Wario Land 3

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Wario Land 3 is a video game for the Game Boy Color released in 2000, and the third installment (fourth, counting Virtual Boy Wario Land) in the Wario Land series. It is about Wario entering a music box, and to get out he needs to collect the five music boxes. In the game he gets nine new abilities.


The gameplay in Wario Land 3 is very similar to that of its predecessor, Wario Land 2. Wario is immortal: if Wario touches an enemy, Wario will simply be stunned or transform in one of his many transformations. This Wario Land has a day and night system; after Wario clears a level, day will turn in night or night will turn in day. This has effect on levels. Wario also learns more moves in his adventure. Wario must return multiple times to some levels in order to beat the game, and if the player wants to get all the treasures.


One day, Wario is flying with his plane over the woods when he crashes. He spends the rest of his afternoon wandering amongst the trees and underbrush until he stumbles upon a mysterious cave. Inside the cave, he discovers a magical music box. He wants to take a closer look, and that causes him to be suddenly sucked into the music box. In the music box, a mysterious figure informs Wario that he is a God who once protected the world inside the music box, until an evil being sealed away his magical powers in five music boxes. In exchange for freeing it, the being promises to send Wario back to his own world and let him keep any treasure he finds. With his mind on the money and the fact he can return to his own world, Wario departs on his quest, in search of the music boxes and the many treasures of this mysterious land. Template:Spoiler After collecting all the music boxes Wario returns to the temple. Once there, the music boxes play a melody together. The song frees the being, who turns out to be the evil Rudy the Clown. The inhabitants of the music box locked his power up in 5 music boxes; but before he got imprisoned, he turned all of the music box's inhabitants into monsters. Rudy had great plans about again ruling the Music Box World and then the one outside as well. After Wario defeats Rudy, he is met by the inhabitants of the music box, now restored to their former selves. An old man explains that they thought Wario would help Rudy to return to is old form, and tried to stop Wario from causing that catastrophe; they never thought he would defeat Rudy. They thank Wario and transport him back to his world, along with the treasure that he has collected, as promised. Template:Endspoiler

Wario's Transformations

Ball o' String Wario – Wario will roll back and forth across a course, bouncing off walls, until he eventually unravels back into Wario. This can be used to break blocks.
Bouncy Wario
Bouncy Wario – Wario can jump to new heights. After a amount of time, Wario will return to normal. This form will end immediately if he jumps into water or on spikes.
Artwork of the Bubble Wario transformation from Wario Land 4
Bubble Wario – Wario is trapped inside a bubble, allowing him to endlessly float upward, until he hits something. While inside the bubble, Wario has the ability to resist currents in the water.
Crazy Wario – Wario becomes a hard-to-control, dizzy alter-ego. Unlike Wario Land II, Crazy Wario cannot exhale a poisonous gas to kill enemies, and does not change color. Water will revert Wario to a normal state.
Electric Wario – After Wario is hit by a zap of electricity, he is propelled backwards and cannot move for about a second. Any enemies touching him will be immediately defeated.
Fat Wario – With Wario's extra weight, he can easly break through certain blocks which normal Wario can't. As a side-effect, Wario is slow and cant jump as high as normal, but if any enemy runs into him (or if he runs into them) they will instantly be defeated. After a while, Wario will lose weight and return to normal.
Flaming Wario – Wario starts running around with his pants on fire and will slowly burn more intently until he is reduced to cinders. Wario can break through certain bricks in this form. If Wario makes contact with water or until the time limit is over, he will return to normal.
Flat Wario
Flat Wario – When Wario is flattened, he can glide smoothly in the air to reach places previously unattainable, and slip through tiny cracks in walls. Water and some enemies can turn Wario to normal.
Frozen Wario – Wario is frozen solid and sent skimming backwards, until he hits a wall. Although a usual inconvieneince, he can slide along spikes and other nasty obstacles, as well as defeat most enemies.
Invisible Wario – Wario is invisible so he can pass through protected doors. However, aside from an occasional glimpse, the player cannot see Wario, either, making this a very difficult transformation. Unlike all other Wario Forms, he can still walk through doorways. When Wario goes through pipes, he reverts to normal.
Puffy Wario – When hit by a stinger from an enemy, Wario's head is filled with air. Wario will fload upwards until he hits something. This is a feature of many boss fights throughout the game.
Snowman Wario – When Wario is covered in falling snow, he becomes a snowman. If Snowman Wario rolls down a slope, he can break certain blocks. Wario can defeat every enemy in this form.
Vampire Wario – Wario can defeat every enemy he touches. Plus, by pressing the B Button, Wario will go to Vampire Bat form, when he can fly in short spurts. To turn into his normal self, he must touch a clove of garlic, go into a patch of light, or fall into a pool of water.
Zombie Wario – Wario is impervious to all enemy damage, can defeat almost all enemies on touch, and fall through thin floors, although he is incredibly slow. Unlike Wario Land II, he is now able to jump, though he cannot jump very high. Water or light will return him to normal Wario.



There are 100 treasures in total Wario can acquire. He can acquire the fifth music box earlier though, and hence the actual quest can be completed without opening every chest.

Special Treasures

There are often treasures that cause something specific in the world inside the music box that open paths to new treasures.

Power ups

As aforementioned, there are nine powerups that can be found during gameplay:

  1. Blue overall: By pressing the B-botton and down, Wario can now perform a Smash Attack. He can destroy little enemies, fractured blocks and stun big enemies with this overall. (Stunned enemies can be killed when attacking them again)
  2. Double-finned flippers: With these, Wario will be able to swim. By tapping the B button, he swims faster.
  3. Spiked helmet: With this item, Wario can destroy both fractured and undamaged blocks when jumping from the bottom on them.
  4. Red glove: Wario will be able to lift small enemies when walking towards them. He can throw them by pressing the B button. Holding up will throw them upwards, keep the B botton pressed to peform a charged throw. In this case, they will be destroyed when touching a wall. There are special blocks that will only break by throwing something against them.
  5. Garlic: Wario can now also break unfractured blocks with his Dash Attacks, or when rolling. He will break through fractured blocks without being stopped and can also kill large enemies immediately.
  6. Red overall: Similar to Garlic, Wario's smash attack will now also break unfractured blocks, break through fractured blocks unstopped and kill largeenemies immediately. Additionally, it can cause a ground shaker, stunning small enemies.
  7. Winged boots: Pressing up while jumping will now allow Wario to jump higher. Enemies can also be used to perform high jumps when pressing up while jumping onto them.
  8. Triple-finned Flippers: With these flippers, Wario will be able to swim against strong currents while tapping the B button.
  9. Golden gloves: Wario will now be able to lift big enemies as well as normal ones.

Time Attack

Once a player has opened all 100 Chests, Time Attack mode is activated.

The following message will be displayed from now on when starting the game:

Time Attack
  • Compete for time taken to get all 4 keys and clear the course.
  • Press START on the Map Screen to see the list of best times.

Thus, one has try to collect all the four keys the fastest way possible and enter an exit doorway (The place where once one of the treasures once were located) in this mode.
The best time will be saved for each world.

In this mode, saving when playing a world isn't possible.

If you break your personal record, Wario will joyful lift his thumb. Otherwise, he will react as if he wouldn't have opened a chest and entered an exist doorway in the normal mode.


The Rolling Glitch

When crouching at the foot of a hill, Wario may get stuck in a tight spot while still sliding before having started rolling.

Known spots to do this is "E1: The Stagnant Swamp" and "E4: The Colossal Hole"

In this case, one will be able to walk as normal, but the game still treats Wario as if he would just rolling. Thus, he can break regular blocks and kill enemies just by walking through them. Though there is a slight difference, as this state will even stay if he walks on a hill, enters a doorway, moves to another screen, crouches, performs a normal attack, or a Dash Attack.

It will end if Wario gets transformed by an enemie, climbs up a ladder, enters a Pipe or if he hits a wall with a regular attack. In the last case, the animation will occur that can normally be seen when rolling Wario smashes at a wall.
