User talk:Alexneushoorn
Welcome, Alexneushoorn!
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Heej alexneushoorn. Woon jij in België of Nederland? Ik zie aan je nick dat je nederlands kan. --Armin00
08:22, 25 August 2012 (EDT)
Antwoord: Ik woon in Nederland.
oh no i'm late
Please send me (Doomhiker) your Fake News section(s) by March 9th. If you are unable to submit your section in time, please tell me as soon as possible, and I'll sort something out.
Sorry it's a little late X_x
Yours truly,
MrConcreteDonkey 11:53, 5 March 2013 (EST)
I sent it on February 28 via Super Mario Boards. How did it not arrive?
Plus, where do I sent my section?
hallo beste alexneushoorn, ik vind jouw sectie van the shroom best goed gemaakt! het likt me geweldig er meer van te zien! ik ben nu al een fan! Ik wens je veel geluk! groetjes aregularwikiuser.
Bedankt, mede-Nederlander.
Real (Fake) Warning
Please send me (Doomhiker) your Fake News section(s) by April 13th. If you are unable to submit your section in time, please tell me as soon as possible, and I'll sort something out.
Yours truly,
MrConcreteDonkey 11:14, 8 April 2013 (EDT)
It didn't arrive again? I send it at April 1st. How could you not get it?
May the Fake Be With You
Please send me (Doomhiker) your Fake News section(s) by May 11th. If you are unable to submit your section in time, please tell me as soon as possible, and I'll sort something out.
Yours truly,
MrConcreteDonkey 13:38, 7 May 2013 (EDT)
I'll get writing then.
Please send me (Doomhiker) your Fake News section(s) by June 8th. If you are unable to submit your section in time, please tell me as soon as possible, and I'll sort something out.
Yours truly,
The theme for this edition of Fake News is Kirby, though you don't have to follow it.
I'll get to work then.
Not the Fake News
Please send me (Doomhiker) your Fake News section(s) by July 13th. If you are unable to submit your section in time, please tell me as soon as possible, and I'll sort something out.
Yours truly,
MrConcreteDonkey 18:14, 8 July 2013 (EDT)
I sent it on July 5, but I'll write it again anyway.