Status: I'm really not on the wiki anymore, you can reach me on the forums though.
I can see fine at a glance who is here!
Who's online: BMfan08, Nintendo101, Apikachu68, Salmancer, KamekSans, Sticklyman, Technetium, Camwoodstock, Falltimefog, PopitTart, Shy Guy on Wheels, LadySophie17, ILoveBFDI1215, Rykitu, Sparks, Reese Rivers, Mechamind, MarioKartDoubleDash, WayslideCool, PlugMeister, Daisy4Days, TheRaoul1992, ThomasHall, ReeceeYT, Murphmario, Zootalo, SMBros, TheChaseExp, The AlienTree, Raffina Higashikata, Meeper12346, Yoshi1727, TomAndTheCats, CBFan5, Doc von Schmeltwick, MineDance, TheGreenBeetle, Remembered Old Buddy, MaxTaylor08, Chuculi, Kaiky.xz, Shadsowl893
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So long, good night, and enjoy the rest of your day! <3