Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn

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The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! live-action segment
"Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn"
"Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn" in The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!
Production number 162
Airdate November 10, 1989[?]
Guest star(s) Maurice LaMarche
Title reference The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Cartoon episode "Hitch in the Works" (The Legend of Zelda)
<< List of episodes >>40

"Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn" is the fiftieth live-action segment of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! Its corresponding animated episode is "Hitch in the Works" from The Legend of Zelda.

Plot synopsis

The episode opens with Luigi attempting to watch television. However, Mario is doing some noisy plumbing, and Luigi tells him to hurry up as he is trying to watch the baseball game on television. Mario says that he only needs to remove an object from the pipe and, after some tugging, pulls it out. Mario realizes that he has pulled out a treasure map of the Mario Brothers Plumbing apartment, and the two brothers look at it. Since Mario does not have his reading glasses with him, Luigi begins reading out some of the directions and the two follow it, but they do so in different ways. They soon bump into each other, and Mario complains that they will never find buried treasure in their apartment. Luigi agrees, but suggests showing it to Inspector Gadget. Mario says that Gadget's phone number is on his special "gadget hat" (a propeller cap), and he reads it out as Luigi dials it. Since it is "555-1234," Mario jokes that it continues with "869," but Gadget quickly answers the call (the theme song for the Inspector Gadget cartoon also starts playing). He tells Gadget that they need help finding buried treasure in their home, and Gadget responds by telling him that he will be right over to give them a hand. As soon as Luigi hangs up, they are surprised to see Inspector Gadget at their door. As Gadget enters, he reiterates that he meant that he would be right over to give them a hand. As if on cue, his hand then involuntarily extends off of his arm, confusing Mario and Luigi as the show soon fades to the commercial break.

The show fades in to Inspector Gadget shouting at his hand, holding a hammer, to work. It fails to do anything, and he starts hitting it. Luigi asks if he can help, but Gadget asks him to step back before the hammer starts working. Before he can finish his thought, though, the hammer "activates" and promptly hits Luigi in the face. He apologizes and then begins demolishing part of their wall. Mario congratulates Luigi for seemingly fixing his hammer, with Luigi mentioning that, if anyone can find buried treasure, Inspector Gadget can. Gadget turns to another wall and attempts to hit it, but a puppet on the wall comes to life and hurriedly tells him that there is no treasure next to him. He then continues down and tries to demolish that part, but the CooKoo Bird pops out, shouting at Inspector Gadget to stop and leave Mario and Luigi's apartment. Mario mentions that he and Luigi "should have left in the cartoon."

Mario, Luigi, and Gadget then begin following the directions on the map again. Gadget takes three steps forward and Mario says that the treasure could be under his feet. He tries to check by lifting up a chair, but he ends up lifting it with such force that he tumbles into the floor and creates a hole. While stuck in the floor, he mentions that he sometimes does not know the strength of his own gadgets. Mario reassures him by saying that he and Luigi now have a shortcut to the sewers. Luigi looks into the hole and says that he sees something lying at the bottom. He assumes that it is the treasure, and he decides to go down and look for himself. Mario tells him to be careful, but he responds by saying that it is no issue for a Luigi like him. He soon comes out with a box, still believing it to be treasure, but Mario tells him that he pulled out the electrical box. The lights in the apartment also flicker after Luigi pulls out the box. Gadget then looks at the map himself, and exclaims that it is actually the wiring diagram for the basement. Luigi, not hearing him, then pulls out some wires. As Gadget reads the warning on the wires that says to not remove them, otherwise all the power in Brooklyn will go out, all of the lights go out. Luigi shouts for Edison as the episode ends.


Dub edits

  • In the German dub:
    • In the original, ater Inspector Gadget demolishes the wall, Luigi mentions that, if anyone can find buried treasure, Inspector Gadget can. In the dub, he instead complains that they could have demolished the wall without him.
    • In the original, Inspector Gadget attempts to demolish the wall near the CooKoo Bird, the CooKoo Bird tells him to stop and leave Mario and Luigi's apartment. In the dub, he instead tells him to leave and orders Mario and Luigi to kick him out.
      • In the following shot, Mario mentions that he and Luigi should have "left him in the cartoon" in the original. In the dub, he instead mentions that, if Inspector Gadget continues demolishing the walls, he might destroy the entire building.
    • After Inspector Gadget stumbles backwards from picking up a chair and creates a hole in the floor, the original dub has him mentioning that he sometimes does not know the strength of his own gadgets. In the dub, he mentions that his balance sensor sometimes stops working.
      • Additionally, the original has Mario following up by saying that he should not worry, as now he and Luigi have a shortcut to the sewers. In the dub, he instead mentions that losing one's balance happens sometimes.
    • When realizing that Mario and Luigi do not have a treasure map, Inspector Gadget mentions that it is actually the wiring diagram for the basement in the original. In the dub, he mentions that it is actually the electric plan for half of Brooklyn.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
German Der Schatz der Sierra Brooklyn[1] The Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn


  • Like "Defective Gadgetry", the Inspector Gadget theme song is played since it and The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! are both produced by DIC Entertainment.
  • When Inspector Gadget accidentally hits Luigi with his hammer, he remarks, "Sorry about that, Luigi." This a reference to the "Sorry about that, Chief" catchphrase from the show Get Smart, which also starred actor Don Adams.
  • When Inspector Gadget answers the phone, Luigi identifies himself as Luigi Mario; along with Mama Mario and Grandma Mario, it is one of the earliest instances of "Mario" as the Mario Bros.' surname. Previously, the episodes "Dance" and "Home Radio" also had instances where Luigi referred to himself as such.
  • When Shout! Factory released The Legend of Zelda complete series on DVD, they only included five of the 13 original live-action segments that corresponded to the Zelda episodes.[2] The episodes "Magic's Magic," "Mommies Curse," "Tutti Frutti, oh Mario," "The Magic Love," "Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn," and "The Ghoul of My Dreams" were only released as bonus episodes on a PAL DVD set in Germany, where they are presented with only German language dubs.[3][4][5][6] "Magic's Magic" and "The Ghoul of My Dreams" were released in English, but only on Kids Klassics VHS tapes in the US. The only DVD release for "Slime Busters" in the US was on a single disc called Mario Mania. The live-action episode "Tutti Frutti Mario" did not make it onto any DVD or VHS release.
