Tanokki/userboxes's Userbox Tower
This user listens to video game music.
This user thinks that fusing Knuckles and Amy is disgusting but still likes the way Knuamy looks.
This user is addicted to video games.
This user loves CHEESE!.
This user doesn't care what console a game is for as long as it's fun.
This user plays the Crash Bandicoot series.
This user is a fan of the Ice Climber Game.
this user had staff infection.
This user hates the Halo series.
This user plays the Super Mario series.
This user is a huge fan of the Paper Mario series.
This user is cool. ( or at least SLS says so.
This user is a Super SmashBrother!
This user is probably online.
This user thinks Mario should RAP!
This user thinks Mario should ROCK ON!
This user loves the Fun Section of the 'Shroom.
This user loves the "Fake News" section of The 'Shroom.
This user has over [many] edits on the Super Mario Wiki.
This user thinks Yoshis are strange.
This user thinks Waluigi should appear in more than just sports games.
This user likes the sport, Basketball.
It's a plus
70 % of all people are not good at mathematics. If you are part of the other 30 %, place this on your user page.
This user hopes you read each and every one of {his/her) userboxes! or else...
This user believes that all userboxes should be the same size!
File:Box open.png
This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
This user likes 8bit games
This user is a huge fan of the Paper Mario series.
File:Box open.png
This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
This user likes the Blooper's dance.
This user is friends with DB.
This user likes to fuse Sonic and Mighty.
This user likes to fuse Sonic and Knuckles.
This user likes to fuse Knuckles and Tails.
This user is part of the Super Smash Bros. PipeProject.
This user likes mIRC.
This user likes finding userboxes on Google this itself is an example.
This user is a Super Mario Wiki contributor. This is the only userbox.
This user is addicted to the Internet.
This user is a (loyal) fan of Nintendo hardware and software.
This user plays the Kirby Series.
This user plays the F-Zero series.
This user has the right to think Mametchi is strange.
This user likes springs that have eyes.
This user likes the eek!dance!
This user likes luigi.
This user can not be found on any IM network at all!!
This user likes to fuse mario and snake.
This user hates wario.
This user likes boshi.
This user took Glitz Hawk (Talk)'s quiz and is most like Glitz hawk.
This user got tired,searched for gif, and made a userbox out of it.
This user likes Bob-ombs and implosions.
This ufer is Pofh.
This user thinks luigi shouldn't be called mama luigi.
This user PWNS as sonic and can kick your a** with him.
This user thinks Dr. Mario rules!
This user likes you fail gifs..
This user likes Wart and thinks he is funny.
This user dislikes Bowser Jr and think replacing the koopa lings was dumb.
This user has too many luigi userboxes.
This user plays the The Legend of Zelda series.
This user PWNs at Guitar Hero 3 and almost beat thorough the fire and the flames on medium.
This user likes sonic2.
This user likes the simpsons.
This user thinks homer is drunk.
This user thinks he has to many userboxes...not!
this user likes mario and luigi superstar saga.
This user likes super smash bros. melee.
This user can compute Pi=3.14159265358979323846264338...
This user thinks that PENGUINS RULE!!!!!
This user has 120 power stars in super mario 64.
This user apologizes if any of the previous userboxes were strange/stupid/offensive.
This user likes Chain Chomps.
This user like to spin in circles. Weeeeeeeee!
This user misses userpedia.