
From the Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Revision as of 21:29, June 12, 2007 by YellowYoshi398 (talk | contribs) (Ya'll were probably seeing this coming...)
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Hello! Thanks for visiting my user page... I'm YellowYoshi398. I've been a member of the Super Mario Wiki ever since November 25th, 2006, which hasn't been that long, I suppose...

Anyway, as of June 12th, 2007, I'm a patroller of the Super Mario Wiki. This means that, if you need help (such as in having a bad user blocked), I'd be much obliged if you came to me and ought to be able to help you out in other fields. If you need anything, just drop me a line.


YellowYoshi398's Userbox Tower
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Well, my actual name is Branden (which happens to be my internet pseudonym in a few places, such as my unimpressive Mario fansite). I'm a devout Christian, and I live... on Earth. Okay, I don't really like to give much personal information away, but I will tell you that I live in the United States of America. I'm also male, and thirteen years old. I play the piano and saxophone and I'm outfitted with glasses and braces, but other than that I'm boring and normal. On to more specific, exciting things!

My History With Mario

Ah, Mario... One of my favorite subjects. There we were: six cousins, and a NES (which is practically a family member, too). Okay, I'll explain. In those glory days of toddlerhood, back when my mom and dad went to work but I wasn't old enough for school, my grandma would babysit me. She'd also babysit my brother, and... all those cousins. Anyway, tons of things went on in those days... We watched a lot of Nick Jr.... But the real exciting thing was my grandma's three (maybe four? =P) NESs. Some of them belonged/were claimed by us cousins, but the "main" one, the one that worked the best and was loved the best, was that of my cousin Tyler. Tyler was the oldest cousin, and I was downright afraid of him back then, but it was so worth it just to watch a play session of Super Mario Bros. Ah, those days of simple n00bishness... Toad was known as "diaper baby", Hammer Bros. had sinister grins rather than helmet straps, and so on and so on. How we loved those days of SMB, SMB2, and SMB3 (not to mention Dr. Mario, and... well, you get the point). Needless to say, I always had a love of Mario. However, this love wasn't enhanced to its current point until around fourth grade (three years ago), when I purchased Super Mario Advance 4 for my GBA (which used to be one of my most prized possessions...). The names and whatnot that I knew were those left over from my toddlerhood n00bism, but, with a little research (which includes my discovery of Wikipedia), I was soon very familiar with everything Mario. More research, and I became a downright nerd. And I'm proud.

My History At the Super Mario Wiki

My wiki experience started at Wikipedia, where I learned the basics of Wikisyntax. I also went through my n00b stage there (under my IP address). Ah, yes... Back then, not all of my edits were helpful. I'd change or even remove things due to my own personal beliefs, and I'd do it a LOT. When I look back on my old Wikipedia contribs, I've just gotta think... WOW. I did do helpful stuff there, though, and I was no vandal. After stopping Wikipedia edits for a whole year (due to wanting to keep my IP address private), I eventually officially joined under "YellowYoshi398" and became a LOT more helpful. I'd learned... But this paragraph isn't supposed to be about Wikipedia! It should be about the Super Mario Wiki... Anyway, my first encounter with the SMW was a long time ago... I can't quite remember how I found it, but I believe it had something to do with Wikipedia... (Don't worry, I won't ramble on about it anymore.) Anyway, this one, first visit... wasn't quite... good. I don't know if I came at a bad time or anything, but there were two articles (that are both now deleted) that disappointed me: "Mario and the Koopa Family", which was about some made-up Mario movie (that not only featured Bowser Jr. and Mama Koopa, but all the Koopalings), and Jumping Green Lui, which was about an item from a fangame (of all things) called Mario Forever. As shameful as it is to admit, these annoying articles made me stay away from the Super Mario Wiki for quite some time. However, after joining Wikipedia under a username, I soon returned to the SMW... and immediately looked up "Mario and the Koopa Family" and "Jumping Green Lui". They had been deleted! Perhaps the Super Mario Wiki wasn't so bad. Well, whether it was or whether it wasn't, I didn't join until much later. I did, however, have it constantly in mind, probably due to how much I enjoyed Wikipedia. I didn't make that decision until one day... One day when I was replaying Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time (which is the game that a lot of my older edits were based around), and Toadsworth the Younger told Toadsworth that he "looked like he had a Bristle in his britches". That was it. Enough. I turned the game off, tossed it to my side, and rushed to the computer. I quickly became a SMW user, and made my first edit to Bristle. A discovery like this just couldn't go unnoticed.

However, my story doesn't end there. I continued making small, mostly grammar-related edits and putting in some new content here and there, but I just didn't have much enthusiasm about the wiki yet. Then, there was one more night when I was playing M&L:PiT (I owe a lot to that game)... I heard that gate mention a place called the "Star Realm", which aroused my curiosity. What game was that from? The next day, Sunday, I was reviewing that thought... when the Super Mario Wiki popped into my head. "I bet they have an article on it!" I thought, "and if not... I could make it!" I soon managed to look "Star Realm" up, and, almost to my fortune, there was no article on it. I logged on, and, well, made it! My first article! Later, I noticed my link to Aurora Block was missing. I made that, too! And then it happened... The article soon got an edit, and in its summary Monty Mole complimented me. Knife agreed in a similar manner. Knife even left me a thanks in my talk page! Later, Mariofan132 sent tons of encouragement, and that sent it over the top. I was here to stay, and I want to thank everyone I mentioned, as well as everyone else on this wiki, for that. I probably wouldn't be typing this if it wasn't for them.

My Sprites/Fan Character

Here they are/he is!

Ah, my sprites. I made a whole section for them. Ha. Laugh with me. Anywho, you can use these in your comics, games, movies, political campaigns, or whatever; no credit is required. (Although Max2 demands credit to Knife if you use my sprites via his nice user sprite compilation here at the MarioWiki.)

Anyway, now to my fan character. Ah, that fan character. As you can see, he's a Yellow Yoshi with rectangular glasses and blue eyes modeled after my own... So he's pretty much a non-human me. Or we'll just say me. He also has a few other little details: blue scales, a blue saddle, and brown shoes.

I cooked this fan character up in the summer of 2005, before I even had glasses. Here, he was simply a Yellow Yoshi wearing a blue tie, and I believe had the blue features. As you could guess, he had a lot of evolving to do, but you could say he grew as I did.

When my near-sightedness became prevalent, I had no choice but to fit myself out with a pair of glasses (this was December of 2005). Although I was initially reluctant to wear glasses, as soon as I saw the rectangular pair I'm wearing as I type this, I fell in love. After that, my glasses were my trademark, and I added them to my still-never-used fan character. (By then he had lost the tie, which I'd always been etchy on using. Also, if the tie version of my fan character ever even had the blue details, they were lost by now.)

On October 22, 2006, I got a website, and eventually so did my friend (note that both of these sites are rather defunct and nearing deletion, at least for my friend's), and it was finally time for my fan character to make its internet debut. On my website's forum (which I thought was deleted but appears to have made some sort of comeback, not that I care too much), my character appeared on my icon, which was then Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga styled. Later, I posted a comic on my friend's website (which "established" that Mario was a "hyuk hyuk hyuk"-style idiot), and, until the MarioWiki, this was the most contemporary/best-known use of the character. Here, his glasses were strange, he had no blue features (other than his eyes, which I believe survived every development stage of my character), and his shoes were light green rather than brown.

Eventually, I found the MarioWiki, became popular there, decided to revamp and reuse that character, and it's all just still happenin'...

Cool Users

Here they are, the users who have come to be respected by me. Note that the only order they're in is alphabetical order, and please don't be offended if you're not on here. (Who knows... Do something nice to/for me, and you very well may end up here! =D)

  • 3dejong - He's... just... AWESOME!
  • Aipom - Pwnzor. We really don't talk as much as we should.
  • Booster - Totally awesome. That was a pretty generic caption for someone as awesome as he is. ;)
  • Dry Bones - Another Yellow Yoshi fan who thinks I'm cool, too! 8)
  • Fg - Always makes us feel at home. :)
  • Gofer - Retro Sonic fan! We retro Sonic fanz pwn.
  • The Great Gonzo - That's THE Great Gonzo. The. He's worthy of that title.
  • HK-47 - He welcomed me, he calls me cool nicknames "YY" and "yellowdinodude", and he THINKS CHEESE IS DELICIOUS!
  • Knife - One of our best users ever...
  • Lukecferree - He might not edit much, but, in reality, he's, like, my best friend EVER!
  • Mariofan132 - He may be THE REASON I'm still around. All the compliments and encouragements he left me really helped me in my activity on the Super Mario Wiki.
  • Maxlover2 - One of teh kewlest guyz around.
  • Murzon - Shy Guys are awesome, just like this user.
  • Monty Mole - Kinda depressive and lacking major understanding... but certainly worthy of being on here. :D
  • Parayoshi - I don't recall ever even interacting with him, but for some reason I've always looked up to him.
  • Petals - Awesomeness. Just awesomeness. And she has a cool sprite.
  • Pink Yoshi - Fairly new but majorly awesome.
  • Sir Grodus - He's just cool, and he wrote a awesome article on the Kremean War seemingly by my request.
  • Son of Suns - Too bad such a good guy had to leave...
  • Super Luigi 821 - WHY did he have to change his name?! Oh well. Still awesome. ;)
  • Super Paper Luigi - We're HUGE friends. I speculate that we were twins separated at birth.
  • Ultimatetoad - I don't know... He just rockz.
  • Wayoshi - VERY serious, but one of our best-ever users.
  • Yoshster - Exclusive to the forum, but still TEH PWNZ!

Users Who Like Cheese

Practically the same thing as Cool Users, but...

  • 3dejong - A self-proclaimed "life-size Cheezedor".
  • Aipom - Not only likes cheese, but loves it. Hope he invites me to the wedding!
  • Gofer - Finds cheese to be at least one of his favorite sources of nutrients.
  • Great Gonzo - Uses awesome sight gags to establish the fact that Yoshi likes cheese. Also responsible for the Cheese Userbox.
  • HK-47 - Perhaps the best-known of the cheese lovers. Can also be credited as the "founding father" of all things cheese.
  • Maxlover2 - Officially named the Cheese Craze of '07.
  • Plumber - Dislikes melted cheese.
  • Super paper luigi - Another literate "lover" (or so he says) of cheese. I sense a love triangle here...
  • YellowYoshi398 - A cheese fan who enjoys melted cheese only on nachos.

Poems By Me

A Day in the Life of Mario

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Mario saves Peach
Whenever it's due
He valiantly beats Bowser
Because he's so cool
He defeats the Koopa King
In his swimming pool (Think Super Mario Sunshine.)
"I'll kill you," says Mario,
"With fists flying high.
I'll bounce you and trounce you
So Mario does it
And he saves the day
And the Mushroom People
All shout "Hooray!"
For Mario, our hero
Who is so awesome
We can rely on him
To find out some word that rhymes with "awesome"


Special Note - This poem is based on a true event. On the morning of Saturday 17, 2007, a user named Tonya Logan, who CLAIMED not to be Peachycakes, struck... resulting in the first time I helped out in spam reverting.

Special Note II: THE SEQUEL! - As it turns out, Tonya Logan WASN'T Peachycakes... Nonetheless, this is sort of a "documentary" on user's thoughts on the event at the current time, and... Okay, I won't ruin the poem or anything. :D

Special Note II - This poem's description of Tonya Logan/Peachycakes as "evil" and other similar descriptions and the like are not meant to insult, attack, or emotionally inflict the two trolls in any way. That is all.

The battle cry rang through the air
Giving us a thrill
We gathered up our brothers
And readied our own selves
With tons of help from others
We new that we'd prevail
We clicked the recent changes
And watched for that unruly troll
Some of us spewed out language
When we saw her evil go
"I'm not Peachycakes!" She'd scream out
"I'm really, really not!
And if you believe me
I'll give you a tater tot!"
But we didn't believe her
And reverted without fear
So sad that she persisted
Turning our wiki into a smear
But we valiantly protected
And on the recent changes
We all did keep our view
"No, guys! Come on! Join me!
You know that you want to!
Together we can make it seem
Like Luigi's in SMW2!"
Yes, Peachycakes was raving
On her 19th account
I tell you, man, she's crazy
All she does is pout
But we reverted all her edits
From DKC2 to DKC3
I tell you, we all did
It certainly wasn't all me
She screamed in pain and agony
Went out to count to three
And removed all her warnings
But that didn't work, thanks to me!
Soon Peachycakes was defeated
On that very day
Oh yes, she was deleted
By a young man named Jorge
After a long, hard battle
Our land was finally free
Remember this, you and your cattle,
It wasn't only me.

Heat Death (a Story)

I, too, am writing a story. Yeah. I'm such a non-conformist/non-idea stealer. None of us are in it. None. Okay, maybe a few (in the first few chapters and whatnot), but not many. Just our great, great, great, great grandchildren. Yes, it takes place in the future. I'll skip to it.

But before I'd do so, I'd like to say that this story is named after one of its major plot points: a theory known as the heat death of the universe. I don't know much about heat death; all I know (and this may even be VERY wrong) is that the sun is apparently burning out and earth will one day freeze because of this. Like I said, this might be wrong; you may comment about the story on my talk page, but please tell me nothing about how wrong I am about heat death. It's just a story...

Chapter One: A Tale of Two Planets

The universe: a swirling mass of all things assorted. There's no limit at all to the contents of this great, great thing. Lands like Popstar, Hyrule, Raccoon City; they're all housed in our universe. But there's one place... One forgotten place... In the center of it all...

Earth. Once a thriving, bustling, beautiful planet. Once filled with blue waters, soft clouds, and light green grass. Once home to complex humans, industrious ants, and other beautiful creatures. Maybe once. But not now.

Long, long, long ago, Earth supported life. The ignorant, oblivious life it supported was even duped into thinking that they were alone; the only forms of life in our universe. They ignored their neighbors: the Pac-People, the Mobians, the Toads... They thought they were better. They were all fools...

Except for the members of a secret organization known as the MarioWiki. They knew little of other places, but all of them had enough pride to say that they were aware, very aware, of the Mushroom Planet. The MarioWikiers were the only Earthling followers of the graceful planet, and at least they knew what to do when it happened...

Perhaps you've heard of the theory of heat death. The sun is burning out, yes. One day it will be no more, and we will all freeze, they say. Part of a natural plan, no? Yes. This terrible belief of heat death troubled little of the ignoramuses on the planet Earth; and not necessarily due to their foolishness. They planned to come from the dust and go to the snow. They could hardly care of the dastardly provement of the second law of thermodynamics that is heat death.

But the MarioWikiers cared. They cared greatly about their planet and its inhabitants... And they knew just what to do. Retreat.

"Earth is the only planet that can support life," blabbed the scientists. "You'll never be able to find another place. Turn back."

The MarioWikiers didn't listen, and their remaining members are proud of that to this day. They continued to proclaim their belief of an escape from heat death; they told the others that the Mushroom Planet would be an ideal place of residence, but no one cared. They decided to stick with the common beliefs that such an escape was impossible; that no planet could serve life except for their dying one. But the MarioWikiers didn't give up. They tried to convince others to live 'till the very last minute... To no prevail. On that last day...

"Move, move, MOVE!" Porplemontage, leader of the MarioWikiers, commanded his underlings.

"Yes, we must hurry!" stated Wayoshi, the organization's vice president.

They had tried. They tried hard. Very hard... But it didn't work. No one, no one but the MarioWikiers and a few of their parents, had listened. Now they were all climbing on board a ramshackle space pod, one by one. This was surely the last day. The day heat death would be fulfilled. They had tried...

"NO!" cried a voice from the middle of the line. "No, no, NOOOO!" This voice belonged to Koopa lover, a young follower of the ways of MarioWiki.

"What do you mean 'no'?" Porple questioned.

"I.. just... can't leave!" yelled a teary-eyed Koopa lover. "I've lived here all of my life, and... I just can't go! I can't leave and abandoned my friends and family! I--"

"They had their chance," interrupted an all-business Wayoshi. "They chose to stay and freeze; they will stay and freeze."

"Now don't be so cold," said Steve, "not to be perceiving any kind of joke. Let the wikier speak."

"I... I..." Koopa lover didn't quite know what to say. "I suppose you're right. I'll go..."

"Good," said Porplemontage. "Excellent."

"Yes, very good," said Wayoshi. "The users should all be loaded in a few minutes..."

And they were. Soon, even Wayoshi had boarded the escape pod to the Mushroom Planet.

"Come on, Porple," he told, "that's all of them. You can come in now."

Porplemontage had been waiting outside of the pod for quite some time now, hoping that he hadn't forgotten any of his beloved users. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, every MarioWikier's here," Wayoshi said. "I'm your Bureaucrat. You can trust me."

"You're right about that," replied Steve. "Okay then, it looks like I can come on board now!"

"Yes, everyone's here."

With that assurance, Porplemontage began to step up to the boarding slope. At least, be began to, when...

"You forgot me..."

Porplemontage stopped dead in his tracks when he heard this mysterious voice.

"Porple?" Wayoshi asked, worried for his leader.

"You forgot me..." repeated the voice. By now, Porplemontage decided to turn back.


"Where are you?" Steve calmly asked the mysterious voice.

"YOU FORGOT ME!" the voice screamed once again, resulting in the appearance of a mysterious, cloaked figure.

"What are you doing, Porple?!" a concerned Wayoshi, who seemed to be unable to see the "forgotten one", yelled to his leader.

"Um..." Porplemontage was beginning to think that the creature he was after wasn't worth saving.

"Get on board!" Wayoshi, beginning to step off of the pod, commanded.

"Oka--" Steve was cut off by the cloaked figure pulling out a huge dagger.

"Don't forget me..." it almost sang.

Porplemontage was frozen with fear. He didn't know who the cloaked one was. It could've been a MarioWikier, but it was certainly a very cruel and sadistic one. "Who... are you?"

Steve's question was answered with the creature's action of pulling the hood of his cloak off. "NO!" Steve screamed, "NOT YOU! NOT YO--"

He was interrupted by the character throwing his dagger directly at him. Steve managed to avoid it, but not without being pinned to the ground by the figure himself.

"What's going on?!" a confused Wayoshi screamed.


"What? What?"

"...remember me..."

Chapter Two: A Link to the Past

Wayoshi knew what Steve had told him to do... And he'd always obey his leader. After a quick farewell, he sent the pod blasting off into space with one destination: the Mushroom Planet. No one knew what became of Steve, who was never seen nor heard from again; it is assumed that he valiantly went down with the now-frozen Earth. Little is known about his attacker, too...

But Mushroom Planet life was good for the MarioWikiers. Very good. Immediately after landing, they were greeted and helped in their adaption to life on the planet by Tumble (or Maxlover2), a long-time inhabitant of the planet who happened to have previously had limited affiliation with the MarioWiki.

The wikiers adapted to the planet well. As a matter of fact, after four generations, they had become the planet's dominant species and protectors, which was rather convenient for them. Life on the planet was a dream come true... Until one day, in the aforementioned fourth generation...

The sibling pair OmegaToad and OmegaToadette, direct relatives of a certain Super Saiyan-haired Toad, were out on a picnic in a land known as Petal Meadows. The two Toads were enjoying their evening walk, and their easy lives, but something seemed odd to them.

"OT," OmegaToadette asked her brother, "does anything about today seem... weird... to you?"

"As a matter of fact," OmegaToad replied, "yes. I can't quite place it, though... Is it colder?"

"That may very well be it..." Toadette agreed.

"I'll say!" exclaimed Omega. "This is summer! Why's it so chilly?"

"I don't know," said OmegaToadette, "but this definitely is weird. We're having January weather in July!"

After a bit more chitchat and eating, the SSJ-headed Toads decided to pack up and return home. Whilst packing, though, they noticed something: the sun seemed darker. What was going on? Did this have anything to do with the Mushroom Planet's lack of heat? Oh well. It didn't bother them; they were just kids. Leaving a word only to their father, they continued their lives unconcerned by the problem.

Sure, they were unconcerned. But not all were. Most, but not all. Perhaps the only person who cared about the coldness and darkened sun goes by the name of Professor Cardboard Elvin Gadd; a scientist from a long line of big brains.

Cardboard Gadd, who was good friends with the head of OmegaToad's family, was rather worried when he heard of the two kids' claims. He knew he'd heard of something similar... It was something he had read somewhere... Maybe from one of his old newspapers...

Gadd made great haste in finding this source. He knew little about the "darkened sun incident", as he was temporarily calling it, but he did recall that such a thing could be terrible for the planet. If he recalled, such a thing ended a previous one...

As soon as possible, Cardboard Elvin rushed to his laboratory, where he stored all his material. His assistant, Twomblez, was already there (as usual), cleaning the lab's lobby.

"Professor," she said, "you're here so early! What's going on?"

"I fear that the whole world may be in danger," replied Gadd, going on to explain the happenings to his assistant.

"Oh my," replied Twomblez. "You think we might... um..."

"I don't really know what's going to happen," the cardboard professor explained, "but it can't be good. If you will excuse me, I must retire to the vault. That's where I've heard of this before; it's something there..."

"Well, good luck," said Twomblez as her professor disappeared into his vault of reference material.

Meanwhile, Gadd had already dashed off into the vault. He was pouring through the oldest of his materials, downright ruining antique newspapers and government papers in his search. He knew it was here. He just new it. It was something his great, great, great, great grandfather had told him (indirectly, through family stories); something involving a ruined world and a great migration.

He slaved day and night looking for a newspaper headline on the subject. He knew he had one. The subject had intrigued him so much as a child...

But he couldn't find one. He supposed it was missing in his sea of papers, and just decided to give up. After all, the world couldn't end... Could it? The Mushroom Planet was a paradise; the perfect place for anyone. After days of searching, Cardboard Gadd decided to go to the nearest form of reclination (his computer's chair) and rest. He had about a week of sleep to make up.

But as he tilted his tired head downward, something caught his eye. Could it be? YES! It must've been blown here during his seven-day search!

Yes, this was it. Just the newspaper clipping Gadd had been looking for, right on his desk. And its headline was two solemn words: "HEAT DEATH".

Chapter Three: 7dejong, Last of the Leetspeakers

Yes, yes, YES! This was the paper that the cardboard professor was looking for! And that word... "Heat death"... THAT WAS IT!

"Hmm... 'HEAT DEATH'," Gadd read to himself. "Sun burning out... Temperature dropping... Second law of thermodynamics... Of course! OUR SUN, LIKE EARTH'S, IS BURNING OUT! But what's this...?"

Later in the newspaper, the MarioWiki's efforts to get others to convince others to retreat to the Mushroom Planet, and their humiliating failure, were discussed. Tears formed in the cardboard professor's eyes as he thought of his own ancestor going out into the streets with the intentions of saving onlookers, but leaving spat upon... How could those Earthling fools have done all this?

But, regardless of these thoughts, Gadd knew what he had to do: spread the word. Thankfully, the Mushroom Planet's heat death was in its very earliest stage, and he had plenty of time, but none to waste...

"Then again," thought Cardboard Elvin as he rushed toward the door, "maybe a little rest wouldn't hurt me..."

The poor professor, when finding the newspaper clipping, had been so close to finding what he'd been longing for for a whole week: sleep. Now that he had what he was looking for, his chances of resting were even worse... So he decided that one little nap wouldn't hurt.

And he forever regretted this decision in the future.

The next morning, Twomblez, who often acted as the laboratory's janitor when Gadd wasn't performing experiments, came in Gadd's room to dust things off. Recently, Cardboard Gadd had restricted his room and the nearby vault for his newspaper search, but Twomblez had noticed the current lack of noise and hoped with all her heart that the professor was finished with his work.

What she was met with, though, was far worse than anything she could've previously imagined. Papers were strewn all over the floors, the bed was split in two, the floor was soaking wet, the computer had completely fallen over; but worst of all, Professor Cardboard Elvin Gadd was gone. Kidnapped, presumably, on the brink of an important discovery.

"How could this have happened?" a saddened Twomblez whispered to herself. She decided that the first thing she'd do was pick up the professor's beloved computer. She did so.

And as she did so, something caught her eye. There was one open window on the computer; and on this window, written rather sloppily and seemingly rushed, was a code of symbols in MS Paint. This symbol sequence read:

"/-/[-/-\'][' [)[-/-\']['/-/ [()]V[!^/(_+. ']['/-\|<[-^/ 13`/ [1_()/-\|<[-[) |=!(_+|_||?[-."

Now Twomblez certainly wasn't uneducated in the field of language. She could fluently speak about every language, even the dead ones like Latin, HTML, and that ever-elusive Wikisyntax. But Twomblez couldn't speak this one... Yet she managed to recognize it.

This was Leetspeak, also known as 73315p34k and 1_[-[-']['§|*[-/-\|<. When spoken clearly, it is quite easy to understand, but can be much, much more complex... and full of strange, intertwining, downright uninterpretable symbols. Twomblez had studied Leet, and actually knew a little of it, but she certainly wasn't adept... No one was. Not anymore... Long, long ago, there was a mage of leet named Smiddle, although he had disappeared without a trace even before the retreat from Earth. Know no one who knew Leet was left...

Except for one man: 7dejong, both last of the Dejongs and last of the Leetspeakers. The thought of confronting this young man, though, made Twomblez gulp...

7dejong was nothing to be feared, or so they said... As a matter of fact, some say that his relatives, most notably his great-great-great-great grandfather, were rather kind and outgoing. But 7dejong, he was different... He decided to live in seclusion in Dejong Mansion, the Dejong family's almost never-used (until 7D's birth) household. In his time, 7dejong had turned the mansion into an eery and creepy place... one that made several jump to conclusions of unknown status in truth about him.

Twomblez knew what she had to do. She didn't like it. But she knew. She quickly scribbled Gadd's message down on a piece of paper and stood up, facing the door. She was going to Dejong Mansion...

...And she soon faced the hill overlooking it. The mansion was a rather sadistic-looking place, with drooping trees, dark greenery, and a ramshackle appearance of the house itself. Twomblez had no idea how phobia-stricken Maxlover2, the only person anybody knew who was acquainted to 7dejong, managed to spend so much time there...

But once again, Twomblez knew what she had to do. She nervously plodded down the walkway, occasionally stopping to check if she was being chased, watched, or attacked in any way. The mansion's courtyard was an odd place... She figured the mansion itself was even worse.

Eventually, after desperately stumbling through the cold, maze-like path to the mansion, Twomblez came across a very heartwarming sign: One that said "DEJONG MANSION DEAD AHEAD". Twomblez gave a happy sigh as she read this, looking down at the message in Leet. Under the sign, though, were words that gave Twomblez more shudders: "GRAVEYARDS LEFT AND RIGHT". Only a very cruel and emotional person could have boneyards completely surrounding his home...

But Twomblez persisted, and soon found herself on the very front doorstep of Dejong Mansion. She tapped with one of the mansion's door knockers; these door knockers featured a rather dark-looking "AHH!" phrase with a small ring attached. Before Twomblez could even finish her knock, the tall doors slowly creaked open and a voice welcomed her to enter. Twomblez did so, and, hearing the door shut, turned around to thank her doorman, although she was rather dazed and frightened to see that no one was at the door or even in her near vicinity. Ghosts...

A frozen-with-fear Twomblez continued progressing in Dejong Mansion. The place actually had respectable beauty, but there was something... corrupted about it. The fanciful chandeliers were rather sharp and threatening. The classic paintings all depicted rather crude and sadistic-looking figures. Every little beautiful antique was covered in cobwebs...

Eventually, Twomblez came to what she knew was the door just before the resting place of 7dejong himself. It was a rather large, drawer-filled room, with a frontward side not at all unlike the Grand Staircase of the Titanic. Two staircases rapped around a central door, each leading up to a small platform with a less prominent door. The door below this platform, which read "7D", was assuredly the gateway to 7dejong's room. From this room, Twomblez heard a strange chattering... An eccentric chanting, followed by a crushing sound and many laughs. It was as if some kind of magical spell, most certainly an evil one, was being created beyond this door...

The noise eventually stopped, and Twomblez knew that there would be no better oppurtunities to comfront 7dejong. She put her hands against the door and began to push, when...


"Oh... Sorry," said a soft, familiar voice that Twomblez immediately recongnized. This voice belonged to Maxlover2, local die-shaped tourguide and best, if not only, friend of 7dejong. Max2 had exited the same door Twomblez was trying to enter, knocking her over.

"That's okay," Twomblez said, getting up. "W-what's going on in there?"

"I was just visiting with 7D. He ran out of Graveyards, so he sent me to fetch some more."

Twomblez could only wonder what 7dejong needed with a graveyard, and what he had done to Max2. "Well... Is it okay if I go in? Would I be disturbing any... rituals?"

"No..." Max2 said, giving Twomblez an odd look. "Why would li'l 7D be performing 'rituals'?"

"Oh... So it's... safe?"

"Yeah... Are you okay?"

"FINE! I'm perfectly fine!! I mean, uh... Yes; thanks for asking. And you?"

"...Great," Max2 said, giving one last odd glance to a tense Twomblez before dashing outside. Meanwhile, Twomblez let loose a heavy sigh, realizing that these recent events only further confirmed that 7dejong was some sort of evil magician, perhaps one skilled in hypnosis. Needless to say, she was frozen with fear and couldn't believe she was actually ENTERING the room where the ultimate evil slept...

Behind the fanciful door was a long hallway spangled with pictures of men wearing orange shirts decorated with varying numbers and the letter "D". "7dejong's relatives, no doubt..." Twomblez thought as she noticed their welcoming but somehow stern faces.

At the end of this huge hallway, Twomblez could barely make out a small staircase leading right into a wall; on this staircase was a throne-like chair (more of a couch) with the word "7DEJONG" on its front. To the sides of the throne were many empty, black cans of an unknown substance in front of softly burning candles on the red carpet-spangled wall. It was almost like some sort of shrine to 7dejong, the attendant of the throne-chair.

"Max2, is that you?" 7dejong asked blankly, beginning to barely be able to make out Twomblez, who was still far down the hallway. "You back with those Graveyards yet?"

"Um..." Twomblez nervously gulped mostly to herself. It was then that 7dejong squinted and was finally able to make out Twomblez's figure.

"Why, it's you!" he exclaimed upon doing this. "The lab assistant gal I've heard so much about... What's your name...? It was... Twumphlez, right?"

"Uh..." Twomblez said, nearing 7dejong's throne but wishing she was back in the laboratory.

"Yes, yes; Twumphlez," said 7dejong, rising out of his seat when Twomblez's eyes met his. Soon the two were right next to each other, and Twomblez knew what she had to do. "So--"


7dejong gave Twomblez an awkward look. "I'm... sorry," she told him. "I've... just... heard some rumors about you, and I've been kind of..."

"Hey, guys!" This was Maxlover2, who had just entered the room and was dashing down 7D's long hallway.

"Alright!" 7dejong yelled with joy. "Didja get those Graveyards?"

"You betcha!" said Max, throwing 7dejong a small, black can and keeping another for himself. 7dejong then picked the lid of the can and began barbariously guzzling a multicolored liquid within.

As his can neared emptiness, he threw it to the side of his chair (which he then sat on) and whiped the foam off of his mouth. "Ah... That Graveyard's good stuff. I didn't drink much in the winter, and ended up accumulating so much I had to move my supply outside! Yep, the whole place is surrounded by hills and hills of Graveyards... It's a pretty beautiful thing. I just got up to putting a sign to warn visitors and the like of them this morning..."

"How many visitors do you get?" Twomblez asked, beginning to edge on her own problem.

"Not many," said 7dejong, "which is why I'm very pleased that you came over. Graveyard?"

"Uh... No thanks, Mr. Dejong."

"Mr. Dejong" smiled at her. "You can call me '7D'."

"Alright... 7D," she said, smiling back.

Max2, who was getting bored just watching, then began to speak. "I don't see why people dislike 7D so much! So what if he has trouble keeping the garden well-trimmed and the mansion in shape; big houses like this just... tend to get creepy-looking! Now if people visited him more often, they'd no the kinda guy he really us... Certainly the best MarioWikier I've ever met."

"Why thank you," 7dejong said, grinning. He then looked back at Twomblez before saying, "Now, what's all this about Professor Gadd being kidnapped? ...And what's that note hanging out of your pocket?"

"What... This?" Twomblez said, groping toward her pants for Gadd's note. "It's actually a message he left before disappearing... In Leet!"

"Leet, eh?" 7dejong said. "Not many people know that nowadays. I personally haven't had to speak it since... Well, since my Leet tests in Language School. It's almost never used."

"You can say that again," Twomblez remarked. "Think you can translate it?"

"I know I can," 7D said, grabbing the note from Twomblez's outreached arm. "Hmm... He's goin' harsh on us; no threes or fours here... A 'G', eh? Never seen that one in all my studies... 'HEAT'... Hmm... Ah-HA! Here's what Mr. Gadd said: 'HEAT DEATH COMING. TAKEN BY CLOAKED FIGURE'."

"Cloaked figure?" Twomblez said. "...Strange. I guess we can gather that some sort of cloaked figure was what kidnapped him, then... And what's this 'heat death'? That term's totally new to me."

"Me too," 7dejong said. "Never heard of it..."

"I have," said Maxlover2. "It happened a long time ago..."

"How long?" Twomblez asked.

"I'll just say that it was right around when I first joined MarioWiki and its ways... And when that happened, I immediately befriended 7dejong's great-great-great-great grandfather."

"Wow!" Twomblez exclaimed. "That was... years ago!"

"Yup. Star being = live for a long time. You wouldn't understand. Anyway, that 3D... He had the prettiest little funeral you ever did see... Anyhow, way back then, the MarioWikiers were based on --get this-- Earth!"

"Earth? Really?!" Twomblez had only heard of this far off planet in early school textbooks, which all described it simply as an obscure ball of ice floating out in space.

"Yep. Now, have you ever heard off--" Max2 squinted a little, giving an almost disgusted look, "heat death? The heat death of the universe?"

"Um, no..." Twomblez said, rather embarrassed that she, a well-respected graduate of Woohoo Hooniversity, had never heard of such a subject.

"Well... Where do I start? A LONG time ago, and I mean, like, before the MarioWiki was ever even established, the scientists of Earth theorized that their sun was... burning out."

"What do you mean?"

"It was kinda... losing it. It's hard to understand, but the sun's core was just... diminishing. Some even said it was burning; that the sun had caught itself on fire." Maxlover2 stopped to laugh before quickly getting back to the serious subject at hand. "Anyway, the scientists had this 'heat death' theory, but they were fools. They didn't really care about it; the only message they ever even received from it was to enjoy their remaining days."

"Absurd!" Twomblez and an also-listening 7D said in perfect unison.

"Yes, very," Max said sighing. "If only they'd have known... But there was a little hope. The MarioWikiers of the day thought of heat death as a very serious subject, watched on it closely, and eventually decided that something had to be done. MarioWiki's last days on the survivable Earth were spent warning others... to no avail."

Twomblez gasped. "Do you mean... they failed?"

"...Yes. Unbelievable as it is, they got no support from the other Earthlings. On that very last day, they were all rounding up into an escape pod to the Mushroom Planet... You see, I had prepared their coming from up here and was very up-to-date on everything... And, well, they got no one. Nobody. Nada. Just all of them... No, wait! They even LOST their founder to some cloaked guy... But then they came here, and, as you know, were pretty successful. And that's all I know. That's heat death."

"Fascinating," Twomblez said. "But how could it be 'coming'? It sounds like it's long gone."

"Maybe," 7dejong cut in, "it's coming HERE. Maybe OUR sun's burning out, and maybe OUR days are numbered..."

"Why, that's IT!" Twomblez said. "Poor Elvin was trying to warn us... And I bet that's why he got kidnapped, too! This 'cloaked figure' he spoke of doesn't want us to know about heat death... But what can we do?"

"I suggest going straight to the top," 7D said.

Twomblez gasped. "You don't mean?!"

"Yes, I do," 7dejong replied. "You'll have to see HK-51... He's the only one with enough power to do anything about it."

"But isn't he--" Twomblez gulped, "-feared and hated by all?"

"He is a rather trying leader... But he's gotten us through most of our hardships, right?"

"Yeah, but--"

"And you had similar thoughts about me before we met, right?"

"Yes, but this is--"

"Excellent then! You're off to see Hunter-Killer Fifty-One, mayor of MarioWiki City!"

Twomblez collapsed.

To be continued...

Appearances in Other Parts of the Super Mario Wiki

I tell ya, I'm famous... Well, not really. But, now that I'm starting to appear in some places, I thought I'd make note of them! (Note: Items are listed in alphabetical order.)

Aipom's Comics

I first appeared in the eighth of Aipom's comics, where I was shown to be the leader of the first annual race. I appeared to have lost this ranking by the ninth comic, though, and I was not seen again until comic number ten, where I held second. Bye the end of the race, I finished third.

Confused's Movie

Although I'm not exactly sure on how he's doing it, I believe I made it in time to appear in Confused's sprite movie, which will be going up on YouTube for the big two-year anniversary.

Dry Bones' Game

Although it is known that I will not be a playable character in Dry Bones' upcoming fan game, the fact that it chronicles his comic suggests that I will be included in the game, presumably playing the same role I do in the comics.

The Great Gonzo's Comics

I've been a character in the Great Gonzo's comic since the start of its storyline, which doesn't include the pilot comic. In the comics, I was one of the few users not recruited by Wayoshi and Son of Suns to battle the trolls; instead, I went into a duel with Woodylogan (YES! I FINALLY GET TO FIGHT A LOGAN! :D) mercenary-style. In the end, I didn't fare quite so well in this battle and was kidnapped by Woody, although my friend SPL was sent to find me. According to the Great Gonzo himself, I will become a major character when freed.

The Great Gonzo's Story

I first appeared in issue three of Legend of the Infinite Empire, the Great Gonzo's story. In the story, I am one third of a group in the 'Shroom Army known as the "Omega Squad"; the other two members of the Omega Squad (which completely consisted of Yoshis) were YoshiFan and Parayoshi. My role in the story is to stop some Metal Slug-inspired aliens who had invaded Poshley Heights, and it was established in issue four that I am well known for my 5A Shotgun. Apparently, the mission of the Omega Squad has been completed and it is unknown what will happen to me in the future.

HK-47's Story

I've also appeared (under the nickname "YY") in another story; Hk's The One Who Would Ineffably Be Called Prince (which has, so far, taught be two things: the meaning of the word "ineffably" and what O² is). At first my appearance, which showed me going outside to breathe O² (which I, in actuality, have no idea what is), but quickly going back into my flat upon seeing a bull, seemed to be brief; however, I appeared to have had more to do with the plot as a group of strange creatures (seemingly from "elsewhere", I encounter a lot of aliens in stories) entered my home and abducted me into the great army (much to my chagrin).

Maxlover2's Comics


I was given my first appearance in Max2's comics in Comic #2, where Max2, 3dejong, and friends met me as one of the many users visiting the Ultimate Casino. By the end of the comic (and after 3dejong received a new Hammer from Ultimatetoad), a joined Max2 and company and their adventures. I will go on to become a major character, they say.

Smash Bros.

While I have not yet appeared in the SSBW comics, it is known that I will be in them, fighting alongside the Ultimate Overlord of Cheese himself, HK-47. "We got cheese pow'r", as he says. It is known that Hk and I will actually be in the very next battle, fighting a team made up of Fg and a Yellow Koopa Troopa at Subcon. (We were initially scheduled to fight SPL and Dry Bones at Princess Peach's Castle; however, this was changed.) I also appeared in the trailer to the comics, where I was teamed up with Parayoshi.

Maxlover2's Story

I have signed up as a main hero in Max2's story and will therefore presumably appear sometime.

Murzon's Book

Although I have not yet appeared in Murzon's book, I should appear soon as one of Peachycakes' former lackies who has decided to reform and join the side of the Uber Waffle King.

Murzon's Story

As a way to repay his upcoming appearance in Heat Death, Murzon has me in his Shy Guy-themed story Shy Guy Saga as a cape-clad Yellow Yoshi of the 398 color ("thus giving me my nickname, 'Yellowyoshi 398'") who is friends with the story's Shy Guy protagonist, Vorrik. I was first mentioned as going into Shy Guy's Toybox (which perplexed Vorrik later) in chapter two and was present during General Guy's death in chapter three.

Plumber's Comics

My first appearance in Plumber's comics was Comic #4, where I quickly cameoed. In this cameo, I Ground Pounded Knife as a way to "entertain" onlookers. I later appeared in Comic #5, where I threatened to sue Dr. Dr., and was finally given a speaking role in Comic #6, which pitted me against Peachycakes and her sockpuppets. (Because of PEACHYCAKES IS BACK!, perhaps?) I later took part in the Willymon craze in Comic #7, and it is assumed that I will continue making these small appearances.

Plumber's Story

I have signed up for Plumber's Don Quixote-style story as an insane hero, not because the insane characters will be more major but rather due to the fact that "insanity is FTW".

Super Luigi 821's Movie

I will be a character in SL821's upcoming movie, which will eventually be put up on YouTube. Although the movie is known to be completed, it will not be released until the return of Knife. HURRY UP! ;)

Super Mallow's Comics

I first appeared in Super Mallow's (awesome!) comics in Comic #1, where I attempted at retrieving my lost cheese from SM, interrupting his birthday party. Although it would've initially appeared that Super Mallow had indeed stolen my beloved dairy products, it was later revealed that it was Peachycakes (who had previously saved my life and actually earned my favor) that performed the unspeakable act, and SM had actually taken his cheese from Wikipedia. Super Mallow, Monty Mole, and I eventually found and retrieved the cheese from one of Peachycakes' many sockpuppets before everyone was quite randomly zapped into 8-bit style.

Super Paper Luigi's Comics

In SPL's comic series, I first appeared in comic two, where I, alongside several other users, attempted at saving SPL from Cackletta. However, we all failed and were zapped into an 8-bit video later confirmed to be Super Mario Bros.; we then began a quest to reach World 8-4.

Canceled Appearances

Super Luigi 821's Game

Although I was going to be a minor playable character, the game was recently canceled in favor of SL821's new movie.

Dry Bones' Comics

I was going to be one of the many minor suspects who might have murdered Wayoshi in Dry Bones' Comic, although this comic series has been canceled in favor of DB's new fan game.



And this, my friends, is the abrupt end of my userpage. Have a happy life, you Mario fan. Godspeed.