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Brothership side quest gossip

Coming Home

  • Yellow gossip: "Did you hear, dear? Looks like Willma's son/daughter is coming to Shipshape."
  • Pink gossip: ""Coming," nothing, look over there!"
  • Yellow gossip: "Oh my! Maybe they'll live together again, mother and son/daughter under the same roof! Wouldn't that be nice? I think so, anyway."
  • Pink gossip: "Well, I hear the child hasn't even gone to visit her at home yet."
  • Yellow gossip: "Is that so? Oh dear. Well, I suppose Willma can be a little bit intimidating."
  • Blue gossip: "Why, didn't she silence a whole island with that thunderous 'tude of hers?"
  • All three: "Ah, we go too far! Ohohohohohoho!"
  • Yellow gossip "Do you think Willma and her child have reconnected?"
  • Pink gossip: "Have they seen each other yet?"
  • Blue gossip: "Ohhh, that's worrying..."

An Invitation to the Spa

There might be a first part to this...? I'm confused...

  • Yellow gossip: "Hon... Isn't your husband toiling away on Raynforst? How is he doing?"
  • Pink gossip: "Toiling, that I can't say! But I bet he's in over his head over on Raynforst. My husband used to be a big deal in the city but couldn't get there when the land broke up. He hasn't known what to do for the longest time. I had to shove him out the door!"
  • Blue gossip: "Ah! So he finally found his calling on Raynforst! Wonderful!"
  • Pink gossip: "I've said it before, and I'll say it again. My husband is great at working hard. Or hardly working!"
  • All three: "Oh goodness! Ohohohohoho!"
  • Pink gossip: "I hope my husband is doing well working on Raynforst Island..."
  • "Dearie, did you have a massage at that spa?"
  • "No, I haven't yet, sweetie. But I bet a massage would take 50 years off my age."
  • "Oh my! If you lost that many years, you'd be a baby again!"
  • All three: "Can you imagine?! Ohohohohohoho!"

Arc's Secret

Spiralia's New Creation

  • Yellow gossip: "Say... Did you change your hairstyle recently, dear?"
  • Pink gossip: "Oh my. Is it that obvious? You know Spiralia from Twistee? I've started using her hair wax!"
  • Blue gossip: "Good for you! I love her shop."
  • Pink gossip: "I hear she's started a new business out of that shop...and she wants people to come test it out."
  • Yellow gossip: "Really? About time! That ol' hairstyling shack of hers could USE more style!"
  • All three: "Oh my stars! Ohohohoho!"
  • Yellow gossip: "I'm very intrigued by whatever Spiralia's new business is!"

Investigating the Abductions!

  • Yellow gossip: "Oh, sweeties, you know, I just can't stand it!"
  • Pink gossip: "What's wrong, dear?"
  • Yellow gossip: "It's those strange birds flying around!"
  • Blue gossip: "They give me the chills. And there are more and more of them!"
  • Pink gossip: "I saw one swoop down and snatch up someone at Rumbla Island."
  • Yellow gossip: "Really? How horrible!"
  • Pink gossip: "They'll come for the three of us. I'm surprised they haven't yet..."
  • Blue gossip: "Me too! Look at us! We're TASTY!"
  • All three: "We are, aren't we? Ohohohoho!"
  • "I saw a strange bird fly off with somebody on Rumbla Island!"

A Mother's Worries

  • Yellow gossip: "Ladies! Have you been to that new shop?"
  • Pink gossip: "That shop that Willma's son/daughter opened? That kid's a hard worker."
  • Blue gossip: "You can get something made lickety-split, as long as you bring the materials."
  • Yellow gossip: "Good head on that kid. I'm really impressed."
  • Pink gossip: "But you know... That poor child seems kind of down lately."
  • Yellow gossip: "Really? With that shop such a success? How sad..."
  • Pink gossip: "Maybe that's the problem. The shop's too busy for any time off to see ol' mom. That kid must miss Willma terribly. And a mother always misses her child!"
  • Blue gossip: "Ah, it hurts my old heart to hear it. Such a shame. My kid can't WAIT to break away and live away from this ol' mom."
  • Pink gossip: "Mine too. But then we'll finally get to live our own lives!"
  • All three: "Ohohohoho! Can't wait!"
  • "I'm sure Willma is worried about her son/daughter."

Zokket's Schemes

Back to IDLE's Roots

  • "The IDLE kids are so far away from Desolatt. Aren't any of their parents there worried?"

Little Lost Toad

  • Yellow gossip: "Oh, sweeties... It's awful! That poor, poor Toad!"
  • Pink gossip: "That Toad over there at the shop? Looks fine to me."
  • Blue gossip: "No, haven't you heard? A Toad's gone astray on Merrygo Island!"
  • Pink gossip: "What a shame for a Toad to go the wrong way in life... Someone should give that Toad some advice."
  • Blue gossip: "No, I mean lost! In that big maze they've got over there."
  • Yellow gossip: "Are we saying that WE should go there?"
  • Blue gossip: "Heavens, no! Then they'd need to send a search party for us!"
  • All three: "Us, lost! Always are! Ohohohoho!"
  • "A Toad is lost on Merrygo Island!"

A Vision in Pink

  • Yellow gossip: "She's like a pink dream!"
  • Pink gossip: "Where? Here?!"
  • Yellow gossip: "Apparently a real vision in pink has come to Merrygo Island!"
  • Pink gossip: "I feel like we'd have a lot in common. I'd love to become friends with her!"
  • Yellow gossip: "You'll have to get in line. Apparently there's a gentleman who's quite taken with her."
  • Blue gossip: "This is too good to be true..."
  • Yellow gossip: "Then would you believe this pink vision vanished from Merrygo? The fellow is eager to find the creature who stole his heart."
  • Blue gossip: "Such a dangerous, tantalizing mystery! It's too much! Makes me appreciate what I've got in my dear hubby."
  • All three: "Ohohohoho!"
  • "The pink vision from Merrygo Island... Just where did she go?"

It's Dorrie!

Letter from a Drifting Island

  • Yellow gossip: "Sometimes I just want to fish."
  • Pink gossip: "Totally! It's exciting to think you might catch something...tasty!"
  • Blue gossip: "But you know what? I was at the fishing spot earlier. I saw a weird object floating by. It looked like a bottle."
  • Yellow gossip: "Then it has to be..."
  • Pink gossip: "Unmistakably..."
  • Blue gossip: "Just some trash. Surely."
  • All three: "Oh goodness! Ohohohohoho!"

Stepped into a Slump

  • Yellow gossip: "Big news, girls!"
  • Pink gossip: "What's up?"
  • Yellow gossip: "Dyode is coming to Twistee Island!"
  • Blue gossip: "No way! THE Dyode?! I'm his biggest fan!"
  • Pink gossip: "The fabulous steps of Groovemaster Dyode have ushered in a new age! We'll see his first show, right? I've got to get into the front row no matter what!"
  • All three: "If the three of us are cheering in the front, WE'LL be the show!"
  • Yellow gossip: "I heard he's got an apprentice...but the poor kid's in a dance-step slump!"
  • Pink gossip: "Well, it'd be hard to live in the shadow of a dance genius like Dyode, right? Maybe we need to show the younger generation a fancy step or two!"
  • All three: "You know it! Ohohohoho!"
  • "Apparently Dyode's apprentice is in a dance-step slump on Twistee Island!"

More Than One Code

  • Yellow gossip: "Ladies! Have you been to Lottacoins Island?"
  • Pink gossip: "I have. That big-city look is mighty fine. And that HUGE building!"
  • Blue gossip: "I saw a sketchy character in front of the building. Little guy too. Kept jabbering away about "the code.""
  • Yellow gossip: "You can't help seeing an oddball or two in a big place like that."
  • Pink gossip: "Speaking husband was there on business recently. But you know him, ladies—he's sketchy AND an oddball!"
  • All three: "Ohohohoho! How dare we! How DARE we!"
  • "A sketchy guy on Lottacoins Island... What IS the world coming to?"

Monster Mania: Level 1

  • Yellow gossip: "Say, you know about the dreadful monsters on Merrygo Island, right?"
  • Pink gossip: "Yeah, they say someone's looking for a hero or heroes to take them down."
  • Blue gossip: "I bet they're really strong..."
  • Yellow gossip: "We could go have a little chat with them...a chat with our fists!"
  • Pink gossip: "Yeah, right. I think an actual chat is just about as much action as we can handle."
  • All three: "We'll chat until they give up! Ohohohohohohoho!"
  • "There's a request to take down some monsters on Merrygo Island..."

The Left-Behind Toad

  • Yellow gossip: "Sometimes I just want to fish."
  • Pink gossip: "Totally! It's exciting to think you might catch something...tasty!"
  • Blue gossip: "But you know what? I was at the fishing spot earlier. I saw a weird object floating by. It looked like a bottle."
  • Yellow gossip: "Then it has to be..."
  • Pink gossip: "Unmistakably..."
  • Blue gossip: "Just some trash. Surely."
  • All three: "Oh goodness! Ohohohohoho!"

The Courier

  • Yellow gossip: "I've got news, dearies!"
  • Pink gossip: "It is juicy?"
  • Blue gossip: "Ooo, spill it!"
  • Yellow gossip: "Someone's offering a reward on Rumbla Island for delivering an item!"
  • Blue gossip: "That's it? I need more juice in my news!"
  • Pink gossip: "You're holding something back. Tell the rest!"
  • Yellow gossip: "Well, the item is apparently...very, very, verrry secret."
  • Blue gossip: "Gimme that juice!"
  • Yellow gossip: "And exactly WHO wants it delivered is...very, very, verrry secret."
  • Pink gossip: "Ooo, now that's good stuff."
  • Blue gossip: "Secrets, secrets!"
  • Yellow gossip: "It's a wonder we love gossip so much. We should set a better example..."
  • Pink gossip: "But we are! We like our news juicy,'s nutritious!"
  • All three: "Healthy stuff! Ohohohoho!"
  • "Someone on Rumbla Island needs a secret item delivered secretly!"

The Runaway Son

  • Yellow gossip: "Sweeties! You've heard the latest gossip, right?"
  • Pink gossip: "That tragic story from Desolatt Island?"
  • Blue gossip: "I've heard it too! That awful son who's mooching off his mom!"
  • Yellow gossip: "If only all kids were as dutiful as Willma's!"
  • Pink gossip: "The mom even found her son the perfect job!"
  • Yellow gossip: "And STILL her son won't work?"
  • Pink gossip: "Oh, he's working hard, avoid her!"
  • Blue gossip: "Well, we'd never laugh at another mom."
  • Pink gossip: "But at a son who's a mooch, a fool, AND a loafer, to boot?"
  • All three: "Ohohohoho!"
  • "Can you believe that son who's mooching off his mom on Desolatt Island..."

Ultra-Sweet, Super-Rich Cake

  • Yellow gossip: "I wonder if all children of Desolatt Island are as energetic as those IDLE kids."
  • Pink gossip: "You know, my husband's younger brother and his family live out on Desolatt Island."
  • Blue gossip: "Ahhh! He's the father of that darling little boy and girl?"
  • Pink gossip: "That's absolutely right! And that nephew of mine just looooooves cake."
  • Blue gossip: "Why don't you visit them once in a while? Won't they be happy if you bring gifts?"
  • Yellow gossip: "I'm sure they'd be tickled if you were to bake them a cake or something!"
  • Pink gossip: "Well, my nephew is very finicky about his cake! Not like my husband, with his unrefined palate. He has one comment about everything I make."
  • All three: ""Deee...deee...deeelishious!" Ohohohohohohohohohoho!"
  • "I wonder if those kids on Desolatt Island are hungry."

Guardian Spirit

  • Yellow gossip: "Looks like the security guard on Bulbfish Island was hit with the you-know-what."
  • Pink gossip: "That anti-people plague that's going around, yeah?"
  • Blue gossip: "That's going to make guarding the island a much tougher job."
  • Yellow gossip: "About that—his younger brother is working as a temporary replacement."
  • Pink gossip: "That's got me worried. I wonder if he can do as well as his big brother."
  • Yellow gossip: "Actually he's a bit too enthusiastic, I hear. He's way more strict than he needs to be! He's so serious about his job that he won't even let Leyden or his assistant past him!"
  • Pink gossip: "Sounds like someone might want to straighten him out just a tad."
  • Blue gossip: "We'd be fantastic security guards, right, dears? The gift of gab would serve us well in that job! You wanna get past us? We've got about 19 million tough questions for you to answer first!"
  • All three: "Oh, goodness! Ohohohohoho!"
  • "Sounds like the security guard on Bulbfish Island has been hit by the anti-people plague."

Monster Mania: Level 2

  • Yellow gossip: "Say, you know about the dreadful monsters on Raynforst Island, right?"
  • Pink gossip: "Yeah, they say someone's looking for a hero or heroes to take them down."
  • Blue gossip: "I bet they're really strong..."
  • Yellow gossip: "We could go have a little chat with them...a chat with our fists!"
  • Pink gossip: "Yeah, right. I think an actual chat is just about as much action as we can handle."
  • All three: "We'll chat until they give up! Ohohohohohohoho!"
  • "There's a request to take down some monsters on Raynforst Island..."

Toad in the Sand

  • Yellow gossip: "My dears... I can't bear it... That poor little Toad!"
  • Blue gossip: "The Toad over there at the shop? Looks fine to me."
  • Yellow gossip: "No, haven't you heard? A Toad's in trouble on Allsand Island!"
  • Pink gossip: "Little kids do love playing in the sand..."
  • Yellow gossip: "Wait... Just how old ARE all these Toads, anyway?"
  • Blue gossip: "Uh... Old enough to run shops?"
  • All three: "What a puzzle! Ohohohoho!"
  • "They say there's a Toad in trouble on Allsand Island!"

Frostbitten Toads

  • Yellow gossip: "Ladies! My heart can't take it... Those poor, poor Toads!"
  • Pink gossip: "The Toads over there at the shops? They look fine to me."
  • Blue gossip: "No, haven't you heard? Some Toads on Slippenglide Island are in danger!"
  • Pink gossip: "The little dears! Stuck out there in the vicious cold..."
  • Blue gossip: "We should send them something warm."
  • Yellow gossip: "Hot tea, perhaps?"
  • Blue gossip: "Mushroom soup!"
  • All three: "Oh, we're terrible! Ohohohoho!"
  • "They say there're Toads in danger on Slippenglide Island!"

Fear of Glohm

A Big Debate

  • "Did you know there are some girls who love a good debate? Apart from us, I mean."
  • "What could they be talking about? Whatever it is, how cute! Reminds me of us not too long ago!"
  • "Did you want to get into a debate about heroes? For old time's sake?"
  • "No, no, no... That type of thing is in my past. Now I like to focus on dishing the latest dirt!"
  • All three: "Ohohohoho!"
  • "Those girls headed off to the beach, didn't they? In deep-debate mode?"
  • "Tee-hee-hee! Oh, to be young! And so full of opinions!"
  • "Shall we try to hear their debate?"
  • All three: "What a notion! Ohohohoho!"
  • "Looks like the girls who like to debate have gone to the beach."

Gorumbla Gone Good

  • "Say, Gorumbla is kind of a cutie, isn't he?"
  • "What? Really? I think he's kind of scary..."
  • "Maybe he just needs a sweetheart!"
  • "Don't go getting any ideas! You've already got yourself a sweetheart!"
  • All three: "Ohohohoho!"
  • "He's working so hard to fix his island! You can practically hear the work from here."
  • "But I hear it's not going too well..."
  • "Hang in there! We're rooting for you all the way, Gorumbla!"
  • "♪GorumBLA! GorumBLA!♪""
  • All three: "Ohohohoho!"
  • "I hope Gorumbla is working hard..."

Glohm Gobblick

  • "I heard the monster at the Great Lighthouse Island in the Lushgreen Sea is BACK."
  • "Right, and it's gotten super strong thanks to the Glohm."
  • "Talk about a stubborn problem!"
  • "Dewey Fightem on Shipshape Island has been saying he's a little worried."
  • "And you already know which two heroes will end up dealing with it..."
  • "You bet I do!"
  • All three: "Ohohohoho!"
  • "I heard the monster at the Great Lighthouse Island in the Lushgreen Sea is BACK."

The Fossil and the Bones

  • "Oh, what a world... It's AWFUL, my dears!"
  • "What now?"
  • "My hubby's just come back from a trip to Allsand Island. There are skeletons in the dunes, just swimming around, ALIVE! And worst of all, those things are on the hunt for people..."
  • "How terrifying!"
  • "Oh, I see. You mean the Sharkbones. Their bones are said to be worth a lot of money."
  • "How a lot?"
  • "Girls! We could make a fortune from the bones of Allsand Sharkbones!"
  • All three: "Money, money, money! Ohohohohoho!"
  • "We'd make a fortune from the bones of Allsand Sharkbones! We can dream..."

Leyden's Piscine PR Plans

  • "Have I got a scoop for you, girls!"
  • "You're on FIRE today. Out with it, then!"
  • "You get your mitts on a great coupon or something?"
  • "I DO TOO!"
  • "But no. It's not that. I have a hot scoop on old Leyden. You know, from Bulbfish Island?"
  • "Ohhh, Leyden... Say, did you know his son is kind of handsome?"
  • "Yes! I've thought the same thing!"
  • "Sorry. I got us offtrack, didn't I?"
  • "Slightly... But yes, old Leyden is worried about something!"
  • "Well, he is a notorious snacker. I bet he's in search of fab snacks!"
  • "Oh, honey! If that man's looking for anything fab, he should talk to us!"
  • All three: "Ohohohoho! So true!"
  • "Someone really should go find out what Leyden is worried about."


  • Yellow gossip: "Sometimes I just want to fish."
  • Pink gossip: "Totally! It's exciting to think you might catch something...tasty!"
  • Blue gossip: "But you know what? I was at the fishing spot earlier. I saw a weird object floating by. It looked like a bottle."
  • Yellow gossip: "Then it has to be..."
  • Pink gossip: "Unmistakably..."
  • Blue gossip: "Just some trash. Surely."
  • All three: "Oh goodness! Ohohohohoho!"

Technikki's Past

The Empty Nests

  • "Oh, GIRLS! The wedding between Chilliam and Burnadette..."
  • "The prince and princess never looked BETTER."
  • "Their wedding was MAGNIFICENT."
  • "Wait...were you two really there?"
  • "...I wasn't."
  • "But everyone SAID it was magnificent!"
  • "Ah, a happy couple and two happy families!"
  • "Not quite, or so I've been hearing."
  • "What? Do tell!"
  • "It's Chilliam's dad on Slippenglide... And Burnadette's dad on Skorcheen..."
  • "Oh! I've heard this too. The dads are having doubts."
  • "Are they really? Someone's got to get them on board!"
  • "This looks like a job for professional meddlers like us! Let's start with the newlyweds on Heatfreeze Island!"
  • "Are you kidding? We'd blow things up!"
  • All three: "Too true! Too true! Ohohohoho!"
  • "Someone should talk to the newlyweds on Heatfreeze Island and get meddling!"

Missing Ring

  • "Juicy news, girls! There's been a boom in secret relationships on Heatfreeze Island!"
  • "Well, fantasy weddings do tend to inspire romance... Not that we were invited or anything."
  • "Oh, dream weddings make me want to do it all over again."
  • "I know! We went down that road about a thousand years ago!"
  • All three: "Ohohoho!"
  • "But isn't it just dreadful? You fall in love, and things are going along well..."
  • "And you lose the ring you got for your beloved. I can't believe that happened to someone."
  • "No! How could you let yourself lose something so precious?"
  • "Rings are so small. They come loose. They drop. They roll away. They get lost. Or stuck!"
  • "Girls, let's all be extra careful not to lose our wedding rings!"
  • "They're never coming off again!"
  • All three: "Oh, goodness! Ohohohoho!"
  • "I hear someone on Heatfreeze Island lost their precious ring."

A Dear Friend

Warms You Inside and Out

  • "Is it just me, or is it a tad colder lately?"
  • "Maybe, but nothing as bad as on Slippenglide Island!"
  • "How can anyone live there? Doesn't it bother them?"
  • "Oh, but I've heard someone from there...actually hates the cold. They're afraid of being found out, so they pretend they're OK with it."
  • "How awful."
  • "Brrr... Now I feel even colder."
  • "You're always cold! Why IS that?"
  • "I'm just a beach baby, I guess!"
  • "It's been a LONG time since WE were beach babies!"
  • All three: "Ohohohoho! So true!"
  • "Someone on Slippenglide Island is struggling with the cold. How awful!"

Feelings of Dread

  • "Girls! The rumors are flying that this island is HAUNTED."
  • "C'mon, you know I scare easy! I won't be able to sleep now..."
  • "These two look off, don't they? Haunted or cursed..."
  • "There might be a ghost right HERE with us!"
  • "The fortune teller on the lower part of this island might know more. But, eep. Now I don't think I'll be able to sleep at ALL, girls..."
  • "Don't worry. We'll just have a pajama party, then!"
  • "We'll giggle the ghosts away, and I do love some late-night gossip!"
  • "You girls are gems, even after all these years..."
  • All three: "We're diamonds in the rough, at least! Ohohohoho!"
  • "The fortune teller deep within Shipshape Island might know something..."

Toads Undercover

  • "Have you heard the scoop on the terrifying tale of our little friends, the Toads?"
  • "Oh, stop it! What could possibly be happening with those cute little Toads?"
  • "Oh, I heard about this! One by one..."
  • "They're disappearing!"
  • "Eeeeee!"
  • "According to the rumor, they're going to Offandon Island, then vanishing..."
  • "They're probably submerged in Wayaway Soda, prisoners to its bubbly goodness."
  • "That's terrifying! When they get a taste of that soda, those Toads won't want to come home!"
  • All three: "Oh, we're NEVER wrong, are we, girls? Ohohohoho!"
  • "Toads are vanishing on the dreaded Offandon Island..."

Glohm Sharpcask

  • "I heard the monster at the Great Lighthouse Island in the Color-Full Sea is BACK."
  • "Right, and it's gotten super strong thanks to the Glohm."
  • "Talk about a stubborn problem!"
  • "Dewey Fightem on Shipshape Island has been saying he's pretty worried."
  • "And you already know which two heroes will end up dealing with it..."
  • "You bet I do!"
  • All three: "Ohohohoho!"
  • "I heard the monster at the Great Lighthouse Island in the Color-Full Sea is BACK."

Treasure-Hunting Brothers

  • "Sweeties, I know a secret!"
  • "Oh, get over yourself! There are no secrets between us gossips!"
  • "Well, by ""secret,"" she means there's a secret current out there somewhere!"
  • "And in that secret current is a secret island hiding an oh-so-secret treasure!"
  • "How intriguing!"
  • "How mysterious!"
  • "And two very different brothers on Allsand Island hold the key to this little mystery!"
  • "Oh my! The plot thickens!"
  • All three: "Ohohohoho!"
  • "Two very different brothers on Allsand Island have the key to the mystery in their grasp!"

The Lonely Great Conductor

Dueling Geniuses

How's Bowser's Health?

Monster Mania: Level 3

  • "Say, you know about the dreadful monster on an islet called Petit Islet, right?"
  • "Yeah, they say someone's looking for a hero or heroes to take it down."
  • "I bet it's really strong..."
  • "We could go have a little chat with it...a chat with our fists!"
  • "Yeah, right. I think an actual chat is just about as much action as we can handle."
  • All three: "We'll chat until it gives up! Ohohohohohohoho!"
  • "There's a request to take down a dreadful monster on an islet called Petit Islet..."

Monster Mania: Level 4

  • "Say, you know about the dreadful monsters on Offandon Island, right?"
  • "Yeah, they say someone's looking for a hero or heroes to take them down."
  • "I bet they're really strong..."
  • "We could go have a little chat with them...a chat with our fists!"
  • "Yeah, right. I think an actual chat is just about as much action as we can handle."
  • All three: "We'll chat until they give up! Ohohohohohohoho!"
  • "There's a request to take down some monsters on Offandon Island..."

Monster Mania: Level 5

  • "Say, you know about the dreadful monsters on Lottacoins Island, right?"
  • "Yeah, they say someone's looking for a hero or heroes to take them down."
  • "I bet they're really strong..."
  • "We could go have a little chat with them...a chat with our fists!"
  • "Yeah, right. I think an actual chat is just about as much action as we can handle."
  • All three: "We'll chat until they give up! Ohohohohohohoho!"
  • "There's a request to take down some monsters on Lottacoins Island..."

Glohm Pipegunk

  • "I heard the monster at the Great Lighthouse Island in the Brrrning Sea is BACK."
  • "Right, and it's gotten super strong thanks to the Glohm."
  • "Talk about a stubborn problem!"
  • "Dewey Fightem on Shipshape Island has been saying he's extremely worried."
  • "And you already know which two heroes will end up dealing with it..."
  • "You bet I do!"
  • All three: "Ohohohoho!"
  • "I heard the monster at the Great Lighthouse Island in the Brrrning Sea is BACK."

Cozette's Decision