The 'Shroom:Issue 105/Closing Statement

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Opening Statement

Written by: Super Mario Bros. (talk)

Shroombanner yay2015.png
Credit to Twentytwofiftyseven for the banner

Issue100 smb.png

I would like to thank you all once again for reading our 105th edition.

This has been an amazing and adventurous year for The 'Shroom. I am happy with our progress this year; Issue 100 was our largest issue to date, and we had several good follow-ups in Issue 103 and this special Holiday issue. We have made a lot of progress this year, much more than I even imagined when I started directing again in January, and I only see a future with continual growth of our project. The challenge for the upcoming year will likely be adapting to the new expectations that have been produced; I believe that we as a publication will be able to do so. I want to thank everybody — the reader, the contributor, the staff member, and everybody else that has been involved — for supporting The 'Shroom and helping us make this the best year in the entirety of its existence. Every single person that has helped is invaluable and has made a difference in how things went down this year. I believe 2016 will be yet another year of prosperity, and I am looking forward to the upcoming year.

Please join us next month on Saturday, January 23rd, 2016 for Issue 106, the inaugural edition for the New Year. The results from the director election will be announced, and the director-elect will take over in time to oversee the completion of the February edition. Good luck to all who run!

Until next month,

Super Mario Bros. (talk), Director

The 'Shroom 105
Staff sections Opening Statement
The 'Shroom SpotlightEnd-of-the-Year AwardsDirector Election
Sub-teams Fake NewsFun StuffPalette SwapPipe PlazaCritic CornerStrategy Wing
Specials 12 Days of 'Shroom ChristmasThe Best Songs of 2015Fantanoice InterviewHappy HolidaysHoliday Super Mario Maker ChallengeHow Do I Art?Oh Christmas TreeTucayo's TenUltimate Character TournamentThe Year of Ashley 2015
Closing Statement