User:Shokora/Kersti's advice

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Kersti offering the player advice in Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Kersti offering the player advice in Warm Fuzzy Plains.
“If you ever get stuck, or lost, or maybe just lonely, I might be able to give you a little advice.”
Kersti, Paper Mario: Sticker Star

In Paper Mario: Sticker Star, the player can talk to Kersti anytime during regular gameplay by pressing L Button. Similar to the Tattle system in previous Paper Mario games, Kersti can give information about the current area. In addition, if there is progress to be made in an area, advice may be offered by Kersti.

  • Get rid of section links

Events and miscellaneous areas

The following advice may be heard across multiple areas, depending on the progress the player has made or during certain events.

Event North American version PAL version (if varied)
Before progressing in Warm Fuzzy Plains. Let's go find those Royal Stickers! Move out! We need to find those Royal Stickers! Let's get going!
Before Sling-a-Thing business opens. It bothers me that I had never seen a sticker type like the one we used in that fight on the Warn Fuzzy Plains. Let's go ask around Decalburg. It bothers me that I'd never seen a sticker like the one we used in that fight on the Warm Fuzzy Plains. Let's ask around in Decalburg.
Before turning the windmill in Hither Thither Hill. That crybaby Toad got lost because he was so deep in thought. I wonder what he was thinking so deeply about? That crybaby Toad got lost because he was so deep in thought. I wonder what was on his mind that was so puzzling...
After reading the slate in Damp Oasis. Did you understand what was written on that slate in the Damp Oasis? I say we explore Drybake Desert.
In a room with a Warp Pipe. Hm? Ah, a pipe. Definitely a pipe. And that means we're going in, right?
Inside a Secret Door. Stick those door stickers up and they open secret areas... Secret doors rule.
World 3, after defeating Gooper Blooper. This is how the forest SHOULD be: quiet, green, and fragrant.
Southern continent, straight after defeating Gooper Blooper. Looks as if we've found all of the Royal Stickers round here. It's finally time for us to head to the continent across the sea! Surfshine Harbor is where we need to be.
After obtaining five Royal Stickers. We've found five royal stickers already, but where should we go next? There must be a place we haven't solved...
Before talking to Flutter. Bowser's castle is up in the sky. Do we know anyone who can fly us up there?


North American version PAL version (if varied)
The center of Decalburg, huh? We can head out into the world from here. The center of Decalburg, eh? We can head out into the world from here.
Stickers are being sold here! I really wonder how much I'd go for...
Wow, what kind of place IS this? It seems sort of...sketchy.
The Toads live in these houses, obviously. The Sticker Fest grounds are just back there.
Toad houses. Ah, the simple life.
As far as house interiors go, this one is pretty odd...
Wow, a sticker museum! I really feel at ease here. So peaceful...
This operation looks pretty shady, but I have to admit, the thing stickers are pretty amazing. This operation looks a bit dodgy, but I have to admit, the thing stickers are pretty amazing.

Sticker Fest grounds

North American version PAL version (if varied)
Wow, this looks bad. That Bowser guy really is a force of destruction. Wow, this looks bad. That Bowser bloke really is a force of destruction.
What a wasteland. There's nothing left!
What a shame... It looks like the Sticker Fest will never return.
Do you think there's actually a chance of us reviving the Sticker Fest?
Look at those Toads, really getting stuck in over there. We've got to work just as hard!
Wow! Maybe we really CAN revive the festival. Come on, let's go for it!
They're rehearsing for the Sticker Fest! Not long to go now!

Surfshine Harbor

Harbor is parsed as "harbour" in PAL regions.

North American version PAL version (if varied)
Smell that salt air? The sea is nearby. Smell the salt on the air? The sea is nearby.
The waves are shiny just like me! Surfshine Harbor's the perfect name.
A lot of this stuff looks like junk. Of course, a lot of it looks like not junk. A lot of this stuff looks like rubbish. And a lot of it looks like it's not so rubbish.
I can't see anything, so I can't say anything. Sorry.
This ship is paper, so I'm pretty impressed that it doesn't, y'know, sink. This boat is made of paper. I'm pretty impressed that it doesn't, you know, sink.

World 1

Warm Fuzzy Plains

North American version PAL version (if varied)
The Warm Fuzzy Plains really do make a sticker feel warm and fuzzy.
That ripped-out bridge scrap is all the way up there! Do you think anyone can lend us a hand?
Let's take that torn-out bridge scrap back to where it originally belonged. I'll show you something good! Let's take that torn-out bridge scrap back to where it was originally. I'll show you something good!
The bridge is fixed! Let's move on.

Bouquet Gardens

North American version PAL version (if varied)
Such a pretty green! This really looks like a park.
Ugh! The wind's too strong... It's really messed this place up.
It seems wrong to call a place without lots of flowers "Bouquet Gardens."
The flowers smell so nice. So THAT'S why it's called Bouquet Gardens!
What a wind! I wonder where it's blowing from?

Water's Edge Way

North American version PAL version (if varied)
There's a lot of water here... Just as an FYI, water is paper's archenemy. There's a lot of water here... Just so you know, water is paper's arch-enemy.
This one sticker was telling me that negative ions in waterfall waters make skin feel fresh... Is that for real? This sticker once told me that negative ions in waterfalls are good for you. What on earth are those?
What's that strange thing up there?
We have to do something about that water to get that comet piece... Have we been everywhere we can go?

Hither Thither Hill

North American version PAL version (if varied)
A windmill's called a windmill because it turns with wind. Words of wisdom! A windmill's called a windmill because it turns with the wind. Words of wisdom!
Wow, it's pretty dim and cool in here... Kind of a little scary. Just a little. It's pretty dim and cool in here... Maybe a teensy bit scary. Just a teensy bit.
If you see anything...strange, the first thing you should do is paperize. ALWAYS a good idea. If you see anything...strange, the first thing you should do is paperise. It's ALWAYS a good idea.

Whammino Mountain

North American version PAL version (if varied)
This is my first time mountain climbing! Look! I'm a mountain sticker!
Wow all this in the clouds! How cool! Wow, all this in the clouds! Not bad!

Goomba Fortress

North American version PAL version (if varied)
Pretty impressive fortress, huh? How did GOOMBAS build this? Pretty impressive fortress, eh? How did GOOMBAS build this?
When you get stuck, paperize. Sometimes the way forward will open! When you get stuck, paperise. Sometimes the way forward will become clear.

World 2

Drybake Desert

North American version PAL version (if varied)
Where's this desert supposed to be? Think it's on the other side?
What could bore a tunnel like this through earth? Sand, I guess. What's on the other side of this tunnel? More desert?
It's too hot! My glue's going to dry out.
The sand is really flowing around here. Be careful!
Cool! This is what you call a pyramid? Nice! This is what you call a pyramid?
So this is what it's like underground... Lovely. Try not to get washed away by the sand!
It's relatively cool over here, but it's definitely hot on the other side of these doors.

Yoshi Sphinx

North American version PAL version (if varied)
There's something really big over there... Is that some kind of animal? There's something really big over there. Is that some kind of animal?
Now that I see it up close, it IS big. It totally looks like a dinosaur. Or maybe a dragon. Now that I see it up close, it IS big. It looks like a dinosaur. Or maybe a dragon.
I feel like I'm being digested by an animal or something. What part would this be? The gizzard?
Wow, we are WAY up high! Hey... I guess this is what it means to have your nose in the air, huh? Wow, we are SERIOUSLY high up! Hey, is this what it means to have your nose in the air...?
If it's a sphinx, it's got to have at least ONE treasure, right? Something flashy. It's like a law or something. If it's a sphinx, it's got to have at least ONE treasure, right? Something flashy. It's, like, a law or something.

Sandshifter Ruins

North American version PAL version (if varied)
There's a staircase leading underground. It must be the entrance to the ruins, don't you think?
This is a total maze. Make sure you remember which way we came, OK? This place is a total maze. Make sure you remember which way we came, okay?
These are ruins, right? So there's got to be at least one treasure. Do you think it could be hidden in a coffin?

Damp Oasis

North American version PAL version (if varied)
We have to get through this sandstorm! Sand is a sticker's worst nightmare!
Phew. That sandstorm was the worst. Phew. Glad that's over with. I can't stand sandstorms.
Oasis? Where?
Wow, this is a resort. The pool looks so refreshing! Even though we can't go in.
This cottage is AMAZING! I bet it's expensive, staying in a place like this.
Paperization is REALLY important. On the Sticker Star, we study it starting in elementary school. Paperisation is REALLY important. On the Sticker Star, we start studying the techniques at primary school.
In life, one must remember to paperize frequently. That's what my grandsticker used to say! In life, one must remember to paperise often. That's what my grandsticker used to say!
Now that we've returned the oasis to its normal state, I wouldn't mind getting a taste of that resort life. That cottage looked pretty high end. I'd love to get a better look inside.

Drybake Stadium

  • Nothing there. Weird...
  • I'm surprised a tower like this was even built. I mean, look at this thing soar!
  • Sure is solid for such an ancient construction. Hard to believe it's paper.
  • This must be the roof, but something's off here...


  • These murals may all look the same, but it seems like some of the ancient toads are in slightly different poses.
  • There may be another hint hidden in these murals, so let's check them all really thoroughly.
  • The murals on this floor all have different poses or face different directions. Look veeeery closely.

World 3

Leaflitter Path

North American version PAL version (if varied)
Yup, it's a forest. As forest as it gets. Yep, it's a forest. I mean, just look at how... foresty it is.
There's no way I could ever sleep in a place like this!
That stench is POISONOUS? Ugh, it reeks so much, it MUST be!


  • Keep paperising. Don't think. Just do it.
    ...I love paperisation.

The Bafflewood

  • We're not walking the right way? You can't be serious! In case I haven't told you, I hate getting lost.


For the time being, we should probably go and check Wiggler's house for clues. We HAVE to get through the Bafflewood.

Wiggler's Tree House

  • That's a pretty big tree. You really want to hike up that? Isn't there a lift or something we can use instead?
  • This definitely feels like a boy's room. Though it's pretty clean, considering!
  • Living in a tree... Yeah, that seems like Wiggler all over.


  • First, let's find the first segment of Wiggler's body.
  • Where could the second segment of Wiggler's body be?
  • We've got to catch the third segment of Wiggler's body.
  • Let's find the forth segment of Wiggler's body. That's the last one! Let's do it!
  • Wiggler said he was waiting at Whitecap Beach, didn't he?

Strike Lake

  • Even the idea of a poison lake makes me feel ill. We need to do something about that poison. Fast.


  • Wiggler's segment must still be somewhere around Strike Lake.

Loop Loop River

  • Floating downstream on a leaf should be relaxing, but I can't help but notice the astounding amount of poison around us.

Outlook Point

  • A hilltop with an ocean view sounds so romantic. The poison kind of ruins it, though...

Scuttlebug Burrow

  • A burrow? I have a REALLY bad feeling about this...
  • Erm... In case you haven't noticed, I don't have any arms or legs, so DO SOMETHING!
  • This is going to scar my psyche. I can just FEEL it. Don't let these things snatch you!

NOTE: When the player loses Kersti, attempting to talk to here will result in this message: Kersti's not here. You can't speak to someone who's not here.

Tree Branch Trail

  • Visibility is really poor here, so watch your step.

Gauntlet Pond

  • Time to show off your jumping skills! If you fall in, you're definitely getting an exfoliating poison bath.

Stump Glade

  • That's a suspiciously big tree stump... I bet there's something below it.
  • You'll have to think of the answers yourself. You can't expect me to know everything!

Holey Thicket

  • Careful with your footing around here: there are holes everywhere. Bet you wish you could float like me. Ha!

Whitecap Beach

  • The beach! That sea breeze feels so nice! Shame about the poison.

World 4

Snow Rise

  • Snow! This is the first time I've ever seen it! Amazing!
  • Hey, shouldn't those weird sliding things stop for crossing pedestrians? What a bunch of road hogs.
  • These hills are making me tired. Snow's pretty and all, but it's hard to walk in. Or even float over.
  • It looks a bit tidier now that the snow drifts have all melted away, right?


  • Nothing like some hot paperisation on a cold day. Let's get warmed up!

Ice Flow

  • The river is frozen and slippery! What's worse, those weird things are sliding all over the place again!
  • It's cold and dark. And slippery. Cold, dark and slippery. Be careful.
  • Even the waterfall's frozen. Weird. It's as if time has stopped.

The Enigmansion

  • What a fantastic mansion! And in such a remote spot in the mountains.
  • What a huge hall. Maybe this is some celebrity's house.
  • Mario, you're more than just a little bit afraid, aren't you?
  • Yeah, it's snowing outside, as usual. Get inside quick. It's too cold!
  • Ugh, it really smells mouldy or something. And if paper gets mouldy, it's all over.
  • When you stop for a good look at this house, you have to admit that it is SERIOUSLY nice.


Shaved Ice Cave

  • When it's this cold, everything freezes over.

White-Out Valley

  • We're pretty high up now... And it's even colder up here because of the altitude.
  • We're going to ride a chairlift? YEEEEESSS!!!
  • Wow, look down! This is so exciting! Chairlifts are the best!
  • Whoa, this cave is dark! Although, are there really any bright caves?
  • Wow, now we're back outside! This chairlift is INCREDIBLE! Let's goooo!
  • Wha...? The chairlift ride is over? Boo. Let's go one more time!

Bowser's Snow Fort

  • Hm? What is this line? It must be for something exciting! Though I don't know how they could top that chairlift!
  • Are we starting yet? Are we? Now? I am SO excited.
  • I... I... I don't feel very well...
  • We're riding that... thing again? Ugh... I'll try not to scream.


  • Let me teach you a famous saying that'll help you remember how crucial it is to paperise when you're at a loss: "Stucky? Paperisation makes you lucky!"

World 5

Shy Guy Jungle

  • Jungles are really hot and humid. Fun fact: that's not good for paper.
  • Who thought they could just dump rubbish here? Wasting paper drives me crazy!

Jungle Rapids

  • This is one fast-flowing jungle river, eh? No wonder it's so loud.
  • I can't do anything for you. Sorry! Good luck on the rapids!

Long Fall Falls

  • I can't do anything to help. Sorry! Be careful in all this murkiness.
  • Oh no! I got wet from the splash zone of that waterfall. I HATE getting wet!

Chomp Ruins

  • I can't believe there are ruins like these so deep in the jungle...

Rugged Road

  • Phew! Is it just me or is it absolutely boiling round here?
  • Frozen rock solid! Now that's what I call cold!


  • Careful of the lava! It descends with enough force to punch a hole in the ground. Needless to say, it'll hurt if it hits you!

Rumble Volcano

  • We're going into the crater?! Niiice!
  • Wow, we're really far down now. It's the magma that's making it so hot, right? Stupid magma.
  • You've never been eaten by a flower before? I have. It's AWFUL!

NOTE: When the player loses Kersti, attempting to talk to her will result in this message: ""Kersti's not here. You can't speak to someone who's not here.""

World 6

Gate Cliff

  • Hmm, you're right. No matter how hard you stare at it, it just looks like any other cliff wall.
  • Light from the Royal Stickers... What power DON'T they have?!
  • Paperisation complete! Now, what's the meaning of THAT?!
  • Bowser's castle is hiding around here somewhere. It has to be!

Bowser Jr.'s Flotilla

  • That little brat has quite the toy collection. Must be nice, being spoilt.

Bowser's Sky Castle

  • An entrance in the shape of your own face... That's not vain at all.
  • It feels like... the finale, doesn't it? To be honest, I'm a little nervous.
  • One taste of those spikes below and you're done for! Talk about poor interior design decisions!
  • Bowser's face is on the floor too? Well, this bloke has no design sense whatsoever.