Who's online: Jdtendo, Mario1981, Supermario4ever, MarioGamer119, PopitTart, DaRootBeer1231, KinokoBlast, Scrooge200, CasperTheGhost19, Muse1325, LeggyWeggyWoo
Remind note/"Sandbox"
Blhte's Userbox Tower
This user is female.
This user is Chinese.
這個用戶的母語是漢語。 这个用户的母语是汉语。
This user can read a bit Japanese. 少量日本语阅览可能
This user's favorite videogame character is Octavo.
This user is a noob gamer.
This user hardly plays games.
This user have a Nintendo Account.
I came here just to adding some lost Chinese names and images, and my birth date is Valentine's Day 2005. (currently 20 year old)
Octavo, Mario & Luigi series, Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland and Eastern Mind series addict.
Btw I'm not very expressive. That's all.
Stuffs I like
And this official letters collection
Mario games I played