Tiptup is a clumsy turtle, who made his first appearance in Diddy Kong Racing.
The Turtle Racer
In this game, Tiptup was a playable character. He helped Diddy Kong and several others (Including Banjo and Conker) in defending Timber Island from Wizpig. After defeating Wizpig, he fled back to his home planet (Future Fun Land), where Tiptup and co, defeated him once more.
Love for Music
In Banjo-Kazooie Tiptup now resided inside a giant crocodile, here he conducted his own orchestra, after Banjo helped his orchestra preform well Tiptup rewarded Banjo with a Jiggie.
Father and Son
Tiptup was next seen in Banjo Tooie, where he had been eaten by a giant fish and was trapped inside it's stomach. Somehow Tiptup in this game had an egg containing his son- Tiptup Junior. Banjo helped Tiptup, and then shortly after the egg containing his son hatched. It is uknown who the mother of his son is.
Racer again
Tiptup, appeared lastly in a remake of Diddy Kong Racing- Diddy Kong Racing DS. Here he had a much higher pitch voice, but otherwise he (and his roll in the game) was indentical here.