Would these classify as enemies, allies, or niether?-- Aipom
Neither. Lemmy's Land list them as enemies but, eh, they are just brainless (seriously) animals that probably are just flying things that don't have life. Paper Jorge
What did Lemmy's Land call them because I couldn't find Poink?-- Aipom
Poink...yeah I think that's what they called them... Paper Jorge
Is this an official name? As you all know, Lemmy's Land is far from being official. -- Son of Suns
No, it goes from Podoboo to Poison Pokey.-- Aipom
They've been doing weeeird things with their "Our Minions" section lately. It'a ALL jumbled. 3D, whose screen name is "Youngerplumber" at Lemmy's Land.
I'm quite positive they're called "Squoinks". whaddya think? Madhatter9max 12:31, 15 May 2008 (EDT)
I've been looking everywhere for a picture of one, but I can't find any! Could someone give me the name of some good websites, besides Google, Ask, or Yahoo all on the image search?-- Aipom
They're really hard to find. I'll search, and if I can't find one, we'll ask WarioLoaf or someone to scan a pic out of the Player's Guide.
3D, who would do it if he had the guide.
- Yayz-o! WHO DA MASTER! :D
- In other words, I found a pic. ;)
3D, who likes using ;). ;)
- In other words, I found a pic. ;)
Thank You-- Aipom
Glitch jump[edit]
I tried to switch from Squirt nozzle to hover nozzle to avoid the poinks, but 2 stuck to the HOVER nozzle! after that, I tried to pop them off, and they went straight down! I mean, through the ground!
Never heard of that glitch before.-- Aipom
I'm not! and I'm also not signing this comment. but to do it, jump on top of the platforms (the wooden ones) near where Petey was sleeping, while he is sleeping. get up there with the hover nozzle. (I can, 'cause I'm the king of the jumps) and wait for 2 poinks to come near. switch to the hover nozzle for 2/5 of a second (or close) and switch back. a poink should grab on to the bottom near 1 of the hover nozzle ends, while 1 sticks to the squirt nozzle. aim down and fire, and the poink on the hover end, or where the hover end WOULD be, will fall through the mountain and get trapped in mid air under the stage.
— The preceding unsigned comment was added by Aipom (talk).
Don't Poinks resemble Wanderin' Gooms? should we mention that? Maxlover2 Confused. again.
I see a small resemblence.-- Aipom
I see no resemblance. It is way too much of a stretch to be in the article. -- Son of Suns
No resemblence? Hello! Peach-colored, round-looking, brownish faces. how do you NOT see a resemblance? And, how is it a stretch? Maxlover2 almost forgot to sign!
While they look rather similar, the series themselves are too far spaced apart to make the resemblance noteworthy. That's why it's a stretch. Phoenix Rider
Oh. Sorry. :( Nevermind. But, really, they do. Maxlover2
The title of the article is different than the name given in the first sentence. Which is it? -- Son of Suns (talk)
Possibly in Super Mario Galaxy 2?[edit]
Is the enemy in Yoshi Star Galaxy that blocks Yoshi's mouth a Poink? wow it's Kiryu (TC)
- Actually that creature is called a Smeech, I hoped that helped you! -FourPaperHeroes 19:01, 12 July 2010 (UTC)