User talk:Superboo
Welcome, Superboo to the Super Mario Wiki! Welcome to the Super Mario Wiki,a Wiki based on Mario! Thank you for joining us,we're glad to have you as a member.If you have important questions,feel free to ask any user and/or a Sysop.
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Hi there,superboo,you seem nice.I also like boos.I also sent you the welcome.Want to be friends?
Preview Button
HI! i dont know if you have noticed, but we have a preview button next to the save one that can be used to, well, preview a page before you save it. so please, next time, before you save a page, use it so you dont make like 5 edits in a row. And if you MUST make more than one edit in a row, please mark them as minor --(talk) The 'Shroom 21:01, 13 August 2009 (EDT)