MarioWiki:Proposals/Archive Template Change FA rules part 3NEEDS ALL MARIO APPEARANCES 10-0 And finally, I'll finish off my proposals with this Proposer: Marioguy1 (talk) (With ideas from Time Q (talk)) Needs All "Mario" Appearances
Single Out Some ArticlesCommentsBMB: What do we care about wikia wikis? We're the mariowiki and if our content is good, who cares what zeldapedia thinks? We care about the community, our community, not zeldapedia's, not Kirby Wiki's and not Wikipedia's Marioguy1 (talk)
Um, some characters like Ganondorf only appeared alongside with Mario exclusively in the Super Smash Bros. series, which I don't really consider it to be part of the Mario series. The Donkey Kong series and the Yoshi series are branches off the Mario series, but Super Smash Bros. isn't from what I assume. BabyLuigiOnFire (talk) Did You Know...CHOOSE TRIVIA FROM ANY ARTICLE 9-0 ...that there are quite a lot of proposals here at the moment? This one's the seventh one, so lets hope that lucky 7 will guide this proposal on its way to a good decision. Anyway, you all know the "Did You Know" section of the main page. This page is currently updated by me and it shows three more or less interesting facts from recently created articles. However, some voices have arisen, claiming that it might be better to change the sources of info for this section. That would mean that the trivia in there could be from every article that was ever created here, regardless of age. Using this policy would make room for witty, interesting trivia in that section, but it would also rob recently created articles of their base to be showcased. This proposal's purpose is to give those arisen voices a chance to be heard, as well as potential opposing voices to arise as well. Proposer: Edofenrir (talk) (Inspired by Stooben Rooben (talk) and Walkazo (talk)) Put trivia from every article ever created in that section
Put only trivia from recently created articles in that sectionCommentsI will leave this proposal here first and vote later on. - Edofenrir (talk) FunkyK38: You know that this proposal just deals with where the trivia parts will be taken from, do you? The change will not affect how long the main page will be. Maybe I should rewrite that part. It's misleading... - Edofenrir (talk) Well, that does help, but the main page does look a bit lopsided. Maybe you could make the trivia a bit longer, too? Just for when we are lacking in information on one side. To make it look better. I'm still behind you on this, though. FunkyK38 (talk)
I like the idea of using only the most recent articles as a source for the Did You Know section. However, I think that if there's really not enough notable facts in the most recent articles, we should take them from other articles as well. But the main focus should still lie on our new articles, in my opinion. Time Q (talk) Edofenrir: If this proposal passes, could you (or whoever is going to update the section) still prefer more recent articles over older ones? That would be cool. But that's just my opinion and it's your job, so it's your decision of course. Time Q (talk) Definition of "Administrators"PATROLLERS ARE ADMINISTRATORS 10-0 I feel this is an important matter, due to a recent debate that a few of our users are having, I feel it is time to redefine the term "administrators". Some are saying that Administrators are confined to Sysops, Bureaucrats, and Stewards. Others are saying that Patrollers should be included as well. I am in support of the latter, since our Patrollers help with the clean-up and organization of the wiki as well as helping the Sysops in decisions that we can only make. The Patrollers are given extra powers to help keep the wiki in order, they also have access to a "secret" board in the forum so that we can discuss issues among ourselves. I feel that we should redefine our official meaning of Administrators (Sysops, Bureaucrats, and Stewards) to a more moderate meaning to include the Patrollers (those who have the necessary powers to bring trolls to justice and enforce the rules). Proposer: super Mario Bros. (talk) Support
OpposeCommentsI would support that, but what I don't like about this proposal is that it has quite a huge impact on a previous one. It said that any admin is allowed to remove support votes from FA nominations they think are "invalid". In the comments section of said proposal, Marioguy1, Edofenrir and I agreed that admins are sysops and bureaucrats only, excluding patrollers. Who knows how many people who supported that proposal did so because they believed only sysops and bureaucrats would get the privilege? If the definition of "admin" is immediately changed now, that's hardly fair. I know it sounds like I'm just annoyed by the proposal's outcome, but I hope you see my point. Time Q (talk)
The FA policy should actually be updated to reflect the new terminology if this passes: just say "Sysops" instead of "Administrators" and it'll mean the same thing. Personally, I'm neutral as to whether patrollers should or shouldn't be allowed to remove FA votes (though I am leaning towards Stooben's equal rights mantra), but I do feel that granting them that ability based on a terminology quibble is a tad slimy; the honest thing to do would be to decide "yes" or "no" in a discussion that is separate from any naming pretenses. - Walkazo (talk)
This is an interesting topic, especially considering the fact that the term "Administrator" is used to describe Sysops on most other wikis that don't have the rank of Patroller. The latest MediaWiki version doesn't say "Sysop", it says "Administrator", and that can be an issue when we upgrade. I believe that patrollers should be allowed the same editing rights as sysops, but to avoid confusion, I think we should refer to them as "Junior Administrators" or something along those lines. Thoughts? --Yoshario (talk)
Platformer levels articlesKEEP AS IS 4-0-9 Some platforming levels (like Super Mario World articles) has whole article. Some has section in world (like SMB3). These in articles aren't short, but they sound like walkthroughs (Donut Ghost House). Also they contain basic errors (for example in Iggy's Castle we hear "Hitting the Yellow P-Switch will cover up some of the holes in the ground."). Where is yellow P-Switch? SMW has only Blue and Gray P-Switches. Propeser: era64 (talk) Each world article contains all levels in world
Every level has article about itContinue like is actually
Walkazo: "Merging would not remove any information from the Wiki" - Yes, it would. For example, we could not categorize the levels separately. Time Q (talk)
Bloc Partier: If you vote for the third option, all Wario Land world articles would be kept as well. May I ask why you prefer the first option? Time Q (talk)
Ah, something that popped into my mind just now. Merging levels into the world article isn't always a warrant for good, non-gameguidish articles. Look at this one for example. It shows us the same flaws the proposal tries to attach with single articles. One of the main reasons for merging this articles, the improvement of quality, seems to be forfeit with this. Please take this into account before giving a final vote. - Edofenrir (talk)
FA Vote Margin and RequirementsKEEP AS IS 1-7 Some of the FA rules seem like they need work. I think an article needs at least 25 total votes, and at least 60% of those votes need to be to feature the article. This way, not only does an article need a large number of votes to feature it, it also needs a large number of voters altogether. Proposer: Ralphfan (talk) Add vote rulesKeep as is
CommentsUhm, there's no rule that says how many votes are required for an article to become FA? Sorry but... AFAIK yes, there is. An article becomes featured when five people give their support and noone opposes. - Edofenrir (talk) I changed the oppose header to a non-biased one. Time Q (talk) Remove BJAODNKEEP 3-28 BJADON is pointless and does not serve the wiki in any way. We are not the UnMarioWiki, we are the MarioWiki, and therefore "Bad Jokes and Other Deleted Nonsense" should not be allowed here. The only purpose it serves is the purpose it says on the page, "To have bad word documented, the most silly and dum word in the wold!". That is clearly not our goal at the MarioWiki. We are wasting server space with completely irrelevant and nonsensical. Proposer: Yoshario (talk) Support
CommentsI do neither support the removal of BJAODN, nor do I think that we have to keep it by all means. I think I will abstain from voting here. - Edofenrir (talk)
We have new rules that prevent adding comments, which was the m ain distraction Tucayo (talk)
I don't get it. What is BJAODN? Bad Junk And Other Deleted Nonsense... how are we to get rid of something that's already gone? And where is the BJAODN? Dry Paratroopa (talk)
Yoshario, what's your stance on the 'Shroom. Most of it isn't exactly NEEDED and PURPOSEFUL either (lol faek news). Also, no removing of ANYTHING. Humour is in the eye of the beholder. The argument about sever space is ridiculous. A few text files and some images take, like, 2 MB at most? Purging BJAODN would do to the server what drinking a glass of water do to the ocean. --Glowsquid 20:05, 20 October 2009 (EDT) People, this is just an OPINION! Stop overdramatizising it and come down to a constructive level again! And ditch the personal attacks. They poison our community! - Edofenrir (talk) ...are you serious This whole "server space" thing is becoming a rather invalid reason for a lot of issues. One page is not going to cause enough of a dent in the server space to justify getting rid of it. Hundreds of non-beneficial user sub-pages does cause a fairly minimal negative effect on the server, but one page? Come on. If you want to delete that page, you might as well delete all of these pages too. (The first three are community projects, just like BJAODN; the next three explain stuff that users can ask an experienced member -- and is common sense, on some level; the rest of them are pages that act as a category.) I could find many more, but I think I've made my point there. All of those pages cause about as much damage to the server as BJAODN, which isn't much. And for that matter, the comments added to BJAODN don't cause enough of a difference in server space to justify disabling users' rights to add their two cents to that page. You might as well outlaw casual conversations on user talk pages if you're going to go that far. (Unlike BJAODN, that actually creates a dent in server space that's "not beneficial to the wiki". If users want to talk to each other, they should just use the forum or chat, right? And for that matter, we may as well ask Steve to get rid of 95% of the forum and the chatroom because they're not beneficial to the wiki either.) I never liked the idea of disabling comments on BJAODN to begin with; this is taking that insane motion a step further. Besides, BJAODN isn't just for laughs; it's also a 'what not to do' guide. The bottom line here is that server space is not the issue here. -- Stooben Rooben (talk)
Concerning the "IT DOESN'T ADVANCE US" argument, how does this page advance the goal of the mother of all wiki, or this and this? If the sticklers at Wikpedia have dozen of pages on the most ridiculous things, I don't see why we can't have one page. I also like how you imply opposer to your proposal "don't give a damn about the community," and that it's "common sense" to vote for your side. Mature, real mature. --Glowsquid 06:49, 21 October 2009 (EDT) Bah, stop bein' a flipping baby Yoshario. I can't recall the person at the moment, but I agree with their argument that MarioWiki is a community, not a ramrod straight ONLY FORMAL WIKI. Because the impression I'm getting right now is that you're trying to tell us that you're the only perfect person here. Electrobomber (talk) @Glowsquid Meh, more mature than "yoshario iz evil lol" or "anything yoshario likes I hate". And I am part-right. Katana, ML, and TehDman aren't even active here. And it is common sense to vote for my side because BJAODN does not benefit the wiki and does not fit into the wiki's goal. Oh, and when you compared it to Wikipedia's BJAODN, I'd like to say that that's gone, and they moved it to an external wiki. :| @Electrobomber: I'm not perfect, when did I imply that? It seems that you aren't taking the goal of the wiki that seriously. The wiki is a community, and non-wiki things can be discussed in #mariowiki. Yoshario (talk) "Common sense" is stuff no one with a certifiably working brain can disagree with. Claiming no one with common sense can disagree with you makes you look petulant (Especially since at least two other administrators are disagreing with you(. Also, you didn't respond to what I said about The 'Shroom. Surely, reading about (fake) news about characters that don't exist shurely fits the site goal. The Wikipedia BJAODN may have been moved, but the "Best Of" and many individual articles are still kept, which is quite a lot. Not to mention a lot of alternative language (French, and I assume German) Wikipedia still have it as an active project. --Glowsquid 19:17, 21 October 2009 (EDT) To everybody that has mentioned the 'Shroom, look at the proopsal name, it has nothing to do with the 'Shroom, so dont even get it into this deleting stuff. Thank you Tucayo (talk) This is getting ridiculous, so everyone SHUT UP AND STOP ARGUING! A strong community is a happy community, and a happy community is not one that argues. Back on topic, we should get rid of any non-Mario (not even partially) stuff that is in the BJAODN, because even if it is funny, it didn't even belong here in the first place. Dry Paratroopa (talk) Note: It may sound like it, but I'm not taking credit for the idea. Someone put it somewhere above... Yoshario: "Katana, ML, and TehDman aren't even active here." -- Yoshario Well, for starters, being inactive =/= not caring about the wiki. If Steve just randomly decided to nuke the MarioWiki, do you not think they would care? I've been inactive a lot lately, but that doesn't mean I don't care about the wiki. "And it is common sense to vote for my side because BJAODN does not benefit the wiki and does not fit into the wiki's goal." -- Yoshario If that were the case, the chatroom would never have been created, and all the boards (except for the Admin boards) on the forum would never have existed. They may not benefit the encyclopedic aspect of the wiki, but they do benefit the communicative part of it. Besides, it's not like it's doing any harm. If it were actually posing a threat to the site, then it would be smart to get rid of it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Now, I will agree that the Yoshario-hate in this proposal is outlandish. (Although, most of it seems to be gone now.) He made a proposal you don't like; get over it. Not everyone has to have the same point of view to get along. Tucayo: We weren't saying that The 'Shroom is a waste of space; we were using it as an example of why BJAODN should stay. (Or at least, I was.) -- Stooben Rooben (talk) @Stooben Rooben: The chatroom and forum were created as an alternative to the wiki where you can talk about whatever you want. For example, we don't talk about Mario on Talk:Mario, we talk about the article, and direct Mario-related discussion to the forum. "Well, for starters, being inactive =/= not caring about the wiki. If Steve just randomly decided to nuke the MarioWiki, do you not think they would care? I've been inactive a lot lately, but that doesn't mean I don't care about the wiki." Even so, it the ones who aren't active on the wiki vote something like "BJAODN is all I read on the wiki". He didn't say it were the articles were all he reads, and contributes to, he said BJAODN. Yoshario (talk) Yoshario: I read BJAODN because I can't contribute to Mariowiki. I don't have many Mario games, and there's already good articles on them. >_> I don't really care about the wiki a ton, but I'm allowed to have an opinion, right? My opinion is that we should keep BJAODN. Katana
Actually Yoshario, people are more likely to learn "what not to do" by examples, so BJAODN isn't all that bad. I also agree with Hyper Guy, on the statement that we are not the "Super Mario Dictionary" (or something like that.) And even though MarioWiki has social and humorous touches, you don't see the actual articles being crap, now do you? Electrobomber (talk) Actually, the MarioWiki:Manual of Style has better examples than BJAODN. "It's Halloween. Mario and friends are thinking it's going to it's a scary night.Until the mummy of Toadsworth's brother returns to haunt the Living. " is less helpful than an in-depth guide on how to start an article. For example, if a user wanted to know what should be bolded, BJAODN wouldn't be a good guide since words are randomly bolded there. Yoshario (talk)
WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP AND LEAVE BJAODN ALONE! GalacticPetey (talk) I just removed some votes that lacked valid reasons. Also, stop being so immature, guys. Some of you are acting as if Yoshario was proposing to destroy the wiki. It's only about a single page that hasn't even been here for that long and the wiki worked perfectly before we had the page as well. You don't have to agree with him, but there's no need to shout at him or accusing him of "hating" us or BS like that. Time Q (talk) I agree with Time Q. Yoshario hasn't proposed something so hideous and terrible that it's going to kills everyone if it gets proposed, so give him a break. Although I don't agree with it, Yoshario is entitled to his own opinion, and he doesn't deserve to get shot down by the opposers. So GIVE HIM A BREAK! FunkyK38 (talk) This discussion is a disgrace to our community... deplorable... - Edofenrir (talk) I completely agree with the above three people. It's not like Yoshario is doing anything wrong. There's nothing I hate seeing more than the community getting completely irrational over different viewpoints. -- Stooben Rooben (talk) "I never said you weren't allowed to have an opinion. But the vote you are "per-ing" says :"No way! The BJAODN is too funny to delete! It's amazing what people will write!" Or, you're just making up crap to make it look like she's wrong. She never said those things; and I know she didn't imply them. I'm going to continie this because as a said before, "A strong community is a happy community, and a happy community is not one that argues." Dry Paratroopa (talk)
Who's to say we have to be humorless in achieving that goal? The page is not hurting anyone. It's a source of amusement. Even Wikipedia has it and no one will argue they're nothing if not stringent about their content. That said, do we really, absolutely have to have it? I don't think so, and I don't think not having it would be such a great a loss as some of you are making it out to be. It's a page, guys, you can get humor elsewhere, it is the internet. I still enjoy reading the page, however. Honestly though, I personally feel this discussion has gotten way out of hand and am appalled at how irrational some of you are being. Phoenix Rider (talk) Sorry, but Yoshario is definitely out-numbered. :( Yes, he may have a point, but there are a few users who find things on the BJAODN articles funny. Frostyfireyoshi (talk) OK Yoshario I'm supporting now. I've thought this over and I really don't know why everyone thinks this is a dumb proposal! Fawfulfury65 (talk) User Game ReviewsNO USER GAME REVIEWS 0-12 Ahem, this is my first proposal so please go easy on me if I do something wrongI had an idea that users could review Mario games which they had played and recommend to other people. The link for them might be eg. "Super Mario 64/Review". I know we have a review corner in The Shroom but it's a nightmare looking through the archives to find the game you're looking for. The users could also use ratings such as "out-of-five-stars" or percentages. Of course the sysops could remove pointless negative reviews such as "this game sucked and I disliked it for no apparent reason". Proposer: Yoshi Koshi Moshi (talk) For User Game ReviewsNo User Reviews
CommentsQuote BoxNO QUOTE BOXES 1-16 Alright, as my first proposal, I want a quote box to be in articles. I feel that people should get a users feel on a person or item when a viewer is reading through the page. An example would be (Imagine me putting this on Chief Chilly's page) "He was a worthy foe, powerful indeed, but he succumbed to his own strength, and was easily defeated" -Runeon12 Proposer: Runeon12 (talk) For Quote BoxesAgainst Quote Boxes
CommentsAlthough I must say that I enjoy it to have in-game-quotes on articles (say f.e. a character in a Mario game says something about Warp Pipes and that quote could be put on the Warp Pipe article.). But of course, no fan-made content. - Edofenrir (talk) Actually guys, new idea. First of all, I would like to thank Edofenrir for the idea, let us go with having a quote of what another character said to the character being searched. For example, if Mario called Luigi an "insolent fool!" then that would show up as the quote in Luigi, instead of our fan quotes.
Change Goomba's Shoe to Kuribo's ShoeNO RENAME 6-10 From SMB3, Kuribo's Shoe is my childhood remembrance of this super-special item so exclusive this world 5-3 and never seen again. I believe that it's name was part of what made it so unique. So make the title of the article "Kuribo's Shoe" for the sake of tradition. I'm not saying don't mention in the article Kuribo's shoe means Goomba's shoe in Japanese. But the main title should be it's original and more well-known name. So what if the GBA remake called it "Goomba's Shoe." It's the little things like the name Kuribo's Shoe and the fond memories it invokes that are like a big, juicy steak in our nostalgic minds. I implore, urge the Mario wiki users to vote YES. And lest you folks forget, it was refered to as the Shoe of Kuribo in Super Paper Mario. Proposer: Marwikedor (talk) Change the title to "Kuribo's Shoe"
Leave it as is
CommentsWas it called Kuribo's Shoe in Super Mario Bros. 3? If so, then I support. - Edofenrir (talk)
Fawfulfury65: To keep consistency, we'd have to move "Mario" to "Jumpman" then... - Edofenrir (talk)
Also, the Name was just an untranslated version Kuribo is the Jaanese name for Goomba. If you want to be really consistnt you'd have to revertt all names to their first Japanese name. (Unless it's a word outside Mario. Changeing that would just be silly). It would confuse everyone and serve no purpose. Lego3400 02:53, 27 October 2009 (EDT)
It may be an official title, but it's outdated, according to our policy. The most recent official title – that has actually been used as the item's name, not just a reference to it – is "Goomba's Shoe". -- Stooben Rooben (talk) You know what I think? Move Goomba's Shoe to Goomba Shoe. It's absolutely ridiculous in spelling. If for example, it is not right to say Mario's Goomba's Shoe. Or is it, huh? Arend (talk) Shorten QuotesSHORTEN QUOTES 8-0 OK, I'm going to get the point across quickly, but I think we shouldn't have long quotes on articles. Instead, we should have them on the 'List Of Quotes' area. This is only because a while ago on the Fawful article, the main quote at the top of the page was AN ENTIRE SCENE of Fawful, not just a quote. I've removed it now, but even still on other articles there's like, 3 paragraphs for one quote. I think we should make it so a quote is something like the characters catchphrase (e.g., for Fawful "I HAVE FURY!"), or just a sentance. If we want long quotes, they should go on a 'List Of Quotes In (INSERT GAME NAME HERE)' page. Thank you, and goodnight. Proposer: Hyper Guy (talk) Shorten Quotes
Keep Long QuotesCommentsI think a quote should mirror the personality of a character, while trying to be as short as possible. If a character has a catch phrase, this is easy, but sometimes slightly larger quotes are inevitable. However, a whole dialogue shouldn't be posted as a quote in any case. - Edofenrir (talk) I'm on the fence with this one. Quotes should be A: Well known in fandom (IE fawfuls I HAVE FURY!) or B: Noteable. Quotes that show their personality are a bonus. If a line is long but meets A or B it should be left as long as it's left in the quote's section. Short famous quotes should go at the top. Only put a long quote up there if we can't find anything better. Dialoge should only be listed if it is noteable. What is noteable I'll leave others to decide <.<... Lego3400 03:00, 27 October 2009 (EDT) Well I won't support before I know what maximum length for a quote you intent to establish. What about this one here for example? Too long? (I mean, this character has other much shorter catchphrases). - Edofenrir (talk) I don't understand why this is actually an issue. Isn't it obvious that if a quote is more of a paragraph than a sentence than it should be split into different quotes? Also, in a game such as the Mario rpgs, every little thing a character says is clearly not relevant. Yeah? FD09 Surrogate PagesDON'T ALLOW SURROGATE PAGES 2-7 A lot of users will create a page to include it in another page, like their sig or status. Some of The 'Shroom writers have begun doing this for lots of other things so that they don't have to constantly edit The 'Shroom pages. However, with the new userspace regulations, this is not allowed. I think it will make things a lot easier for 'Shroom writers. Proposer: Ralphfan (talk) Allow Surrogate Pages
Don't Allow Surrogate Pages
CommentsI dont get it... Tucayo (talk)
Maybe they could put the userboxes on their page but put it under a new section so that there are edit links. Marioguy1 (talk) Merge the Pipe Plaza with The 'ShroomMERGE 15-1 Okay, first off, I'd like for you to go see this. Doesn't look too well, right? Kind of... Outdated. Which is why I'm suggesting that we merge it with this. You see, my theory is that ever nobody has the time, or just can't/won't update the Pipe Plaza for whatever reason. It shouldn't ever get this outdated, and since it seems to be too much of a hassle, merging it with the 'Shroom could brighten the future of our community portal. You see, my other theory is that because one person doesn't want to update the Pipe Plaza, they feel somebody else will. It seems that mindframe has not worked. Specifically, we should divide it into a team like Fake News, Fun Stuff, and Music & Artwork. There would be a director who coordinates what information is included, and tells the others when to send their sections in by. The section would be broken down into positions so that everybody knows what to update and the such, without getting confused. Now, to be more specific:
What I have done in that list is organize it based on the categories that it is organized in the Pipe Plaza, save for a bit of merging and removing some things. I completely removed the To Do List section in my suggestion because the maintenance sections and whatnot, as it would be more specific if moved to The 'Shroom, basically covers what there is to do. This is how it will be organized if it were put on The 'Shroom, with appropriate headings and such. I feel this would make the way it works much more organized and that it would benefit the wiki. Proposer: The Core Staff Members of the 'Shroom Support
CommentsBy the way, I'm just mentioning, all 7 of the 'Shroom's main directive staff supported the idea behind this proposal. super Mario Bros. (talk)
Update Character Main BiographiesNullified by the Administrators I did make a proposal recently on the subject similar to this, but clearly it wasn't going over well. This proposal is for the change to make it so that the main biographies, which contain video-game, cartoon, and comics information will be organised so that sub-sections are added so that each of these medias are not smashed together in disorder. This way, each type of media will be in its respective order, but not clashing with every other kind there is in the main biography. Basically it's keeping everything in the main biography but sorting it so that readers, while still reading all historical information of a character, will be able to read each type of media respectively so as to avoid confusion. This way, everything about the character will still be in the main biography, but will simply be reorganized within the main section so that it is not clashing with different types of media to avoid any confusion. This proposal does not concern canon rule(no canon idea is being followed here just as the mariowiki standards follow), priority of one media over the other, or any bias. It simply organizes each appearance so that everything is more ordered under the specified media type. Clearly this proposal is different from the original by a lot so feel free to discuss beforehand. Proposer: FD09 Support
CommentsTimeQ you seem to not understand that this has nothing to do with canon, as clearly stated in the proposal explanation. Also, you seem to be worried about grouping in related comics together. Okay, so obviously you understand that video games that are not of the same series are not grouped together why would comics be? Also, your vote should be much shorter and your issues should be down here. Anyway, you obviously are confused as to what this is and what's going to happen. The comics are already together in the main biography. They are still going to be in their own relations once in sub sections. You seem to not be able to get over the fact this isn't about canon and you're just making assumptions that are not correct. @ o @ FD09
The fact you don't understand why the change is wanted is why you don't seem to understand, self explanatory it may be redundant even. But your reasoning is parallel with any grouping of media. Like I said, just because someone might assume something means nothing and to go with that it's better to simplify any confusion somebody might have by actually spacing details out more orderly. FD09 As I said in my vote,doing this will lead us to when we do separate the "Canon" from the "non-canon" and that's not a path the Mario wiki wants to go down.The new wouldn't u like 2 no (talk)
You're suggesting a rather hierarchal system here; like it or not, the wiki is vertically organized. If we put any one of the sections at the top, we're recommending to our audience that we believe that particular section is more important than the others. Also, your suggestion on my talk page about the library sections is unsubstantiated; libraries are 3D: they can organize their layout, or "articles," if you will, in a much more equivocal fashion. Also, while we're talking about "baseless and unfounded" votes, Lu-igi board's vote is just as bad as you described. Bloc Partier (talk)
Once again, someone all on their own points out how they don't get the point. You already made it clear that you are set on your vote. It's fair to say discussing it further with you won't do much when you don't actually see the point of making everything organised. Which by the way is still not about canon rule, or favoritism of 1 media type over the other. FD09
The Administrators came to a consensus that changing the History Organization Standard at this time would be detrimental to the upkeep of the Super Mario Wiki, and under Rule 13, the proposal has been nullified; it remains archived for future reference. The way the wiki is organized has already been changed twice from the original standard, however many pages using the earlier two versions remain unchanged, and still more articles are lacking any organization at all. The goal of the wiki is to be as comprehensive a database as possible, and this is only attainable through consistency. Therefore, it would best serve the wiki if users focused their efforts on modernizing the neglected pages, instead of enacting another round of changes, which many users oppose and are willing to revoke with another vote, meaning all the organizational work done in the meantime will have been done in vain. Since the current mixed-media History Organizational Standard is the most widespread at this point in time, it is to be maintained for the sake of our eventual goal of uniformity throughout the Super Mario Wiki. Link to Userpedia in "community"DO NOT LINK 5-16 In the community section of the sidebar on the left side of the screen, there are links to the Chat and Forum. However, there is no link to Userpedia. Although it is on a separate site (Adriels), it is an integral part of the Wiki community. Adding it to the sidebar would attract lots of visitors to Userpedia. Proposer: Ralphfan (talk) Link to Userpedia in "Community"
Don't Link to Userpedia in "Community"
CommentsBefore I know I'm supposed to be retired and relaxing in the forums right now, but I'm a little annoyed by some of the oppose votes. Now I'm not on any side for this proposals, but I want to point out that most of these votes sound like they don't even know what Userpedia is. I just wanted to "bring this to light" so to speak: Userpedia is a sub-wiki of ours. It was created by one of our users and though Steve didn't make it, it serves as the one of the 3 major Mario Wiki user "community areas" (the two others being chat and the forums). It's basicly a big TV station as it is a place where users show thier sprite comics and fanfic. It also hosts all the sprites users make along with pages on the users themselves. It is basicly the wiki with out the Mario articles and has a bunch of stuff made by users. It's the exact "line-up" of users we have here as everyone on UP was at one time an active Mario Wiki user (save for one or two UP-only users). That's why I'm little peeved at the fact some people are saying things along the lines of "OMG! UP has nothing to do with us, why is this dumb proposal on here?!". I don't really care how this proposal turns out, I just wanted to try to clear up what Userpedia really is. Nerdy Guy (talk) (any argueing with me should be done on the forums since I mostly don't go on the wiki anymore) Split Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games DS and Wii version.KEEP MERGED 3-11 This is my first proposal so I hope I did this right... OK so I think that the Wii and DS versions for the Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games should be separated into two different articles. It seems cluttered with both versions put together and it would be easier to find the correct information if they were split. The articles can be named something like "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (DS)" or "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii)" and the same for the winter olympics M&S. Proposer: Fawfulfury65 (talk) Separate the DS and Wii versions
Don't separate DS and Wii versions
CommentsIs there any difference to the versions? If so - what? Marioguy1 (talk)
I think he means make a category in the page for the story mode and/or festival mode. FunkyK38 (talk) Update Character-infobox TemplatesONLY GIVE CHARACTER'S ACTUAL SPECIES 10-1 NO LIMIT OF 3 AFFILIATIONS 3-7 ONLY GIVE MOST RECENT PORTRAYAL 8-2 I'm proposing we update the character info boxes a bit; in different areas. They are currently set up so it has:
Will be changed to:
I'm proposing we change it so that unless their first appearance was in a media type other than a video game, it not be mentioned what they may have been in that media type. Sure it makes sense to mention what a character's species was in the film, but that's what the film section is for. To mention that difference. On the other hand if for some reason a character has showed up in the film first, it would make sense to mention that in their species category in the template box. Otherwise you're focusing on information that is widely far apart from their actual design. Toad and Daisy are two good examples of characters that should not have this information in their infoboxes. Neither of them are actually reptilian(dinosaur) in any manner of speaking, so why mention it here rather than where it is relevant? Next, I'm proposing to change it so that affiliations can have no more than three things listed. Some articles seem to mention far too much such as Wario's. Naming one friend, one enemy, and one location is not hard. And it's not like it doesn't explain interactions in the section for this information. That doesn't mean it has to be a friend an enemy then a place, but it means the list can not exceed three things(friend, friend, place/enemy, enemy, friend/etc.) Change portrayed by section to latest portrayal. There's a reason there are sections explaining who portrayed characters in what game on each page. It's so viewers can read who played who in what. However, stating in the infobox EVERY person that has played the character in EVERYTHING they've ever been in is unnecessary and messy. Stating who their latest voice actor is should be no problem. If somebody wanted to know who played Toad in the film, they could go to either the film or portrayals section and find out. But if somebody just wants to know who most recently voiced Toad, they should be able to look at his infobox, and then know instantly. Oh, that's the actress who currently(most recently) voices Toad. Also, this will go along with their latest appearance because that way they know who voiced them in what game most recently. Each section change or addition will be broken up into numerous different proposals below. Proposer: FD09 SpeciesChange ItSpecies section will only give the characters actual species; unless first appearance is media outside of current appearance.
No ChangeSpecies section will give list of species from all appearances; even if they are not current.
Comments(Since these are actually four proposals, I will make my comment here because it specifically applies to only this section). AffiliationsChange ItAffiliations section will only list three things. (Not so much a change, as it is simply setting order)
No ChangeSelf explanatory.
Portrayed ByChange ItPortrayed By section will be change to Latest Portrayal and will list only the most recent portrayal of the character.
No ChangePortrayed By section will not change and will list every single actor that has portrayed the character, ever.
CommentsOne vote per user - srry Marioguy1 (talk)
Ah, I see, that doesn't sound good. Should I actually make a diff. proposal for each one though?FD09
I am Zero! Even though I oppose most of the sections, I just like to say this proposal is welled polished, confusing at first but it's polished really good. Zero signing out. Zero777 (talk)
Format looks great, IMO. FD09: May I have an example of what it would look like on one specific article? It's much easier to visualize when I can see exactly how it'll be. Bloc Partier (talk) Add Shortcuts for Mario Kart Wii tracksDON'T ADD SHORTCUTS 3-9 My first proposal.
Add shortcuts to Mario Kart Wii tracks. Proposer: lllkkklll (talk) Add Shortcuts
Don't add Shortcuts
CommentsWhat do you mean with shortcuts specificly? Are you talking about shortcuts implemented in the tracks (like secret tunnels) or just driving tricks that help you getting to the finish faster? I'd support the first and oppose the latter one. - Edofenrir (talk)
The tone of this proposal makes me to think like a joke (or a walkthrough issue, like explaining bug shortcuts or glitches, eg: the worst shortcut glitch of Grumble Volcano) and that's not a valid question to propose. Coincollector (talk) MERGE THEM 12-0 Some of you may know Waffle Kingdom. I propose this article and all the locations related to it to be merged with List of Implied Locations. The reason is quite simple: The Waffle Kingdom is never actually visited in any game, and is therefore an implied location (duh). If that isn't enough reason, then there are plenty of other ones. It is f.e. impossible to add images to these articles and there's not much info available for them. Too few to fill a whole article. So, for the sake of fighting stubs and such, let us merge this articles. Another thing: Since I can change this proposal within the first three days, I will use this to add another thing. Like SMB said, Princess Eclaire should also be merged with the List of Implied Characters if this proposal passes. Not sure about the Chestnut King, because this could also be a mistranslation of the Goomba King. Proposer: Edofenrir (talk) Merge them
Don't merge themCommentsRegarding the "Chestnut King", this is a mistranslation for Goomba King/Goomboss for sure, his Japanese name is always the same, while his English name changes from Goomba King to Chestnut King to Goomboss. There could still be a reference for that in the List of Implied Characters, but information about "Chestnut King" should go to the Goomboss article. --Grandy02 (talk) Staff pagesMAKE THEM SUB-PAGES OF GAME ARTICLES 15-0 I've noticed how we have a bunch of separate articles on the staff of video games. I believe this is fine, but why do we need stand alone articles on the staff pages? Why not just move them to subpages of the games' articles, kinda like the Beta elements sub-pages? The only page they are linked from is the game anyways (the template doesn't count). Proposer: Knife (talk) Support
OpposeCommentsVini64: You seem to misunderstand the proposal. It's not about putting the staff information into the game articles themselves. Rather, they would go on a sub-page of the game articles (e.g. Template:Fakelink), just like it's already done with the beta elements: Super Mario World/Beta elements. Time Q (talk)
Split "List of Glitches" into Sub-ArticlesSPLIT 14-4 This article is almost like what the Beta Elements Article used to be. I think what is best for us is to separate it into sub articles just like what happened to Beta Elements. I consider Glitches to be just as informative as Beta Elements and should have their own sub article on the game. Besides, the list is huge, just like the Beta Elements, and I didn't even know about the glitches before typing "glitch" in the search box. This is my first proposal, so if I did something wrong, feel free to correct me. Proposer: BabyLuigiOnFire (talk) Split Them
Keep as it is
CommentsLu-igi board, I also enjoy reading through the beta elements page without clicking on those many links (and I also HATE the gallery), but sometimes, loading speed is important so I think this proposal is necessary. LeftyGreenMario (talk)
BLF, remember rule 11 "The original proposer must take action accordingly if the outcome of the proposal dictates it." Tucayo (talk)