this page is a big ugly mess because the infobox script is indev
userbox tower
- style="color:#C0C0C0"
CosmicBowser's Userbox Tower
This user designs board games as a hobby
This user is an advanced gamer.
This user is an advanced programmer.
This user is intermediate on ripping sprites.
Thisuser's favorite console is the New Nintendo 2DS XL.
This user thinks that (I cant decide between EVE: Onilne and Mario & Luigh: Bowser's Inside Story) is the best videogame ever made.
This user dislikes the Pokemon videogame series.
This user's favorite videogame character is either Fawful, the Dark star, or Dark Bowser.
and now for my userbox
and the wikitext:
{ { u s e r b o x | b o r d e r = b l a c k |
m a i n b k g d = # C 0 C 0 C 0 |
c o d e b k g d = b l a c k | c o d e =
[ [ F i l e : D a r k S t a r . g i f ] ] |
m s g = T h i s u s e r i s a n
a l l y o f
{ { U s e r | C o s m i c B o w s e r } } . } }
- This username was my original misinterpretation of Dark Bowser due to a damaged screen on my 3DS
- I am pro-fannon (if it is creative enough)
shroom stuff