Virtual Console
The Virtual Console is one of many special features of the Wii. The Virtual Console allows gamers to download games that have been uploaded by their respective companies. Nintendo is the main backer of the feature, promising to fill it with their immense backlog of games from the NES, SNES, and Nintendo 64. Nintendo will not be uploading GameCube games to the Virtual Console due to their large sizes, and because the Wii is backwards-compatible with the system. Hudson, Sega and SNK are also backing the Virtual Console with Sega Genesis, TurboGraphx-16, TurboGraphx-CD and NeoGeo games.
Wii Points
Virtual Console games are bought with Wii Points via the Wii Shop Channel. Wii Ponts Cards, which are sold at most game retailers, each come with 2,000 redeemable Points on them. However, in Japan, cards are worth either 1,000, 3,000 or 5,000 Wii Points. Wii Points can also be purchased directly through the Wii Shop Channel with a credit card in blocks of either 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 or 5,000 Points.
NES games: 500 Points
(600 for Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels)
SNES games: 800 Points
(900 for Mario's Super Picross in PAL)
N64 games: 1000 Points
SG games: 800 Points
TG16 games: 600 Points
Neo Geo Games: 900 Points
MSX Games (Japan only): 700 Points
While this pricing is true for most games, a few select games have been priced differently.
List of Mario Games for the Virtual Console
- File:Check small.png – The game has either been released or at least confirmed in that region.
- File:X mark.png – The game has not been announced in that region.
- File:Question.png – The game was announced at some point in that region, but the release date is currently unknown.
- Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels was only available in Europe and Australia until October 1, 2007. However, it is still available to freely redownload for those who purchased it while it was initially available. Additionally, in North America, the game costs 600 Wii Points as opposed to the standard 500 for an NES game.
- Mario's Super Picross costs 900 Wii points in Europe and Australia, instead of the usual 800 for a SNES game.
- Timed demos of several Virtual Console games will be included in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, all of which star the game's various fighters. The only default Mario title is Super Mario Bros., but other titles such as Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Mario World have also been announced as unlockables.