The 'Shroom:Sign up

From the Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Revision as of 18:49, December 13, 2007 by TheDenzel (talk | contribs) (I hope I did this right.. this sounds like fun!)
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Sign Up

Want to write for The 'Shroom? You've come to the right place.

Put ~~~ in the name field, then put what you would contribute to The 'Shroom in the "Details" box. It could be an article like a video game review or speculation on an upcoming game that would appear every month, but a couple of articles can be unrelated to the wikis per month as well – if you have ideas that have nothing to do with videogames, be sure to put them down.

No fake articles (Except the Fake News) will be accepted. If you have no idea, but want to write, put "N/A" and we'll sort it out soon, just know that you might be used for any position necessary.

Please contact the man after signing up. Anyone can edit 'Shroom articles for spelling and grammar without changing content.

# Member Details *
1 Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif Director's Notes – Any notes about this month's issue. Shroombull.png
2 Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y Monthly Report – report of statistics on the wiki and any major news.
3 The Fake News Team Fake News – self-explanatory I1
4 My Bloody Valentine Upcoming Games – Announcing the latest games coming out.
5 Phoenix Rider Review Corner – In-depth Reviews of some of the hottest games, new and old.
6 RAP.pngRAP... Entertainment Section – Writing about the clips related to Mario from Youtube or in SWF file that are made by Mario fans.
7 Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC Interview – Each month interviewing one of our users. I1
8 f_wikiimagem_a663437.pngBean Trivia – Little known information on topics such as games, characters, or other appearences involving a lot of different character, scenes, and games. There will be about five to ten bits of information in every issue. I1
9 Xpike the hedgehog || Quiz – Shape up on your knowledge from a tough 10-question quiz! ||
10 Storm Yoshi sig.pngStorm YoshiStorm Yoshi sig.png & King Mario f_KMThumbm_38614a2.png Guess Who! – Description of a character and then you guess! At least 3+ descriptions
11 Mario-117 (talk) Mystery Image – Part of an image that you guess. At least 5+ images
12 Lemonface (talk) From the Mushroom Vaults – Tips, secrets, cheats, and codes for Mario games, new and old
13 TheDenzelTheDenzelsiglogo.gif Character VS. Character – Comparisons of Nintendo characters from all generations, based on several categories.

The last row is used to signify special notes. Some symbols maybe seen:

  • Shroombull.pngDirector of Staff – articles should be submitted to this user; he will edit the required pages to put up the next issue. In charge of making sure that everyone has a chance to write if they want to and everyone has something that they like to write.
  • ? – questionable – self-explanatory.
  • ~ – likely, but not 100%.
  • DDENIED. Upon reading the article based on the topic idea, it was considered to be either confusing, unnecessary, or noncontributing to the newspaper. Writers of such topics can think of a new topic, that can be accepted, thus they can stay on staff. Except for the Fake News, all other fake articles will be denied. You can contact the man for more details.
  • I#INACTIVE for unknown reasons. Will be replaced with JW after number two. The # signifies how many months in a row they were inactive.
  • L#SEVERELY LATE (over 5 days). Will be replaced with JW after number three. The # signifies how many months in a row they were late. Continues until turned in before 5 days, so getting an inactive won't reset it.
  • QQUIT the 'Shroom for personal reasons.
  • JW – There is a JOB WANTED for this position.

Thus, the format should be: |# || ~~~ || Detail Info || .