The 'Shroom:Issue 103/Closing Statement

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Closing Statement

by Super Mario Bros. (talk) and Gabumon (talk)

Issue100 edo.png

Cras porta quam pharetra nisi consectetur, et malesuada libero maximus. Ut nec convallis odio. Integer tempor, mauris ac dapibus pellentesque, nulla orci euismod nunc, bibendum interdum ligula nunc nec sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas sit amet iaculis nunc, nec malesuada enim. Pellentesque fermentum consequat faucibus. Aliquam non metus ut magna congue scelerisque at non mi. Donec faucibus imperdiet cursus. Integer placerat tempus odio a facilisis. Mauris sit amet turpis placerat, malesuada dui id, venenatis augue. Pellentesque fermentum libero id purus pulvinar, sed laoreet dui semper. Curabitur tempus metus a velit varius, ut suscipit quam dignissim. Maecenas vel tincidunt nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam consectetur a magna id rutrum. Praesent dignissim, mauris ut gravida rhoncus, quam diam placerat lectus, nec malesuada dolor ipsum eu metus.

Gabumon from the Digimon franchise Gabumon (talk), Sub-Director/Editor in Chief


I hope you enjoyed the issue this month, and that you appreciate the sacrifice Crocodile Dippy (talk) and I made to keep you safe from Palkia47 (talk). Next month will likely be a relaxed month in terms of 'Shroom content, but we have a lot of plans in store for December. Be sure to check back next time on Saturday, November 21st, 2015 for some updates!

Until next month,

Super Mario Bros. (talk), Director

The 'Shroom 103
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Closing Statement