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MarioWiki:Proposals/Archive Template

"Bad Jokes and other deleted Nonsense" -style archive


The English Wikipedia had an archive called "Bad Jokes and Other Deleted Nonsense", where contributors can archive vandalism or plain bad writing that they consider to be humorous. The French and German Wikipedias still posses such a page, and it's quite possible that other Wikipedias posses such a page, as well. I think we should have a similar page. anything that ranges from Bad Writing to Humorous and non-harmful vandalism should go on there, although only articles stuff should be included. No User-talk things.

What are the gains from creating such a page? Well... This will stop the frequent recreation of deleted nonsense (Such as Mario (Species) and "Snufit Ball") since those pages will be redirected to the Bad Jokes archives and archived in all their glory. And as many users have noted in the votes comments, it would show new user what to not write. This may seem like Troll feeding, but if anything, Trolls are feeds by overreacting to their attacks (For example: Creating the Patroller ranking just to fight them), recording a few vandal edits isn't that big of a feeding in comparison.

Anyone should be able to edit the archive page, and there shouldn’t be any edits war about what to add/remove. Of course, common sense should play a part here. The Mario page being littered with obscenities can't really be considred funny, the Pirate Goomba article stating the obvious can be considered funny. Use your brain!

Proposer: Blitzwing (talk · gnome work)(The idea comes from this message of Cobold (talk)
Deadline: March 21, 2008, 20:00


  1. Blitzwing (talk · gnome work) Blablabla Me proposer Blablabla Me gaves reasons above Blablabla I need a sandwich.
  2. Cobold (talk · contribs) - We have so much pages about rules etc., time to show how not to write articles.
  3. ~Uniju(T-C-E) - Per above. :D
  4. 3dhammer.gif 3D, per all. It should be made part of the Welcome template to show new users how NOT to do things. 3dhammer.gif
  5. BLOC PARTIER. Per all. Um... *Insert funny/interesting/odd comment here*.
  6. linkswordmi2.gifPaper Jorge ( Talk·Contributions)·linkswordmi2.gif Yes, per all. Not only would it help some new people who don't know what to write but we can definatly store Snufit Ball in there. That will make the Snufit Ball fans stop all this arguing. Or at least, I hope.
  7. Storm Yoshi sig.pngStorm YoshiStorm Yoshi sig.png per all
  8. Walkazo - Per all.
  9. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y – you convinced me, as long as it's clearly stated for a newbie that this is NOT what to do.
  10. Pokemonfan7002 I agree.
  11. Per all. SJ derp :P
  12. Mr.Vruet info|talk|chat Per All
  13. Stumpers! Well, Blitzwing's a patroller, too, soif there really is a spike in spam, he and I will be right alongside cleaning up the mess. We can always remove it...


  1. Ghost JamShyghost.PNG - If the point is to help to stop people from recreating deleted articles, it would make more sense to just block creation of said articles than to create another page that's just going to end up being huge and difficult to load.
  2. My Bloody Valentine - DO NOT FEED THE FREAKIN' TROLLS! We don't need MORE vandalism to come from this. Any User with common sense knows that they shouldn't vandalize, even if they are new; the whole thing seems pointless.
  3. ~PY Purpleyoshisig.PNG - Honestly, I think this is WORSE than that Pie proposal. Why would we give spammers their own page! They feed on people being aware of them!
  4. King Mario f_KMThumbm_38614a2.png Per PY and DP
  5. MarioGalaxy2433g5 {Talk} - This wiki will become an encyclopedia of sillyness
  6. Glitchmansig.PNG Glitchman (talk · contribs) Glitchmansig.PNG Per Stumpers and DP, we have too much user fanon as is.
  7. Per ALL! HyperToad ESPICALLY PY.
  8. Stooben Rooben Actually, I'm changing my vote simply because this is only a reason for people to spam the site even more. It'll become like a competition to see who's the "better" spammer, and to see who can get their spamming archived.
  9. Tykyle It'll only serve to patronize people who are honestly trying and to give the trolls even more attention.


Ghost Jam, I don't think the point is to stop people from making deleted articles, it's just to put vandalism/dumb writing that you found funny on a page people can view. I would have thought that at least you would understand that it's just for fun. <_< ~Uniju(T-C-E) N/O

Plus, it could help n00bies to learn how not to write. :P 3dhammer.gif 3D, WHOOP DE FRICKIN' DOO 3dhammer.gif

I don't know. At first I thought this sounded silly and unprofessional, but we are a Mario wiki, meaning we don't have to be serious about everything. It would teach new guys how not to write, and it might stop nonsense articles. I'm not sure whether to vote yet, though.
— The preceding unsigned comment was added by CrystalYoshi (talk). whoops, forgot to sign again.

*ahem*, have you guys heard the term "Do not feed the trolls"? If we make a page full of vandalized articles, that will only inspire MORE trolls to come which will lead to MORE vandalism. Trolls vandalize as a means of becomming popular on the Wiki; this page is only going to further their goals. My Bloody Valentine

Hmmm, good point. But isn't most of the stuff just going to be bad User writing? Like the Pirate Goomba thing. I'm no expert, but aren't most Troll edits piles of... er, excraments? Like Willy on Wheels moving everything to _____ on wheels. That's not funny, that's idiotic. - Walkazo

Pokemon DP: If anything, we feed the Trolls by overreacting to their attacks, such as creating a completely new ranking just to fight them, in comparison, having a few humorous vandal edits recorded on a page is rather minor. And beside, why a vandal would vandalize the wiki to "becomes popular"? That's broken logic.

As Walkazo said, the Bad Jokes archive will be mainly filled with bad writing (Ex:The Orange Yoshi article stating that people confuses Brown Yoshi and Orange Yoshi, although the occasional humorous vandalism (Such as the Mama Luigi article) can go in there. --Blitzwing 11:19, 16 March 2008 (EDT)

How about just bad writing, not vandalism? Becuase this would be cool, just it is a good point an archive of vandalism encourages vandalism. So just bad jokes and bad writing go in the archive. Sprite of the Ruby Star in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door CrystalYoshi Yoshi Egg Sprite.png 14:45, 16 March 2008 (EDT)

Well... Bad Jokes and Funny Vandalism = Pretty much the same thing. Unless that by "Bad Jokes", you mean things like the infamous "Pie for "everyone" proposal. Note that not every vandal edits will be recorded on the page. Things like "Mario (species)" should be archived, things like "Mario is a (insert swear word here)" shouldn't. --Blitzwing 17:06, 16 March 2008 (E ber

Hmmm... people on the opposing side have a good point. But it might help us a bit and... it would be funny. Sprite of the Ruby Star in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door CrystalYoshi Yoshi Egg Sprite.png 17:42, 17 March 2008 (EDT)

Isn't that basely like the Sandbox?? Princess Grapes Butterfly 17:56, 17 March 2008 (EDT)

No. You can write whatever you want in the Sandbox. In the Bad Jokes archive, you archives edits that were on article, you can't go there and write random crap. --Blitzwing 18:06, 17 March 2008 (EDT)

Ohhhhhhhhhh, i understand now. Princess Grapes Butterfly 19:31, 17 March 2008 (EDT)

Bad Writing... It seems like you are just insulting the User who wrote the article. Counts as a form of flaming... Does it not? My Bloody Valentine

Although this might help n00bs with what not to do, they might be encouraged to spam so they can get their "greatness" archived. — Stooben Rooben Gar...
Maybe whoever wants to archive a sample of bad writing should contact the person who wrote it and get permission first; some will say no, but others might like the opportunity to laugh at their own mistakes/be a "class clown" for the Wiki. - Walkazo

Argh... torn between two sides. The people on the opposing side have such a good point about this would be saying vandalism is cool. And yet having the archive would be so fun. Vandalism is annoying, but it's also funny; on the other hand... ARGH! I just can't decide! Sprite of the Ruby Star in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door CrystalYoshi Yoshi Egg Sprite.png 19:58, 19 March 2008 (EDT)



For those of you who don't know this template, it (presumably) consists of a list of every Koopa species and every character in those species. Most groups of Koopas have smaller templates doing the same thing (i.e. Template:Koopa Paratroopa or Template:Spinies); however, unlike the Koopas Template these lists are small and easy to use. The Koopas Template is used primarily for articles that do not fit into one of the other Koopa groups (i.e. Bowser), most of which are Koopa Troopas and their kin (i.e. Koopatrol). I propose we slim down this bulky template so that it only consists of these "misfit" Koopas; and to cut down on even more of the clutter, I propose we make the much-needed Koopa Troopas Template. Prototype versions of both these templates can be seen here.

Proposer: Walkazo

Deadline: March 21, 2008, 20:00

Two Smaller Templates

  1. Walkazo - Being the Proposer, my opinions are stated above.
  2. Sprite of the Ruby Star in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door CrystalYoshi Yoshi Egg Sprite.pngMakes sense. Per Walkazo. As long as you're not planning to make a "Dragon Koopa" template. (kidding)
  3. BLOC PARTIER. Tahts a big template. Per the azo that Walks. Or Walkazo, if you're boring. :P JK
  4. Stooben Rooben Gotta agree with Walkazo here. Navigation templates are supposed to make traveling from page to page easier, and it can't be easier when the template's as long as that.
  5. Blitzwing (talk · gnome work) Huge Templates makes things hard to distinguish because they are overcrowded. I think we should also split the Yoshi Enemies template, that one is freakin' HUMONGOUS.
  6. Giratinabylydarioss8.jpgPalkia47Palkia.png Dialga.png Too many Koopas. It overfills the old template, so making a second is better, so it doesn't overfill the first one. Heck, a lot of other templates go this way. (Like Blitz said).

Keep the Big One


We can't use yours, it breaks the page up. <_< I suggest you try fixing that before you try to get it used. ~Uniju(T-C-E)

It doesn't on my computer, but I use hexadecimal workarounds and they go screwy a lot so I'll look into that. - Walkazo

Concerning Blitzwing's comment, there are many ways to deal with the Yoshi Enemies Template than splitting it, such as organizing it so all the enemies are divided into sections based on the Enemy Classes, sorta like how I made this species-only Koopa Template I made in my spare time (if it doesn't work again blame my ancient computer). - Walkazo

Hmm... That's a good template. Still very large, but much easier to find stuff. That should be what the YI one should be like, cuz that one is really crowded. BLOC PARTIER.