)
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The 'Shroom
Sign Up

Want to write for The 'Shroom? You've come to the right place. The first issue is planned for early January 2007 – if we can get about 8-12 members to sign up, that is.

Put ~~~ in the name field, then put what you would contribute to The 'Shroom in the "Details" box. It could be an article like a video game review or speculation on an upcoming game that would appear every month, but a couple of articles can be unrelated to the wikis per month as well – if you have ideas that have nothing to do with videogames, be sure to put them down. If you have no idea, but want to write, put "N/A" and we'll sort it out soon – just know that you might be used for any position necessary.

NOTE: Feel free to extend the rows past 12 if there's a good response.
NOTE: The 'Shroom will not be doing a "Member of the Month" for the time being.

# Member Details *
1 Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y Monthly Update – report of statistics on all wikis, new members, and any major changes to any [revealing] wikis for the month *
2 WarioLoaf (talk) Mario Exposed (and it's not just Mario) - Speculations, note worthy Rumors, made up junk, ect.
3 Phoenix Rider Review Corner – In-depth Reviews of some of the hottest games, new and old.
4 Little Mouser.PNGPaper Jorge (Talk·Contribs) Upcoming News – Cool information on upcoming Mario games.
5 HK-47 Editorial *
6 3D From the Mushroom Vaults – Tips, secrets, cheats, and codes for Mario games, new and old
7 User:PeteyPiranhaLover Mushroom Kingdom Battles – Kind of like Paper Jorge's battles. Except I will pick different character combinations and will be in my own words.
8 Mariofan132 In Other News... News reports for life on Plit. Recent tennis tournaments, recent Kart tournaments, Mario's location on his latest adventure, etc.
9 User:Aipom Did you know that... – Little known information on topics such as games, characters, or other appearences involving a plethera (a lot) of different character, scenes, and games.
10 User:Luigifan Must find a job to stay on staff ?
11 The MissingLinkBowser 2.PNG TML Rulez Fake adds like Shy Guy Sporting goods with pictures so it looks like a real ad
12 user:Samus Writing! Writing! and more Writing!!

The last row is used to signify special places in the staff.

  • *director of staff – articles should be submitted to this user; (s)he will edit the required pages to put up the next issue. In charge of making sure that everyone has a chance to write if they want to and everyone has something that they like to write.
  • *editor-in-chief – can edit 'Shroom articles for grammar at will, without changing content.
  • ? – questionable – self-explanatory.

Thus, the format should be: |# || ~~~ || Detail Info || . For the time being, there are no other "special staff" positions; this may change later on.