User:Paper Jorge

IMPORTANT NOTICE: My talk page currently has a glitch, not allowing me to access it. If you could find another way to contact me, via chat, forum, Youtube or or any website I might be on please do so. I am known as Superluigi821 in other sites.
I'm Paper Jorge, sysop of the MarioWiki, been a sysop for three years and...well, what else can I say? NO, I will not be making this page fancy or anything. After Crypt finally made me regain interest in it, I shall be back working on Nintendo Road Trip and get the guts to go to Nintendo of America and FORCE Reggie to make the movie and call Iwata...yeah! :D By the way, if the Mario Wiki suddenly dies like Scribblewiki, the good thing is I have the whole NRT thing in a notebook. But if I loose the notebook...
Paper Jorge's Userbox Tower | ||
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So uhh...
The following section contains the funniest movie idea for a Nintendo movie you will ever read.
The problem is...
Will this movie ever be real?
Or is it just a dream...
Nintendo Road Trip
Because of the size of this whole thing, it will be separated into several parts. Backstory, the actual plot, links (images, videos) and credits.
- Please skip this section unless you want to hear a backstory first.
Everything has a back story, right? Well so does this. And a very interesting one too. So, first of all, what exactly is Nintendo Road Trip? You could call it a fan fiction, a fan's dream, a movie idea...technically it's all three of those. Basically, it's just a whole idea for a movie that raced into my brain and I just had to write down so I just wrote down everything that came to mind and made this huge 18-20 paragraph story (I added more parts later on). Basically, it's just as if George Lucas had just had the idea of Indiana Jones come to his mind and he separated all parts of the first Indiana Jones movie come to his head and write it down in different paragraphs.
Enough on what it is. So how did this idea come to be? It was June 13, 2008. Actually June 12. OK, it was June 12 at 12:00 A.M., basically meaning it was already June 13. This 13th being a Friday, yes a Friday the 13th. I was on MarioWiki Chat late at night since it was summer and I could stay up late. And uh, well, Pokemon DP was the first to notice it was a Friday the 13th so he started joking about it. And well, of course, I had to joke about it too. I posted in chat there was a guy outside my house with a hockey mask on and then he knocked my door down, took off his mask and revealed himself to be Reggie (DP liked Reggie a lot in that time).
I laughed at my own joke. I cracked up. Storm Yoshi and DP are the only people that were there at the time as I remember, I believe Uni and RAP might have been, well I continued the joke. Reggie took out a Wii Remote, Shigeru came in through the window (breaking it) with a stylus and Sakurai marched in with a Brawl Game Disc. I joked that they had only come here because they "Would Like to Play" Nintendo with me and that on Friday the 13th, Nintendo's duty was to travel around the world delivering Nintendo presents to kids. Yes, the video game Santa! I joked that Nintendo would be driving in a car around the country delivering presents and that they kept calling me through the night telling me how they were doing ("We're arriving Canada!")
I then joked to DP they would arrive in Australia with the Brawl disc but he said I was mocking him. Heh, Brawl hadn't been released yet so I can understand why. But still. The idea slowly grew. DP helped me build up this idea more. An eight seat car with eight people-Shigeru, Iwata, Reggie, Sakurai, Satoshi, Eiji and two Wii Would Like to Play dudes. The idea grew, ideas raced through my mind and I was asleep. I awoke the next morning and immediatly had to tell everyone about this idea. Crypt hated it at first but then liked it. Greenkoopa laughed. The Missing Link cracked up. I smiled. I took out a piece of paper and drew a poster for the movie, I did a lot of things. And finally, the day after that, with the help of several people I squished all my ideas together. Boom. Long story. Long paragraphs.
Yes. People cracked up at the idea and I smiled with pride. Many people were interested in the idea and Crypt helped me make Photoshopped images, many people then helped me with ideas, RAP helped me some and in the end it was all created. I want this movie to be made someday. I've tried e-mailing Nintendo Power but looks like they don't really care-I don't think they can even contact Reggie. One day, I want to march in the Nintendo offices, advance to Reggie's top secret room and force him to make the movie.
It's 2009 and in some months it will have been a year since the idea was created. And next Friday the 13th, I'm gonna be smiling again, imagining Nintendo in their car driving around the country. The Missing Link and Crypt inspired me to make a sequel which is dead now. However, even though many have lost interest in the movie, Crypt sure hasn't. Recently, January 2009 he agreed to make a 3D 30 minute movie of the Nintendo Road Trip (with his own edits and stuff-it's different than my version).
Meanwhile, after I had regianed interest in Nintendo Road Trip, I needed some information badly so I told DarkHero Sonic the Dark to get me some files tha twere originally lost from Userpedia.Scribblewiki, offering 99,000 bells in Animal Crossing: City Folk if he did. He staretd beoing lazy so I told everyone in chat that whoever got me this information would get a lot of Wii Points. Bad idea. Xluidi did it and in the end, well, I guess I lost some money. =P Shows that I'm willing to spend money, just to get all this information together.
Nintendo Road Trip. It's more than a fan fiction. So far it's only been spread around the Mario Wiki and dead Userpedia a bit, with its own page in Fantendo and UnMario Wikia. The story of Nintendo Road Trip is definitely not over-will it someday be made into the movie I want it to?
Who knows.
But, that's just the backstory. You haven't even read the actual story. There's much left to learn about this NRT. And someday, if it even becomes a movie, I assure you there will be more to learn about.
Heck, it would get its own article in the MarioWiki AND Wikipedia.
How awesome is that?
IMPORTANT: The following section is work in progress, also known as...NOT COMPLETE. Please skip this section for now. Thank you. ^_^
The movie starts off showing a conference room/show (similar to E3, except with only Nintendo employees) with a narrator explaining what Nintendo is and who it is, that they make video games and introduces Shigeru Miyamoto, Reggie Fils-Aime and Satoru Iwata all starting their presentation. Reggie and iwata enter the stage, Reggie doing his usual "My name is Reggie..." and so on. After that, both explain how the sales of the Nintendo Wii and DS have been pretty low lately, so Reggie decides to bring back the Wii Would Like to Play people, because according ot his studies, after he replaced them in Wii Music, Mario Kart Wii and Wii Fit commercials, sales have gone down. The scene cuts to the Wii Would Like to Play businessmen from the American Wii game commercials that shows two Japanese people driving a Wii Smart Car around places.
The scene shows the two passing through a farm with a farmer shooting at them, then it shows them coming to a house and the woman of the house ranting on about how they come every Friday to their house bringing a Wii however not letting them keep it. She then starts attacking them with her kid's baseball bat and the two return to the Nintendo Conference room ready to throw the towel to the floor (in other words, quit). Reggie immediatly goes crazy thinking Nintendo is finally ruined, and Iwata quickly calms him down. Shigeru Miyamoto stands up and runs on the stage and discusses his idea.
In his idea, he and other people, instead of just visiting people and giving them a "demo" or a "preview" of the Wii, they will break into people's houses and deliver a Wii when the owner is not there, with a note explaining why they are doing this, if they don't want a free Wii they can go sell it at a GameStop for a lot of money. He explains that they will also give out a free game a long with the Wii and it will be just like the "video game Santa Claus". The room goes silent as everyone stares at him. Shigeru smiles thinking his idea was good but Reggie stares in disbelief and goes crazy, complaining about how its illegal and then Reggie starts destroying everything. The guards grab Shigeru and throw him out of the conference room. Iwata follows.
Iwata finds Shigeru out in the street talking to a hobo and Iwata tells him the idea is good. Shigeru's eyes widen at Iwata's comments on him. Iwata takes Shigeru to the Nintendo offices and shows him an underground secret garage where Nintendo has kept many secrets and objects-from a real life Arwing, a lot of Smart Wii Cars, many unpublished and unreleased games, a realistic Link costume and huge wardrobes of files plus an eight seat Wii Car. Shigeru is more impressed by the Arwing and wardrobe of files as they contain information about possibly every single game and event in Nintendo history. Iwata explains how this room was a secret onl the presidents of Nintendo know about.
Shigeur follows Iwata to the eight-seat Wii Car and Iwata opens the door. Instantly, he is amazed. Not only is the car very large, but it has cupholders on every seat, a TV on the back of every seat (except the last row ones) with a Wii built in to every one, the car has its own Wi-Fi connection (so you can be in the middle of nowhere and still be able to connect to internet), it has a lot of storage, even storage under the car itself, a Nintendo GPS (what's special about it is that it's two screened like a Nintendo DS), plus a Wii Speak telephone that is connected to the GPS, a Mario Bobblehead, some hooks on the top of the car to hang objects like plush dolls, blindfolds on windows and so much more-plus Bullet Bill, Fire Flower, Triforce, Metroid and Smash Ball stickers.
Shigeru stares in awe and Iwata leads Shigeru in the Nintendo offices. Reggie arrives with the Wii businessmen crying and apologizing and saying it was a good idea after all. Shigeru nods and tells Iwata that they should call other people-an eight seat car shouldn't only have five people. They call Satoshi Tajiri, Eiji Aonuma and Masahiro Sakurai and explain to them about the situation. Satoshi is playing Pokemon in a dark room and agrees to come. They all take a plane trip and all meet up in the Nintendo offices of Washington. Eiji arrives late but he is very jolly to have arrived and starts practicing English by singing the American anthem.
They all board the Wii Car all smiling, pack all their stuff, food, money, Wii Points, clothes and finally, the Wii games that they will deliver to people. They take off smiling and start breaking into people's houses and delivering games using odd manners-from climbing to the second floor where there's an open window, to going through the basement to the inside of the house, to jumping over the gates of the house to even going down chimney. After making it to California, the scene cuts to a police station being attacked by robbers. After a gun fight occurs, the thieves take over and take the cops hostage. Some robbers knock out some of the cops, take their clothing, dress as cops and leave.
The "fake" cops set out tricking people into believing they are cops and when people least expect it, the cops take the citizen's money. The fake cops see the gang driving in their Wii Car, and, the cops knowing its valuable chase the Wii Car. Shigeru notices they are being chased, and Eiji (not knowing they are robbers)comments on how it must be because breaking into people's houses is in fact illegal! Shigeru has a hard time choosing whether to stop the car or keep going but Iwata forces him to keep going. Shigeru sticks his head out the window and exlaims "We're sorry! We won't do it again!" but the robber/cops take out a gun and shoot, barely missing Shigeru.
Shigeru gets frightened and looses control of the wheel. Iwata and Shigeru switch seats and Iwata takes another road and goes flying off the road into the grass and dirt, cops still behind them. The gang passes through a farm briefly avoiding cows and, in the farm, Iwata makes a U-turn and turns the other way as the cops drive forward. By the time the cops turn around the gang is gone and lost. The gang reaches Arizona and Reggie, randomly states he wishes that Gunpei Yokoi ws still a live. After Sakurai confusedly asks who he is, Shigeru explains how Gunpei Yokoi was the one who made the original GameBoy and created the Metroid series and Game & Watch, but tragically died in a car crash. Iwata states that if he were still a live he'd be in the Wii Car replacing Satoshi (with Satoshi being offended).
After pssing through Four Corners, they reach Colorado where they pass through a gas station and the gang rushes to the bathrooms Eiji and a Wii businessman starting a fight over who gets the bathroom. Eiji then somehow gets a Wii Frozty Float and Sakurai gets a Sprite can. Satoshi gets Wii Gum and Reggie gets some Mushroom Candy. A Wii businessman gets the Mario Power-Up drink. They return to the car as the robber cop finds them and get out of the car. The gang rushes in the car and leave immediatly. Later, with the Wii Speak telephone the gang receives a call from the N Gang 2. The N Gang 2 turns out to be just like the N Gang 1, a team going around delivering games to people except it's only three people instead of eight (Cowboy Jed, Kazumi Totaka and Koji Kondo).
Nintendo Gang 2 is very cheery and jolly and as it turns out, the Gang 2 is doing much more successfull at delivering free Nintendo Wiis to houses than Nintendo Gang 1-they were even in the Idaho, Wyoming and Nebraska news! The N Gang is obviously jeaolous and somewhat angry that they are doing better, but do not want to admit it. N Gang 2 asks them how they are doing and where they are and lying, Reggie states they were in the worldwide news about how a group of friendly people are giving free Wiis to poor people. As a short joke sequence, the next scene shows a family watching TV on a news report on a "mysterious" chase between a Wii car and police men. The TV reporter then states not even the policemen know who they were but because other police were chasing them, they assume the people in the Wii Car are dangerous men.
Back to the N Gang 1's car, Cowboy Jed, over Wii Speak tells N Gang 1 that they should celebrate their success in Kansas, as both cars are currently in that direction. Hours later, both Wii Cars encounter each other near a closed book store and see people camping outside of it. Shigeru realizes that they are waiting for a new book that will be released tomorrow ("Must be Harry Potter or something...") and the gang decides to spend the night out camping too. N Gang 2 takes out a large tent and both go inside the tent. Both N Gangs discuss how they've been doing so far (Nintendo Gang 1 lying) and then the next day, both gangs say bye to each other and leave. Before the N Gang 2 takes off, Sakurai asks "Wait-and who is taking over Nintendo while we're gone?" to which he gets no reply.
Hours later, while just on the border or Kansas and Missouri, and passing through a drive-thru to eat, Reggie and Iwata start worrying about the state of Nintendo Offices at the moment. Eiji reassures them that NOA and NOJ (Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Japan) are all right. However, then Satoshi states that he's getting suspicious about who sent Nintendo Gang 2 and why. One of the Japanese businessmen then says he wants to know when and how. Sakurai (who is now in the front seat-the seating arrangement changes every time they get in the car however Iwata and Shigeru are always the drivers) starts toying around with the Nintendo GPS and eventually breaks it.
Everyone looks at Sakurai and after they stop to examine it, they come to the conclusion it only needs batteries. They stop to sleep at a rest station like always and then take off again. The fake cops then see the Nintendo Gang and decide that if they turn on their lights they will attract too much attention. They must instead "sneak" into the gang. The gang arrives at a mall, however just as they arrive, the polie turns on their sirens and ends up making the Nitnendo gang crash their car into the mall destroying many things in its path!
What's a Nintendo movie without references to Nintendo games? If you can think of any references to go here, please contact me anywhere except my talk page.
- In a part of the movie a Triforce sign post can be seen. A Triforce sign post originally actually appeared in one of the Wii Would Like to Play commercials. Triforces are important items in the Legend of Zelda series.
- The license plate of the Nintendo Wii Car is "STRFOX" a clever reference to Star Fox.
- The Wii Car has a pack of cards that Iwata occasionally takes out. The cards, other than having "Nintendo" on them, are perfectly normal types of cards. The reference however is that Nintendo started out as a card company.
- A piece of music from the Yoshida Brothers is the theme song for this movie, and also the theme song for the Wii Would LIke to Play commercials. Also, various video game music is played throughout the movie such as the original Pokemon theme song.
- Satoshi's first appearance in the movie is in a dark Pokemon themed room with one large light. Satoshi is the creator of the Pokemon series and also, there are very' few images of Satoshi available on the internet-about 5 or so. Two of them have him in a dark room.1
- Four of Nintendo's commercial cathphrases are said in movie. "Now You're Playing With Power" (SNES), "Touching is Good" (NDS), "Get N or Get Out" (N64) and of course, "Wii Would Like to Play" (WII).
- Sakurai says the line "YOU MUST RECOVER!" This is a reference to one of Sakurai's updates on the Smash Bros. dojo. This update was considered by many fans as useless and his worst (until worse ones came). However, it is Sakurai's most popular Smash Bros. update and has become somewhat of an internet meme.
- One of the Japanese businessmen has a Power Glove and states "I love the Power Glove. It's so bad." This being a reference to the old movie, The Wizard in which a kid states this line.
- In a scene of the movie, the characters remember Gunpei Yokoi in a touching moment. Gunpei Yokoi was the creator of the original GameBoy, the Metroid and Kid Icarus series and made Super Mario Land however he died in 1997 in a tragic car crash.
- In one part of the movie, an F-Zero Car is briefly seen zooming past the Wii Car. The gang even comments on its speed.
- Shigeru keeps an ocarina and in one part even sings Saria's Song.
- The Nintendo Gang delivers many Nintendo Wii games such as Wii Fit, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Animal Crossing: City Folk and others as well as Wiis.
- Cowboy Jed, a character from the Mario Kart Wii commercial, Koji Kondo, composer of many video game music, Totaka composer of video game music most notable for creating Animal Crossing, all appear in the movie as a seprate part of the Nintendo gang (A Nintendo Gang 2). As it turns out, Nintendo Gang 2 were also sent by Nintendo of America and Japan to take a different route than N Gang 1. Also, N Gang 2 is doing much better than N Gang 1 as they don't have cops to worry about. Eventually they both meet up but seperate again.
- The inside of the Wii Car has a R.O.B. model, DK Bongos, a DDR: Mario Mix dance mat, a Mario bobblehead, three Nintendo DSs and three Wiis connected to the chair and TV. (read more in the below section)
- In one part of the movie, the N gang stops at a small snack shop. In a corner, a guy is seen reading a Nintendo Power issue. Nintendo Power is America's official Nintendo magazine.
- The Nintendo World Store is seen and shows many references to Nintendo. Also, Metroid Prime 3 footage is being played in background. The Nintendo World Store is located in New York.
- A Bullet Bill and Fire Flower stickers are on car, while a Triforce Sticker is on the wheels. Bullet Bills, are enemies in Mario games, Fire Flowers are power-ups in Mario, and Triforces are important items in Zelda.
- In the back of the Nintendo offices, when Iwata shows Shigeru their "secret" garage, a whole collection of Wii Smart Cars are seen. The Wii Smart Cars wre used in the Wii Would Like to Play Commercials. Also, the two businessmen are seen driving one in the begining.
- The gang keeps gum in a Wii Remote dispenser, and candy in a Mushroom dispenser (these actually exist in real life). Also, Nintendo plushies are inside car.
- Eiji is occasionally drinking a Wii Frosty Float. Wii Frosty Floats were actually from Wendy's in May of 2007.
1: Originally, on June 13 when I came up with the NRT idea, DP told me to add Satoshi and he had to explain to me who he was ("creator of Pokemon"). He explained to me that he always was in a dark room playing GameBoy, which was a reference to the pictures of him on the internet. I called Satoshi emo because of this.
The Wii Car
If you want to make a whole movie about a road trip then you gotta have a totally awesome car to go with the road trip. Ok, well, maybe this is like never the case (the movie College Road Trip was about a road trip, sure, but they went in a...police car...that got destroyed and later a regular car and...) Well it doesn't matter. This movie has to have a totally awesome car.
- The whole car has, in all, eight seats that can be leaned back to rest on.
- There are Triforce, Bullet Bill and Fire Flower stickers across the outside of the car, plus a Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii sticker.
- The car has inside light, so you can, well, light up the inside of the car instead of driving in a very dark place. =P
- Not only does it have a car vault but there's also an opening where you can put items below the car seats. Useful for storing all those games and toys.
- Cupholders for every seat! =0 Useful for those sodas and the Wii Frosty Float!
- Like all cars of today, the car has a radio, CD Player, a clock, blah blah blah.
- The steering wheel has a Metroid on it. Cute! ^_^ Metroids are from the...well, Metroid series.
- Five seats (out of eight) have a small television on the back, with a Wii hooked up to it. Might give you motion sickness, but when you're parked in a rest stop, it's useful to go to the internet channel and just surf the web for a bit. =P
- Also, the Wii Car has a Nintendo DS Lite. The Nintendo gang all shares the DS from time to time and everyone except for Shigeru, gets to atl east play a game once.
- AND yes, the Wii Car has Nintendo Wi-Fi installed in it, so you can be in the middle of a desert and still get Wi-Fi.
- The front has a Mario bobblehead. Interesting to look at...
- A Nintendo GPS, something a Nintendo car shouldn't be without. It works like a normal GPS, since it shows a map and all but a cool feature is that, like the Nintendo DS, it's two screens! The bottom one gives specific directions ("Please make an U turn.") and the top one shows the actual map. Also, a stylus is included so one can type out the direction they're going to. ^_^
- The front of the car has an object that looks like Wii Speak but get this-it's actually a telephone! You can talk to people via a small little thing that was originally hooked up to Animal Crossing: City Folk! INTERESTING! How do you dial you ask? The Nintendo GPS is hooked up to the Wii Speak so you type out the person's phone number on the GPS, it dials and you speak into the Mic. Now you're playing with power!
- The backseats have blindfolds but they don't close all the way. Still useful if there's too much sun.
More might be coming soon, dude.
- Youtube Video of a somewhat crappy Nintendo Road Trip trailer. =P
- The Fantendo page of this. There's also an Unmario page which is nearly exactly the same to this one.
More coming soon...dude?
- Paper Jorge: Director, original idea creator
- Pokemon DP: Various ideas
- Crypt Raider: 3D Model Movie creator, Photoshop images, Ideas
- Girrrtacos: 3D Model Help
- Greenkoopa: Ideas
- The Missing Link: Ideas
- RAP: Supporting me with this
- SonicMario: Ideas
- Xluidi: Retreiving most of this information. I owed him 12 bucks cause of this. Who knew could get you money?
- Super-Yoshi: Giving a couple ideas.
Nintendo Road Trip 1/2
A spin-off sequel to Nintendo Road Trip, why not? There have been two other ideas for a sequel, one by Crypt another by The Missing Link, but I have a spin-off sequel. Crypt's sequel idea was Nintendo War Trip where Nintendo gets in a war with Microsoft and Sony (his intro was hilarious! Iwata kicking a Red Ring of Death/flaming hot XBox 360 out a window!? LOL!) however I don't think three companies would be happy to team up. TML's idea was an Indiana Jones-like movie. With the N Gang going to get a GameBoy made of gold. I liked this idea more and even wrote out the plot however I realized it just wasn't the type of film for the N Gang...
This movie basically just shows all that was not seen in the first movie, such as how Nintendo remained after the gang took off for their trip, how the car was built and what happened to Reggie after all his friends left for Japan and was left in New York City.
- 'Still being worked on as of January 10, 2009.'
The film starts shortly after the Nintendo Gang leaves Washington. With Iwata and Reggie both gone, Hiroshi Yamauchi (Nintendo's president before Iwata-gave Iwata the position of president in 2002, and quit from Nintendo in 2005 officially) decides to step in as he still has 10% of Nintendo in his hands. With no preisdents to rule, he steps in and all employees are scared to have him back (he was a mean president).
Later, a scared employee goes in his office and tells him that after the N Gang left, sales have been going better but they still need more. The employee shows Hiroshi that the N Gang is only taking a specific route and that there are a lot of states they're not passing through. Hiroshi decides to send Cowboy Jed, Totaka and Koji Kondo (or more people-this is all still being worked on) on a road trip too across the states the N Gang 1 isn't going through and decided to clal them the N Gang 2. Although they get a smaller, less neater Wii Car, they get more storage space than N Gang 1.
And so they take off in a different route. I don't know much of what happens next because I haven't planned it out far enough, but in one part they stop at a Rock N' Roll concert however the band is very horrible at singing. Totaka and Koji because they know how to make good music, kick the band off the stage and take out their instruments while Cowboy Jed takes out a microphone. Then, they all play Fire and Flames by Dragonforce perfectly getting roars from the audience an even the Rock n' Roll band.
The N Gang 1 and N Gang 2 will also meet in one part, just like in the first Nintendo Road Trip. At the end of the movie, the N Gang 2 stops at New York at a rest station with a call from Hiroshi telling them that it's ok, their mission is over. They lean back and relax and see the other Wii Car driving past them, this time empty with only Reggie on his long way back to Washington. The movie ends with Reggie, half way back to Washington, loosing a lot of money on gasoline and food, so much that he starts starving and decides to finally sell the Wii Car to get some food. After selling it, he becomes a hobo until finally the N Gang 2 shows up to take him back to Washington. Reggie smiles and then faints and the movie ends.
- Totaka's song plays in two parts of the movie and after the credits.
- The license plate of the N Gang 2's car is "PIKMIN".