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Glitches to research

  • Block on track glitch
  • Broken Goal Pole climb glitches
  • Bully Crate clipping (fixed?)
  • Clown Car elevator (fixed?)
  • Delayed Thwomp death
  • Disappearing Spike Block collision (fixed?)
  • Enemy clipping through Bill Blasters (fixed?)
  • Frozen enemies
  • Frozen Power-Ups (fixed?)
  • Galoomba tilting (fixed?)
  • Goal Pole layering glitch (fixed?)
  • Goomba's Shoe clipping (fixed?)
  • Immutable platform (fixed?)
  • Inaccessible pipe
  • Invincible Boom Boom
  • Large boss clipping
  • Lava Bubble invincibility (fixed?)
  • Pipe spawn glitch
  • Placing objects in the starting area (fixed?)
  • Shell invincibility (fixed?)
  • Shell trap glitch
  • Stuck Bowser
  • Under level glitch

External links

Partially complete glitch entries

Piranha Creeper momentum gain

After the player slides down a Piranha Creeper, they can move faster than normal in the direction they were sliding in.[1] (fix)

Glitches to test

Big player wall jump glitch

Normally, in the Super Mario Bros. style, the player is unable to jump from walls. However, if they press A Button in their big form while crouching after exiting a door that teleports them in midair and next to a wall, they will be able to jump from the wall.[2]

Boo clipping

If a Boo is moving while attached to another enemy, it will clip through other Boos.[3]

Broken fall animation

If the player is hit by a Snowball while in a Goomba's Shoe and then collects a Big Mushroom or Frog Suit, part of their body will clip through the shoe.[4]

Broken pipe warping

In multiplayer, if one player overlaps a Warp Pipe that teleports the player with another pipe, has another player place the initial pipe inside of the new pipe, and removes both pipes, a pipe will appear in the bottom left corner of the screen. If the player drags the pipe so that it is off-screen, places another pipe over it, and links it to the sub-area, when entering the pipe, the player will warp through the first pipe instead.[4]

Dark level lighting glitch

If the player makes the maximum number of Boo Buddies fall onto a single Track in a nighttime underwater or Ghost House level, the screen turns completely dark.[3]

Fast cannon

Cannon Hyperspeed Glitch.
The setup

The player needs to build the setup as shown. When the player hits the ON/OFF Switch, the cannons will move very quickly to the left.[5] This works because the Frozen Coin will melt and the Muncher will move the cannon to the adjacent one. The top cannon will hold the two together, and when the Fire Bar falls down when the block is not solid, the setup will move very fast. Using an object to hit the setup upwards while it is moving horizontally, the player can make the setup move diagonally.

Frozen Lava Bubbles

If Lava Bubbles are spawned under Poison or Lava, when the liquid lowers, they will rise up to the level and become frozen in place.[6]

Frozen Lemmy

If the player jumps on Lemmy right after using an object that teleports them to another area and makes him go off-screen, Lemmy will be frozen in place until he is hit again.[2]

Hidden Block clipping

Normally, when the player approaches a Hidden Block from underneath, the Block turns visible and has its collision enabled for all sides. However, if the player crouches while jumping from a Yoshi, they will clip through the Block.[2]

Impossible clear condition

If one player places an element into a Lakitu's Cloud while another opens the menu for the Cloud and selects the empty Cloud, the element will be removed from the course, but its removal will not be reflected in clear conditions, resulting in the clear condition becoming impossible.[4]

Incorrect element layering in pipes

If one player drags an element over a Warp Pipe while another places their character in the pipe, the element will be layered incorrectly.[4]

Incorrect menu

If one player selects a Block and another element with a menu while another selects a different element and opens its menu for, the menu for the previous element will be displayed instead of the one for the current element.[4]

Overlapping Snake Block

If the player makes a Snake Block travel in a path that is behind it and then makes it longer from behind, it will overlap itself.[3]

Simultaneous death and completion

If the player throws another player close enough to a Goal Pole or Axe and causes them to die, the player will die as normal, but will end up completing the course regardless.[7] The inverse can happen if the player touches the Goal Pole or Axe right as the timer runs out, where the player will receive the rewards for completing the level, but will end up dying regardless.[2]

Spike Block sound glitch

In the Super Mario 3D World style, if the player pauses right as an ON/OFF Switch is activated, the sounds of the activated and deactivated states of Spike Blocks will overlap each other continuously for a short time.[8]
