
From the Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Revision as of 19:36, August 14, 2007 by 3Dejong (talk | contribs) (Same as below.)
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Status: I have now become an inactive user. Meaning I will not be on the wiki. Anymore. At all. I may get back on the forum sometime in the future, but probably not.

f_Boingksm_ad3418e.gifUser:3dejong: Resident Optimist of the Super Mario Wiki!f_Skgniobm_105323e.gif

As long as I'm only the tiniest speck in this enourmous universe... I might as well go back to sleep.

Hiya from me and my best friend Max!



3Dejong's Userbox Tower
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Fawful from Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Earth small.png
Mario you phail.gif
Ahh!!! The great soda shines!
NC Comix

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Luigi, my favorite character! But WALUIGI is my LEAST favorite!

Hi there!, fellow gamers, and thanks for taking the time to read my page! I am Daniel David DeJong, known as 3dejong or 3D to YOU, or as Son Who Plays Video Games And Is On The Computer Too Much to my mom and dad. Or, in other words, I am 3dejong:

3- favorite number
d- D’oh!
j- Juicy: Good pancakes are always juicy!
o- Orange: favorite color and fruit
n- NOT AVAILIBLE.. what I usually am nowadays.
g- Gooey: The way I like my waffles.

Read on to discover more about me, and remember, have fun! You can copy any pictures and/or userboxes here. Also, please feast your eyes on my sprite comic, check out what's happening in my life (yes, I have one), read a bio of ME, or learn about the other guys here! I try to update my page every day, so keep checking back!

I am an EXTREME Mario and Nintendo fan (I live, eat, breathe and sleep them), so this website is the perfect way to vent my knowledge! (I joined at 3:30 pm, September 18, 2006.) One thing you should know: I. HATE. SONY. AND. MICROSOFT. Actually, Crash and Spyro are really fun, innovotive titles to me, and Sony creates great games (the PSP is pretty cool, like a gaming PDA) but what totally ticks me off is the fact that Sony pretty much passes their system off as an "entertainment system". Sheeesh. Like, Playstation is a GAMING CONSOLE! Sure, snappping a rented DVD onto your PS2 is great and convienient, but still, if you want good DVD backup, go buy a DVD/VHS system. With Microsoft, well, that's another story altogether. I won't beat up on Halo, I've seen screenshots of it (beautiful graphics) and I've heard it has a great, engaging storyline, so well, okay, I'll say it, Halo's pretty cool! The thing about it, though, is that it's, like, Xbox's only first-party game! Any others I have yet to see. Xbox has cool, intuitive, classic controls and lush graphics, but that's not all that a game is. Plus, Xbox 360 is like an "improved" version of Xbox. Bleah. With Nintendo, every system that comes out is an OBVIOUS improvement on the proir. Don't see any of that happening with Playstation or Microsoft. But whatever, maybe I'm being too critical. Maybe Xbox IS a cool platform (if you like adult-ish games). Maybe built-in DVD support for the Playstation IS a big plus. Whatever. I'm a Nintendo person. But don't let that keep you away from me! If you think I'm being really, really unjust drop me a line on my Talk Page! (that little tab that says "Discussion" on the top of the page.)

Wanna see how I did on Super Mario Bros. HQ's Purity Test? Here's my results:

132 points out of 253: Obssesed: Mario is a religion to me!


f_pjm_3fc547c.png Me and the Guys @ MarioWiki f_pjm_3fc547c.png


If 3dejong ruled the world, Humans would be... screaming.
~ Parayoshi, on the Wiki Forum




I, as you can see, am 3dejong. I'm a teenager trying to make sense of life, philisophy, homework, Wikisyntax...... and WHAT Homestar Runner is saying. I also have hair that usually looks like it came from DragonBall Z.. espacially when I get out of bed. :D I REALLY enjoy ANY Mario or Nintendo game (except Resident Evil), but I don't care WHAT platform a game is for, as long as it's fun! I'm saving like crazy and counting the days until the Wii comes out! Mario Galaxy ROCKS! Why am I sich a Mario nerd? I'll explain: When I was ten, I contracted a severe case of Mario Nerd Fever. As it was never cured, I am now, officialy and permanently, a Mario Nerd. :P

I also enjoy laughing with any humorous book or comic strip (Calvin and Hobbes, Dog eat Doug, Foxtrot, and Space is the Place are just a few of my favorites.) I can beat ANY Mario game to pieces in at most, a month, and no games can last more then five weeks around me (I completed Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island 100%, all secrets, all red coins, all flowers, EVERY Dragon Coin. Also, I completed New Super Mario Bros. 100% in two days. Really. Honestly.). I am on the computer sooooooo much.. Once my mom announced that I was spending WAAAAY to much time on the internet (duh). I answered "The page you are looking for is currently unavailible. Please retype the address, or you may need to adjust your browser settings." She promptly booted me outside. I am the oldest of six siblings (yeah, BUH-LEEVE IT) which is a blessing and a curse: blessing: always someone to Download Play: curse: only one computer in house.. O_o

My first exposure to Mario came when I played Super Mario Bros: Classic NES Series on a friend's GBA SP. For years I had known, vaugley, that Nintendo, Sega, and Playstation were video game makers, and that Mario was a famous gaming icon. One of my cousins had gotten ahold of a new SP with Pac-Man Collection and Piglet's Big Game, and I spent many happy hours playing both. But Super Mario Bros. exposed me forever to the bright, sidescrolling world of Mario and friends, never to leave. I discovered this page while surfing Wikipedia. At first I thought, "Sweet! A cool place about EVERYTHING Mario!" But later, I realized that one could MAKE AN ACCOUNT... and my life has never been the same! LOL. I've become a permanent eyesore here, and, somehow, have gotten ADDICTED to typing stuff! Anyway, I'm pretty much the handyman for anything that does NOT involve stuff like "<shtuffuinfweird<>'s>". I use my handy scanner to rip stuff out of Player's Guides (like in the Toady page, for instance), and use my huge understanding of all things Mario to make walkthroughs, articles, pics, etc. If you're new here, talk to me! Please! I can answer any question about Mario, and maybe a few programming questions..... But no questions like this: <span> </span> , please! I love to get mail! I hope you'll give me a message soon, and become a member here! I have (duh), and it's great. I've made a lot of impact, uploading art, scanning, and inventing the "variable quote" sig that's become all the rage. I'm also the guy that says "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" about every other post on the forum. So sue me. :P But what about the "other guys"? Well....

f_ASPLOSIONm_72c0611.gif f_HEADASPLNOVm_e43649f.gif f_HEADAWHAMm_eaa87bf.gif


The "other dudes"

Life is short. Very short. Yes, 'extremely' short. Which is why I try to spend as much of its short time as possible eating stale Oreos, drinking warm Diet Dr. Pepper, and, of course, blowing the best years of my life on the internet. Yes, life is short. Oreo?
~ Moi

Porplemontage: The "head honcho". ANY Wiki questions, bug him. He also created the DK Wiki, duh. Which is now a portal here...

Super Luigi 821: "He's a good boy! :)" A very knowledgable and fun guy. He knows a ton about Mario, and more about Wiki stuff than I ever will!

Maxlover2: He pwns. Enough said. A reformed troller who knows how to make sweet comics? nice.

Wayoshi: A fun guy with a ton of Wiki knowledge. He's one of the most active users. Talk to him if you need help. Or, most likely, he'll talk to you! (But never, ever get into chat with him....)

Knife: Once opon a time, there was a user named Spike. He was a cool user, but suddenly, he changed his name to Knife! But still, cool guy. Wacko, psycho, and straaange.. but cool.

Pheonix Rider: Another good guy who knows a lot about both gaming and programming. He's helped me a lot in the past...

KPH2293: A nice guy who's also a guru on Zelda and Star Wars!

WarioLoaf: He.... defies..... explanation.... He is, in a few words, the most random user here. But he has lots of knowledge, and is always up for a random conversation, especially about Wario or the Penguin.....

Parayoshi: A good guy to play a Wi-Fi match with. He knows more about Wikisyntax than I do. Ask him about it! He also is a big Yoshi fan, like me.

Yoshi Mastar: A "Mariologist" and another Wiki whiz. He also has an impressive collection of sprites, which he shows off in his sprite comics.

RAP: You, too, have become one of our coolest workers. Your helpfulness is greatly admired! Keep it up! You're our most active sysop!

Red.Tide: I sense great promise! I’m proud I encouraged you to stay, as your articles are outstanding. Keep it up! Big time!

Aipom: Your comics are great! Can’t wait for the next! And, also, if you ever became the head of Nintendo, I bet us Mario fans wouldn’t be disappointed! ;)

Dry Bones: Yoy're one cool guy, and your walkthroughs are great. With a bit of extra grammar, you could become a wonderful page writer! :D

User:YellowYoshi398: Your articles are an awesome part of the wiki. Keep making those amazing pages! You can make even the most boring topic engaging. Good work. And by the way, you have one of teh most awsomemost userpages ever. Totally. You pwn.

Son of Suns: Without you, the site wouldn’t be what it is now. Look at the history of some of our greatest articles, and you’ll see that SoS built them up. Stay our page knocker-outer! This user is now inactive... WHAAH!

Smiddle: \/\/3 |-|4\/3 7|-|r33 7|-|1|\|6$ 1|\| c0/\/\/\/\0|\|: \/\/4ffl3z, 7|-|3 p|-|r4$3 “AAAAAAAAAAAA!” 4|\|d “ O RLY?” 81rdz. \/\/3 |-|4d $0/\/\3 600d c|-|47z, 4|\|d 1 |-|0p3 \/\/3 |-|4\/3 /\/\0r3.

Ultimatetoad: You’re one of the friendliest faces, both on the forum and the wiki. You also have the coolest personal image! :)

Fg: It always makes my day when I log on and see that you’ve said hi. Keep making us feel welcome. “How’re you doing?”

Plumber: Even though you’re a Waluigi fan, you’re still a cool guy. :P What do ya think of this song?

“Oh, yeah, Plumber’s one cool purple plumber fan;
He can make a wacky song better than I can;
He has the coolest sprites, he has a cool sig;
He’s one user I can really dig!”

Rate this one, Plumber! :D

Sadaharu: WHAT?! THIS GUY IS A SYSOP?! He may be random, but he’s cool. Even though he has a random page, random comic, random story, and random personality, he’s cool. Kudos.

Confused: Shedding light in mixed-up areas, Confused to the rescue! Already a patroller? Woah. You DO really know your way around a wiki. Wich I had taken that name. :P

Paper Luigi DS: DUDE. Cool page, cool sig, cool sprites, cool GIFs... you are the 744+. You and Plumber rank #1 in my “Hall of L33t Programming.”

Xzelion: You have captured all of our personalities perfectly (at least mine). You help us. You encourage us. Dude. You deserve to be sysop.

Isyou: Two words. RUN AWAY!

Toa Waluigi: Even though I hate Bionicle, this guy rocks.

Wikis I am On:

No, I can't say as to I was ever lost, but I was bewildered once for three days.
~Daniel Boone

On all these Wikis, my username is 3dejong.

  • MarioWiki: DUH.
  • Wikia: Ask me to vote for your Wiki and I’ll be happy to.
  • Fantendo: I hang out there when I’m bored.
  • MarioWiki Forum: VERY, VERY active. First guy to hit 1000 and 1337!
  • UserPedia: What'd ya think?


My Edits, New Pages, and Uploaded Pics

Everything is this world is a matter for argument... excpet love, religion, and toothache.
~Albert Payson Terhune


Well, you’re wrong. But if you want to see an example of my pics, go to Merchandise. An example of a good page I made? Super Mario Adventures. And I have over 5,300 edits, in case you wanted that too. Now read on and never come back to this section again.


Images I've uploaded

I've uplaoded exactly 500 images. Really. Ask me what they are.

Useful Edits I have Made

Alright, alright. I'll use Dynamic Page List (DPL) to look for my most useful edits. Here we go:



My Sprites

If anything can go wrong, it will.
~ Murphy’s Law

Need my sprites? Here:


Crazes I Have Started

Remember, kids, don’t do drugs or you’ll end up like 3dejong!
~ Smiddle, Wiki Forum

~ Monty Mole, Wiki Forum

I've started/sent of a lot of fads here, including:

  • The comment-in-sig craze
  • Graveyard (everyone's drinking it now. ?!)
  • GIFs (I make them to order. Order one on my talk page!)
  • Fake New Messages Templates

Embarrassments at the Hands of Other Users

~ Fawful, Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga

It would take me days to list all the places I've been... and I'm so lazy, I'm not gonna try.


f_wlm_07e8a2b.png Quote of the day.. or every other day... or week... or month.... f_wlm_07e8a2b.png

~ Stewey Griffin

Yeah, I heard you the first ten times.
~ Brian the Dog

Wacko qoutes from me that express my personality.


~ At times like this, when you question why you were put on earth... you say "That's what FUDGE is for!"

~ If you're wasting time, but having fun doing it, does that make it OK?

~ I just live here....

~ Things you can do with one (1) finger:

  • Make toast.
  • Summon an elevator.
  • Entertain a baby.
  • Identify a murderer.
  • Purchase a soda.
  • And the most important thing, edit MarioWiki.

~ If two Mario characters had to die, I'd pick Waluigi and Petey Piranha. Waluigi would be eaten by Petey, who would then die of indigestion.


~ SSB? I hate it. *ANGRY MOB MAULE'D!


~ For more information please call 1-900-GET-RIPD.

~ If my state of mind was a food, it'd be scrambled eggs.

~ Are you still here?

~ Why?

~Why not?


~Wiiiiiiiiii!iii! ~Knife, not me

~ Philosophy is the art of goofing off and being admired for how well you do it.



Nah, I’m the most important person alive. Without me, the whole universe would probably collapse.
~Joe: Joe & Monkey

The “scholarly” part of my page. Whenever I feel like it, I post a new definition!

  • Conscience: Something that keeps more people awake than coffee. It may be a still small voice, but it sure screams loudly afterwards.
  • Flashlight: A container for dead batteries.
  • Book: A randomly compiled collection of non understandable words slapped together to make a point most people will not like. Like this definition.
  • Patience: A quality all children under the age of 4 instinctively set out to instill in all around them.
  • Home: A place where you are free to say what you think, but no one listens.
  • Vacation: If you travel for days through uncharted territory only to have your picture taken next to your car, you’ve been on one.
  • Future: The ideal time to schedule all homework.
  • Philosophy: Anything that makes no sense.
  • Answers: Everybody has these for everybody else’s problems.
  • Clear Conscience: The sign of a bad memory.
  • Cooperation: Doing what I tell you, and doing it NOW. Fetch me a Graveyard and a Twinkie. NOW.
  • Etc.: The word to say when you can’t think of one.
  • Energy: What most people save for rainy days.
  • Females: People who take their time while taking your time. (If this offends anyone, sorry. I’m writing this for my mom… ;P)
  • Constructive Criticism: When I smack you.
  • Destructive Criticism: When you smack me.
  • Conference: When everyone talks, no one listens, and everybody argues about who said what afterward.
  • Small Talk: Best in large doses (now in X-Large and X-X-Large!)
  • Vacation: It begins when your dad says “I know a short cut!”
  • Opinion: You can only keep it if it’s the same as mine.
  • Idiot: Someone who despises video games.
  • Expert: Anyone that can take something simple and make it confusing. “Due to innumerable consequences of obviously erroneous processes in the…”
  • Job: Something to get up at 5:00 for.
  • Homework: The more things you have to do, the more of it you get.
  • History: The art of studying dead people.
  • Whatever: The perfect word.
  • Backpack: The tool used nowadays for clobbering those annoying Halo fans at the bus stop.
  • Me: The only perfect being.
  • You: My slave. Or at least my Graveyard-Fetcher.
  • Everyone Else: See above.
  • List: A confusing way of stating confusing things.
  • Store: Someplace that better have video games, or the manager will get clobbered with an above definition.
  • Monkey: Don’t these come in plastic balls now? And live with guys named Joe?
  • Internet: Where’s the place to make best friends with people you’ve never met? TEH INNERNETS!11!1!1!!!
  • Talk: See Type.
  • Type: See Talk.
  • This Definition: If you got past the last two, you’re pretty good at this.
  • Super Mario Bros. Paper Party Kart Chainsaw Rally Tennis Golf Land 4: Sarasaland Tour: Mega Party Mix: Spun! Featuring Homestar Runner: Inevitable.
  • 48507|_|+73Y \/\/4(K0: If you could read that, you have no life.
  • Graveyard: Nature’s perfect elixir. It rejuvenates the body… and gives the mind one big ‘ol SUGAH BUZZ! WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!
  • Slackers: The smart people.
  • Evil: My neighbor’s pet cat.
  • Computers: There’s a name for times before computers. ANCIENT HISTORY.
  • Politics: When two parties that believe two things that are almost exactly the same argue over the correct points of the governmental society and the correct amount of taxes at any given time decide to go to court and hopefully resolve whatever this whole dang thing started with in the first place. (If that made no sense, you have just been given an example of good politics.)


The Goomba sat speechless, as speechless as a Goomba could be, if it could talk. Then it turned and waddled away. Great Gonzo walked through Pipe Plaza. He heard ‘Templates! Fresh Templates made to order!” issuing out from one of the stalls. It was a sultry day, so Gonzo took his sweater off. Suddenly, a user grabbed him. “Take care! I am a friend!” He pulled Gonzo into a small stall. Gonzo looked about. He was in the Trouble Center, and people were looking at Troubles posted. The user that had pulled Gonzo in told him to go behind the counter and wait for him. The user then went through a side door. Suddenly, two sysops burst in. “Where are the trolls?” they demanded. Immediately all the users in the area scattered. Gonzo was about to scatter too, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was not the user he had met, but a female user. “Here!” she whispered. “Take this Goomba and race out the back door!” Gonzo did as he was told, holding the Goomba. He went out the door and found himself in a cool alley. He put his sweater back on and put the Goomba down. The Goomba sat speechless, as speechless as a Goomba could be, if it could talk. Then it turned and waddled away. Great Gonzo walked through Pipe Plaza. He heard ‘Templates! Fresh Templates made to order!” issuing out from one of the stalls. It was a sultry day, so Gonzo took his sweater off…

If Computer Companies Made Toasters

Are you gonna throw a dead goose at me or something?
~ Strong Sad

If IBM made toasters ... They would want one big toaster where people bring bread to be submitted for overnight toasting. IBM would claim a worldwide market for five, maybe six toasters.

If Microsoft made toasters ... Everytime you bought a loaf of bread, you would have to buy a toaster. You wouldn't have to take the toaster, but you'd have to pay for it anyway. Toaster'95 would weigh 15,000 pounds (hence requiring a reinforced steel countertop), draw enough electricity to power a small city, take up 95% of the space in your kitchen, would claim to be the first toaster that lets you control how light or dark you wanted your toast to be, and would secretly interrogate your other appliances to find out who made them. Everyone would hate Microsoft toasters, but nonetheless would buy them since most of the good bread only works with their toasters.

If Apple made toasters... It would do everything Microsoft toaster does, but 5 years earlier.

If Fisher-Price made toasters ... "Baby's First Toaster" would have a hand-crank that you turn to toast the bread that pops up like a Jack-in-the-box.

If The Rand Corporation made toasters ... It would be a large, perfectly smooth and seamless black cube. Every morning there would be a piece of toast on top of it. Their service department would have an unlisted phone number, and the blueprints for the box would be highly classified government documents. The X-Files would have an episode about it.

If the NSA made toasters ... Your toaster would have a secret trapdoor that only the NSA could access in case they needed to get at your toast for reasons of national security.

Does Digital (formerly DEC) still make toasters ... They made good toasters in the '70s, didn't they?

If Hewlett-Packard made toasters ... They would market the Reverse Polish Toaster, which takes in toast and gives you regular bread.

If Sony made toasters ... Their "Personal Toasting Device", which would be barely larger than the single piece of bread it is meant to toast, can be conveniently attached to your belt.

If The Franklin Mint made toasters ... Every month you would receive another lovely hand-crafted piece of your authentic Civil War pewter toaster.

If Cray made toasters ... They would cost $16 million but would be faster than any other single-slice toaster in the world.

If Thinking Machines made toasters ... You would be able to toast 64,000,000 pieces of bread at the same time.

If Timex made toasters ... They would be cheap and small quartz-crystal wrist toasters that take a licking and keep on toasting.

If Radio Shack made toasters ... The staff would sell you a toaster, but not know anything about it. Or you could by all the parts to build your own toaster.

If K-Tel sold toaster ... They would not be available in stores, and you would get a free set of Ginsu knives with each one.

If the University of Waterloo made toasters ... They would immediately spin-off a company called WatToast.

If the PQ made toasters ... They wouldn't want to be on the same counter-top as the rest of the appliances.


I wonder how you spell Tabasco. TABASC-OOOOOOOOOOOOO!
~ Homestar Runner

Funny jokes I pick up.

Little Boy Lost

I sued Ben Affleck… hey, do I even need a reason?
~ Weird Al Yankovich

A manager in a big company needed to contact one of his employees about an urgent problem with one of the main computers. He dialed the employee's home phone number and was greeted with a child's whispered voice on the first ring, "Hello?" "Is your Daddy home?" the boss quickly asked. "Yes", whispered the small voice. May I talk with him?" the man asked, feeling somewhat put-off by this delay. To the surprise of the boss, the small voice whispered, "No." Wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, "Is your Mommy there?" "Yes", came the answer. "May I talk with her?" Again the small voice whispered, "No." "Son, is there any one there besides you?" the boss impatiently asked the child. "Yes", whispered the child, "A policeman." Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss asked, "May I speak with the policeman?" "No, he's busy", whispered the child. "Busy doing what?" asked the boss. "Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the Fireman", came the whispered answer. Growing concerned and even worried as he heard what sounded like a helicopter through the ear piece on the phone the boss asked, "What is that noise?" "A hello-copper.", answered the whispering voice. "What is going on there?" asked the boss, now alarmed. In an awed voice the child answered, "The police just landed the hello-copper!" Alarmed, concerned and more than just a little frustrated the boss asked, "Why are they there?" After a muffled giggle, the young voice replied in a very low whisper, "They're looking for me!"

The Computer Whisperer

I had a dream. It was a weird dream… ‘cuz 3D was in it.
~ Maxlover2

Once in a computer programming class I sat directly across from someone, and our computers were facing away from each other. A few minutes into the class, she got up to leave the room. I reached between our computers and switched the inputs for the keyboards. She came back, started typing and immediately got a distressed look on her face. She called the tutor over and explained that no matter what she typed, nothing would happen. The tutor tried everything. By this time I was hiding behind my monitor and quaking, red-faced with silent laughter. I typed, "Leave me alone!" They both jumped back as this appeared on their screen. "What the..." the tutor said. I typed, "I said leave me alone!" The kid got real upset. "I didn't do anything to it, I swear!" It was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud. The conversation between them and HAL 2000 went on for an amazing five minutes. Me: "Don't touch me!" Her: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit your keys that hard." Me: "Who do you think you are anyway?" etc. Finally, I couldn't contain myself any longer, and fell out of my chair laughing. After they had realized what I had done, they both turned beet red. Funny, I never got more than a C- in that class.

Pathetic Poetry

Rather.. erm... pathetic poems I churn out. Enjoy... heh heh...

Parental Unapproval

A poem expressing my thoughts toward my parents. Hmph.

You’ve heard a few times
That I’m retiring
I snuck back on
My parent’s patience expiring
But here’s the inside story
Of my life
Off the Wiki.

I have really bad
I think I have
Except, of course,
When I am
On the Wiki.

My parents try
To block me off
I elude their hopez
With hacking skillz
So I can stay
On the Wiki. (Ha. That didn’t rhyme.)

I cannot work
I don’t do their chores
Exactly right
I’ve been told I’m a moron (seriously)
Many times
But never
On the Wiki.

I think the same thing
For both of them
They can’t see things
From my perspective
But everyone does
On the Wiki.

My friendships are falling
I cannot even say
My parents patrol
Me 24/7, you know
They even think “stupid” is swearing
But no one does
On the Wiki.

No, seriously, it’s true
I have no idea what to do
But I still must try to sneak
On the Wiki.

They’ve banned me off
Many times
But that’s going to change
In one week’s elapse
I might not ever
Get to say “Hi”
On the Wiki.

I’ve been told
I’m really cool
But in real life
I’m thought a fool
Not so on the Wiki.

I cannot use diplomacy
They think they’re right
And never wrong
I hope I’m never like that
On the Wiki.

This rhyme don’t rhyme
The lyrics suck
I think that I’m
Gonna be a dead duck
And never again be allowed
On the Wiki.

Sometime I hope to log on again
Upload pics like internet blackout’s ahead
Make a difference
Like in my early days
On the Wiki.

But for now
I gotta lay low
I cannot let
My parents know
I’m on the Wiki.

So long for now
Remember me
I might be back
Next week…
Next month…
Perhaps never again
But I hope to come back again (LYRIC REPEAT! RUN!)
To the Wiki.

If I made a difference here
I’ll be happy.
If you will remember me
I’ll be happy.
If I encouraged you
Or helped you out when times were cruel
Or allowed you to have fun
I’ll be happy.
I’ll always remember
And treasure the thought
Of my days
On the Wiki.

An Ode to an Italian

A little poem I wrote out in an hour of intense boredom. It’s written in the form of a ballad, so the rhymes occasionally do not rhyme, a sentence at the end of one paragraph is sometime carried on in the beginning of the next, and it might not make that much sense. I’m spoiling the moment, aren’t I? Just read it already!

Once upon some time
‘Twas not too long ago
We were taken by surprise by a plumber
Whose moniker was Mar-ee-oh…

This Italian was so astonishing
He took the world by storm
He gave the gaming industry a kick in the rear
And now his name is the norm

Yes, his feats are amazing
His games, many records they won
And by now, you all must be wondering
Just who made him, and what has he done?


You see, there were these cool things
They were known as “Video Games”
But what eventually happened
Was so stupid, ‘twas really a shame…

Well, good sir (or miss), these ee-lek-oh-tron-iks
Could be played on any home TV
Unfortunately, some gaming producers
Made a mistake which cost them ek-oh-nom-ik-uh-lee…

There was, at that time, an arcade game
Called Pac-Man, you’ve heard of it, right?
Well, these stupid old dolts at the Atari Game Co.
Thought that it might be just fine

To make a, er, small adaptation
Of this ever-so-popular game
Make a condensed version for their console
But it didn’t quite work out that way…

It had glitches, bugs, and bad graphics galore
It was likely the worst game of the century
But even that dumb idea could not thwart their plans
They had another “plan” up their sleeve…

That famous movie about that E.T.
Had come out just then, you see
And the programmers saw yet another bonanza
To strike it rich, filthily

They slapped together a glitchy game (yet another)
This time based upon the hit movie
They made so many of these games, though, it was atrocious
They never could have sold all the copies…

And, to make matters worse, this game
Was so completely hideous, see
Those that bought it wanted back their money!

So, due to these two atrocious failures
The decline and fall of video games began to be
Quite evident… and now, we begin to get to our hero
Will he stop the crash of the industry?

Now, a bit before this, a bookish Japanese, Miyamoto
Had been commissioned to make an arcade game
He did, it was a smash hit, indeed
What was it? (Hey, that didn’t rhyme!)

This game, Donkey Kong
By name,
Was so popular, it spawned two sequels for a trilogic set
And finally, this cool new game featured the future Mario… but no one knew that yet…

Later, the heroic plumber (or carpenter)
Went on to pursue a career
He took along his twin brother, Luigi
And together the two set gaming it its eeeeeeaaaaaaar….

On a routine plumbing job
They found every single pipe all clogged
With (almost) every manner of beetle, crab and bee
Finally, after clearing the lot out, they found something that would make history…

A small green pipe, they noticed
Seemed to have sound coming from inside
So, without a second thought, they dived in
Not stopping one second to bide

On the consequences…

When they came out of that pipe, it was another land, indeed
Said Luigi “We’re not in Brooklyn any more!”
Truer than true, my dear young greenie
For this is another kingdom like you’ve never, ever seen…

Blocks, from which mushrooms pop out of
Strange waddling turtles, which can be stomped with ease
What’s more, there’s a strange creature running up
A cross between a mushroom and a Japanese (or American, whatever)

He cries out his tale of woe to the Bros.
The evil Koopa King has taken over here
The scenery, which you see all about you
Is actually the transformed citizenry

Of the kingdom, for the evil King, Bowser
Knew a spell, so powerful, you see (this is getting redundant)
That only the Princess of the kingdom could counteract it
But he kidnapped her, in his own due course of evil events (Another unrhyme! Bah!)

So now the kingdom is in a stalemate
The few remaining citizens, the Toads
Have nothing with which to set their friends and relatives free
But now cometh a deliverer, straight out of history…

Way, way, way back in time, now,
In the history of this land,
There was a hero of legend
Rescued as a baby by a dinosaur, Yoshi, from the evil Koopa brigand

Kamek, who schemed and plotted
Once finding that this newborn
Had the power to wreck his evil Koopish plans…

This babe was the designated deliverer
From all the Koopa family
Thwarter of the Koopa’s plans, from past to present
But soon things got a bit climactic-y… (sic)

In danger of a Koop-napping, his family sent him
To Brooklyn, where he finally would be safe
But now, in just the right moment
He has come, to fulfill his destin-y! (sic)

With special powers, he and his Bro.
Crushed all the nasty enemies
Got through all the armed forces
Of the entire Koopa army

Finally, in a dark, dank castle
They confronted this evil King
Roasted him with fireballs, dropped him alive
Into a boiling magma sink!

Rescued the Princess, reversed the evil curse
Shall they always live so happily?
No! The threat of Koopa still remains
But when Mario’s around, no need to abstain
From the battle!

So this is the ballad
Of a warrior brave and free
Who, gluttonously gobbling mushrooms
Made his way to a smashing victory

His games got the industry
Back on its own two feet;
Things from now on would go smoothly for all video games
Until, a little later
Nintendo was threatened again, by

But that’s ANOTHER story!
+|-|3 3|\||)!

Do Re Wiki

Do Re Mi wik'd.

Of them, a wiki’s made
Of which you make the page
They let you navigate
The workers that don’t get paid
Add them ASAP
Recent Changes
Look at my edits, thee!
Don’t pay them any mind
But instead go back to page, page, page page…


It speaks for itself.

This is a song
That I made one day
Because I was bored
My internet connection cut away

I decided to try
My hand at poetry
But the way it turned out
Is interesting.

This song has no rhyme or reason.
It has no rhymes to sing.
There is no sense.
There is too much stupidity.
I cannot write

I shudder to think
What my poetry teacher should say
If this missive she saw
On any day

She might faint away
Or lose 20 pounds
Decide to devote her life
To a study of nouns

This song has no rhyme or reason.
It has no rhymes to sing.
There is no sense.
There is too much stupidity.
I cannot write

If you are going for a rhyme
It might be tempting
To use clichéd words
Like “sing” or something

You’d better stock up on words
Get a larger vocabulary
So that you can find
Some word that rhymes with “vocabulary”

This song has no rhyme or reason.
It has no rhymes to sing.
There is no sense.
There is too much stupidity.
I cannot write

If you have no story in a poem
And no direction or people
No dogs or cats
Or sugar or charcoal

You might find
It’s hard to make
A song about
Nothing, for goodness’ sake

This song has no rhyme or reason.
It has no rhymes to sing.
There is no sense.
There is too much stupidity.
I cannot write

I’d better wrap this up
My mind is starting to spin
If I continue this verse
I might end up in an asylum

I can’t believe you’re still reading this
You must have no taste at all
Or have no sight
Or be a dumb-ball (Ha. It had to rhyme.)

This song has no rhyme or reason.
It has no rhymes to sing.
There is no sense.
There is too much stupidity.
I cannot write

L33t Sp34k R4p

You knew it was comin’
A rap about internet speak
Listen to it now
Memorize it so you can say it in your sleep
(or maybe not)

When you’re online
There’s lingo to learn
Pick it up fast
Or feel the 8|_||-|\|

If you t4lk l1k3 th15
They’ll call you l33t
But sometimes tlkng lk ths
Is even more sw33t

Dial “P” for Pwnage
Do it now, d00de
Or feel the pain
Of STFUing it, n00b

Is not a nice thing to say
Isn’t something you see every day

And LOL too
Are things to say
When you’re laughing fit to bust a stomach tube

When something’s cool
You say it’s FTW, For the Win
If you think this sp34k is not
I’ll kick you on the shin

If you want to be sarcastic
You say things like *coughSarcasticCommentcough*
But if you want to swear
Log off or get blocked

You can also use smilies
Like 8) and XD
Use them freely
On people like me

And now I’ll leave you
Use your skillzorz to the max
Remember to use this sp34kin’
Or else get whacked

Virus Alert, Jerk

Based on a true story of a virus that nullified my hard drive and displayed gibberish on my screen. EEK!

I was on the internet
Surfing for sprites
Everything was running smoothly
I thought it would be all right

If I clicked a file
Downloaded it on my machine
But the machine didn’t like it
It protested with a scream

A loud BOOP and BEEP
Rang out from the drive
But I had gone to check on my burrito
While the file downloaded its size

It hopped on my desktop
I came back and opened it up
And then it happened
With a very loud “BO*CKP”

An error message rang out
With a cute “BLEEEORP” noise
Unfortunately, this time
There was something wrong with its poise

It was scrambled and weirdly spaced
Stretched and obscene
What was even worse
Was that my mouse would not move on the screen

I had a sinking feeling
Something had dug in
My precious store
Of memory and RAM

The computer was spiraling
Into an inverted coma
The hard drives were smoking
Giving off a strange aroma

I tried to press
The Start button in time
Too bad, it was too late
There was no reason or rhyme

My computer was displaying
Errors left and right
So I pressed the “Reset” button
To even the fight

It loaded up nicely
Displaying the manufacture
Unfortunately, soon I found out
My system was fractured

It displayed a ton of gobbledygook
I quickly pressed “enter”
It answered politely
But some things displayed I should censor

It told me it had
Encountered a snag
I told it to load up normally
Thought it had it in the bag

It loaded the desktop
But as quickly as it came
It went back to startup
And gave a quote from Citizen Kane

Amidst all the normal technicals
Strange quotes and words were hidden
I called my dad
He said I was overridden

Because I had gotten a virus
When surfing the ‘net
He soon discovered
It was worse than that

The lil’ virus had deleted
All info on my drives besides
All my songs and my ‘Shroom research
“EVERYTHING’S GONE?!?!?” I cried

Dad searched for the hard drives
They came up like these:

A/:Not Found, Jerk
B:/Not Here, If You Please

My CPU nullified
My dad sent it in
It was ruptured and re-installed
With none of its former whims

Restored to its defaults
I had to experiment
Getting it back
To where I formerly had it

What’s worse is my data
Disappeared without a trace
I had to re-download it
But even that’s a trice

Compared to the fact
My dad’s now indignant
The net no longer may I access
Without his permission

So I’m stuck in limbo
I can only get on about once a week
Hopefully though
I can sneak past that internet-blocker freak…

f_wlm_07e8a2b.png Wavehtver.. f_wlm_07e8a2b.png

Don't skip this just because it looks weird. Believe it or not, you can read it.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mind… Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist andlsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by stlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

f_yam_fb92504.png The World's GREATEST Griled Cheese Sandwich! f_yam_fb92504.png

Yes, I have made what I beleive is THE GREATEST toasted cheese sandwich EVER.

Directions for making: Ingredients:

  • Block of Tillamook Medium Cheddar Cheese
  • Two slices of San Luis Sourdough Deli Sourdough Bread
  • Salted butter

How to make: Slice cheese medium thin, then set aside. Butter bread slightly, then add cheese. Make it look like a normal sandwich, then butter the top semi-thickly. (The secret!) Then toast/grill/fry until nut brown and sizzling, done all the way through. If grilling/frying, butter BOTH sides. Eat with gusto!

Waffles are th3 PWNED l33tn3$$.

Paperjorgesp.png You know you're living in 2006 when... Paperjorgesp.png

1.You accidentally enter your PIN on the microwave.

2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.

3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three.

4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.

5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.

6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries.

7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.

8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't even have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.

10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee.

11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. : )

12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.

13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.

14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.

15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list.

AND NOW U R LAFNG at yourself.

File:Bowsers uvula exposed.jpg
A completely random pic that I like.

WAAAAAAY too Funny for me NOT to have

Laff ur gts owt @ des felyns. I wyll uplod mr snn. R go here to ctch thm all.]












































































































A few PM:TTYD style tattles for me and a few of my friends.

Name: 3dejong/3D Status: Normal Grunt HP: 37 Attack: 7 Defense: 3 Tattle No.: 4444444H!

Area tattle: This is 3dejong, known casually as 3D. WHOAH! All that orange clothing nearly blinds you. He’s racked up a reputation as being one of the quirkiest, randomest, and (somehow) coolest workers at the Super Mario Wiki. I hear he drinks a gallon of Graveyard every day. Is that why he’s doing a headspin? He’s been here forever, but never got promoted. I wonder why?

Battle Tattle: This is the most wacky, talkative, random user at the Super Mario Wiki: 3dejong, also known as 3D. Duh. He’s not too strong, but when he uses his “Guzzle” ability, his HP maxes out and his Attack shoots to an incredible 13! Ooooo… blast him before he drinks caffeine! He also has an extremely powerful “Sonic Boom AAAAA” attack that he charges for. If you see him charging for it, defend that turn… or run away. FAST. But if you don’t want to risk your health against him, I hear he can be bribed with waffles, his favorite food. Mmmm… gooey waffles.

Tattle: RAP Status: Sysop HP: 50 Attack: 5 Defense: 7 Tattle No.: 12345

This is one of the strongest wormers at the wiki, RAP. He has strong skills and a do-or-die spirit. His attacks are pretty powerful, and he has one he charges for called “Registration”. If you see him charging, defend or you’ll be barraged by a flow of pics and licenses. He’s said to be one of the most active guys here; which is probably why he got promoted. He also packs a special attack that turns you into a pixilated work of art for two turns, making you unable to move. Eeek!

Tattle: Maxlover2

Name: Maxlover2/Max2 Status: Normal Grunt/Bureacrat at Kirbypedia HP: 45 Attack: 8 Defense: 3 Tattle No: 898

One of the coolest workers at the Wiki, he also is a great fighter. He’s a fan of Tumble! Cool! Seems like there’s a shortage of those... There’s even a rumor that he IS Tumble. Judging from his edits, he’s become a core part of the Wiki. Anyway, he’s pretty strong! Watch out for his attacks; they’re CRAZY strong. Fortunately, he has a semi-small defense factor... but watch out! When he’s low on HP, he gets MEAN. Look oooooout! His special attacks, which usually involve the Millennium Star, can randomly effect you with Dizziness, Sleep, or Fear. Yipe! He’s 3D’s best friend, so watch out! He can summon in 3D whenever he wants!

Tattle: Smiddle

Name: Smiddle Status: Normal Grunt HP: 57 POW: 14 Defense: 3 Tattle no: 548

This is one of the wackiest, most sarcastic workers at the MarioWiki, Smiddle. You can find him hanging out at the Forum more than the Wiki, though. From what I hear, he loves waffles, talking in l33t, and making fun of the English language. |-|3 1z |)4 733+|\|3$$! If you trash-talk him, he’s sure to zap you back. I also hear he shares 3dejong’s addiction to caffeine… Remember, kids, don’t do caffeine or you’ll end up like SMIDDLE. 0_o


Here's a kwick peek into my faves:

  • Website: MARIOWIKI!
  • Color: Bright, blaring orange
  • Food: I love anything salty. Or cheesy. OR CHOCOLATE!
  • Dessert: Orange Creme, Double Fudge Brownie and Mint Cookie Chunk ice cream sundae with hot fudge, whipped cream, and caramel sauce. ALso, I REALLY love Doc Burnstein's Brownie Batter (It's brownie batter with brownie chunks and fudge!) and Mint Fudge Oreo flavors!
  • Liquid: Graveyard (You're prolably wondering WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?! It's just a little name me and my friend came up for for that delicious drink that you get when you mix up ALL the liquids on the soda bar (yes, EVEN water, iced tea, and a little coffee) and gulp it down. Honest. It's good. And yes, Sprite loses some of its flavor when paired with coffee, but I don't mind.)


  • Movie: 3-Way Tie: Ben Hur, The Sound of Music, Pride and Prejudice (the 1995 one). Yes, I am a nerd. Sowhattsitooya?
  • Comic Strip: Asterix the Gaul
  • Webcomic: Tie. The Red Coin Saloon, and Neglected Nintendo Characters (NC Comix).

Pet Peeves

We all have things that tick us off. Some of mine:

  • Mario fanfiction
  • The word "soggy"
  • Big Red gum (or any cinnamon candy)
  • Old Atari systems
  • Mario rip-offs
  • Level 5-9 of Super Mario Bros. 3
  • My dad, who's putting off buying me a laptop
  • Microsoft
  • Edutainment games
  • Headaches
  • Zonealarm Pro
  • Sore Throats
  • Squash (except pumpkin pie)
  • Anyone who thinks Mario is an idoit, or Luigi is a weirdo
  • Any licorice
  • When I go to make toast, and the butter is gone
  • How long it's taking Jay Resop to update his site
  • This Smiley: icon_retarded.gif
  • People who think Luigi is in Super Mario 64! Although that would be cool... Or, maybe, if you REALLY believe, you might want to try running around the post in Tiny-Huge Island exactly 500 times clockwise (no more and no less), then exactly 500 times counter-clockwise, then go beat the Bowser in the Dark World level, then reset the game and erase all game slots, then get 120 stars and every single coin on all game slots without ever beating the Final Bowser again, and then see what happens... Of course, most people believe that there is no Luigi in Super Mario 64. But then, what is this? >:)
  • People who beleive everything they hear/see. The movie in the link above is not real; Luigi is a hacked Mario. Luigi can not REALLY be found in the game. See here for evidence.

Game Faves, for all you guys who were wondering

So, your definition of an extreme Mario fan is how many games they've played? Well, here's a list of the games (and systems) I've played! (favorites in italics and owned ones in bold)


  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Nintendo 64
  • Nintendo DS
  • GameBoy Advance SP
  • GameBoy Color
  • Nintendo DS (I own a blue one)
  • Nintendo DS Lite (all three colors! I AM A NERD OFFICIALLY!)
A sweet GIF. Credit to Dry Bones for this one.
  • Donkey Kong (Nice arcade game, I can see why it was a big hit! Not beaten)
  • Donkey Kong Jr. (OK, not nearly as good as its prequel. Not beaten)
  • Donkey Kong 3 (Blah! Another victim of overdone sequels. Not beaten ONE level!)
  • Donkey Kong Classics (Very nice! Donkey Kong and DK Jr. in one game! Not beaten)
  • Super Mario Bros. + Duck Hunt (OK, I don't play Duck Hunt that much. Not beaten)
  • Super Mario Bros. (The game that reinvented the video game industry! Beaten!)
  • Super Mario Bros. 2 (Meh... Not as good as the first. Beaten!)
  • Super Mario Bros. 3 (ALL RIGHT! A very worthy sequel! Beaten!)
  • Super Mario All-Stars (Cool! All the SMB plus the original SMB2 in one game! Beaten if you count induvidual games.)
  • Donkey Kong Country (Nice! Mario's arch-rival gets his OWN game! Not beaten.)
  • Super Mario Kart (OK, for an SNES game it's pretty good. Not beaten.)
  • Super Mario RPG (Nice! Mario scores a sweet RPG! Not beaten.)
  • Super Mario World (One of my favorites, crammed with secrets! Beaten 100%!)
  • Yoshi (Nice little puzzle game, remincient of Tetris, but thoroughly Mario. Impossible to beat, goes on and on.)
  • Yoshi's Cookie (Nice game! Score another for the SNES and NES!! Not beaten.)
  • Wario Land 2 (OK, love those wacky alter-egos! Not beaten.)
  • Dr. Mario (Could have been better, but could have been worse! 5/10. Is it possible to beat?)
  • Mario is Missing (Blah. Mario edutainment. Not beaten.)
  • Donkey Kong 64 (Donkey Kong's foray into 3D worked out pretty well! Not beaten.)
  • Mario Kart 64 (Good installment in the series. Not Beaten.)
  • Super Mario 64 (Mario's first try at the 3D platform world was a hit! Not beaten.)
  • Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (One of the best in the Mario Kart series! Not beaten.)
  • Mario Party 5 (The first Mario Party I played, full of sweet minigames! Not beaten.)
  • Mario Party 7 (Like the other Mario Parties, the perfect multiplayer party game! Not beaten.)
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (VERY VERY NICE, Mario's 4th RPG was a joy! Not beaten.)
  • Super Mario Sunshine (One of my ALL-TIME faves! Beautiful graphics! Not beaten.)
  • DK King of Swing (Very good, but could have been better, awaiting sequel! Beaten 100%!)
  • Donkey Kong Country 2 (GBA) (WONDERFUL! But not beaten.)
  • Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA) (Just as good! Fighting KAOS has never been better! Beaten 100%!)
  • Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (Mario's 5th RPG and first M&L game was WONDERFUL! Not beaten.)
  • Mario Kart: Super Circuit (One of the meh-ish titles of Mario Kart, but good for GBA. Not beaten.)
  • Mario Golf: Advance Tour (Blah. I'm never going to buy another Mario Golf game. BOOORING. Not beaten.)
  • Mario Pinball Land (VERY FUN! Fight classic Mario bosses in FULL 3D! On a GBA! Not beaten.)
  • Mario Tennis: Power Tour (OK! Good Mario Tenis game! Not beaten.)
  • Super Mario Advance (OK, loved all the extra challanges! Not beaten.)
  • Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World (Wonderful port of a wonderful game! Beaten 100%!)
  • Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island (GREAT port of a GREAT game! Great secrets! Beaten 100%!)
  • Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (Another great, polished port. Beaten 100%!)
  • Yoshi Topsy-Turvy (Wonderful and inovative at first, but gets monotonus. Not beaten.)
  • Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (WONDERFUL!! This is the PERFECT Mario RPG! Hilarious! Not beaten.)
  • Mario Kart DS (The best installment in the Mario Kart series so far! Beaten 100%!)
  • Super Mario 64 DS (Very fun! Tons of secrets! Not beaten.)
  • Super Princess Peach (OK, pays homage to Super Mario World to me! Not beaten.)
  • NEW Super Mario Bros. (GREAT! It's like a Super Mario Bros. 4!! Best yet! Beaten 100%!)
  • Mario vs. DK 2: March of the Minis (Cool! Nice puzzle game, and nicer level creator.)
  • Mario Party 8 (Better, but not as good as it could have been.)
  • Favorite NON-MARIO game: Kirby's Adventure (Beaten 100%!)

(NOTE: This list is currently incomplete. Come back later for a COMPLETE listing!)

Keep Gaming, 3dejong (This site ROCKS!)

Oh, and by the way, my name has a silent j, so 3dejong is pronounced 3de-yong. Most people pronounce it 3de-J-ong. Weird name, huh? You can just call me 3D. I'm part Dutch, and I live in Sunny (part time) California.

What are you still hanging around for? Expecting one of my infamous random comments? OK, here goes:

Everybody! Everybody! Everyone go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH and get Twinkie Graveyard for Asterix's potion and all go Wayoshi impersonation! *slams head repeatedly against wall*

Your training is complete, young weirdie. Go now.
