MarioWiki:Main Page talk archive 14

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Template:Main Page Talk

Breaking the Fourth Wall in LM

Guys, this is just a theory; I don't know anything for sure, so it's a theory... But I think there's a good chance that Luigi might break the Fourth Wall in one of his GBH comments. It's possible, right? So... could someone search some of them in the game? --Dodo

What? You mean Luigi's Mansion? My Bloody Valentine

it possible ill check when i have nothing to do cuz it will take a while vruet1Mr.Vruet info|talk|chatp.s. yes its luigis mansion

Ooh, I remember he does, just forget where. Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif
Is it: "What? You expect me to touch that?!" Stumpers!

Of Import

If twelve brave souls would please trot over to Xzelion's talk page and sign the petition, yeah, its a good idea. That means you. Scoot it!SaudyTalk!

What petition?Knife (talk) 21:54, 2 August 2007 (EDT)

It went through, no worries.SaudyTalk!

Unlockable Page

Should we make an Unlockable article? We have all the other Game Mechanics, so, I just thought this would be a good idea. My Bloody Valentine

Possibly Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
Yeah. We have Category:Unlockables arleady so why not... Paper Jorge! I give paper cuts so stand back!

Go ahead. It's an awesome idea.Knife (talk) 21:52, 2 August 2007 (EDT)

Hiatus Templates

I made this page : Template: Vacation and Template: Gone

Just telling ya 'all in case i wasn't allowed...

(PS: i'm gonna be absent beacuse i am too going on vacation ......... to the pochonoes! -- WarioLoaf (talk) 09:58, 3 August 2007 (EDT)

Wow, those are pretty good. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
I made Template:Userhiatus Tadaa!2.gifPlumberTadaaa!.gif

HUD=Heads Up Display

A little heads up in case you're blind: I redid the Featured Articles page. Its got a little humour in it, so what? The PAIR page was extremely dull and make me depressed it was so serious. Ergo, I was a teensy bit lighthearted on the new page. Hope you all like it!SaudyTalk!

Company Infobox

Do you think an Infobox for the Companies sounds good? It could have the name of the Company, the logo of the Company, when it was founded, its first Mario game, and its last Mario game. More could be added, but I wanted to see what others thought. My Bloody Valentine P.S. I'm not very good at Infoboxes :P

I like the idea :D Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
Sounds good to a-me! Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y 19:11, 4 August 2007 (EDT)
Kay-O, but, I am very bad at making Infoboxes. My Bloody Valentine
Same here *looks at Wayoshi* Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

Character Type Categories

Do you think a Category: All-Around Players or Category: Technical Players, etc. is a good idea? There would be more than in the Crystal Stars Category. My Bloody Valentine

I'm not following. You're asking if the Crystal Stars should be split up into character categories? -- Shyghost.PNGChrisShyghost.PNG 00:10, 6 August 2007 (EDT)
No. He's saying different types of players in sports game should have a category per type, and each category would have more articles than in the Crystal Stars category. DP: My only complaint is a character isn't always one type for all sports games, Yoshi is speedy in Superstar Baseball but All-Around in Hoops 3-on-3. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y 00:12, 6 August 2007 (EDT)
Don't worry, I thought about this. Just put Yoshi under both the All-Around and Speedy categories. Simple as that. Also, Balanced will fall under the All-Around Category, Playmaker will fall under the Technical category, and Offensive will fall under the Power category. Is that OK? My Bloody Valentine
Yeah, go for it. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y 00:17, 6 August 2007 (EDT)

Ok Banners Update

My new banners were accepted in proposals and I have archived the proposal. Now all I need is for someone who can edit the main page to place the new images there. Fixitup File:MarioLUIGIbanner.PNG File:Peachdaisyoshitoadbanner.PNG File:Wariowaluigibanneer.PNG

Porplemontage (talk) said not to change the banners for now so...yeah. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
Don't be shy X. Steve said straight out Fixitup's banners are worse than the current ones. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y 22:24, 7 August 2007 (EDT)
Well actually I posted this Before Steve said that... Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
That would be my reasoning not to have them changed, wouldn't it? I don't like them as much. Three people liking them more than the current ones doesn't exactly make the change official. --Steve (talk) Get Firefox 22:35, 7 August 2007 (EDT)
I like them, why, what's wrong with them? My Bloody Valentine
They are nice, but they scream at a person a bit. -- Shyghost.PNGChrisShyghost.PNG 22:42, 7 August 2007 (EDT)

Our current "mixed styles" banner approach that has some Wikians concerned was no accident. This was done to showcase the various forms, graphical and game-wise, that our heroes have taken over the years, and to imply that the wiki covers all aspects of Mario. From the general hardcore Mario game of the knowledge base banners, to the more casual game as seen in wiki stuff. And let's not forget the various action-packed sports games, as displayed by the external links banner. "The art styles vary because we cover it all, and don't you forget it." Thank you. --Steve (talk) Get Firefox 22:50, 7 August 2007 (EDT)

Er, good point. My Bloody Valentine
Indeed. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

Uhh OK! Maybe you people should have been checking the proposals when this was up for vote. anyhow can someone tell me who I need to get in contact with about these? Fixitup

There good but, you forgot Bowser!?!?!?!

The MissingLinkBowser 2.PNG : (

Bowsers not in Itadaki Street (as far as I know) and the rest of these pics are from Street so therefore he'd stick out like a sore thumb. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
He's not? Where does this image come from then? - Cobold (talk · contribs) 11:45, 8 August 2007 (EDT)
My bad, still Fixitup said he didn't blend well with the others...or something. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

Look guys, forget it. Even though the proposal went through, Steve has vetoed the proposal (which I guess he has the right to do). Banners are staying. Wa Yoshihead.png TC@Y 14:37, 8 August 2007 (EDT)

For the record, though, Fixitup, they are dead sexy. You got skillz. And, yeah, I'm probably not alone in thinking the current banners look messy and fanpage-ish. Yes, they accurately convey the varying styles, but they each have their own... somethings that I can't help but notice everytime I see them. If you want to know, I find the black marks on Mario, Luigi, and Toad weird. ...and the Peach and Monty Mole one to be... unbalanced somewhat. I can't put my finger on it. Whatever. You get the picture. I guess what I'm saying is that Fixitup has neatness down to a fine art, but yeah, more variation would be better, sure. But I like them better. Meh. I've made a jerk out of myself. Stumpers!

So much for a free country. Oh well it's fine. I just wanted the site to come off nicer to guests, but I guess what I think doesn't matter. I'm glad some of you liked my banners. Fixitup

I was pretty sure the whole point of proposals was so that the layman... I mean layuser... could have a part in the beaurocracy. It was sort of like, "If you care about the politics of the Wiki, you should watch the Proposals page," right? There's so much about how this Wiki works that I don't understand, though. I don't even know what Steve does aside from "being leader." But I know he must do a lot more than that or else this site would be on its back growing stuff by now. Maybe what we need to do to prevent this from ever happening again is have some sort of page describing all this. Not just a bunch of wild little pages saying what a "this" is and a "that" is, but like a total picture thing. Whoa... that was long. As per usual, nothing I said up there was meant to offend anyone. Please don't kill me. I'm sorry! Stumpers!

DK Games

I was going through the Donkey Kong games, and noticed, a lot of them are very poorly written. Why is that? Anyone here play the DK series? If so, PLEASE rewrite and expand those articles. Thanks. My Bloody Valentine

I think the same people are writing them is the thing. I noticed it too and I was like, "Ok I hope someone fixes that because I know I don't have enough knowledge about it to do so...". Wa Fixitup

I suppose I could expand the DKC games (Don't expect it anytime soon, thought.), but could someone pass me a link to an examplar article on a (Platformer) game? I want to have something that I can base on. Gofer

Yoshi's Island DS is a decent article about a platformer game. - Cobold (talk · contribs) 11:01, 8 August 2007 (EDT)
Yeah, those articles are lacking. But, I wouldn't let not much knowledge about the game keep you from rewriting them to be nicer. Sure, you don't add much info, but it helps like crazy. I started the DK article like that, if you wanna take a peek. Like I said, not perfect, but better... I think, anyway. But you need to judge that, of course. Stumpers!

User List

I think we sould have the user list in the community section of the sidebar


Why? Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
It does make sense. It's where I would look first. Where is it right now, anyway? Stumpers!

The full user list is useless, since like 90% of them are inactive. It would make more sense to link to a list of admins or active users or something.Knife (talk) 00:59, 9 August 2007 (EDT)

Which you can find here. -- Shyghost.PNGChrisShyghost.PNG 03:06, 9 August 2007 (EDT)

Archiving the Brawl talk page.

Hello! Just checking in to ask a question: The Super Smash Bros. Brawl talk page has way more than twenty entries, so I would think that the first twenty should be archived. I don't know how you all like to archive (my way is probably weird... big surprise), so could someone let me know? Stumpers!

I normally archive my talk page 20 - 30 Entries and the main page gets archived at 20. Also just move the talk page to the archive and then edit page. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
Did it! You may want to check at Talk:Super Smash Bros. Brawl/archive 1, though, just to make sure it's ok. Stumpers!
EDIT: took down link b/c someone did some admin magic and deleted the page. Stumpers!
The archiving was fine, I just moved it to Talk:Super Smash Bros. Brawl/Archive 1 (capitalized the A), and deleted the redirect. --KPH2293 20:31, 9 August 2007 (EDT)
Like I said: admin MAGIC! Yay! I love magic. :3 (magic=anything Stumpy can't x-plain) Stumpers!

Something Scary Ads

they should be removed. I mean, we have like 9 year olds on this site! Any support? Max2 (talk)

Click them and it takes you to a dating website. ;_; And steve cant take em off. D: Full Metal MoogleKirbyWalk.gif

Yeah, its some dating site. Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC
So don't click them. Phoenix Rider

So why can't he remove them again? I mean, 9 YEAR OLDS! The things have like skulls and stuff on them! Max2 (talk)

well remember Bonechill, Cortez, Dry Bones, Dry Bowser, they all have "skulls on them" but Nintendo didn't remove them from the game so why do we need to remove the ads? Mario riding YoshiXzelionETC

Max2, I think you're overreacting. Chill. Now. It's not the end of the world. Phoenix Rider

They're showing up on every page I go to. AAAGH! Edit: I just clicked on it, and I see nothing bad. Just hearts and stuff... (and no not real hearts) papertoycf7.gif Paper Jorge! I give paper cuts so stand back! papertoycf7.gif

Whatever! They look scary, and appear on THE STINKING MAIN PAGE! I'm getting afraid of editing! (That's the only pages they appear on) Max2 (talk)

Then dont edit if your that scared! Full Metal MoogleKirbyWalk.gif

OhMyGod. Grow up. Who cares? It's an ad. If you don't click on it, it won't do anything. Afraid of editing because of an ad? Jesus. Phoenix Rider

I can remove specific ads that I don't like. I haven't seen this one yet, though. If you see it, take a screenshot. I need the given URL on the ad to block it. --Steve (talk) Get Firefox 19:42, 9 August 2007 (EDT)

Aw... if it scares him don't yell at him for it. We all have silly things we're scared of. I'm scared of screams, for example. Yeah, that's stupid, sure, but I don't think it's fair to make me live through them because no one else is. :( Stumpers! (P.S. Max--I'm not saying that it's stupid, btw, I'm just saying... you get it.)


You are scared... because there's a SKULL? WTF? What's next, censoring the word "die"? Gofer

Pretty sure the F word was censored, but really... be nice. Stumpers!