"Know what I say? MUSIC say it!"
SombreroGuy, Super Mario Wiki
Hello! I am SombreroGuy.I'm 13 years old. Nice to meet you guys! I'm a big fan of Mario (series) , and I am happy to be here. If have any advice for me, just say. See ya!
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Games I Own in those consoles
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Who's online: NintenBro, Platform, Stanleysus, CyonOfGaia, Kaptain Skurvy, Remembered Old Buddy, Super Mario RPG, Memelord2020, Sparks, M&SG, Mid188, Fabricio-faiffer-2003, Potato3003, Nightwicked Bowser, Hewer, PnnyCrygr, DahCulDood, Mariofan12ify, Catpolof, PopitTart, Aomaf, LadySophie17, VulpixTails, ZanyDragon, Mariomake, Paper Plumm, GloverMist, Maxi, Moses Sin, PrinceStingySpoilero
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