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Revision as of 21:41, June 15, 2008 by Krow (talk | contribs) (I took out the name Kreepy Krow because that's the name of the level, he is still Krow, no name change whatsoever. I know this because the SNES credits in DKC2 just say and show Krow.)
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Krow, about to drop one of his eggs.

Krow is the name of a large Mini-Necky boss who wears a black pirate hat. Krow is first encountered in the game Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, here Krow is the boss of the first area of Crocodile Isle, Gangplank Galleon.

After Diddy and his girlfriend Dixie Kong ventured through the rapidly decaying ship Gangplank Galleon they managed to reach the ship's Krow's Nest here they encountered Krow who was itching for a battle. Krow will attempt to attack the Kongs in two ways, the first and most commonly used tactic of his is to pick up one of his eggs and hurl it at the Kongs, his second tactic is to swoop down at the Kongs.

Krows careless use of it's eggs as weapons will prove to be it's undoing, the Kongs can grab an egg once one stops bouncing and throw it at Krow, injuring him. Eventually after being hit multiple times by his eggs Krow will become disoriented and begin to bash into his nest, flinging eggs everywhere. Diddy and Dixie must avoid these falling eggs and grab the ones that stop bouncing and hurl them at Krow, who's movement begins to become more eratic. After being hit by a few more eggs Krow will finally collapse, surrender the Kremkoin he was guarding and die.

Unfortunately for Diddy and Dixie, this was not the end of Krow.

After traveling through the phantom infested area Gloomy Gulch, Diddy and Dixie came upon what appeared to be dilapidated crows nest. Venturing onto this structure the Kongs encountered the ghost of Krow.

This time Krow, now a spirit, used a new attack strategy, sending a barrage of ghostly Mini-Neckys against the Kongs. The Kongs must avoid these spectral birds and jump on the one living Mini-Necky Krow sends after them, this will summon a barrel which the kongs can hit Krow with. After being hit with this attack Krow will fly upward, after this a hook will drop nearby, the kongs must use this hook to reach some rigging.

The ghost of Krow.

After climbing the rigging and dodging eggs thrown at them the Kongs will reach a platform with Krow waiting for them. Krow will once again send a barrage of ghostly Mini-Neckys at the kongs, but this time the speed and number of Mini-Neckys increases. The Kongs must once again jump on the living Mini-Necky to make a barrel appear which they can throw at Krow.

After being hit by this barrel Krow will once again fly upwards and once again the Kongs must climp threw rigging, while dodging eggs. Eventually reaching the top of this exceedingly tall crows nest. Once again Krow sends a barrage of his minion ghosts after the kongs, once again the Kongs must jump on the live Mini-Necky of the group in order to make barrel appear. Hitting Krow with this barrel will finally defeat the avian phantom.

In Donkey Kong Land 2 Krow inexplicably appeared once again living as the boss of Gangplank Galleon, Kreepy Krow also appears as the boss of Gloomy Gulch. Whether this is the same Krow as the one in Donkey Kong Country 2 or simply another Krow is unknown.


  • In the Game Boy Advance remake of Donkey Kong Country 2 a short animation of Krow's spirit leaving his body can be seen after he is defeated for the first time.

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