List of Mario references on the Web

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Adventure Time: Legends of Ooo

When you examine mushrooms, Jake wonders if he eats them if he will grow or not.


BrainPOP!.com's Dance movie, Tim is humming the underwater tune from Super Mario Bros..


Brentalfloss is a "handsome bald guy" who takes songs from video games and gives them lyrics, then puts into music videos. He did this with the ending theme song from Super Mario Bros. 2, the athletic theme from Super Mario Bros. 3, and the ending credits theme from Super Mario World.

Fred the Monkey

On, there are polls on the home page, which are frequently updated. The August 3rd, 2007 Poll asks what kind of genre a Fred the Monkey-themed video game should be. The fifth option is "Fred Teaches Typing", a reference to Mario Teaches Typing.

Mailbag 30

One of the E-Mails Sceb receives concerns him getting Mario Kart DS. Later, Space Chicken enters bragging about his skills in the game, wearing a green cap backwards with a white L imprinted on it. Since then, the white L cap has appeared in the background of several cartoons on the website.

Mailbag 31

Concerning the events of the previous Mailbag, Sceb tries to get Space Chicken to come out with his Nintendo DS; apparently Space Chicken lost when he got poor items (he mentions getting several Green Shells and a single Mushroom while in fourth place). Space Chicken also shouts that Sceb Snaked.


A couple of available skins for iGoogle are Mario themed.

Homestar Runner

Pumpakin Carve-nival

In this cartoon, The King of Town is dressed as Mario. When the toon is over, if he is clicked on, a secret mini-game called "Super Kingio Bros." will be able to be played. The game however, is an obvious joke, as the player plays as the King of Town, who is too fat to hit any of the blocks or jump over the first Goomba. Also, when the King of Town learns that his pumpkin entry in the contest receives a "worst place" prize, he laments, "Sorry, king, but our princess is in another castle." This refers to Super Mario Bros. in that, up until the final castle (in level 8-4), whenever Mario saves the Toads from Bowser in the castles, they always say to him, "Thank you, Mario! But our princess is in another castle!"

Interesting to note, in the same toon, Bubs is dressed as Lou Albano.

Halloween Potion-ma-jig

In this cartoon, the Cheat is dressed as Toad. At the end of the toon, clicking on him will have him mimicking Toad when he gets attacked in Mario Kart 64.

So-and-So gets puh-owned by a Koopa shell.
"pØwned! Or however you say that!"

Teen Girl Squad Issue 10

The character Tompkins is apparently playing a Mario game on an old Game Boy during the cartoon. Tompkins says he "has Bowser on the ropes" and a red Koopa shell "pØwn"s So and So. Later on, the Ugly One says "Let's get it on like Diddy Kong". Incidentally, Bowser never appeared in an original Game Boy game.

Stinkoman 20X6

The game features its very own version of the Minus World, Level -0, "NEGATORY". Unlike the Minus World, it is beatable (as well as part of the game), but is far glitchier than Minus World. Other references include "Fiery-Hot" from the Saargtsson battle is an exact copy of the cannon's blasts in the Airship levels of Super Mario Bros. 3, "Old Sage" looks similar to spikes found in The Moon level of Super Mario Land 2, "Liekand", a boss, is very similar in appearance to Fryguy from Super Mario Bros. 2 (the fact that Liekand is a mouse that wears sunglasses is another inside reference, as Mouser is also a mouse that wears sunglasses), and in The "Stinkomanual", "Hold B" is said, which refers to holding B to make Mario run. The Stinkomanual's story also tells the player not to "expect any weepy Princess crap".

Halloween Fan Costumes '06

One person dressed up as Homestar (who has his head visible from the costume) is next to a person in a Mario costume. Strong Bad says to the person "Wait a minute, Homestar, who's that in your mouth? Did you eat Luigi?". The real Homestar responds by saying "Yes Strong Bad, I ate Luigi. He tasted like mushrooms."

The King of Town's Very Own Quite Popular Cartoon Show

The title character calls his men "Beezos".

Weekly Fan Stuff

The weekly Fan Stuff featured on March 13, 2008 is a custom level from Super Smash Bros. Brawl shaped like Trogdor.

Strong Bad E-Mail 22

Before checking his email, Strong Bad hums the music from the first level of Donkey Kong.

Most in the Graveyard

Strong Mad is dressed as a Thwomp.

Super NES

This cartoon was made in Mario Paint. Also, the page title "Super Homestario Bros." references Super Mario Bros.

Store Thank You Messages

The page title, "Thank you so much for to buying our crap!!" is a reference to the Super Mario 64 ending, where Mario says "Thank you so much for to playing my game."

Email Japanese cartoon

One of the NES endings in an Easter egg is the ending to Super Mario Bros. 2.

Awexome Cross

The sound effects for jumping, crashing and collecting buxx are taken from Super Mario Bros. The jump sound is the solid block hit sound, the crash sound is the block-break sound and the buxx collect sound is the coin collect sound.

Email mile

During the parade for The Cheat, the rhythmic "song" heard is from Super Mario Bros. 3, which is played during the airship levels. Also, the exploding fireworks sound effect sounds like the sound effect created by the cannon fire and exploding Bob-ombs from these levels.

Email pom pom

When Pom Pom is pounding Strong Bad, various sound effects from Super Mario Bros., such as the "coin collect" sound and the "1-Up" sound, are heard whenever Pom Pom connects.

Duck Guardian

The falling robot heads resemble the original Thwomp and the eggs resemble those of Yoshi.

Email redesign

Strong Bad is shown playing a videogame called "Sundae Driver". When he catches a cherry, a message that says "Cherry Get!" appears. This is a reference to the infamous Engrish "Shine Get!" message found in the Japanese version of Super Mario Sunshine.

Email comic (DVD Commentary)

In the Easter egg, Matt and Mike first mimic and then make reference to the 1-Up sound made by 1-Up Mushrooms in the Mario series.

Sbemail 150?!?

One of the storyboards of Strong Sad's email idea involves Homestar wearing a Snifit mask.

Multiple Occurrences

The Horrible Painting (aka the "Rocoulm") gives people the "jibblies", which makes people jump around crazily in fright, by saying "Come on in heeeeere." in a similar way to King Boo in Super Mario 64.

Kingdom of Loathing

Fighting against a Goomba in Kingdom of Loathing. The text makes a reference to the super Mario Bros. Movie.
A battle with a Goomba. The description references the movie. is a text based RPG-type game, where you create a character out of the wacky classes they have available, then level up in a world where anything goes. In the Kingdom of Loathing there is a zone called the "8-Bit Realm," where there are various enemies from the NES-era for you to kill, including Bob-ombs, Koopa Troopas, and Goombas.

There are also various items you can buy throughout the Kingdom of Loathing that are Mario-esque in name, description, and use.

Being a videogame enthusiast website, has featured much content centered on Mario and his games, including many Video Game Vaults, and top ten lists where things from Mario have appeared. Two top ten lists, "Top Ten Mario Games" and "Top Ten Worst Mario Games" are devoted entirely to the Mario franchise. One of the site's series, GameJew, features a man dressed like Mario.

In the guardian tower at Oaklore, if the person browsing touches one of the piles of barrels, a bubble will pop up and say: "These barrels are inscribed with D.K. Jr."


In a web comic bridging the gap between the independent film group's two Ghostbusters films, the funeral of one character is attended by Mario and Luigi as they appeared on the Super Mario Bros. Super Show.

Heroes graphic novels pay tribute to Mario.

In the Heroes graphic novel Rebellion, Part 4, West, when asked about Monica, replies, "Princess is in another castle."

In another Heroes graphic novel, The Trip, Part 1, Hiro (a gaming enthusiast) has a hallucination that includes seeing a man (similar to Mario) in a large plumbing tube, and bricks with money it them. Later, he mentions Bowser, and then sees a man as a mushroom who says, "Our princess is in another castle."

In yet another Heroes graphic novel, From the Files of Primatech, Part 7 (which is set in 1991), Elle plays Super Mario Bros.

Happy Tree Friends

In False Alarm (Warning: NSFW) one character ( The Mole) is trapped in a flaming barrel and rolling towards another (Nutty). Nutty grabs a hammer and smashes the barrel similar to how Mario does in Donkey Kong.

My LEGO Network

On the My LEGO TV feature, when Echo is launched from his body, the clouds are from Super Mario Bros.

Ian is Bored

Mario-related things are spottable in several episodes of Ian is Bored.

My Roommate Mario

A YouTube series about a man whose roommate is Mario. Note that this is Mario's Mario and Luigi series artwork.

I Wanna Be The Guy

Bowser and a metal version of Birdo called Mecha Birdo appear as bosses in "I Wanna Be The Guy". In Bowser's castle one of the pictures states that he and Wart held the title of "the guy" but it's unknown how they got it since the only way to get the rank is to kill the current "guy".


  • Smosh's 2010 video "If Video Games Were Real" features a parody of Super Mario Brothers. Here, Peach (played by Ian) tells Mario (played by Anthony) that he must "pay up" if he wants to be with her. Mario then proceeds to punch a Brick Block to get a coin, but instead injures his hand and howls in pain, ending the segment by shouting "F**K!!!".
  • In Smosh's video "Real Voodoo Doll", the whole video starts with Anthony being frustrated by a Lakitu. Also, Mario plushes, a Super Mario Galaxy poster, and even an actual Lakitu (which Anthony gets killed by in the end) are spottable in the episode.

Stupid Mario Brothers

A YouTube series about Mario and Luigi, who are initially on vacation and partake in various hijinks, but eventually get involved in a conflict that could determine the fate of the real world. Lots of other characters from Mario and other Nintendo franchises appear in the series, including Peach, Wario and Waluigi. It has also been remade on Flipnote Hatena.

Dick Figures

A Youtube series called Dick(Richard) Figures, In one episode: Camp Anarchy, Bigfoot is spotted and one of the characters yells "DONKEY KONG!".

The show has mentioned various games in the Mario series a handful of times.

The Annoying Orange

File:Annoying orange mario.PNG
Orange annoying Mario

In a YouTube series called the Annoying Orange, in one episode, Mario goes to Bowser's Castle, but finds that it is empty, then goes to the area where Toad would usually be, and finds Orange. After being annoyed for a while, Mario is eventually killed by a Bullet Bill. Afterwards, Orange reveals that he saved Peach and Toad hours ago, and that he "defeated" Bowser by annoying him until Bowser got angry and left. Another episode decipted Orange and a Mushroom annoying other foods, and at the end, exclaimed to the mushroom, "Mario!" Mario then jumps onto the counter and eats the mushroom. Orange then complains to Mario, but soon cheers up.

This is the Only Level TOO

One of the levels is titled World 1-2, and to get past it, the elephant must break two top ceiling blocks and jump on top of the ceiling. after going right enough, there will be a large room that has three Warp Pipes (all of them have the number two on them), and pixelated words that say "WELCOME TO THE WARP ZONE".

Epic Rap Battles of History

One of the raps was the Wright Brothers vs. the Mario Bros. The lyrics hold many references to the Mario series, such as Toad's line, Your Princess is in another castle, Donkey Kong, Mushrooms, 1-Ups, Warp Pipes, Super Leaf, dashing by means of the B-button, 8-bit, POW Blocks, Bowser, and Bob-ombs.


Several flash parody movies featuring Mario are on this site.

A game called "Sam's Arm Wrestling Challenge" in this site have an almost identical gameplay of Dr. Mario. To play it, the player must line three pellets (they come into red, blue and yellow colors) with smiling balls that act like Viruses.

Abobo's Big Adventure

Among many other NES games, Abobo is chock full of references to the NES Mario games.

  • During the intro, Birdo and a Podoboo among others could appear at the door before scrolling up to Abobo.
  • In Double Drabobo, Goombas are common enemies, Donkey Kong appears as a mid-level boss, Donkey Kong Jr. appears right after defeating Donkey Kong, and Racoon Mario & Luigi, Princess Peach, and Toad all appear at a "private party".
  • Super Mabobo is based on the water levels from Super Mario Bros. Cheep-Cheeps, Bloopers, Porcu-Puffers, and Trouters all appear as enemies in this level.
  • In Urban Chabobo, Abobo enters the stage via Warp Pipe.
  • In Zeldabobo, Shy Guys, Bob-Ombs, and Flurries appear as enemies. In addition, Toad appears in an easter egg saying "Thank you Abobo, but our princess is in another dungeon". Toad is then Bullet Billed to death by Abobo.
  • During the Balloon Fight level before Pro Wrabobo, Lakitu appears as an enemy.
  • In Mega Mabobo, Spiranhas are Piranha Plant heads on springs, Punkins shoot Podoboos, and Crankies shoot the viruses from Dr. Mario at Abobo.
  • In Contrabobo, when Kirby is defeated, Wart is among the items that Kirby throws up. Also, during a flashback with Doc Louis, Little Mac is seen punching Luigi.
  • In Punch Abobo, Mario again appears as the referee. In addition, when Little Mac becomes Big Mac, among the power-ups that he grabs are a Megavitamin and a Super Mushroom.
  • During the ending, Little Mac's head goes flying through many NES games before landing on the flagpole from Super Mario Bros. Aboboy is later shown strangling Referee Mario with his own intestines. It is later shown that the game was all dreamt up by Abobo, in a reference to Super Mario Bros. 2.


A Youtube meme created and based off a MS-DOS sprite of Luigi from Mario Is Missing!. He appears to have the ability to turn people into him by simply looking at him. He is widely popular over the internet, despite being rumored as Luigi's cousin from time to time.


The description for The Last Airbender references the movie being the most disappointing adaption of a beloved franchise since "Mario Brothers 3: Luigi Buys Some Eggs."

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