List of Donkey Kong profiles and statistics

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This is a list of profiles and statistics for Donkey Kong.

Mario Mania

  • The nemesis to Mario in Donkey Kong and DK Jr. is undoubtably the most misunderstood of all video game villains. While it's true he took Pauline to the top of trap-filled towers and beat his chest like an ape, that's only because he is an ape! If he ever appears in another adventure, we're sure his true, kinder, gentler, self will come through.[page number needed]

Perfect Ban Mario Character Daijiten

ドンキーコング (JP) / Donkey Kong (EN)
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Original text (Japanese) Translation
出身しゅっしん サーカス Place of origin Circus
性格せいかく れんぼう Disposition Rowdy
登場とうじょうゲーム ドンキー、JR.、GBドンキー Game appearances Donkey, Jr., GB Donkey

「マリオとは、ファミコンが発売された当時からのつきあいだから、もう10年を超えるかな。あのころ、オレはサーカスにいて、マリオは調教 師だつたんだ。ある日、オレはサーカスの生活が嫌になつて、美女をさらつて、逃げだしたのよ。それがらなんだ、オレとマリオの追いかけつこが始まつたのは……」[1]

Mario is my oldest friend

"Mario and I have been known each other since the NES was first released, so it's been more than 10 years now. Back then, I was in the circus and Mario was my trainer. One day, I got fed up with the circus life and ran away with a beautiful lady. That's when the chase between me and Mario began..."

Donkey Kong Country series

Donkey Kong Country

  • Instruction booklet description:
    • English:
      The king of swing, the thrilla gorilla, the prime primate; it’s Donkey Kong! But this is not your father’s Donkey Kong! Although he is a relative of the classic arcade character, Country’s Donkey Kong is a totally new character, with a new look, new moves, and a new attitude.[2]
  • Player's Guide: "He’s the big guy. The dude with the massive muscle. DK has to boogie through the jungle and other areas to try to recover his massive stockpile of bananas that the evil Kremlings have stolen!"[3]
  • Instruction booklet bio (remakes): The king of swing... the thrilla gorilla... the prima primate... It’s Donkey Kong![4][5]
  • Player's Guide (Game Boy Advance version): "Donkey Kong is Kong Island’s main man . . . or ape. Donkey Kong is teaching Diddy how to be a hero and assigns the chimp his first test—guarding Donkey Kong’s prized banana hoard. When Diddy and the bananas go missing, it’s Donkey Kong to the rescue! Donkey Kong is bigger and slower than Diddy, but he’s also stronger—he can toss barrels farther and defeat the toughest enemies.[6]
  • Prima Games guide (Game Boy Advance version): "The thrilla gorilla is back! Donkey's massive frame allows him to tear through opponents with greater ease than his shrimpy cousin Diddy; use Donkey to take on bigger foes. He also can leap higher than Diddy, meaning he can reach upper objects. However, he carries barrels above his head, making it difficult to negotiate areas with enemies if you need to keep your barrel intact. Finally, he can pound the ground with a Ground Slap to exhume hidden items."[7]

Rarewhere: DKC Trilogy Cast List


The star of the show - at least to begin with. DK is the friendly giant of the jungle, a hulking primate with not a bad bone in his body. Yes, he can be clumsy and stubborn, but the only person he's ever really held a grudge against is old adversary K. Rool, as much his arch-enemy as Mario was Cranky's (so he keeps telling them). DK loves the tranquillity of his island home and the friends and family that live there with him, but there are two things in life most important of all: bananas and adventure. Conveniently, thanks to the Kremlings' thieving instincts, the two often go hand-in-hand...[8]

Donkey Kong Country Returns

  • Website description:
    • English:
      The ground-pounding, banana-hoarding, rail-riding hero of Donkey Kong Island! With Diddy Kong by his side, nothing gets between this big barrel-buster and his bananas.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

  • Digital manual bio: "This king of the jungle loves bananas. His mighty power is second to none, and time and again he must use it to protect Donkey Kong Island."[9]
  • UK website bio: "The leader of the bunch, this headstrong Kong’s strength is his trademark. Whether blasting through enemies with a Barrel Roll or shaking things up with a Ground Pound, Donkey Kong’s definitely got the power!"[10]
  • Prima Games guide: "The alpha male in the animal kingdom is none other than Donkey Kong himself. This giant brute is stronger than most any opponent you come across and will not waver in the presence of any enemy. While he may not be an intellectual heavyweight, this primate is strong, loyal, and loves bananas more than anyone you have ever met. His controls are a bit sluggish, but his power is unparalleled. Just Ground Pound and hop on top of just about anyone’s head to create the most pleasant concussion."[11]

Donkey Kong Jungle Action Special

"The King of Swing, the Prime Primate: it’s Donkey Kong! But this is not the Donkey Kong who kidnaps helpless females and carries them to the tops of tall buildings! It would take more than an Italian plumber to bring this ape down. As it turns out Donkey is the grandson of the original Donkey Kong and is, quite frankly, a great disappointment to his old grandpappy. Still, he doesn’t really care what the old guy says about him (most of the time he doesn’t even listen). Donkey knows that as long as he’s got a cave full of bananas and no Kremlings in the neighbourhood he’s got nothing to worry about. However, in a sticky situation, The Big Guy is the best ally you could wish for; stong, tough, and fearless. His biggest problem is that he tends to rush into situations without thinking things through. This ends up getting him into all kinds of trouble!"[12]

Donkey Kong 64

He's the leader of the bunch, you know him well
He's finally back to kick some tail
His Coconut Gun can fire in spurts
If he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt
He's bigger, faster, and stronger too
He's the first member of the DK crew!

  • Instruction booklet bio from Professor Cranky Kong: "About time that lazy good-for-nothing went adventuring again. He’s the leader of this mangy bunch and tells me he has learned a whole new bunch of “mean, reptile-stomping” moves. I doubt that they will be any better than his old ones, but we shall see, shan’t we?"[13]
  • Rarewhere: "Back at the head of the DK Crew in his first starring role since the original DKC, the longest-running ape in videogame history (with the exception of one other grouchy member of the family) is tougher than ever, packing heat and ready to face down those Kremlings in the latest battle for his homeland. No retreat! No surrender! No bananas? That's the last straw..."[14]
  • Player's Guide: "He’s the only ape who still cares enough to wear a tie. DK may not be the most powerful Kong—or the quickest—but he applies a strong blue-collar work ethic to the business of Kremling crushing. That may be why he’s the leader of the Kong clan."[15]
  • BradyGAMES guide: "While not the fastest or strongest of the Kongs, DK is a nice blend of the two. The Gorilla Grab move, which is used to pull levers, activates some fun hidden extras in the game."[16]
  • VERSUS BOOKS guide: "As one of Nintendo’s very first recognizable characters, Donkey Kong’s been around. While he might have been a bit evil in his first appearance (Donkey Kong), kidnapping a young Mario’s girlfriend and all, he’s apparently seen the error in his ways since then... After making a cameo in a few more arcade games, Donkey Kong shot back into the spotlight as the star of his very own platform title, Donkey Kong Country for the SNES and has since appeared in two more DKCs and Super Smash Brothers for the Nintendo 64. In DK64 Donkey could be considered the most well-rounded of the bunch: Strong, a bit slow, but stable and easy to control... Plus, he’s got a nice tie."[17]
  • Prima Games guide: "Donkey Kong, leader of the pack, has foiled K. Rool's plans on several occasions, making him number one on that dastardly lizard's hit list. In this latest adventure, you'll start out playing as Donkey Kong, but you won't be alone for long.
    Donkey Kong is a heavy-hitter, but his abilities are well-rounded. He's a bruiser who can take the Kremlings to the cleaners.

German website

Donkey Kong
Official screencap of Donkey Kong's bio, from the German Donkey Kong 64 website.
English German
Occupations Professional ape Beruf Profi-Affe
Hobbies Drumming the bongos, Bodybuilding Hobbys Bongos trommeln, Bodybuilding
Favorite dish Coconut Souffle Lieblingsgericht Kokos-Souffle
Favorite movie The Konginator 2 Lieblingsfilm Der Konginator 2
Greatest hero Jean-Claude van Kong Grötes Vorbild Jean-Claude van Kong
Sometimes the apple falls far from the tree. Donkey's father, Cranky, was extraordinarily successful in his younger years as a video game wrongdoer. Since the end of his career he has been trying to make Donkey his successor. But he had no desire to kidnap innocent girls as an notorious fiend just to have them rescued by another hero. Donkey preferred to be the hero himself, and has long since made a name for himself in this respect. Proudly he wears the highest medal of the DK islands that is awarded for exceptional service in the name of the Kong clan: the red necktie. Thanks to his muscular strength, Donkey is the most important defender when the Kremlings once again have nothing better to do than to steal the entire banana supply of the Kongs. Manchmal fällt der Apfel weit vom Stamm. Donkeys Vater Cranky genoẞ nämlich in jungen Jahren einen überragenden Erfolg als Videospiel-Übeltäter.

Seit dem Ende seiner Karriere versucht er, Donkey zu seinem Nachfolger zu machen. Doch dieser hatte keine Lust als berüchtigter Bösewicht unschuldige Mädchen zu verschleppen, die von einem anderen Helden wieder gerettet werden. Donkey wollte lieber selbst der Held sein, und hat sich dementsprechend auch schon längst einen Namen gemacht.

Mit Stolz trägt er die höchste Auszeichnung der DK-Inseln, die für außerordentliche Dienste im Sinne der Kong-Clans verliehen wird: Die rote Krawatte. Donkey ist dank seiner Muskelkraft der wichtigste Rückhalt wenn die Kremlings wieder einmal nichts besseres zu tun haben, als den gesamten Bananenvorrat der Kongs zu stehlen.

Mario Kart series

Mario Kart: Super Circuit

  • Speed: **
  • Weight: ****
  • Bio: "Adventurer, rapper and master driver. Is there anything Donkey Kong can't do? DK is heavy enough to avoid being pushed around, but he still has decent speed."

Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

Donkey Kong's emblem
  • Website description:
    • English:
      How fast is Donkey Kong? Just look at the size of his feet! When he stomps on the gas with his big, hairy ape-foot, it's go-go-go time!

  • Instruction booklet description:
    • English:
      Straight from the jungle, DK uses his simian strength to scare rivals.[page number needed]

Mario Kart DS

  • Site stats
    • Acceleration: *
    • Top Speed: ***
    • Off-Road: *

  • Instruction booklet description:
    • English:
      DK overwhelms opponents with his jungle instincts. He drifts through corners like a madman ... or a mad-ape!
  • Bios
    • Flag of the United States of America since July 4, 1960. For North American (and sometimes South American) release dates.: "DK overwhelms opponents with his jungle instincts. He drifts through corners like a madman ... or a mad-ape!"
    • Flag of the European Union (previously the European Economic Community). For European release dates. "When he's not making jungle music with his bongos, Donkey Kong likes nothing better than a day at the races. His speed and drift ability are his best features but DK's weight is what lets him down. But have you ever tried asking an ape to diet?"

Mario Kart Arcade GP 2

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong in a kart from Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 Donkey Kong in a kart from Mario Kart Arcade GP 2

Mario Kart Wii

Donkey Kong's complete vehicle roster
  • Size: Large
  • Actual Bonuses
    • Weight: +3
    • Acceleration: +2
    • Handling: +2
    • Mini-Turbo: +3
  • Website Stats:
    • Flag of the United States of America since July 4, 1960. For North American (and sometimes South American) release dates. Speed: 1/5
    • Acceleration: 4/5
    • Handling: 1.5/5
    • Flag of the European Union (previously the European Economic Community). For European release dates. Acceleration: 1/3
    • Top Speed: 3/3
    • Off-Road: 1/3
Mario Kart Wii trading card for Donkey Kong.

  • Website description:
    • English (American):
      Kick the tires and light the fires! Pair DK with high-octane action.
    • English (British):
      The king of the slipstream, Donkey Kong knows how to navigate his way around a track littered with bananas.
  • Guide bio: "After too much partying, loving golf, tennis, and minigames, DK sought solace in the colder climes of his own summit, giving the cold shoulder to everybody!"[page number needed]
  • Trading card bio: "Donkey Kong, sporting a red tie and an appetite for speed, is a really heavy Heavyweight. But rest assured—size doesn't slow him down. This ape wouldn't miss a chance to throw down on the tracks, especially on the oh-so-treacherous DK Summit!"

Mario Kart 7

  • Class: Cruiser
  • Stat Boosts
    • Speed: 3.75
    • Acceleration: 2.5
    • Weight: 3.75
    • Handling: 2.5
    • Off-Road: 3.75

  • Website description:
    • English (American):
      This big and burly primate is slow to accelerate in a kart race, but his top speed approaches hyper levels.
    • English (British):
      Donkey Kong is a driver with a wild side, and he's ready to smash his rivals off the track.
  • Guide bio: "Donkey Kong may not be able to match Bowser's weight and speed, but makes up for it with improved acceleration. If you're not ready to try a true heavyweight, consider giving Donkey Kong a spin."[page number needed]

Mario Kart Arcade GP DX

Artwork of Donkey Kong, for Mario Kart Arcade GP DX

  • Weight Class: Heavy
  • Stats
    • Speed: Gold star.pngGold star.pngGold star.pngGold star.png
    • Acceleration: Gold star.pngGold star.png
    • Handling: Gold star.pngGold star.png

Mario Kart 8

Donkey Kong emblem from Mario Kart 8Donkey Kong's horn emblem from Mario Kart 8
Donkey Kong's emblems from Mario Kart 8
  • Bio: "The first member of the DK crew returns to the track after dealing with a pesky invasion of his home island by some cold-hearted northerners. Among the “light” Heavy racers, Donkey Kong isn’t the absolute fastest, but he’s not as slow to get up to speed, and is a little better in the corners."
Driver statistics
Name Class Vehicle size Speed Weight Acceleration Handling Traction Mini-Turbo
Ground Water Air Anti-Gravity Ground Water Air Anti-Gravity

Donkey Kong Heavy Large 4.25 2.25 3.25 1.75 4.25 4.75 4.25 4.5 2.75 2.75 2.5 3
Staff Ghost times
Character Course Staff name Country Time Engine class Vehicle combination
Body Tires Glider
Donkey Kong Thwomp Ruins Nin★Sophia Germany 2:11.157 - Varmint Monster Super Glider
Donkey Kong 3DS DK Jungle Nin★Rie Japan 2:26.900 - Varmint Monster Super Glider

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Driver statistics
Name Class Vehicle size Speed Weight Acceleration Handling Traction Mini-Turbo
Ground Water Air Anti-Gravity Ground Water Air Anti-Gravity

Donkey Kong Heavy Large 8 1 0 1 9 9 9 9 2 2 2 2
Staff Ghost times
Character Course Staff name Country Time Engine class Vehicle combination
Body Tires Glider
Donkey Kong Thwomp Ruins Nin★Sophia Germany 2:12.125 150cc Standard ATV Monster Super Glider
Donkey Kong 3DS DK Jungle Nin★Rie Japan 2:20.006 150cc Varmint Monster Waddle Wing
Donkey Kong GBA Cheese Land Nin★Chris United Kingdom 1:41.248 200cc Streetle Roller Flower Glider

Mario Kart Tour

Donkey Kong

Special skill Giant Banana from Mario Kart Tour. Giant Banana
Favorite courses
(Three items per Item Box)
GCN Dino Dino Jungle from Mario Kart Tour
GCN Dino Dino Jungle
DS Waluigi Pinball R from Mario Kart Tour
DS Waluigi Pinball R
DS DK Pass from Mario Kart Tour
DS DK Pass
3DS Rock Rock Mountain from Mario Kart Tour
3DS Rock Rock Mountain
New York Minute 3R from Mario Kart Tour
New York Minute 3R
New York Minute 4R from Mario Kart Tour
New York Minute 4R
Rome Avanti from Mario Kart Tour
Rome Avanti
Piranha Plant Cove 3R from Mario Kart Tour
Piranha Plant Cove 3R
Favored courses
(Two items per Item Box)
GCN Dino Dino Jungle R from Mario Kart Tour
GCN Dino Dino Jungle R
GCN Dino Dino Jungle T from Mario Kart Tour
GCN Dino Dino Jungle T
DS DK Pass T from Mario Kart Tour
DS DK Pass T
3DS Rock Rock Mountain R from Mario Kart Tour
3DS Rock Rock Mountain R
N64 Koopa Troopa Beach R from Mario Kart Tour
N64 Koopa Troopa Beach R
New York Minute from Mario Kart Tour
New York Minute
New York Minute T from Mario Kart Tour
New York Minute T
Tokyo Blur R from Mario Kart Tour
Tokyo Blur R
GBA Bowser's Castle 2R/T from Mario Kart Tour
GBA Bowser's Castle 2R/T
SNES Vanilla Lake 1R/T from Mario Kart Tour
SNES Vanilla Lake 1R/T*
RMX Rainbow Road 1T from Mario Kart Tour
RMX Rainbow Road 1T**
New York Minute 3 from Mario Kart Tour
New York Minute 3
New York Minute 3R/T from Mario Kart Tour
New York Minute 3R/T
Merry Mountain R from Mario Kart Tour
Merry Mountain R
RMX Choco Island 2T from Mario Kart Tour
RMX Choco Island 2T
Los Angeles Laps 2 from Mario Kart Tour
Los Angeles Laps 2
N64 Yoshi Valley R from Mario Kart Tour
N64 Yoshi Valley R
Wii Coconut Mall T from Mario Kart Tour
Wii Coconut Mall T
Berlin Byways R from Mario Kart Tour
Berlin Byways R
GBA Battle Course 1 from Mario Kart Tour
GBA Battle Course 1
GBA Boo Lake from Mario Kart Tour
GBA Boo Lake
GCN DK Mountain R/T from Mario Kart Tour
GCN DK Mountain R/T
GCN DK Mountain R from Mario Kart Tour
GCN DK Mountain R
Piranha Plant Cove 3T from Mario Kart Tour
Piranha Plant Cove 3T
Squeaky Clean Sprint T from Mario Kart Tour
Squeaky Clean Sprint T

* indicates a favored course upgraded to a favorite course after reaching level 3. ** indicates a favored course upgraded to a favorite course after reaching level 6.
*** indicates a favored course upgraded to a favorite course after reaching level 8.

Donkey Kong (Gladiator)

Special skill Boomerang Flower from Mario Kart Tour. Boomerang Flower
Favorite courses
(Three items per Item Box)
New York Minute B from Mario Kart Tour
New York Minute B
GCN Waluigi Stadium R from Mario Kart Tour
GCN Waluigi Stadium R
Rome Avanti from Mario Kart Tour
Rome Avanti
Rome Avanti from Mario Kart Tour
Rome Avanti 2R
Wii Moonview Highway R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Wii Moonview Highway R/T
Rome Avanti 3 from Mario Kart Tour
Rome Avanti 3
Rome Avanti 3R from Mario Kart Tour
Rome Avanti 3R
Rome Avanti 3T from Mario Kart Tour
Rome Avanti 3T
Athens Dash 3R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Athens Dash 3R/T
N64 Choco Mountain from Mario Kart Tour
N64 Choco Mountain
N64 Choco Mountain R/T from Mario Kart Tour
N64 Choco Mountain R/T
MKT Icon Wario Shipyard T.png
3DS Wario Shipyard T
DS Airship Fortress T from Mario Kart Tour
DS Airship Fortress T
DS Airship Fortress R/T from Mario Kart Tour
DS Airship Fortress R/T
GCN Dino Dino Jungle R/T from Mario Kart Tour
GCN Dino Dino Jungle R/T
N64 Kalimari Desert 2R/T from Mario Kart Tour
N64 Kalimari Desert 2R/T
Wii Dry Dry Ruins from Mario Kart Tour
Wii Dry Dry Ruins
Wii Dry Dry Ruins T from Mario Kart Tour
Wii Dry Dry Ruins T
Piranha Plant Pipeline R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Piranha Plant Pipeline R/T
3DS Daisy Hills R/T from Mario Kart Tour
3DS Daisy Hills R/T
SNES Koopa Troopa Beach 2 from Mario Kart Tour
SNES Koopa Troopa Beach 2
Sydney Sprint from Mario Kart Tour
Sydney Sprint
GBA Lakeside Park from Mario Kart Tour
GBA Lakeside Park
Paris Promenade T from Mario Kart Tour
Paris Promenade T
Paris Promenade 2T from Mario Kart Tour
Paris Promenade 2T
Athens Dash from Mario Kart Tour
Athens Dash
Athens Dash 2R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Athens Dash 2R/T
GBA Bowser's Castle 4 from Mario Kart Tour
GBA Bowser's Castle 4
MKT Icon Rock Rock Mountain.png
3DS Rock Rock Mountain
GCN DK Mountain R/T from Mario Kart Tour
GCN DK Mountain R/T
MKT Icon DK Mountain T.png
GCN DK Mountain T
GBA Bowser's Castle 3R from Mario Kart Tour
GBA Bowser's Castle 3R
Merry Mountain R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Merry Mountain R/T
Berlin Byways 2R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Berlin Byways 2R/T
Los Angeles Laps 3R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Los Angeles Laps 3R/T
Madrid Drive from Mario Kart Tour
Madrid Drive
Madrid Drive 2R from Mario Kart Tour
Madrid Drive 2R
3DS Shy Guy Bazaar R/T from Mario Kart Tour
3DS Shy Guy Bazaar R/T
DS Waluigi Pinball R/T from Mario Kart Tour
DS Waluigi Pinball R/T
3DS Rainbow Road T from Mario Kart Tour
3DS Rainbow Road T
RMX Rainbow Road 2R from Mario Kart Tour
RMX Rainbow Road 2R
Bangkok Rush 3RT from Mario Kart Tour
Bangkok Rush 3R/T
DS DK Pass from Mario Kart Tour
DS DK Pass
DS DK Pass R from Mario Kart Tour
DS DK Pass R
Wii DK Summit R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Wii DK Summit R/T
SNES Vanilla Lake 2R/T from Mario Kart Tour
SNES Vanilla Lake 2R/T
Wii Koopa Cape R from Mario Kart Tour
Wii Koopa Cape R
RMX Choco Island 2 from Mario Kart Tour
RMX Choco Island 2
Berlin Byways 3R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Berlin Byways 3R/T
SNES Mario Circuit 2T from Mario Kart Tour
SNES Mario Circuit 2T
SNES Mario Circuit 3R/T from Mario Kart Tour
SNES Mario Circuit 3R/T
DS Mario Circuit T from Mario Kart Tour
DS Mario Circuit T
N64 Yoshi Valley R/T from Mario Kart Tour
N64 Yoshi Valley R/T
Yoshi's Island T from Mario Kart Tour
Yoshi's Island T
London Loop 2R from Mario Kart Tour
London Loop 2R
Wii Mushroom Gorge R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Wii Mushroom Gorge R/T
Favored courses
(Two items per Item Box)
New York Minute R from Mario Kart Tour
New York Minute R*
Singapore Speedway R from Mario Kart Tour
Singapore Speedway R**
GCN Waluigi Stadium T from Mario Kart Tour
GCN Waluigi Stadium T**
Rome Avanti 2T from Mario Kart Tour
Rome Avanti 2T***
Rome Avanti R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Rome Avanti R/T**
Wii Moonview Highway T from Mario Kart Tour
Wii Moonview Highway T
Rome Avanti 2R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Rome Avanti 2R/T
SNES Koopa Troopa Beach 2R/T from Mario Kart Tour
SNES Koopa Troopa Beach 2R/T
Rome Avanti 3R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Rome Avanti 3R/T
N64 Choco Mountain R from Mario Kart Tour
N64 Choco Mountain R
MKT Icon Wario Shipyard RT.png
3DS Wario Shipyard R/T
DS Luigi's Mansion R/T from Mario Kart Tour
DS Luigi's Mansion R/T
MKT Icon Boo Lake R.png
GBA Boo Lake R
GCN Dino Dino Jungle from Mario Kart Tour
GCN Dino Dino Jungle
N64 Kalimari Desert 2R from Mario Kart Tour
N64 Kalimari Desert 2R
Piranha Plant Cove R from Mario Kart Tour
Piranha Plant Cove R
Piranha Plant Pipeline T from Mario Kart Tour
Piranha Plant Pipeline T
3DS Daisy Hills R from Mario Kart Tour
3DS Daisy Hills R
Sydney Sprint R from Mario Kart Tour
Sydney Sprint R
Sydney Sprint 2 from Mario Kart Tour
Sydney Sprint 2
Wii Daisy Circuit R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Wii Daisy Circuit R/T
GBA Lakeside Park R from Mario Kart Tour
GBA Lakeside Park R
New York Minute 4 from Mario Kart Tour
New York Minute 4
Paris Promenade 2 from Mario Kart Tour
Paris Promenade 2
Athens Dash R/T from Mario Kart Tour
Athens Dash R/T
Athens Dash 2 from Mario Kart Tour
Athens Dash 2
GBA Bowser's Castle 4 from Mario Kart Tour
GBA Bowser's Castle 4R
MKT Icon Rock Rock Mountain R.png
3DS Rock Rock Mountain R
GCN DK Mountain from Mario Kart Tour
GCN DK Mountain
3DS Bowser's Castle from Mario Kart Tour
3DS Bowser's Castle
GBA Bowser's Castle 3 from Mario Kart Tour
GBA Bowser's Castle 3
Merry Mountain from Mario Kart Tour
Merry Mountain
Berlin Byways 2R from Mario Kart Tour
Berlin Byways 2R
Los Angeles Laps 3T from Mario Kart Tour
Los Angeles Laps 3T
Madrid Drive R from Mario Kart Tour
Madrid Drive R
RMX Rainbow Road 2R/T from Mario Kart Tour
RMX Rainbow Road 2R/T
Wii DK Summit R from Mario Kart Tour
Wii DK Summit R
SNES Vanilla Lake 2T from Mario Kart Tour
SNES Vanilla Lake 2T
GBA Luigi Circuit T from Mario Kart Tour
GBA Luigi Circuit T
RMX Vanilla Lake 2R from Mario Kart Tour
RMX Vanilla Lake 2R
RMX Vanilla Lake 2 from Mario Kart Tour
RMX Vanilla Lake 2
RMX Choco Island 2R from Mario Kart Tour
RMX Choco Island 2R
Berlin Byways 3R from Mario Kart Tour
Berlin Byways 3R
SNES Mario Circuit 1T from Mario Kart Tour
SNES Mario Circuit 1T
SNES Mario Circuit 2R/T from Mario Kart Tour
SNES Mario Circuit 2R/T
DS Mario Circuit R/T from Mario Kart Tour
DS Mario Circuit R/T
Yoshi's Island R from Mario Kart Tour
Yoshi's Island R
London Loop R from Mario Kart Tour
London Loop R

* indicates a favored course upgraded to a favorite course after reaching level 3. ** indicates a favored course upgraded to a favorite course after reaching level 6.
*** indicates a favored course upgraded to a favorite course after reaching level 8.

  • Spotlight Shop description:
    • English:
      Donkey Kong (Gladiator), the gladiator of the jungle, is here! Catch nearby opponents with his Boomerang Flower special skill![19]
    • Japanese:
      ジャングルのグラディエーター ドンキーコング(戦士)が登場!
    • Chinese (simplified):
    • Chinese (traditional):
    • French:
      Voici Donkey Kong (gladiateur), le combattant de la jungle !
      Devancez vos adversaires grâce à sa spécialité fleur boomerang ![23]
    • German:
      Donkey Kong (Gladiator), der Dschungelgladiator, ist da!
      Erwische deine Rivalen mit seiner Spezialausstattung Bumerangblume![24]
    • Italian:
      È arrivato Donkey Kong (gladiatore), il più forte della giungla!
      Colpisci i tuoi avversari con la sua abilità speciale fiore boomerang![25]
    • Korean:
      정글의 검투사인 동키콩(전사)이 등장!
      스페셜 스킬인 부메랑플라워로 주변에 있는 라이벌을 휘말리게 하자![26]
    • Portuguese:
      Chegou o Donkey Kong (gladiador), o gladiador da selva!
      Alcance os adversários por perto com a característica especial dele, a flor bumerangue![27]
    • Spanish (Latin America):
      ¡Llega Donkey Kong (gladiador), el gladiador de la jungla!
      ¡Adelanta a todos tus rivales con su característica especial, la flor bumerán![28]
    • Spanish (Europe):
      ¡Llega Donkey Kong (Gladiador), el gladiador de la jungla!
      ¡Adelanta a todos tus rivales con su característica especial, la flor boomerang![29]

Mario Tennis series

Mario Power Tennis

Bio: DK's every swing is a thing of heroic proportions as he relies on his simian strength to blow the ball by his opponents.

Mario Tennis Open

  • Type: Power
  • Bio: Among all the Power-type players, Donkey Kong can move most quickly. With his dynamic shots, he can overwhelm his opponent.
  • Bio 2: This guy has more strength in his muscle-bound arms than a 12-gauge steam train. He's also the fastest of the Power players and has a huge range of shots.

Mario Tennis Aces

  • Type: Powerful
  • Trick Shots: Kong Roll (forward/backward), Ground Pound (side)
  • Special Shot: Barrel Cannon Chaos

Mario Golf series

Donkey Kong's Stats in Mario Golf: Advance Tour
His stats from Mario Golf: Advance Tour.

Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour

  • Distance: 215 yards
  • Star Distance: 285 yards (+70)
  • Trajectory: Slice
  • Height: Low
  • Impact: 11
  • Star Impact: 5
  • Control: 6
  • Spin: 12
  • Bio quote: "Smacking the ball a mile is great. Now let me show you what I mean!"

Mario Golf: World Tour

  • Trajectory: Draw
  • Height: 4
  • Drive: 217 yards
  • Sweet-Spot: 5.6
  • Control: 5.05
  • Star Drive: 283 yards (+66)
  • Star Sweet-Spot: 2.9
  • Star Control: 4.1
  • Challenge Mode Character Match course
    for star rank to be given:
    DK Jungle

Mario Golf: Super Rush

  • Type: Power
  • Power: 225 yd
    • 255 yd (Star)
    • 285 yd (Super Star)
  • Stamina: 12/15
  • Speed: 6/10
  • Control: 6/10
    • 5/10 (Star)
    • 4/10 (Super Star)
  • Spin: 2/10
    • 3/10 (Star)
    • 4/10 (Super Star)
  • Special Shot: Burly Strike
  • Special Dash: DK Dash

DK: King of Swing

  • Jump: 3
  • Attack: 3
  • Instruction booklet description:
    • English:
      The superstar of the Kong family needs no introduction. Donkey Kong clambers his way up level after level to win back the medals stolen by King K. Rool. In the Jungle Jam, his all-around athletic talents are sure to put him among the frontrunners.[page number needed]

Donkey Kong Barrel Blast

Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong's character selection icon from Donkey Kong Barrel Blast.
Rival Kritter Boost 3/5
Speed 3/5 Agility 3/5
Ultra Barrel DK
Donkey Kong's character selection icon from Donkey Kong Barrel Blast.
Rival None Boost 5/5
Speed 5/5 Agility 5/5
How to unlock: Complete all 32 of Candy's Challenges.

Mario Baseball series

Mario Superstar Baseball

Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong's mugshot from Mario Superstar Baseball
Team DK Kongs Type Power
Special Ball Banana Ball Special move(s) Clamber, Laser Beam
Batting arm Left Throwing arm Right
Batting 8/10 Pitching 7/10
Fielding 4/10 Running 4/10
Good chemistry Diddy Kong Dixie Kong Petey Piranha Bad chemistry N/A
Bio: A gorilla known for raw power, DK lives a carefree jungle life... unless someone messes with his bananas, in which case he just loses it. His ancestor, the original Donkey Kong, wore no necktie. His talents lead in beating on primate foes and kart-racing. Fear his Banana Ball!
  • Star Missions
    1. Crack a long hit!
    2. Get 3 strikeouts!
    3. Hit a home run!
    4. Win MVP!
    5. Drive in runs vs Mario!
    6. Get a King Banana!
    7. Drive in a run with the Banana Ball swing!
    8. Belt 2 homers in one game!
    9. Get a runner out with the Laser Beam throw!
    10. Belt a homer with Diddy and Dixie Kong as runners!

Mario Super Sluggers

Donkey Kong
A side view of Donkey Kong, from Mario Super Sluggers.
Team DK Wilds Ability Clamber
Bat Left Glove Right
Batting 9/10 Pitching 6/10
Star Pitch Barrel Ball Star Swing Barrel Swing
Fielding 3/10 Running 2/10
Good chemistry Diddy Kong Dixie Kong Funky Kong Tiny Kong Mii (brown) Bad chemistry King K. Rool Kritter
Bio: A strong hitter who can also climb walls.
  • Collectible card bio: As king of the jungle and captain of the DK Wilds, Donkey Kong packs some serious punch at the plate. Pairing him up with his pals Diddy Kong and Funky Kong in the outfield makes for some hairy defense.
Level 1 Donkey Kong card from the Mario Super Sluggers card game
Donkey Kong's official profile card from Mario Super Sluggers (front)
Level 1 Donkey Kong card from the Mario Super Sluggers card game
Donkey Kong's official profile card from Mario Super Sluggers (back)
Level 2 Barrel Swing card from the Mario Super Sluggers card game
Official profile card for Donkey Kong's Barrel Swing from Mario Super Sluggers (front)
Level 2 Barrel Swing card from the Mario Super Sluggers card game
Official profile card for Donkey Kong's Barrel Swing from Mario Super Sluggers (back)
Level 2 Barrel Ball card from the Mario Super Sluggers card game
Official profile card for Donkey Kong's Barrel Ball from Mario Super Sluggers (front)
Level 2 Barrel Ball card from the Mario Super Sluggers card game
Official profile card for Donkey Kong's Barrel Ball from Mario Super Sluggers (back)
Level 3 DK Wilds card from the Mario Super Sluggers card game
Official profile card for the DK Wilds from Mario Super Sluggers (front)
Level 3 DK Wilds card from the Mario Super Sluggers card game
Official profile card for the DK Wilds from Mario Super Sluggers (back)

Mario Hoops 3-on-3

  • Baller Name: Dunky Monkey
  • Type: Powerful
  • Special Shot: Konga Dunk
  • Letter to Tap: M

  • Instruction booklet description:
    • English:
      With his spectacular dunks and powerful steals, Donkey Kong is a mighty player. Do not get in his way![page number needed]

Mario Strikers series

Super Mario Strikers

  • Jersey number: 55
  • Type: Aggressive
  • Super Strike: Power Fist Strike
  • Bio: Weak on defense but powerful with shots and devastating with tackles, Donkey Kong's talents can slip up even the best players. He beats his chest in defiance even when he's under attack, so don't be surprised!

Mario Strikers Charged

Mario Sports Mix

  • Type: Powerful
  • Home court: DK Dock
  • Power: 5/5
  • Speed: 1/5
  • Technique: 3/5

Mario Sports Superstars

Donkey Kong's emblem from soccer from Mario Sports SuperstarsDonkey Kong's emblem from baseball from Mario Sports Superstars
Donkey Kong's team emblems from Mario Sports Superstars


Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong's stats in the soccer portion of Mario Sports Superstars
Type Power




Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong's stats in the baseball portion of Mario Sports Superstars
Type Power




Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong in tennis from Mario Sports Superstars
Type Power




Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong's stats in the golf portion of Mario Sports Superstars
Drive 224 yards
Trajectory Draw
Height Slight Low


Sweet Spot

Horse Racing

Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong's stats in the horse racing portion of Mario Sports Superstars
Type Power



Mario Party series

Mario Party 2

  • Bio (Party Mode): Loves Happenings! Thinks he can whip Bowser in a fight.
  • Bio (Minigame Mode): Power is his pride. Clears every game in top form!

Mario Party 3

  • Instruction booklet description:
    • English:
      In tests of strength, DK is the top banana. He loves to use the Reverse Mushroom to send his opponents in the wrong direction.
  • Bio (Party Mode): Strongest of all, he likes the Reverse Mushroom!
  • Bio (Minigame Mode): This master of might heroically conquers all games!
  • Bio (Duel Mode): The most powerful of all, he charges into battle with Whomp!
  • Star Stamp: Strength
  • Challenger Quote: "I can out-power anyone!"
  • Duel Mode partner: Whomp

Mario Party 4

  • Bio (Party Mode): Donkey Kong!!! He's the strongest! He loves Mega Mushrooms.
The constellation that appears when Donkey Kong receives all presents.
  • Donkey Kong's Room:
    • Donkey Kong's Barrel: This is Donkey Kong's barrel. It seems to be empty right now. Poor DK...
      • How to unlock: Defeat Toad in Story Mode with Donkey Kong
    • Donkey Kong's Tree: This is Donkey Kong's tree. He takes good care of it.
      • How to unlock: Defeat Goomba in Story Mode with Donkey Kong
    • Donkey Kong's Stand: This is Donkey Kong's stand. It can hold up to five bananas.
      • How to unlock: Defeat Shy Guy in Story Mode with Donkey Kong
    • Donkey Kong's Box: This is Donkey Kong's box. It contains Donkey Kong's treasures.
      • How to unlock: Defeat Boo in Story Mode with Donkey Kong
    • Donkey Kong's Doll: This is a Donkey Kong doll. He's our hero from the jungle.
      • How to unlock: Defeat Koopa in Story Mode with Donkey Kong
    • Bowser Object: This is Bowser's object. It's quite, um, eye-catching...but what is it?
      • How to unlock: Defeat Bowser in Story Mode with Donkey Kong

Mario Party 5

  • Super Duel Mode:
    • Finals Name: The Beast Donkey Kong
    • Machine Name: Banana Bot
    • Machine Bio: "It's a one-shot, one-kill monster!"
    • Machine Engine: DK Engine
    • Machine Weapon: DK Gun
    • Machine Body Type: DK Body
    • Machine Tires: DK Tires

Mario Party DS

Figurine Image Description How to unlock

Donkey Kong A figure with Donkey Kong on it. DK may be the king of the jungle, but most know him as a compassionate ape as well. All he needs is a banana to put him in a good mood! Win 34,000 MP Points.
Donkey Kong Friend A badge of Donkey Kong. 33,000 MPP earns you the rank of Donkey Kong Friend, and this is your badge! Makes you wild. Win 33,000 MP Points.

Mario Party 9

Donkey Kong's constellation in the game Mario Party 9.
  • Jungle Major: A constellation named after the legendary lord of the jungle. He often wears neckties as a sign of his professional dedication to bananas.

Mario Party 10

  • Website description:
    • English:
      He’s finally back to kick some tail! After a break on the sidelines, the swinging king of the jungle is rolling out the barrel as a playable character once again.

Mario Party: Star Rush

Image Name Bio
Donkey Kong as viewed in the Character Museum from Mario Party: Star Rush Donkey Kong
This gentle beast is rather burly.
"Uses his brute strength to smash any and all barrels in his way. Just get him near a barrel and watch him smash it!"

Super Mario Party

  • Website description:
    • English:
      Who has a fancy tie and two opposable thumbs? Donkey Kong, of course!

Mario Party Superstars

Image Name Encyclopedia Bio
Donkey Kong's Encyclopedia image from Mario Party Superstars. Donkey Kong "King of the jungle. Incredibly strong but bugs out for bananas."

Fortune Street

  • Bio: A soft-hearted, yet hard as nails hero of the jungle. Is he only here for the banana-selling fruit stalls?

Super Smash Bros. series

Super Smash Bros.

  • Instruction booklet description:
    • English:
      Mario's former enemy, this mighty ape is bestowed with tremendous power and overwhelming attacks.[page number needed]

  • In-game description
    • English:
      Donkey Kong and Mario started out as arch-rivals, but they've patched things up in recent years. These days Donkey Kong spends his time searching the jungle for bananas instead of kidnapping beautiful maidens. In the past few years, other members of the Kong family have cashed in on DK's fame as well, including his favorite nephew, Diddy.
  • BradyGAMES guide: Like Mario, Donkey Kong jumped into video game stardom in the 1981 classic, Donkey Kong. He saw two arcade sequels the next couple of years. He was seen here and there on the NES and Super NES in hit roles, but his career got a jumpstart in the Rare-designed Super NES game, Donkey Kong Country. This isn't the first time Donkey Kong has shown up in an N64 game... remember Mario Kart 64?[30]

Super Smash Bros. Melee

  • Instruction booklet description:
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong
Arcade 1981
How to unlock: Completing Classic Mode or playing 100 VS matches as Donkey Kong
While he now prefers the laid-back jungle lifestyle to construction site mischief, DK is often forced back into action by the Kremling Krew. The great ape is quite fast despite his burly physique, and he keeps his strength up with a steady diet of his favorite food: bananas. His one extravagance (and only piece of clothing) is a monogrammed necktie.
Donkey Kong [Smash]
Donkey Kong
B Button: Giant Punch
Smash B Button: Headbutt
How to unlock: Completing Adventure Mode or playing 200 VS matches as Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong is a huge target in a fight, so he hates crowds. When he's in the fray, his Giant Punch deals serious damage to multiple opponents. The big ape's Headbutt hits so hard that it temporarily buries opponents in the ground. DK is a lot faster than he looks, and he's lethal in the hands of a master.
Donkey Kong [Smash]
Donkey Kong
Up & B Button: Spinning Kong
Down & B Button: Hand Slap
How to unlock: Completing All-Star Mode or playing 300 VS matches as Donkey Kong
Being the strongest simian around, DK has the upper hand once he grabs an opponent. He can even lift his foe up and make him or her an unwilling traveling companion; if DK grabs you, shake your Control Stick as fast as you can to break his grip. His Spinning Kong covers more lateral distance than vertical, so use it quickly to recover.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

  • Website description:
    • English:
      It’s Donkey Kong, ruler of the jungle. The original giant powerhouse makes a triumphant return! Looks like his giant punch is still the haymaker you remember. Don’t doubt his strength or you’ll end up with the ultimate headache!

  • Instruction booklet description:
    • English:
      The large king of the jungle. He moves with surprising agility.[page number needed]
  • Snake's codec:
    • Snake: Otacon, there's a gorilla wearing a tie here. He's huge.
    • Otacon: That's Donkey Kong. As you can tell, he's got strength to spare. He may be king of the jungle, but he lives in a house just like you or me. And he seems pretty smart--well, for an ape, anyway. The Donkey Kong who fought that epic battle with Mario was this guy's grandfather.
    • Snake: That was a long time ago. What about this Donkey Kong? Does he get along with Mario?
    • Otacon: Nope, they're still at it. Seems like they're always competing in something--kart racing, sports, you name it.
    • Snake: A chip off the old block....
Donkey Kong
Appears in:
SNES Donkey Kong Country
N64 Donkey Kong 64
How to unlock: Clear Classic Mode as Donkey Kong.
A carefree jungle dweller with the charisma of a natural leader. He keeps busy by foiling the plans of the Kremlings and their boss, King K. Rool. As his physique suggests, this ape is a powerhouse. He's got speed to match too, and his love for bananas is second to none. His famous necktie is adorned with his initials, DK.
Konga Beat
Appears in:
Wii Super Smash Bros. Brawl
How to unlock: Clear All-Star Mode as Donkey Kong.
DK about to go to town with some bongos! His performance is so magnificent and upbeat that it creates damage-inducing sound waves. Press the buttons in time to the music, and the sound waves may grow stronger. DK's invulnerable when launching this attack, but he's also immobile, so be careful using it on scrolling stages.
A sticker of DK
Artwork from: Mario Superstar Baseball
Effects in The Subspace Emissary: [Head] - Attack +27
Usable by: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong
DK with Barrel
A sticker of DK with a Barrel
Artwork from: Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis
Effects in The Subspace Emissary: [Specials: Direct] - Attack +15
Usable by: Anyone
Donkey Kong
A sticker of Donkey Kong
Artwork from: Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
Effects in The Subspace Emissary: [Arm] - Attack +22
Usable by: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong
Donkey Kong
A sticker of Donkey Kong
Artwork from: Donkey Kong Country
Effects in The Subspace Emissary: [Electric] - Resistance +10
Usable by: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong
Donkey Kong
A sticker of Donkey Kong
Artwork from: Mario Kart DS
Effects in The Subspace Emissary: [Flame] - Resistance +41
Usable by: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong
Pauline & Donkey Kong
Pauline & DK Sticker.png
Artwork from: Donkey Kong
Effects in The Subspace Emissary: [Arm] - Attack +18
Usable by: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Super Smash Bros. for Wii U


Donkey Kong
SSB4 Trophy Donkey Kong.png
Wii U:
Donkey Kong trophy from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Game(s): Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Category: Fighter
(Applies only to the Wii U version) Appears in:
SNES Donkey Kong Country (11/1994)
Wii Donkey Kong Country Returns (11/2010)
(Applies only to the Wii U version) Trophy Box: 17: Donkey Kong and His Friends
How to unlock:
Clear Classic Mode as Donkey Kong.
This king of the jungle really, really loves bananas. His adventures usually start with people stealing his hoard of them. In Smash Bros., he's known for his incredible strength and long reach. Despite his size, he's still pretty quick. He can even jump carrying heavy items! Use this knowledge well. (American English)
With help from Diddy Kong and his Animal Friends, this banana-loving king of the jungle will take on anyone causing trouble on his turf. The best things about him in this game are his colossal strength, his speed, his long reach and the fact that he can jump while holding heavy items. Make sure you use all that to your advantage! (British English)
Donkey Kong (Alt.)
Donkey Kong All-Star Trophy.png Donkey Kong trophy from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Game(s): Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Category: Fighter
(Applies only to the Wii U version) Appears in:
SNES Donkey Kong Country (11/1994)
Wii Donkey Kong Country Returns (11/2010)
(Applies only to the Wii U version) Trophy Box: 18: Animal Friends and Items
How to unlock:
(Nintendo 3DS) Clear All-Star Mode as Donkey Kong
(Wii U) Clear Classic Mode as Donkey Kong, then purchase at the Trophy Shop for 1000G.
(Nintendo 3DS) Donkey Kong pulls no punches when it comes to fighting. Or headbutts, as it turns out. His Headbutt special move will bury anyone on the ground who gets hit, leaving them open to some serious damage. If Donkey Kong strikes an airborne foe with this move, they'll go crashing downward.
(Wii U) Donkey Kong pulls no punches when it comes to fighting. Or headbutts, as it turns out. His Headbutt special move will bury those on the ground who get hit, leaving them open to some serious damage. If Donkey Kong strikes airborne foes with this move, they'll go crashing downward.
(American English)
''Donkey Kong's always been one to use his head. Anyone who's been on the receiving end of his Headbutt special will tell you that. If they're on the ground when it hits them, they'll get buried, leaving them open to a serious walloping. If they're in the air, though, they might find themselves being knocked down. Either way, it's going to hurt. (British English)
Konga Beat
Konga Beat trophy from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Game(s): Super Smash Bros. for Wii U only
Category: Final Smash
(Applies only to the Wii U version) Appears in:
(Applies only to the Wii U version) Trophy Box: 90: Final Smashes 1
How to unlock:
Clear All-Star Mode as Donkey Kong.
In this Final Smash, DK drums on a set of bongos, just like in the Donkey Konga games. Press the attack button in rhythm with the circles to boost the attack's range and power. Enemy attacks won't affect you, but you can't move, either. Auto-scrolling stages will slow down but won't stop—don't get too carried away in the beat! (American English)
In this Final Smash, DK drums on a set of bongos, just like in the Donkey Konga games. Press the attack button in rhythm with the circles to boost the attack's range and power. Enemy attacks won't affect you, but you can't move either. Auto-scrolling stages will slow down, but be careful or you might still self-destruct! (British English)
Donkey Kong + Barrel Train
Game(s): Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS only
Category: Series Related
How to unlock:
This mean machine may look like it was meant for the tracks, but really it was made to soar. That fine wood finish isn't so great in the water, though. I bet more than a few players have fond memories of the Barrel Train and its first driver, Diddy Kong. (American English)
This kart might look like it needs to be on rails, but it's actually great in mid-air. Like any barrel, though, it has a tendency to float. In a race that comes down to speed in water, it'll get left behind. The name "Barrel Train" might ring a bell for Mario Kart veterans – it was Diddy Kong's kart! (British English)

Palutena's Guidance

  • Pit: Looks like it's me versus DK.
  • Palutena: His arms are like tree trunks, so his attacks are incredibly powerful. Given his size, he also moves quite quickly. Combine that speed and power with his long reach, and you've got an opponent who's good at almost everything!
  • Pit: Yeah...except for dressing himself. That necktie really doesn't leave much to the imagination.
  • Palutena: True, but it is his signature look. It's probably best not to mention it.
  • Viridi: Yeah, you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of one of his Giant Punches or smash attacks! When he attacks you, don't use your shield. Just get out of the way, and then counterattack.
  • Palutena: And watch where you come in for a landing!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

#137 Donkey Kong & Lady
Donkey Kong & Lady spirit from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Series/game Donkey Kong Series
Type Primary
Slots 3
Class Legend
Strength / effect(s) Grab
Throw Power ↑
How to obtain Spirit Board
Spirit battle Opponent(s) Giant Donkey Kong

Rule: Item Tidal Wave

  • You lose if your CPU ally is KO'd (Peach)
  • The enemy has super armor and is hard to launch or make flinch
  • Timed Stamina battle
Stage 75 m
Song Donkey Kong / Donkey Kong Jr. Medley
#169 Donkey Kong & Bongos
Donkey Kong & Bongos Spirit sprite from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Series/game Donkey Konga Series
Type Support
Slots 1
Class Advanced
Strength / effect(s) Perfect-Shield Reflect
How to obtain Timmy and Tommy's
  • Super Smash Blog bio: "His charged punch is one of the strongest attacks in the game! In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, his Final Smash has been updated from Konga Beat to a flurry of punches!"

Mario & Sonic series

Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games

  • Bio: "With both strength and agility, Donkey Kong, a truly powerful competitor, cannot wait to try his unique skills in the London Olympic Games."

Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games

  • Bio: "This swinging king of the jungle has tremendous strength and agility on his side, and he can't wait to show off his skills."

Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games

Flag Description (Wii U version)

Donkey Kong
"Although this mild-mannered king of the jungle isn’t the brightest banana in the bunch, he boasts exceptional strength with which he hopes to dominate the Olympic Games. Since DK and his friends normally live in the jungle, these Olympic Games are perfect for his training regimen."

Miis' Dialogues (Wii U version)

  • Donkey Kong always wears the same red tie with his initials on it. I had no idea apes had such fashion sense! Still, a set of cufflinks might be nice...
  • Donkey Kong's favorite food is bananas, hands down. Despite being tasty, bananas are quite nutritious, which might explain why he's so big and strong. Maybe if you eat a whole lot of bananas, you could grow up to be as strong as DK himself!
  • Donkey Kong has an easygoing pal named Diddy Kong. They go on lots of adventures together, backing each other up in areas where one or the other excels.

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

  • Online manual: "The powerful Kong family superstar is here fresh from the jungle! His wild movements will batter opponents into submission."

Dr. Mario World

Image Abilities Attack Speed Defense
Animated image of Dr. Donkey Kong from Dr. Mario World
  • Stage mode: "Eliminates objects at the targeted location by throwing a barrel."
  • Versus mode: "Sends rows (1/1/2/2/2) of viruses to your opponent."
An attack bomb representing a doctor's attack from Dr. Mario World
An attack bomb representing a doctor's attack from Dr. Mario World
An attack bomb representing a doctor's attack from Dr. Mario World
An attack bomb representing a doctor's attack from Dr. Mario World
An attack bomb representing a doctor's attack from Dr. Mario World
Stage Mode Versus Mode
Level Speed Description Speed
1 63 Sends rows (1) of viruses to your opponent. 81
2 59 Sends rows (1) of viruses to your opponent. Fills skill meter faster (medium) 60
3 55 Sends rows (2) of viruses to your opponent. 81
4 51 Sends rows (2) of viruses to your opponent. Fills skill meter faster (medium). 60
5 47 Sends rows (2) of viruses to your opponent. Fills skill meter faster (high). 46
  • Dr. Mario World Twitter:
    • Blue: "It seems that new doctors will be making their appearance at 3 AM on Oct. 31 PT. Ah, I see that Dr. Donkey Kong is arriving this time around! It's a wonder that he can hear a thing through such a rustic stethoscope."[31]
    • Yellow: "The Dr. Donkey Kong Pack is available for purchase for a limited time. His stage mode skill lands with a boom and then pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop! It eliminates nine objects. The pack comes with 260 diamonds too."[32]

Who is your Mushroom Kingdom BFF?

  • This friendly member of the Kong family loves swinging from tree to tree, and he goes bananas for friends and family!

Kids section of Nintendo Co., Ltd. site


Donkey Kong
The king of the jungle, and the Kong family's superstar!
He possesses a large body and extraordinary strength! He can also easily hurl massive barrels, and can smash the ground, causing huge tremors as a result!
But, he's usually easy-going, though maybe a bit absentminded.
By working together with his partner Diddy Kong, his grandpa Cranky Kong, and other similar friends, they punish anyone who disturbs the peace of the jungle.
Bananas are DK's greatest, most favourite food ever! He keeps lots of Bananas in his house all the time. If you try to take them, watch out, because he'll get awfully angry!


  • This king of the jungle is superstrong, a little scatterbrained, and absolutely nuts about bananas. His adventures usually start with people stealing his hoard of them. As his physique suggests, this Kong is a powerhouse, but he's got speed to match too! His famous red necktie is adorned with his initials, DK.

Mario Portal


The king of the jungle, and superstar of the Kong family.
He has superhuman strength, to such a degree that he can easily fling huge barrels, and create strong tremors by slapping the ground.
Bananas are his favorite food, and there are always a lot of them at his house.

The official home of Super Mario

The king of the jungle whose trademark is his red necktie, which bears his initials.

Donkey Kong can hurl giant barrels with the greatest of ease, and is so powerful the ground shakes when he pounds on the ground.

He loves bananas and always keeps a large stash of them in his treehouse.[33]


  1. ^ 1994. Perfect Ban Mario Character Daijiten. Shogakukan (Japanese). Page 28.
  2. ^ Nintendo (1994). Donkey Kong Country instruction booklet. Nintendo of America (American English). Page 12.
  3. ^ 1994. Donkey Kong Country Player's Guide. Nintendo of America (American English). Page 7.
  4. ^ Nintendo (2000). Donkey Kong Country (Game Boy Color) instruction booklet. Nintendo of America (American English). Page 13.
  5. ^ Nintendo (2003). Donkey Kong Country (Game Boy Advance) instruction booklet. Nintendo of America (American English). Page 18.
  6. ^ Folsom, Jessica; Thomason, Steve (2003). Donkey Kong Country Player's Guide. Nintendo of America (American English). ISBN 1-930206-33-X. Page 6.
  7. ^ Hodgson, David S. J. (June 17, 2003). Donkey Kong Country Prima's Official Strategy Guide. Prima Games (American English). ISBN 0-7615-4334-1. Page 12.
  8. ^ DKC Trilogy Cast List. Rarewhere (British English). Archived May 11, 2000, 23:58:50 UTC from the original via Wayback Machine. Retrieved July 3, 2024.
  9. ^ Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze digital manual (PDF).[page number needed]
  10. ^ Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze | Wii U games | Games | Nintendo. Nintendo of UK (British English). Retrieved July 3, 2024.
  11. ^ von Esmarch, Nick, and Cory van Grier (February 21, 2014). Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Prima Official Game Guide. Prima Games (American English). ISBN 978-0-804-16252-4. Page 10.
  12. ^ Summer 1995. Donkey Kong Jungle Action Special. Fleetway Publications (British English). Page 14.
  13. ^ Nintendo (1999). Donkey Kong 64 instruction booklet. Nintendo of America (American English). Page 7.
  14. ^ Donkey Kong 64 Cast List. Rarewhere (British English). Archived June 6, 2001, 03:08:58 UTC from the original via Wayback Machine. Retrieved July 3, 2024.
  15. ^ Bihldorff, Nate, Jason Leung, and Drew Williams (1999). Donkey Kong 64 Player's Guide. Nintendo of America (American English). Page 5.
  16. ^ Bogenn, Tim, and Ken Schmidt (1999). Donkey Kong 64 Official Strategy Guide. Bradygames (American English). ISBN 1-56686-909-9. Page 5.
  17. ^ Lockhart, Ryan (1999). Donkey Kong 64 Official Perfect Guide. Versus Books (American English). Page 2.
  18. ^ Barton, Jeff, Mario De Govia, and Donato Tica (December 1, 1999). Donkey Kong 64 Prima's Official Strategy Guide. Prima Games (American English). ISBN 0-7615-2279-4. Page 7.
  19. ^ ScreenshotMedia:MKT Tour99 Spotlight Shop Donkey Kong Gladiator.jpg
  20. ^ ScreenshotMedia:MKT Tour99 Spotlight Shop Donkey Kong Gladiator JA.jpg
  21. ^ ScreenshotMedia:MKT Tour99 Spotlight Shop Donkey Kong Gladiator ZH-CN.jpg
  22. ^ ScreenshotMedia:MKT Tour99 Spotlight Shop Donkey Kong Gladiator ZH-TW.jpg
  23. ^ ScreenshotMedia:MKT Tour99 Spotlight Shop Donkey Kong Gladiator FR.jpg
  24. ^ ScreenshotMedia:MKT Tour99 Spotlight Shop Donkey Kong Gladiator DE.jpg
  25. ^ ScreenshotMedia:MKT Tour99 Spotlight Shop Donkey Kong Gladiator IT.jpg
  26. ^ ScreenshotMedia:MKT Tour99 Spotlight Shop Donkey Kong Gladiator KO.jpg
  27. ^ ScreenshotMedia:MKT Tour99 Spotlight Shop Donkey Kong Gladiator PT.jpg
  28. ^ ScreenshotMedia:MKT Tour99 Spotlight Shop Donkey Kong Gladiator ES-MX.jpg
  29. ^ ScreenshotMedia:MKT Tour99 Spotlight Shop Donkey Kong Gladiator ES-ES.jpg
  30. ^ 1999. Super Smash Bros. Official Strategy Guide. BradyGames. ISBN 1-56686-900-5. Page 20.
  31. ^ Drmarioworld_EN (October 30, 2019). Post. Twitter (English). Retrieved March 29, 2020.
  32. ^ Drmarioworld_EN (May 8, 2020). Post. Twitter (English). Retrieved May 12, 2020.
  33. ^ The official home of Super Mario - Characters. (American English). Retrieved November 24, 2021.