Super Princess Peach

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Template:Infobox Super Princess Peach is a game for the Nintendo DS released in 2006. In this game, Mario, Luigi, and many Toads have been kidnapped by Bowser, using the magical Vibe Scepter, and taken to Vibe Island. Princess Peach must save them, using a talking umbrella called Perry and her powers of emotion, the vibes being emitted from Vibe Island.

Beginning Storyline

While Princess Peach goes out for a sunny stroll in the castle gardens, Bowser and his legions of minions swarm the castle, this time easily overpowering the guards and even the three heroes Mario, Luigi, and Toad with their newfound weapon: the Vibe Scepter. Upon Peach's return, she is horrified to find all of her guards running about the castle, either hysterically crying, euphorically happy, or angry beyond measure. Since Bowser has already absconded with Mario, Luigi, and Toad, Peach resolves to go after Bowser herself and rescue them as they have rescued her on many occasions.

File:SPP ArtworkT.png
Many characters of the game.

Toadsworth gives her an umbrella as a parting gift, saying only that it is a very strange umbrella. Later, the audience finds out that the umbrella is named Perry, and has a very tragic backstory of his own to unravel.

Winning Conditions

There are three Toads being held captive in every stage of Super Princess Peach. To reach the final stage and Bowser, Peach must rescue all three Toads from each stage.

Peach's "Vibes"

Joy: Peach becomes very happy and gains the ability to float (press A). When the player releases A, Peach spins down, saying "Wheeee!" The spinning action dispels toxic air and gets rid of some boundaries, and the flight lets her reach otherwise inaccessible Toads and areas of stages. It is the orange heart.
Rage: Peach becomes enraged and catches fire, making her invincible to enemies' attacks. When she Rages and jumps, the resulting stomp as she comes back down can set off big switches. Raging is also useful for heating the air in a hot-air balloon to make it rise. It is the red heart.
Gloom: Peach becomes sad and begins to cry, causing her to run faster and make plants grow for her to climb. Her tears can also make water wheels go around, opening hidden parts of stages, and can freeze onto cold surfaces to make it easier to get under tight spaces. It is the blue heart.
Calm: Peach becomes calm, restoring HP while draining the Vibe Gauge. If Peach is interrupted by an enemy attack while Calming, the process stops. It is the green heart.


Peach controls Perry for everything. The "A" button, as usual, makes her jump while the "B" button makes her attack. A new sort of attack, using the "Y" or "X" button, scoops the enemy up and onto the umbrella, after that, the player can throw the enemy forward or press down on the D-pad to "swallow" it for more vibe power.

Perry can form into several different objects to aid Peach's travels as well, from a boat to a submarine, from a cable car to a laser weapon.

Boss Battles

Each world has five levels. Once you complete them, (you don't need to rescue all the toads) you unlock the boss stage. The bosses are:
World 1: Petey Piranha
World 2: Hoo
World 3: King Boo
World 4: Wiggler
World 5: Gooper Blooper
World 6: Blizzaurus
World 7: Kamek
World 8: Army Hammer Bro and Bowser

Perry's Dreams

After each boss battle, Peach and Perry sleep before continuing on to the next level. During each rest period, Perry dreams a recurring dream that seems to reveal more and more about his past. Indeed, it seems he was originally a human boy, but was taken from his grandfather by a pair of evildoers who then trapped him into an umbrella form. What does this portend for the end of the journey at Bowser's castle? Absolutely nothing!


All the enemies of the game have tattles. Here they all are:

  • Goomba: The Mushroom traitor is a common sight.
  • Mad Goomba: Its expression when it causes an earthquake is great.
  • Sad Goomba: Attacks when it’s sad so the player will feel bad when attacking.
  • Paragoomba: A Goomba who flies. Fights by dropping things on the player.
  • Sad Paragoomba: Gets in the player's way by flying back and forth while sad.
  • Red Paragoomba: A Goomba who flies. What’s next? Flying Cheep Cheeps?
  • Mad Red Paragoomba: Can cling to cliffs when angry.
  • Green Koopa Troopa: A Koopa Troopa that attacks head-on.
  • Mad Green Koopa: Attacks angrily like a spoiled child!
  • Red Koopa Troopa: The weakest of the Koopa Troopas. Wanders constantly.
  • Glad Red Koopa: A Koopa Troopa that has learned to jump happily.
  • Paratroopa: A hopping Koopa Troopa. Still flighty as ever.
  • Mad Green Paratroopa: Floats angrily to and fro. Attacks foes on sight.
  • Red Paratroopa: A floating Koopa Troopa. Rather weak.
  • Glad Red Paratroopa: Floats without a care in figure 8s while happy.
  • Lakitu: An annoying foe that attacks from his cloud.
  • Calm Lakitu: Sleeps calmly. Walk softly so as not to wake him.
  • Spiny: An annoying foe whose spikes the player can’t jump on.
  • Sad Spiny: Speeds back and forth while sad and crying.
  • Mecha-Spike Top: Known for its hard shell and spines. Walks constantly.
  • Mad Mecha-Spike Top: A dangerous foe that can stretch its spines.
  • Hammer Brother: A Koopa soldier that throws hammers.
  • Calm Hammer Brother: Attack this sleeping enemy after quietly approaching!
  • Amazing Flyin' Hammer Brother: An annoying foe who throws hammers from a platform.
  • Calm Amazing Flyin' Hammer Brother: Attack this sleeping enemy without getting close.
  • Spike: Spits iron balls from its mouth. Jump on it!
  • Mad Spike: Jumps angrily and launches iron balls!
  • Piranha Plant: Snaps at everything! Don’t just jump on it!
  • Glad Piranha Plant: Dances around happily and spits fireballs.
  • Nipper Plant: A small Piranha Plant. Hops everywhere.
  • Sad Nipper Plant: Attacks foes without a thought since it’s so sad.
  • Ptooie: Throws balls while walking. A type of Piranha Plant.
  • Glad Ptooie: Does a happy dance and throws balls in the air.
  • Volcano Plant: Spits at the player from its spot on the ground. Look out!
  • Calm Volcano Plant: Approach quietly while it sleeps and defeat it!
  • Pokey: A thorny cactuslike foe. Avoid it by jumping.
  • Mad Pokey: Will stretch its spine-covered body angrily.
  • Cheep-Cheep: A blowfish-like creature that lives in water.
  • Sad Cheep Cheep: A high-jumping Cheep Cheep.
  • Blurp: Wears goggles and approaches in the water.
  • Mad Blurp: Quivers with anger as it hunts enemies.
  • Blooper: A squidlike enemy that moves oddly up and down.
  • Glad Blooper: A laid-back enemy that swims happily in the water.
  • Urchin: Meanders through water. Watch those spines!
  • Boo: A shy ghost. If the player looks at it, it will freeze.
  • Mad Boo: An angry ghost that’ll attack the player if the player looks at it!
  • Big Boo: A giant Boo. Still as shy as ever.
  • Big Boo: It’s not shy anymore! It’s angry and enormous!
  • Dry Bones: A skeleton Koopa Troopa. It breaks but reassembles.
  • Sad Dry Bones: Weeps sadly and throws bones.
  • Fishin' Boo: A ghost version of Lakitu. It likes to fish!
  • Calm Fishin' Boo: Walk quietly by when it’s sleeping.
  • Podoboo: Avoid this fireball that jumps out of lava!
  • Lil' Sparky: Avoid it as it moves along the terrain.
  • Hothead: Avoid it as it moves along the terrain.
  • Thwomp: Starts to attack as the player moves closer. Avoid it!
  • Torpedo Ted: An underwater version of Bullet Bill. Watch out!
  • Glad Torpedo Ted: Happily moves through the water as it attacks.
  • Bullet Bill: It’s dangerous and looks hard, but try stomping it!
  • Mad Bullet Bill: A super foe that attacks at high speed.
  • Banzai Bill: It’s huge! But the player can pick it up with the X Button!
  • Mad Banzai Bill: A super bullet that attacks angrily at high speed.
  • Cannon: An annoying enemy that attacks with cannonballs.
  • Calm Cannon: Wipe this foes out as it sleeps calmly.
  • Bob-omb: A bomb enemy. Stomp on it, and in a bit, it’ll explode.
  • Glad Bob-omb: Skips happily toward the player. It explodes, so be careful!
  • Parabomb: a Bob-omb with a parachute. Stomp on it to blow it up.
  • Glad Parabomb: Gets happy when it loses its parachute. Then it skips.
  • Chain Chomp: It’s chained because it’s dangerous! Be careful!
  • Calm Chain Chomp: Annoying if the player wakes it. Jump quietly!
  • Big Chain Chomp: A giant Chain Chomp. Very dangerous!
  • Fang: Attacks from the air.
  • Glad Fang: Dances happily and attacks!
  • Raven: Cute...but still a foe. It moves along the terrain.
  • Sad Raven: So sad, it sometimes causes earthquakes.
  • Rex: A dinosaur-like enemy. Flip it with two stomps.
  • Sad Rex: Gets sad and attacks when it sees an enemy.
  • Walruss: Apparently spends time on ice eating snow cones.
  • Starfish: A star-shaped foe rumored to be the prince of a kingdom?
  • Boss P. Plant: A big Piranha Plant. Its belly button is vulnerable?
  • Hoo: The protector of Hoo’s Wood. Attacks when threatened.
  • King Boo: The boss of the Boos. It fears the light!
  • Wiggler: Usually quiet, but is gets angry when stepped on!
  • Gooper Blooper: The Blooper boss. It can attack with its tentacles.
  • Blizzaurus: The dragon of Gleam Glacier. It used to be a sprite.
  • Giant Kamek: A Kamek made huge with magic! It can teleport!
  • Army Hammer Bro: The Hammer Bros. leader. Stronger than the others?
  • Bowser: Mario’s old enemy. Uses the power of Vibe Island...
  • Bowser 2: He wasn’t beaten! Hit his eyes with a Bob-omb!


For More Information

SuperPrincessPeach.Com - Official game website.
Umbrella Angel - The first and most intensive Super Princess Peach fansite.
Nintendo.Com: Super Princess Peach -'s section on the game.