MarioWiki:Main Page talk archive 22

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Revision as of 21:42, December 3, 2008 by Stumpers (talk | contribs) (→‎Guidelines)
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Template:Main Page Talk

Did You Know...?=

I don't know what other users think, but, in my opinion, the "Did You Know...?" section is not updated with regularity. I am getting tired of reading the same, so I would suggest to update it. Supermariofan14 (talk)

Instruction Manuals

Just so everyone knows, Nintendo now keeps various instruction manuals from newer games on their website in PDF form. They may prove to be a helpful source of information for editors, so consider downloading them to your computer if you think that could help you improve our articles. Here's the link: Nintendo Instruction Manuals =D -- Son of Suns (talk)

If it weren't for the miles of distance between us, I'd be hugging you right now... as strange as that sounds. This is going to make things so much easier! Stumpers! 20:10, 25 November 2008 (EST)
Excellent work finding that, SoS! This'll definitely help the wiki in many ways. — Stooben Rooben 20:12, 25 November 2008 (EST)

I quite noticed this, since I wrote the article of the WMOD staff list. And despite the fact I know a certain website that keeps most the instruction manuals scanned in PDF form, SoS, Stumpy, Stooben; want me to share it? >:3 It might turn out good for all of us. :3 RAP.pngRAP... FYI, I also uploaded some more rare SMRPG images a while ago... from the SMRPG manual. ^_^

Um, okay, what is it? 1337Yoshi wuz heer! I never finish anyth
*Jumps over himself trying to stop you from leaving* Please share!! Stumpers! 22:30, 25 November 2008 (EST)

(chuckles) Ok ok... :3 I don't normally share it to anyone except certain people I trust. But anyway, here it is: replacementdocs Guys, good luck. There may be some good oldies! RAP.pngRAP... Although I have about over 20 resources for me to use, I may write some guideline about it... I may think about it... :p

Thank you! — Stooben Rooben 21:11, 27 November 2008 (EST)

Internet browsers

In the internet, there are different browsers for us to choose from, :3 like the recent Google Chrome, and Apple's Safari now for the Windows operating. As those browsers develop more and more, do you think that we look over the wiki in a different point of view just by using a different internet browser? And for simpler aspects, what type of internet browser do you use and why do you use it?

As I found out the differences, unfortunately yes. In order to make this quick, here's the short version: I noticed when I was looking at one of the aboutfile templates placed on long file names. When I told Wayo that there was a problem with the aboutfile template, but mentioned that there was nothing wrong. He was using Firefox, and I was using IE7. He checked the difference, and it was finally spotted. They say there was no way to get rid of it.... hm. Recently I was editting this section, Chemistry#Mario Superstar Baseball Chemistry Chart and saw two differences between the internet browser I used now and IE. My browser showed me that it looked visually fresh, while using the IE browser it looked bland.

I'm using Safari right now. One of the fastest browsers known to mankind man! XP It's fast, and flexible, feeling very calm but powerful indeed. I heard the browser passed some test that no other browser cannot... check Wikipedia for details I guess. Do you think that we should use the same internet browser? Or modify the coding that makes it compatible to at least all the modren-day browsers? RAP.pngRAP... Warning: This certain section may or not be viewed in a millisecond if you look at the right. XD. *coughadcough*

I notice that too when I used a windows XP but now I use a Windows Vista to get here. If you used a windom XP on here all the words on the article look different aswell. But if you user windows Vista word on article seem different. I guess and user see some thing different depening on the machine their using and the system right. What do you mean by using the same internet browsers? Some user might have Windows while others have Apple. GrapesGrapes Grapes 07:10, 26 November 2008 (EST)

I use a earlier version of IE, my computer's from 2001. Surpresingly everything works and looks fine. I realy have no problems, except sometimes it has a problem and shuts down if someone edits a User Talk Page when I'm looking at it, not mine, but the busier ones, like Wayoshi's. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (I have XP. Hey doesn't XP look like that tounge smilie)Click on the "y", please.

I use Firefox to block all the ads on this page. I don't want my surfing experience being disrupted by anybody who wants me to buy their stuff.

I don't think we should have a different coding for each browser. They should all work in alike ways, and there might only be few display issues with them. - Cobold (talk · contribs) 11:09, 26 November 2008 (EST)

All the web browsers that take us to the internet right? So there all alike but used in different systems. GrapesGrapes Grapes 11:48, 26 November 2008 (EST)

Now that's not exactly true. Browsers download the raw HTML code and then build up the site following that code. A few code commands may be interpreted differently by different browsers. Certain image file types might also not be compatible with all browsers. (e.g. .SVG and Internet Explorer) - Cobold (talk · contribs) 13:47, 26 November 2008 (EST)

I also use firefox, and the only difference is that in firefox, the edges of the side bar and the upper part are round, and in IE, they're pointed, like this ¬ TucayoSig.png The 'Shroom

I've got an outdated IE (5.0) like Nerdy Guy, and I can see everything fine except for the boxes showing what coding to use on pages like Help:Editing. It's a pain, but it's never stopped me from editing or viewing the Wiki. - Walkazo 17:39, 26 November 2008 (EST)

Oddly, I've switched between Windows '98 (Juno), XP (Firefox), and Vista (Netscape), and have noticed no difference in the site's appearance. — Stooben Rooben 21:15, 27 November 2008 (EST)

Hm, many different opinions... from the outdated, to the newest, and to one of the most different browsers. And two interesting points Cobold. Heh, raw HTML. :3 Do we think that we would focus on making the appearance of the wiki compatible to most of the browsers? Or the newest browsers? Or a little of both? Just a suggestion and curious in wondering about this... :3 RAP.pngRAP... If DP reads this (but he doesn't), I'm sure he'll continue listenin' music... *coughcoughdarrrkcough*

I use Safari as I use Macs. It PWNs. The Wiki does in fact look better on this browser than on Internet Explorer at my school computers.

th_DimentioSigLeft.png Dom »» McTalk th_SMKDimentiobyStooben.png


Recently, our logo has been copied by another Mario Wiki on Wikia. Is someone fluent in Italian and please tell them to change their logo? YOSHIKAR TSome other wiki My talk. Mi YouTubeKirby Wiki.Mi Kirby Talk

Ahhh!!! And the Main page too. GrapesGrapes Grapes

Yeah...It's like our wiki in Italian...Like that would be cool if it was a part of our wiki but yeah...they did copy us! I wonder if Steve will say anything....with his amazing Italian knowledge (hahah) File:Hammer Bro. SSBB Art.jpgMCHammerBro.File:WormGuy.PNG 20:02, 27 November 2008 (EST)

He knows Italian!?!?! But they stole the logo without permission. What can we do? GrapesGrapes Grapes 20:05, 27 November 2008 (EST)

They're using our stuff that's copyrighted, I think Steve should decide what to do THEM! :O jk :P.Talk? C???
No Steve doesnt know italian...i don't think. I was just kiddin around. But this mario wiki in italian is seperate from the other mario wiki from wikia right? File:Hammer Bro. SSBB Art.jpgMCHammerBro.File:WormGuy.PNG 20:14, 27 November 2008 (EST)

Oh. Well I think this Mario Wiki is only in english. (Some one post a proposal to make a spanish wiki and it failed. So I'm asuming from that this Mario Wiki is only in english.) GrapesGrapes Grapes

Try using this Mario hammer smw.PNG Dark Lakitu 789 Lakitu with flag.pngI only know a few words in Italian.

Grapes- I ment there is also another mario wiki from is in english but is very small. I was just wondering if thre was any relationship with the two. File:Hammer Bro. SSBB Art.jpgMCHammerBro.File:WormGuy.PNG

Oh. Any ways I sent a message on the main page on Mario Wikia Italian one. Thanks DL 789 for the translation thing! -_^ GrapesGrapes Grapes

Well, i've wanting to make a proposal of this, but now seems like a better moment to say it, we shuold change the logo, c'mon, its old and its starting to become boring, so we should make a contest to make a new logo TucayoSig.png The 'Shroom

Look at this.It's in English.Mario hammer smw.PNG Dark Lakitu 789 Lakitu with flag.png

I think they copied it from the Main Page. I wonder what Paper Jorge will say since he the one who made that template. Plus, the words on it are English not Italian. GrapesGrapes Grapes

Actually, they would be allowed to use the content per the GNU FDL used for this Wiki. But only if they mention their source and the original authors. But they don't seem to do so, they just copy and translate the content and even partly forget to change the words into Italian (for example, one headline in Strutzi's article is still "Birdo in Subcon", Strutzi is Birdo's Italian name). Their current way of using English Mario Wiki's content contradicts the license. --Grandy02 12:01, 28 November 2008 (EST)

Hmmm I see. Even the calendar they copied is still in English. GrapesGrapes Grapes 14:09, 28 November 2008 (EST)
That diffently proves they copied us. Let's get our pitchforks and march on down to Wikia Hosting ask them what they're going to do about this. That wiki is plagerising, and stealing our words, too. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (Let's ask Steve for permission first)Click on the "y", please.

I found this This is what I found "If sources specifically allow it, copy from them; alternatively, cite those that don't"and"Try not to use a copyrighted image! Create something inspired by the logo for your wiki's subject, not a direct copy" Mario hammer smw.PNG Dark Lakitu 789 Lakitu with flag.png

So there in trouble? GrapesGrapes Grapes

Acorrding to what he said, yes. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (Let's get'em!!!)Click on the "y", please.

Mario Italiano really doesn't concern me right now. However, this has raised the subject of the wiki logo (thank you Italy). I'm up for changing our logo to this one uploaded by Arend (talk) if he and the community are on board with it. To be honest, our current logo has lasted way longer than it ever should have. --Steve (talk) Get Firefox 23:18, 27 November 2008 (EST)

Per Steve. So far the current logo has been there for about three years right, so it kinda out of dated. So should we have a vote on this? GrapesGrapes Grapes

I didn't get the Mario Italiano part, but this logo would bring in some fresh air. - Cobold (talk · contribs) 09:01, 28 November 2008 (EST)
Mario Italiano is a Wiki that has been stealing a lot of our content: templates, logos, etc. On the new logo: I think I remember little to no opposition to the logo when Arend first showed it to us. Let's use it! Stumpers! 11:50, 28 November 2008 (EST)
I have no opposition to changing the logo. — Stooben Rooben 14:26, 28 November 2008 (EST)
We got to relise that Mario Italiano might steal our new logo once we put it up Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (Hey Mario, Mario Italiano)Click on the "y", please.
NG has a point. GrapesGrapes Grapes
This isn't to combat Italiano; it is for our own sake. Italiano is the biggest joke on the Internet and doesn't deserve the extra traffic we've given them. --Steve (talk) Get Firefox 16:41, 28 November 2008 (EST)
I'm not trying to get people to blow them up, or anything. I'm just saying that we should just not be surprised if they steal it. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (Just saying)Click on the "y", please.
Hopefully they will. --Steve (talk) Get Firefox 19:46, 28 November 2008 (EST)
Huh? What do mean by that Steve? Is this some sort of a trick? Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (Is this all part of some devious plot?)Click on the "y", please.

Yes. --Steve (talk) Get Firefox 19:54, 28 November 2008 (EST)

I think Steve is plan is to get them in trouble. Since that image is copright to Mario Wiki. GrapesGrapes Grapes

Inform a Wikia staff member like Uberfuzzy or Catherine Munro and they will probrably find a way to deal with it. Aluigi, The Luigi Legend! Whut Stuff? 20:00, 28 November 2008 (EST)

Steve's gonna make an offer they can't refuse. </Godfather> — Stooben Rooben 20:03, 28 November 2008 (EST)

Dun dun duuuuunnnnn. An offer like what. GrapesGrapes Grapes

MOLDY CHEESE!!!!!!!! Aluigi, The Luigi Legend! Whut Stuff? 20:07, 28 November 2008 (EST)

pfft oh yah lets take them to court we got a ball and a hoop right outside thats rite. C???

WHUT BISCUITS?! Aluigi, The Luigi Legend! Whut Stuff? 20:12, 28 November 2008 (EST)

Wut does food have to do with this? GrapesGrapes Grapes

Bored. Princess GRAPES. SLASHY SLASHY SLASHY Aluigi, The Luigi Legend! Whut Stuff? 20:20, 28 November 2008 (EST)

Aluigi!?! Are you that spammer Aluigi 2???? Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (This would make good T.V)Click on the "y", please.

Don't worry he ain't going to spam anymore. GrapesGrapes Grapes

Yeah, I reformed and explained to Stooben. And I was known by many sockpuppets, Aluigi 2 was just 1 of them. Aluigi, The Luigi Legend! Whut Stuff? 20:31, 28 November 2008 (EST)

Oh cool! Anyways, back to Steve. Is this going to backfire in any way? Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (It always does in the cartoons)Click on the "y", please.

You'll never know untill it happens. GrapesGrapes Grapes

What is the plan/offer anyway? Aluigi, The Luigi Legend! Whut Stuff? 20:42, 28 November 2008 (EST)

If Steve told us, then Italiano would know the plan too. — Stooben Rooben 20:44, 28 November 2008 (EST)

K, got it. Aluigi, The Luigi Legend! Whut Stuff? 20:47, 28 November 2008 (EST)

Yah, we gotta be careful. If word gets out, it can blow up this entier plan!!! Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (They're watching us!!!)Click on the "y", please.

The Italians Mariowikiers are very sneaky people. They could already know about it! McCloudFox McCloud from Super Smash Bros. BrawlTalk to meh!

Yay the logo changed. GrapesGrapes Grapes

Ours or theirs? Aluigi, The Luigi Legend! Whut Stuff? 21:03, 28 November 2008 (EST)

Ours. GrapesGrapes Grapes

How come I can't see it? Anyway if the Italians know our plan doesn't that mean they won't copy stuff. Either way, we win, we win!!! Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (All is fair in Wiki War)Click on the "y", please.

I don't know? I can see the new logo. Maybe some one change my monobook thing. I have no clue. GrapesGrapes Grapes

BTK DID IT!!! Aluigi, The Luigi Legend! Whut Stuff? 21:15, 28 November 2008 (EST) No not really LOL!!!

I see it now. I guess I didn't see it right a way because I live ina different Time Zone Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (Take that Mario Italiano!!!)Click on the "y", please.

Oh wait really? GrapesGrapes Grapes

Well I'm not sure. Maybe it just got delaied because my laptop runs slow some times, when there is mass editing. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (I normaly use the PC, but I'm using this for today)Click on the "y", please.
Oh GrapesGrapes Grapes

NICE.  Caps Lock LORD 04:31, 29 November 2008 (EST)

Yes, nice (and it was kinda my idea to change it) TucayoSig.png The 'Shroom

Yay, you changed the old logo into my new one. This logo is designed by my brother. He also made a 2nd version of it. If you want to see it, just ask. ArendLogoTransparent.pngrend (talk) (edits)

Yes, where can i see it? TucayoSig.png The 'Shroom
It's on Steve's talk page. ArendLogoTransparent.pngrend (talk) (edits)
ok, thanks.

Mario italiano made a proposal to change the logo, will they copy us again??? TucayoSig.png The 'Shroom

A question of ethics: articles about hentais

Note: This discussion was moved here from the Proposals page.

I was able to find some mario hentais online and they are official ones not fan made ones. Like the one for super mario rpg. However it would kind of be bad to go into the and this wiki has never had a disscussion about this yet. So I'm asking, should we be allowed to do articles about hentai if they are official or is it to innopropriate for the wiki. I want opinions from all of you. Inuyasha Zero (talk)

1)Please format into a proposal as suggested above.

2)I severely doubt Nintendo has created official Mario hentai.

3)If you can prove Nintendo has authorized Mario hentai, then under MarioWiki: Canonicity it would be acceptable material for the wiki. -- Son of Suns (talk)

Do you want a link to the hentai I found? Inuyasha Zero (talk)

The odds of Nintendo making hentai of Marioverse characters is extremely low, but I won't completely dismiss the possibility. Even so, if we were to make the article(s), we'd need to make a template for the pages saying that the article contained information about adult material. Stooben Rooben (talk)
Send the linkKastle Kaos (talk) 17:27, 30 November 2008 (EST) I'm not interested in seeing, it's a dirty work but someone must do it.Kastle Kaos (talk) 17:27, 30 November 2008 (EST)

It's odd that you brought this up. I randomly remembered the MarioRPG hentai a few days ago. Anyone remember what happened with FF7? It was popular, people started to forget about it, guy in Japan releases a series of hentai doujinshi about FF7, popularity kicked back up and here we are 10 years later, FF7 is still running strong.

I've thought that maybe something similar might have happened with Mario at some point. Marketed hentai's (and by 'marketed' I mean 'stuff that was sold in a store at some point in time') might be worth covering, as well as other unlicensed marketed merchandise. Thoughts?

Also, I'm skipping the ethics debate, as it has no place here. We are an encyclopedia, encyclopedias don't censor. -- Ghost Jam (talk)

Unlicensed Marchandise? Meh. But I'd really think Pirate Games deserve some kind of spot here. --Blitzwing (talk)

The one Ghost Jam is talking about is the one I foundInuyasha Zero (talk) and i cant get the link out until laura3 leaves my room

I agree with Ghost Jam and feel ethics is of no concern for a wiki. However I don't think we should cover unlicensed Mario merchandise, as it was not officially recognized by Nintendo. If we cover one unlicensed product, what's to stop us from writing articles about every single unlicensed product, including pirated games, fan games, etc. (which are all in some way marketed or advertised, and sold [either in terms of actual exchange of money, exchange of time, etc.]). We should stick to official material. -- Son of Suns (talk)
The problem is, this creates a small double standard. Many of the products we have listed on the merchandise page/category aren't actually licensed by Nintendo, despite the Nintendo Seal of Approval pasted on them. -- Ghost Jam (talk)
Unfortunately Mario merchandise is not my speciality, so I wouldn't know the specific products you refer to. If Nintendo somehow authorized the production of a piece of merchandise, I feel it should stay. However, if a piece of merchandise is a forgery with a false Seal of Approval, it should go. How we determine that, I'm not exactly sure, but we should do out best to uphold that which is official. -- Son of Suns (talk)

[Link Removed] the mario hentai adult content warning.Inuyasha Zero (talk)

I'm starting to think we should move this discussion to the forums.... -- Ghost Jam (talk)
As long as no policy decisions are made there! Haha. =) -- Son of Suns (talk)
That it is hentai shouldn't be the problem, we discussed multiple times that we won't censor stuff. But this manga is doujin, isn't it? Doesn't doujin refer to fan-made content? We should only cover this manga if it was officially licensed, was it? Proof is needed. Wouldn't say that it isn't possible, I've also seen some odd officially licensed Kirby manga, which weren't hentai, but still featured a lot of sexual jokes. Anyway, if you want to see a non-dirty (aside from a piece of underwear) page of this odd SMRPG manga, go here. --Grandy02 05:57, 1 December 2008 (EST)

Wikipedia at least mentions fan made stuff somewhere so we should add it as a part of the smrpg article.--Inuyasha Zero 09:22, 1 December 2008 (EST)

We already had a proposal about the mention of YouTube Poop in articles such as Hotel Mario and Mama Luigi. The proposal failed, because it's fanon and unofficial. The same goes for this. Only if the manga was officially licensed, it can be covered. At first, you said it's official, which is it now? --Grandy02 16:55, 30 November 2008 (EST)
We're not Wikipedia. -- Son of Suns (talk)
Per SoS. So, you just stated that it's fan made rite? Then, this conversation has no point too it, since we do not allow fanon and made up stuff in articles.

Super-Yoshi (talk)

I read the doujin article on wikipedia and it said how it works in the japanese economy, besides nintendo of america is the company that does the licensing stuff. How do we know The Great Mission to Save Princess Peach was licensed, if we should keep the article about that we need the license, if it hasnt actually been licensed then we should do an article about the hentai.--Inuyasha Zero 12:32, 1 December 2008 (EST) do not close this disscussion until we get licensing information and steve gives input

So, if I can just recap: the hentai in question was professionally released by someone other than Nintendo, right? So, unless Nintendo of Japan supported it, as it did The Great Mission to Save Princess Peach, then this belongs on the references pages, not as its own page. Same would go for the Spaceballs TV show episode where Princess Peach appeared in a overly sexualized nature. Stumpers! 12:40, 1 December 2008 (EST)
Well, we don't know the hentai was professionally created. It could be distributed amateur work, so it may not even belong on the references page. And regarding The Great Mission to Save Princess Peach, we should look into whether it had some form of approval from Nintendo (which is the most probable case, as I'm sure Nintendo would sue any company that tried to use its copyrighted characters to generate a profit). If it can't be proved that it is unofficial, then it should stay. -- Son of Suns (talk) P.S. No offense to Steve, but we don't need his input on everything. If we wants to give input he is free as anyone else to do so. This wouldn't be a very good wiki if only one person made all the decisions. =)

I know this is off topic but I've only seen the spaceballs movie, not the tv show.--Inuyasha Zero 12:51, 1 December 2008 (EST)

Here's the Wikipedia article. One episode, Grand Theft Spaceship, features several video game parodies, including Princess Peach and Yoshi, as you can see in the clip. The show is apparently pretty messed up, though... I've never seen a full episode. Stumpers! 13:02, 1 December 2008 (EST)
Shut Up, Shut UP!!! We don't need porn!!! Just understand, if we put it there, we would all get into a fight like we did with the Bob Hoskins quote. Plus, LITTLE KIDS GO HERE, YOU IDIOTS!!! Just by having this disscusion we are giving little kids links to porn!!! Stumpers!!! Get rid of that link at once!!! Let's just froget about this., no more porn talk!!! We are disscusing things made by perverted fans!!! It is not offical no matter what!!! We are not gonna out it here!!! I will personaly delete anything put about Hentai, Porn, or what ever perverted thing anybody outs here!!! Everybody stop talking aboout this, and delete this enteir conversation!!! Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (Porn!? What were you guys thinking!!!)Click on the "y", please.

You can't delete it. Some body well just undo it. GrapesGrapes Grapes

What if we use that hid function that hids the history? Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (You shouldn't have put that in the Edit summarry box, NOW THEY KNOW!!!)Click on the "y", please.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just calm down for a minute. Now, I understand this is a very touchy subject, especially on a site than is 95% inhabited by children, but there isn't any need to get upset. Now, it's perfectly fine if you don't like porn and that you don't want other children to see it. Personally, I wouldn't want children to see it either. But, we are an encyclopedia that accepts official information no matter what it may be. Now, I do believe that we found out the porn was not licensed by Nintendo, but the conversation has kind of moved on to whether or not we accept unlicensed Nintendo products. (Like The Great Mission to Save Princess Peach.) I highly doubt that Nintendo would officially license hentai, but if they did, and it was about Mario characters, then we would have to accept it. We'd put up advisories all around the article, and obviously protect it from vandalism, but the odds of Nintendo even licensing it are '.' big. So, please try and refrain from getting so upset about this. — Stooben Rooben 16:32, 1 December 2008 (EST)
Yah, but the porn ain't offical. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (I'm not gonna take it! No I ain't gonna take it!)Click on the "y", please.

St00by right if it licensed it offical. P.S What hid thing your talking about NG? O_o GrapesGrapes Grapes

NG: Yeah, the porn that he linked us to was unofficial. I'm just saying if there was any official porn. Grapes: There's an option Sysops can use to hide revisions, though we only use it if it's absolutely necessary. — Stooben Rooben 16:38, 1 December 2008 (EST)
Whatever will be done, it wouldn't be a bad idea to hide the versions which include the link to the hentai site, that's really not something what kids should see AND it doesn't seem to be official, after all (if it was, it would be another case, of course). But don't get offensive here, please. The discussion in a whole shouldn't be deleted, though. Hm, I still wonder why Inuyasha Zero said that these manga are official at first... --Grandy02 16:40, 1 December 2008 (EST)
He probilly wanted to trick us. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (Maybe we should block him, so nothing like this happens again)Click on the "y", please.
Never say never. GrapesGrapes Grapes
What do you mean by that?

Anyway, we should delete this section because, imagne the following:

You are a simple 7 year old boy, you read this and think to your self "What's porn?", so you type "porn" into Google. You find a link, and BAM!!! Those 3 more years you would've had of child hood innacence, gone before your eyes!!! You are a man now, A HORNY PERVERT MAN!!! Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (And that's why we should delete this section)Click on the "y", please.

Clam down NG. GrapesGrapes Grapes

Not that Nintendo would ever endorse Mario hentai, but if we did we should accpet that decision and not freak out. And even if Nintendo did create hentai, I don't think we should have to censor the wiki. What is "acceptable" and what is "perverted" is completely arbitrary, subjective, and biased. Putting a warning on an article about its content is completely POV. Hentai is no better or no worse than any game in the Mario series that you play (the games might even be worse...*cough*Petey Piranha*cough*). It all depends on your personal tastes and absolutely should not be enforced as the standard for other people. We should be inclusive and welcoming, not judging. -- Son of Suns (talk)

Sorry, I just got emotional. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (Never gonna let down, Never gonna say goodbye... Wait, I might after this)Click on the "y", please.
He's right. GrapesGrapes Grapes
Who's right? Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (I might leave, but I'll still be on the fourms)Click on the "y", please.
Son of Suns. GrapesGrapes Grapes
Yah, but to me, barfing, voilence, and fart jokes don't bother me, Hentai does. To me, it warps someones view of an charcter, leading to spam on our acticles Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (I might still edit, too)Click on the "y", please.

Porn and unlicensed, things that are considered somewhat okay right now on this wiki but not okay if both of them are used, read wikipedia's policies, in theirs porn has an equal status of being a topic as it does anything else adn for god's sake stop saying Nintendo's the one making the porn. In Japan you can sell some stuff in markets without rights to the characters so why would the guys want to get a license if they don't have to. Ponder these words while they don't make sense to you. The thing is people will sell the hentai in stores with no license and we're going by the american book. Keep thinking that hentai has to be made in Japan for it to be hentai and there going by Japanese standards.--Inuyasha Zero 17:33, 1 December 2008 (EST)

That's it!!! I'm leaving for real this time!!! If you guys want to make articles on porn that's fine by me!!! If you want to get angry E-mail from Moms, fine by me!!! Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (I'm heading for the fourms!!!)Click on the "y", please.
You lost me Zero. But I will say I don't think anyone has said Nintendo is making the hentai (although they did open up a chain of "love hotels" in the 1960s). I'm sure a ton of unlicensed Mario content is distributed throughout Japan and the world (via the Internet). I don't think the Mario anime movie is one of them.

And no one is making articles on hentai. Chill out. E-mails from "angry moms" don't concern me at all. -- Son of Suns (talk)

...IZ: We are not Wikipedia. We do not have Wikipedia's rules. We will not accept anything that is not licensed by Nintendo. Any articles that are currently unofficial will be up for debate as to whether or not to keep them. Now, unless you can find solid proof that Nintendo licenses Mario hentai, then there is nothing to discuss. NG: If you want to leave, that is fine; it's not up to the community. However, as of now we have no reason to make articles about Mario hentai. — Stooben Rooben 17:46, 1 December 2008 (EST)
OK I'm back. I was gone for 15 mintunes goofing off at the fourm. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (It's over right?)Click on the "y", please. I guess nintendo doesn't license hentai, there's a way to end this topic--Inuyasha Zero 19:16, 1 December 2008 (EST)

Then can we delete this. GrapesGrapes Grapes

The conversation has been delt with, however, we should keep this on the talk page for references that may come up in the future. And, I don't think we can just remove this just like that. C???

Nerdy Guy: if you really that link gone, feel free to take it down, and you should notice that, even though I technically should have, I have not added that reference to the references pages. Stumpers! 20:35, 1 December 2008 (EST)

I'm not going to, I realised that Spaceballs is not a porno, it's a parady movie/series. Spacenuts is a porno I heard about on the radio. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (I can get confused)Click on the "y", please.
Of course the spaceballs cartoon is blurring the lines... ugh. Anyway, even if someone did make a Mario reference in a porno, I don't think it'd be mainstream enough to make it to the references pages. At least, I would hope not. Stumpers! 16:30, 2 December 2008 (EST)
No, I don't think it would be, because technically they're considered "underground". Only certain people are supposed to get access to those sites (adults), so it's not supposed to be where everyone can see, like our other internet references. — Stooben Rooben 16:37, 2 December 2008 (EST)
A pornography reference may actually be more mainstream than many of the references we list, like all those minor songs from bands no one has ever heard of. And a lot of pornography sites don't have restricted access, meaning everyone who wants to can see them (that is, they are mainstream). And how do we decide what to include on online references or not? Some of them seem pretty minor, and a Mario pornography site may actually garner more traffic then the ones we list. -- Son of Suns (talk)
Oh no you don't, parents might start blocking use from thier computer, causing use to lose traffic and evntuly crash from lack of users. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (We are not putting it their)Click on the "y", please.
The goal of the wiki is to cover everything Mario related, not appease parents. -- Son of Suns (talk)

You're awful paranoid about this whole deal, Nerdy Guy. You're succumbing to one of the fallacies of logic -- the slippery slope. That's when you take one action and naturally assume it's going to lead to a bunch of other actions (the "slippery slope") eventually culminating in something disastrous. While I don't believe your fears are unfounded, I do think you're making this bigger than it should be.

We are an encyclopedia. If there does exist Nintendo-licensed Mario hentai out there (I admit it makes me sick just thinking about it) we have a responsibility to include it. Phoenix Rider 18:10, 2 December 2008 (EST)

Alternatively, we eliminate all the references pages and just focus on official material only. -- Son of Suns (talk)
This is the second time in the last five minutes I'm going to have to say, per Son of Suns. It would make our job a heck of a lot easier. That being said, we also cover the history of the Mario series. And THAT being said, I feel that our references pages go way more in depth than necessary. Yes, cultural impact should be noted, but we have more than enough examples from uber-mainstream sources such as prime time television (the Simpsons, Futurama, etc.), other video games, notable websites (Homestar Runner) and movies that we should never have to list random nods such as the one I mentioned above (Spaceballs TV show's parody of Yoshi and Peach). In short, I'd emphasize the importance that references have on showing cultural impact, but also say that, in the event that a very minor, yet slightly mainstream, source (again, my example) popped up, we wouldn't need to list it. Stumpers! 18:47, 2 December 2008 (EST)
That being said (haha) perhaps it would be best to merge major cultural references (what constitutes a "major reference" will of course have to be determined by the community) into the Mario (series) page. That page is about the entire series generally, including its history, especially as it intersects with other areas of culture (such as the Universal vs. Nintendo copyright case). The Mario series article could have a section about the series' impact on the rest of popular culture. -- Son of Suns (talk)
Yeah, I definitely think that by relying on games to tell a series' history, we're missing the greater story. I think we should take the work Rooben is doing on Mario (series) right now and add a history section to it which includes the court case and popular culture impact - of course, we could site sources like crazy for the latter bit, and that would take away from the community issues. Stumpers! 00:32, 3 December 2008 (EST)
I'd have no problem with that. There could be a section right below "Critical Reception" called "Cultural Impact". I think that not only would that solve our massive effort on the references pages, but it would also make that article fuller. I'm all for that. — Stooben Rooben 01:01, 3 December 2008 (EST)


Should we think of ways to inforce the guide lines more? We don't want another fight like the Hentai one. We should show our more important guidelines more, like "No unoffical infromation". That whole fight above started because a user didn't know we don't accept unoffical info. Hi!!!Nerdy Guy (Any one have any ideas how we should let everybody on the wiki our guidelines?)Click on the "y", please.

We would like new users (a la welcome committee template) to a page called "MarioWiki:[Any Number Here] Things Every Editor Should Know Before Editing" and list some of our most important guidelines, such as canon (there is none), unofficial info, etc. Just an idea, though. I think the current template does a pretty good job of linking to everything important. Stumpers! 20:42, 3 December 2008 (EST)