Bouffy contre les vampires

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Title card of the DKTV skit Bouffy contre les vampires.

Bouffy contre les vampires (Bouffy vs. the Vampires) is a skit that aired as part of Donkey Kong Planet. As with many of the show's skits, it is framed as a trailer for an upcoming TV show. Its title is a pun on the French title of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Buffy contre les vampires) and the French word "bouffi", meaning "puffy" or simply "fat".


The skit starts with an opening sequence showing Candy Kong doing action moves over stock music. It then cuts to her using a computer indoor. The narrator explains that Candy used multiple methods to kill vampires such as "garlic suckers, anise suckers, driving stakes through their bedsheets, Ophélie Winter records, and using the website" but all of them failed. Using her "wits and determination", Candy finally finds a way to defeat vampires: eating them. The camera then pans over to show Candy Kong's fattened-up thighs.

The skit ends on the title card as the narrator delivers the tagline "Coming soon on DKTV: Bouffy contre les vampires. A show you'll totally binge.


Candy Kong: "The problem with vampires is that *burp* they make you a whole lot fatter. Template:DKCTV