Status: Look at my contributions.
- “QUACK!!!”
- —Duckfan77
Hi I am Duckfan77 a editor of the Mario Wiki . I am a huge fan of Ducks especially Mallard ducks and the Mario Franchise. I have 929 edits and counting!
Who's online: Super Mario RPG, MarioGamer119, Night Rowlet, Random Guy543, PopitTart, Bowserbros, Boiaaang, Apikachu68, Seandwalsh, Speedytucks, PownicMania5000, Jayo, AmossGuy, Spencer PK, Soshi The Yoshi, GuntherBayBeee, SketchyPluto, Mario revolution, Iluvfluttershy321, KinokoBlast, Reese Rivers, BMfan08, Wild Blacksmith, Results May Vary, MALMoresoProgram
Mario games I own
Listed in no particular order.
Nintendo Switch games
- Super Mario Maker 2 My Favorite Mario Game!
Getting this on my birthday ! Which is June 6th.
Mobile games
Favorite Mario Characters/Enemies
Note: All of the characters past Mario on this list are from games that I do not own. I only know them from the wiki. Note 2: This may not be up to date.
Listed in no particular order.