So you passed my turf!? *points at invisible speck* YOU SHALL PAY FOR THIS YOU STUPID ATOM!!! *beats up the atom who crossed this talkpage*
Active Rules, the Thing No One Loves and Needs Some!Everyone has rules that must be regulated. Even so this was created after some messages were here, I was satisfied with all!
Sorry for my seriousness. Now..., Vcreate a new header here V Trying to settle thisYou may be right, but about the fact of the file names, nearly no one likes your naming of filenames (proof: MushroomMan3's first 3 contributions up to date). And... "...instead of ALL CAPS ME LIKE THIS.". ALLCAPS? Did I really wrote in allcaps? I'm thinking about that writing in a white font isn't that same to writing IN THIS WAY. I am aware I did a such really that bad thing, but... --NewSMBU (talk) 14:44, 8 October 2012 (EDT) Remember Me?Mario Boards? ---JohnRoberts (talk) now known as KoopaGuy (talk) Yes I am KoopaGuy (talk) AutopatrolGreeting BabyLuigiOnFire. Due to the quality and frequency of your contributions, the Mariowiki staff has agreed to promote you to Autopatrolled status. Note that this does not carry any additional powers or responsibilities, and that it mostly serves to make patrolling edits easier on our end. --Glowsquid (talk) 10:18, 1 January 2013 (EST) Mini-turboI diden'nt even get that!!!! Then that means that can't mini-turbo too!!!!!! - then show me a video That probely is with a glitch in some consoles what console do you use for the game? Still though can you say what console? Also the disk is fine!! Oh that's what you mean also I meant controller lol i was guessing that thats probuly why i'm using wii wheel so thats probuly why something with the gc controller FriendsHi, i'm User:SombreroGuy. Want to be friends? copy my user boxRE: SpritesNo problem. I love editing sprites.
HQ Mario Kart Arcade Games ImagesHow did you get the High Quality images for the Mario Kart Arcade GP games? -- Is Dolphin Triforce for Arcade games?-- Mariobros1985 (talk) I don't want to be mean or anything, but I've got 1 question. I've noticed that for all of the FA nominations, you oppose. Do you have a problem with that game, character, or whatever that is in general? You still haven't removed your oppose for PMTTYD and Megadardery stated that he's fixed all of the sections of the articles. |