User talk:Dom
Two Archives:Look, I've made another archive of old messages! Do NOT read them! It's under Dom's TOP SECRET archives...
Re:InterviewWell sure Dom, I already have done the interview for July's 'Shroom, but I can interview you for the August issue! And once, I've known every last thing you just said... except the berry codeWhat the title says. What's da berry code? That's actually the code I was talking about earlier (the one that you can obtain Pokemon at Level 100... and then that mistake with Tyranitar came). If you don't know, press select before heading out in the grass, and there's the Pokemon at Level 100. And now, if you may, head over to my usertalk on Userpedia (a link is on my page), and head to the bottom. Paper Jorge gave me the whole story of what happened on Chat. Wait, is Blitzwing talkin to me?R u talkin to me? (Yeah, I guess so...) Well...I have no idea how to do any of that stuff. I'm still a complete NOOB when it comes to computers (WTC is that thing everyone calls the "Control Panel" or the "Start Menu", or "My Computer"? As a matter of fact, what's this thing called a "Power Button"? lol...) Where was I? oh yes, well, I could use some help on this, so if anybody is kind enough, please give me some tips. And I would like to become a writer on the Shroom if someone helped me. BTW Dom, the random funny stuff section is definitely the funniest. In favor of Mr. L ruling the world, Negative Squad Image talkDom, I need to tell you of putting a license tag to the images you are uploading - is simple, select the licensing when you are in the upload file page, located at the bottom of the page.
ok, I put the license to your images (but remember...), so, are you gonna replace the blurred ones with these?
NEEDZ MOAR CODES!Its cool; I've been recently playing and hacking Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team. Sweet; thanks! Err, I think I've heard that from somewhere... I've never had a Smearagle in Pearl... I think... :shifty: Well, can you technically say the same to Pikachu? He can learn surf back in Pokemon Stadium/Pokemon Yellow. You have to transfer Pikachu from YELLOW (ONLY Yellow) to Pokemon Stadium; and then if I'm correct, battle... the Gym Leaders (I think) with Pikachu being in the three you pick, in ALL the battles. If correct, after beating the whole thing, it'll ask if you want to teach Pikachu: Surf. Yet, I think its because of a Kanto episode I've seen. Congrats! I wish I could do that. Hey, you have the king of Regis?
Nope, just randomness mixed in with RanDoMn3ss. Yet, I'm full of randomness. I actually did the Master Ball code to obtain the Regis (I lost my Emerald, and my Ruby won't save; and I don't have Saph.) So I did that, went to Snowpoint Temple, and I caught me a Level 70 king. I actually have more than five codes set on for a game, ya know? They're more worthy, yet, I've never played PM (come on PMDS, be real!)... yet some of the articles didn't even have images in them... so both reasons: more worthy. See ya.
Macs are, indeed, FTW. :DYeah, I love Macs. On a PC, you have to do like 40 different things just to move a file. :/ :P And Safari is way better than IE. Firefox pwns them both, but that's a different story. :P And everything is so much easier... I wish more people had them. D: . RE:'SupYay! People are inspired by how I just start random conversations! Ehh, that's gotta sux. I think I would know how that would feel if it was your first time going against the Elite Four and you only had Level 40-to-50 Pokemon. That's happened to me. I'm good. I found some codes for PMD:BRT, that in one battle, all your Pokemon in your party (except the ones that already at their highest level, 100, or when your escorting Pokemon; those Pokemon being escorted won't level) will be at Level 100! I also beat Entei, Raikou, and Suicune last night, and now I'm gonna target at Ho-Oh today. Lol. I keep going to Women's Basketball Final Four, so I went to Boston two years ago, Cleveland one year ago, and Tampa/Orlando this year. Next year is St. Louis... that's the reason i was on a brief hiatus back in April; but that's before I met you. Yeah, its only 8:22 AM here right now. Its probably gonna be 8:24 by the time you read 'tis.
Don't worry; it didn't sell out the first day for me, so it shouldn't sell out. Meh. You don't need to. I could find it... via code :shifty: Alright, then. See ya! Dry BonesHello. While that's true, it's not what I meant. I should have said: "The first time they appeared in the Mario timeline was in M&L:PiT." The events in Yoob's Belly took place in the past. Also, what do you mean by Soler Beam? (For information on my username, see here, or, if you are of a nervous disposition, don't, as it may cause shock... hehe.) —Soler (talk · edits · edit count) 09:02, 25 June 2008 (EDT).
changed the pageHah, Dom! Now I just post a chapter every time i finish it, so you REALLY have to keep your eyes peeled. The funniest things on your userpage? well...the cow vocab and the gamer glossary were the best. But don't neglect the little stuff. Re: Cool, ThanksI've posted this on your talk page and mine. Paragraph 1: I have the M&L series too, and to be honest, I find them both about equally good. Partners in Time is a bit short, but Superstar Saga's Advance Commands are too difficult for me... Paragraph 2: Sorry, I don't play the Pokémon series. Is it good? I play Mario games mainly, but I also have a few old PC games, like Caesar III, Hoyle Card Games 5 and the extraordinarily obscure Rolling Marbles. And... um... isn't Dimentio a sadistic psychopath? Paragraph 3: Oh, thanks. Yours is quite good, too. I'd agree with you on those other usernames, also. —Soler (talk · edits · edit count) 02:58, 27 June 2008 (EDT). how do you make a table of contents?Seriously, i have looked on nearly every page and cannot find out how to make a table of contents. SOMEONE HELP ME!!! *pants rapidly* AUUUUGGGGHHHH!!! *pants again* thanks for the helpOh, and as the game IS pretty huge, because not only are there longer chapters, there's .... chapters...I won't ruin it for you, as it's important to the plot near the "end"... By the way, by the time you read this, Chapter 3 might already be up... Negative Squad See, I'm learning fast! And how's it coming along?Hi, Dom. How's Brawl coming along for ya? Brawl just has everything, you know? I wish it had Plusle & Minun in it. They were supposed to be in. Green Flags? I'm not sure. Hmm... probably 7/8 percent is Jigglypuff, Toon Link, and Wolf. I got the guide after I beat the Emmisary, so I'm knowing. You want to know how to get those three in the Emmisary? They were actually supposed to replace Pichu, but that would have lead with five characters, so I guess they replaced P&M with Pokemon Trainer or Lucario. I got both Toon Link and Wolf from the Emmisary, while I got Jigglypuff from an Event. Alright, now to obtain Wolf, do the following: Now, remember the platform that goes downwards with the Primids and the spikes? Head down that platform. Stay on that platform, wait for the bottom. When you make it to the bottom, enter the door. Wolf will be there with a cutscene. For Jigglypuff, go to the Swamp. Find the place where you fought the big Diddy Kong. I'm going to bring the words from the guide (which is stil during the Emmisary, but it should work):Now there's the first part, here's the second: Otherwise, you can get Jigglypuff from an Event. My favorite is probably the scene where Duon is formed by the Shadowbugs. Man, that boss is tough! Your welcome; just helping out. You can? SWEET! I just keep going on easy to get prizes in Challenges. Because of you using Outrage, I'm going to adress you as Dragonite. :D And soon, we'll be capable of Super Sluggers edits.
Re: Yes, That's What Makes Dimentio AWESOME!
—Soler (talk · edits · edit count) 08:48, 30 June 2008 (EDT).
BRAWLHey, don't qorry, you can talk to me about Pokemon. I may not be a real Pokemon fan but I have Pokemon Stadium (I used to have Pokemon Stadium 2) and I just got Pokemon Diamond. I also used to watch the Pokemon Anime before it became stupid. You can talk to me about Pokemon as I understand a few things. And yes, I always thought Lucario was legendary. However I then learned he wasn't. I was like "What? 0_0" OWWWWOOOOO </Wolf>I can't believe I forgot that. He's at The Ruins, which is one of the levels Pokemon Trainer and Lucas are in. I main Marth, Pit, and Meta Knight. I used to main Captain Falcon and Pikachu in Melee, and mained Yoshi and Luigi in the original. Alright, then. See ya later. Ok, I will, then I'm making an infobox for the Knuckles page. BrawlYou always post those huge messages. =P I'm sorry, I just dont talk very much (does that mean I'm a quiet person?) So, umm, which character are you really good with in Brawl? I always use Link, and sometimes Mario and Sonic. Re: Good Work, Language SpecialistThanks for your compliment! :-) Well, as you can think, I don't need to make much effort do find the German names, since this is my native language and I play the games with German text and I own German manuals and guide books and such. For other languages, I mostly do research in the internet. There are the multilingual official European websites, which often introduce the major characters (like the sites for other regions also do), and it's easy to switch between the languages in order to get the respective names (e.g. Super Paper Mario chars in EN, FR, DE, ES, IT). For example, I got Count Bleck and Rosalina's Italian names this way. Since around 1998, many multilingual European manuals were published, they are also a way to find the different names. The various languages of Wikipedia are a source, too. Rarely, I also switch between the languages of the European game versions to get the name directly from the game itself. But I can't get the Japanese names from the games or manuals (since I don't own these versions), there the internet is the only option. I can't read the Japanese characters and don't understand the language, but on official sites, there are often character pictures next to the name, so I copy and paste the name into the Google translator to get a romanization of it. The Japanese Wikipedia articles often include character lists with brief descriptions, too, and there it's also possible to find out with the translator which characters are meant. --Grandy02 09:48, 2 July 2008 (EDT)
BRAWLYou're probably right, I'm louder than you =P. It's true-I used to think Link's bombs and Gale Boomerang were useless but then when I really got to know Link, I found them very useful. The bombs are very useful for me as I can just take them out and when the opponent least expects it, I throw it at them. Also the Gale Boomerang is useful for when my opponent is far away from me-I throw it at them and it hits them. Do you have Wi-Fi? Maybe we could Brawl someday, if you do. And yes it was something having to do with Brawl that convinced me getting Pokemon. Currently, my goal is to play as many Nintendo series as possible. I've already played Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Star Fox, Sonic, Game & Watch and Pokemon. Maybe I'll be able to play other series like F-Zero, Fire Emblem, Earthbound/Mother, Metroid, Pikmin ect. I only got Pokemon Diamond because it sounded...ummm...more manlier than Pokemon Pearl. I don't think there's much else I can say.
I don't think you're evilI'm just busy with other junk that I always forget about something. I've always just like Super Mario RPG because it's a true RPG. Anyway, as for the MP question, it's between 2 and 3, they're both equal in my opinion. SJ derp :P Hey!Your welcome; I play Brawl almost everyday; if I'm not busy on the computer or playing Guitar Hero, so I know a lot of things. Mine would probably have to be Mario's or Pokemon Trainer's. Both never miss, unless you're Kirby, Pit, or Jigglypuff and you start inflating. Hmm, maybe this one is a Brawl Secret, but it hardly affects the gameplay at all. If you look on the two floating platforms in Spear Pillar, you can see the markings of Palkia and Diagla that are at Celstic (if this was spelt right) Town in Pearl and Diamond. You have any? Its rare. I've tried a 99 stock battle there to see if I could see any of the trio, but darn Cressila kept KOing everybody. Sounds very realistic. I wish they would had add that. Nope; the highest I've ever done is Hard. I'm gonna try and target those two later with Marth; since I PWN as him. LOL to that one! Peach is a good character, but not the powerfullest. *Turns and glares at King Dedede*. I can't believe they gave Shiek the same Final Smash as Zelda. I find Marth Yay! Tanooki Suit! Well, see ya!
Moar Brawl TalkToo bad you don't have WiFi. Heh, well anyway I'm one of those "hardcore nerds" so I know about every series Nintendo has made, watched and actually liked the Super Mario Bros. movie a little bit, knows what a Power Glove is and who Nester is and loves every nostalgia in the games and-well okay, enough of that. Yes I do have Sonic and the Secret Rings. Haven't played it in a while though. Since I'm not too good with long messages I'll leave it there. I ran out of things to say! ='( I always do... It ain't disturbing meIts gotta be successful! Just look at your side already :P Nah. I'm still looking for Mew, while I've found Celebi. I just checked it out a few minutes ago... 97 is my rating of how disturbing it is.
Just saw it when you uploaded :D. ...Something tells me I'm not sure. I'll be right back *runs to find what's telling him this, but he then runs into a wall*... Seventh... wall... ran into... this week. And, I found out you can unlock Mewtwo in Brawl by using Lucario in Classic when doing Intense. Sounds realistic, eh? LOL! Yep, it was made up. Nah, you don't need too. Me too; but why is hard so easy when its supposed to be hard? You mean the characters' series' in Brawl? 'Suxxors, I'll tell youz when I can list them all (since I've played a lot). See ya tomorrow, then! HiYeah and what's up with DP? F g Well to me I like talking to new and awesome users like you...F g I couldn't be bothered answering questions I was unable to answer... Happy? My Bloody Valentine
WoahHi Dom! Well, it's cool to "meet" you. Anyway, I was reading your userpage, and you sed you broke a world record! That's so awesome! What'd you do? Wow, that is big. I say you should send it. The GBWR is always looking for crazy stuff like that (they have stuff like heaviest thing balanced on teeth, and who ate the most smarties with chopsticks.) It's worth a shot. And that's a wordwide book, so think of the fame you'd get! Oh and uhh the pokemon thing, I never really got into the whole strange names thing. It's mainly cuz I can't pronounce like half the names. But I never said I disliked the games, cuz those can get fun! I play them at my cousin's house all the time cuz he doesn't have an older brother who'd make fun of him for the rest of his life just because he thinks the series is strange. (that's why I don't buy half the games I want, cuz my bro will tease me about it for the rest of eternity.) I'd Rather Prefer the Air......I just noticed. I think I saw InfectedShroom tell some user that he might have some personal problems. I think this is why he went on hiatus and now he's acting weird; since he was probably having personal problems. Yes, please. Sure, I'll check. Do you have any clue why she hates you, though?
Yeah, I know Merlon. No, that actually described me well; *turns and glares at Bowserpedia* 'K. Thanks; lemme try that. I'm still looking on Birdoshi's page. I KNOWZ! You should make a Lucario brother/alternate form/etc. on Userpedia! And now, these puny messages I'm giving are still towards my big message I gave you. And nowz, about Birdoshi. Here it is. It was removed later, so I think its fine. I'm not sure, but I think Hemu has done it, too (having a list of users he likes/dislikes.) Birdo isn't that bad. Her nose... thing is helpful in Mario Superstar Baseball. Hey, you can PWN her in Melee at Subcon. I do that everytime she comes out. AND YOSHI PWNS HER NO MATTER WHAT! Yeah, you would. He's a great friend, and he is one of my best friends, so if you talk to him, you may have another great friend, too. Nope, I've never been in a magazine. I get magazines though (Nintendo Power and that Pokemon magazine. I used to subscribe to Game Informer. 'K. See ya! I actually have to say I'm very amazed at how much you've overreacted over me not responding to your last message. Since when was the last time YOU ever responded to any of MY comments? I never complained. Getting back on track, your assumption seems very accurate, but I have to question why someone decided to mention Pokémon attacks in their articles in the first place... Meh, make the changes.
My Bloody Valentine See my first paragraph. There's a thing called "starting a conversation". Answering questions isn't all people have to do. Regardless, typing these long comments is a real bummer to me sometimes, since I hate typing long rants. I'll just respond to the more important details, or the sections that can actually be decently responded to. It's impossible for anyone to change that, only Sysops can delete images, and that's just how it will stay. I may be an ex-Sysop, but I still know about these details. Um... Most of those Brawl images were taken from the official site, normally when hardly anyone else (or anyone else who actually cared) was around. It's no big accomplishment. And I've never met Manaphy, only the other three. My Bloody Valentine |