Articles I've Created
Character Ramblings
As far as I'm concerned, I would consider Birdo to be a Hermaphordite but more femme since it can produce eggs through the mouth and wears a bow but tends to act a little masculine at times when it comes to fighting. Nothing really wrong with this since there are hermaphrodites in the real world as well who seem to live a normal life like anyone else. However most people consider Birdo as a girl since it's always trying to get a boyfriend in a couple of games, somewhat like with Amy always chasing Sonic kind of and in most and more recent games she seems to cling onto Yoshi and work with Yoshi in the party, sports, and other spin-off games as a companion and ally.
The only time I would ever consider Birdo as a guy is in I wanna be the guy since in this game Birdo becomes Mecha Birdo and is considerably one of the hardest bosses in the game aside from Dracula and "the guy" as Birdo will shoot lasers from his eyes and missles that are deadly when near the edges. Birdo makes a couple of cameos in other games as well but depicted as a female and the such. Aside from all this Birdo would most likely be considered a girl for hanging around Yoshi and almost always speaking in a femme tone.
While in most countries Vivian is called a guy, a couple of versions of PM: TTYD depict Vivian as a girl instead of a guy since the game is eared toward a younger audience who probably wouldn't understand the concepts of crossdressing, GID (Gender Identity Disorder), and why some guys prefer to act out and dress up as a femme instead. Then again Vivian has two bigger sisters and being around them was influenced and possibly forced to act as a femme instead of a guy which explains his/her flamboyant, nice, silly, and outgoing and sometimes timid attitude with helping Mario until the end of the game where he rejoins his two older sisters who vow to be nicer to him and never do anything evil to anyone ever again.
However, whether this was true remains to be seen, also after fiishing the game, Vivian joined Mario to run around the world and help complete unfinished side quests. However in the NTSC version where he was made to be female was also possibly done since during after the second fight with Doopliss he'll kiss him and proceeds to do so a few more times later in the game. Overall whenever I do play I prefer to look at Vivian as a male as he was when the game was originally released since I somewhat understand the concept for his behaviour to an extent. While Vivian may be a bit flamboyant he still does well in battle as he can light enemies on fire or hide Mario and himself, albeit it costs them both their next turn as well. Overall he most likely acts as a girl because of his two older sisters and the Shadow Queen and as he was the only guy in the bunch as well as youngest, he either asked them to raise him as a girl in the trio or they forced him into being one.
As well as being raised as one he likely retained a male voice but made it high pitch to sound femme and likely forgot he was a guy after awhile unless Beldam insults him with gender based insults. Marilyn likely would join in on forcing Vivian forcing him to be a girl although she doesn't seem very capable of speech either though. Another prospect that probably lead him to being a bit more gender confused is he apparently likes "pretty things", although this is a trait usually seen amongst most gender confused guys, it can be seen amongst non-gender confused straight guys as well but the gender confused display the trait a bit more. Anyways, enough rambling on that. Vivian also likely changed over to a acting as a femme so he wouldn't feel like an odd duck as well.
The most underhanded of all the Koopa Troopa minions. Mario, Luigi , and anyone that a Goomba is unfortunate to meet will always be stomped. However they tend to get lucky on occasion and side shuffle the player to their demise. Many times does a Goomba go out into the world while some wish to live in peace only to be stomped by anyone coming by because they can't defend themselves. Occasionally a goomba will be fortunate to earn it's wings or maybe a spike on it head to keep them safer from foes or out of reach of being stomped only to still be stomped while going on a daily stroll.
Many goombas have wondered how they might be able to live without being stomped and squished to their own demise everyday. Many have tried a new idea and yet always failed until one day one of the goombas got sneaky and ate many, many mushrooms and grew to be several times the size of a normal goomba and became known as Goomboss who declared itself king of the goombas and offered them protection and by far is the longest living goomba since it will race with the Mario Bros. and company from time to time or challenge them to a battle and live another day. Many times Goomboss has talked with them all about getting upgrades for the goombas to defend themselves and yet every attempt was matched with laughter even the beggings for the goombas to stop being squashed. Several goombas actually help Mario greatly and Mario and Luigi tend to leave most goombas alone. Some are even in different colors as well and a bit stronger than normal goombas as well. Goombas have become more intellict and intellegent over the years whch has greatly helped them in many ways. However there are still goombas working for Bowser and other dark forces that still get squashed on a daily basis for it.
Waluigi is the dark yet friendly rival of Luigi for no reason, he seems to be taller than him but far more thinner for some reason. The only time he actually tries to do anything is if it's sports or dancing, aside from that he doesn't seem to want to hurt anyone or anything. Although he is seen from time to time with Waro trying to cause mischief or trying to keep Daisy safe for unknown reasons. He also appears to be in a couple of Mario Party games. He also is an awesome band person as he does vocals and lead electric guitar with his band called "Overloaded Burnt Cupcakes" which is a Indie/ Black Metal/ Punk Rock/ and Synthrock band. He's released 12 albums and sold close to 50 million copies worldwide making Waluigi one of the must succesful of the Mario characters in the music industry. He also has an upside down L on his hat and tried out for the WWE only to be knocked out easily by some of the wrestlers. When he isn't doing anything to tends to relax and reside in Mushroom Kingdom near Peach's castle in one of the houses with a couple of Toads, Koopas, a goomba, and Lakitu.
Luigi is always going to be the younger brother of Mario although they were both apparently born on the same day/night yet probably a few minutes apart from each other. Luigi tends to more naive and a bit more shy when it comes to doing anything in the first place. He gets into pretty hysterical situations on many occasions from being turned into a egg, dressing as Peach to try to find out what Shrowser and Fawful are up to all the way to being transformed into a strange looking creature by Dimentio the weird and messed up evil clown and distorter. Luigi is always going to be taller than Mario although as for why Mario gets all the action while he gets little to none at all in any Mario game. Mario even Luigi's sweetheart, Daisy before Luigi did!!
However does have his very few up times where he has to rescue Mario or Peach instead of Mario rescuing people. However most of the time Luigi is the less fortunate of the two as well. In PM: TTYD he will tell stories yet all his partners will state that he is lying about a part of the story. Also noted is where Luigi crossdressed, the first time is in one of the stories that Luigi is telling and the second is the M&L Superstar saga where he sneaks back into Peach’s castle apparently to make them think that Peach is giving over her voice. That plan still fails later as they get Birdo's voice instead. Luigi will probably always be a sad misunderstood character, a brother, and a bit of comic relief. Maybe one day Luigi will take over Mario's place as the hero of the series.
Random Quotes
"Yea, I understand you like to tear things apart. That's your thing to do I know but I think it's because someone ripped you. You sat alone in that tent while your father went out and was plundering and ripping things apart, just doing his job. But who was the real victim? You were."
-Larry Daily confronting Ataliah the Hun
"I keep going to that island every day hoping to remember his name. I know if I keep going it'll come back to me someday. So I sent out a message in a bottle to the boy. Maybe he'll find it too."
-Kairi, Kingdom Hearts 2
"This litterbox isn't big enough for the two of us!!"
-Gatomon Digimon Season 2
"I don't care what you have to say because I am a cat."
-Cat Face
"My dad always eats the yolk first."*starts poking egg with chopsticks*
-Konata, Lucky Star
"I'm a cat and no cat has given a straighter answer than that."
-Cat, The Last Unicorn
"I'm happy to say that from this day forward I'm now 100% a girl! WOOHOO!!!"
-Jun Watarase, Happiness OVA
"I'm a kitty cat!"
-Chiyo-Chan, Azumanga Daioh
Ashley WarioWare Touched.png
Crazy yet funny
Peach Blossom.jpg
Peaceful and sleepy yet?
Blargh, I is lava!
Moogles, YAY!!
Luigi (21).jpg
Luigi says hello.
Congrats on winning.
Twins with different hair, also ninjas!
Yoshi! Most convenient character ever!
Yay Birdo!
If you haven't played as Jessica in Dragon Quest then what's wrong? Awesome attacks!
Pudding from Dragon Quest!!
Bianco, another cool person.
Cristo/Kyril, nice coat. :)
Team Rosalina and a luma!!